private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool valid = true; Customer.PPSNo = null; Customer.CustomerId = txtCustomerid.Text; Customer.PAC = txtPUC.Text; Validation v = new Validation(); errorProvider.Clear(); if (Customer.CustomerId.Length != 8 || !v.IsNumeric(Customer.CustomerId)) { valid = false; errorProvider.SetError(txtCustomerid, "Please enter a valid customerID"); } if (Customer.PAC.Length != 5 || !v.IsNumeric(Customer.PAC)) { valid = false; errorProvider.SetError(txtPUC, "Please enter a valid PAC"); } if (valid) { try { if (CustomerSQL.Login(Customer.CustomerId, Customer.PAC)) { FrmDisplayAccounts Display = new FrmDisplayAccounts(); Display.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Login failed: Please try again"); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error 001: Could not connect to database. Please contact an administratior"); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (AccountSQL.AllBalanceEmpty()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to terminate your account?\n\nYou will not be able to login again and all open accounts will be closed!", "Terminate Account", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { AccountSQL.CloseCustAccounts(); CustomerSQL.TerminateAccount(Customer.CustomerId); Customer.Clear(); FrmStartScreen start = new FrmStartScreen(); start.Show(); this.Hide(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Empty all open accounts of funds"); } }
private void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Customer.PPSNo = txtppsno.Text; bool valid = true; Customer.PAC = txtpacno1.Text + txtpacno2.Text + txtpacno3.Text + txtpacno4.Text + txtpacno5.Text; Validation v = new Validation(); errorProvider.Clear(); if (!v.IsNumeric(Customer.PAC)) { errorProvider.SetError(txtpacno5, "PAC must only contain numbers"); valid = false; } if (!v.IsPPS(Customer.PPSNo)) { errorProvider.SetError(txtppsno, "Please enter a valid pps number"); valid = false; } if (valid.Equals(true)) { Customer.PPSNo = Customer.PPSNo.ToUpper(); try { if (CustomerSQL.IsInUse(Customer.PPSNo)) { MessageBox.Show("This PPS number is already regestered to an account."); } else { FrmRegisterUserData Register = new FrmRegisterUserData(); Register.Show(); this.Hide(); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error 002: Could not connect to database. Please contact an administratior"); } } }
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Validation v = new Validation(); bool valid = true; Customer.Fname = txtfname.Text; Customer.Lname = txtlname.Text; Customer.CountryCode = cboCountryCode.SelectedValue.ToString(); Customer.PhoneNo = txtphoneno.Text; Customer.DOB = dtpdob.Value.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); Customer.AddressL1 = txtAddl1.Text; Customer.AddressL2 = txtAddl2.Text; Customer.AddressL3 = txtAddl3.Text; Customer.County = cboCounty.SelectedValue.ToString(); Customer.Town = txttown.Text; Customer.Eir = txteir.Text; Customer.Eir = Customer.Eir.ToUpper(); errorprovider.Clear(); if (!v.IsAlphabeticNoSpace(Customer.Fname)) { errorprovider.SetError(txtfname, "First name must only contain letters"); valid = false; } if (!v.IsAlphabeticNoSpace(Customer.Lname)) { errorprovider.SetError(txtlname, "Last name must only contain letters"); valid = false; } if (!v.IsNumeric(Customer.PhoneNo)) { errorprovider.SetError(txtphoneno, "phone number must only contain numbers"); valid = false; } if (v.IsEmpty(Customer.CountryCode)) { errorprovider.SetError(cboCountryCode, "Please select a country code"); valid = false; } if (v.IsEmpty(Customer.AddressL1)) { errorprovider.SetError(txtAddl1, "Please enter an address"); valid = false; } if (v.IsEmpty(Customer.County)) { errorprovider.SetError(cboCounty, "Please select a county"); valid = false; } if (!v.IsAlphabetic(Customer.Town)) { errorprovider.SetError(txttown, "Town must only be alphabetic"); valid = false; } if (!v.IsEir(Customer.Eir)) { errorprovider.SetError(txteir, "Please enter a valid eircode"); valid = false; } if (valid.Equals(true)) { Customer.Fname = char.ToUpper(Customer.Fname[0]) + Customer.Fname.Substring(1); Customer.Lname = char.ToUpper(Customer.Lname[0]) + Customer.Lname.Substring(1); if (!Customer.Eir.Contains(" ")) { Customer.Eir = Customer.Eir.Substring(0, 3) + " " + Customer.Eir.Substring(3, 4); } Customer.DateCreated = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); Customer.Lname = Customer.Lname.Replace("'", "''"); try { CustomerSQL.AddUser(); MessageBox.Show("Your Customer ID is \n" + Customer.CustomerId + ". \nKeep track of this number as you will use it to login"); FrmStartScreen Start = new FrmStartScreen(); Start.Show(); this.Hide(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error 005: Could not connect to database. Please contact an administratior"); } } }
private void btnUpdateCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Validation v = new Validation(); bool valid = true; //making things uppercase Customer.Eir = Customer.Eir.ToUpper(); errorProvider1.Clear(); if (!v.IsAlphabeticNoSpace(txtFName.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(txtFName, "First name must only contain letters"); valid = false; } if (!v.IsAlphabeticNoSpace(txtLName.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(txtLName, "Last name must only contain letters"); valid = false; } if (!v.IsNumeric(txtPhoneNo.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(txtPhoneNo, "phone number must only contain numbers"); valid = false; } if (v.IsEmpty(txtAddressL1.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(txtAddressL1, "Please enter an address"); valid = false; } if (!v.IsAlphabetic(txtTown.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(txtTown, "Town must only be alphabetic"); valid = false; } if (!v.IsEir(txtEircode.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(txtEircode, "Please enter a valid eircode"); valid = false; } if (valid.Equals(true)) { Customer.Fname = txtFName.Text; Customer.Lname = txtLName.Text; Customer.CountryCode = cboCountryCode.SelectedValue.ToString(); Customer.PhoneNo = txtPhoneNo.Text; Customer.AddressL1 = txtAddressL1.Text; Customer.AddressL2 = txtAddressL2.Text; Customer.AddressL3 = txtAddressL3.Text; Customer.County = cboCounty.SelectedValue.ToString(); Customer.Town = txtTown.Text; Customer.Eir = txtEircode.Text; Customer.Fname = char.ToUpper(Customer.Fname[0]) + Customer.Fname.Substring(1); Customer.Lname = char.ToUpper(Customer.Lname[0]) + Customer.Lname.Substring(1); Customer.Lname = Customer.Lname.Replace("'", "''"); if (!Customer.Eir.Contains(" ")) { Customer.Eir = Customer.Eir.Substring(0, 3) + " " + Customer.Eir.Substring(3, 4); } CustomerSQL.UpdateInfo(); MessageBox.Show("Your Information has been updated"); CustomerSQL.GetCustInfo(); FrmDisplayAccounts Display = new FrmDisplayAccounts(); Display.Show(); this.Hide(); MessageBox.Show("Error 004: Could not connect to database. Please contact an administratior"); } }