//protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) //{ // try // { // if (Session["AuthenticatedUser"] != null) // { // userData = ((User)Session["AuthenticatedUser"]); // } // else // { // //return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Your Session Expired" }); // filterContext.Controller.TempData.Add("UserLogin", "Login"); // } // } // catch // { // //filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("~/Login/UserLogin"); // filterContext.Controller.TempData.Add("UserLogin", "Login"); // } //} /// <summary> /// CreatedBy : Kanishka SHM /// CreatedDate: 2016/01/16 /// /// Inserting user details /// /// argument: None /// /// </summary> /// <returns>Return view</returns> // GET: CreateUser public ActionResult Create(string lbls) { int.Parse(Session["userId"].ToString()); if (lbls != null) { ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "User Successfully Created"; } //int id = (int)Session["userId"]; int id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userId"].ToString()); UserAccess ua = new UserAccess(); User curUser = ua.retreiveUserByUserId(id); ViewBag.CurrUserRoleType = curUser.RoleId; //Restrict to create above user role RoleAccess ra = new RoleAccess(); List<UserRole> roleList = ra.GetAllUserRoles(); List<UserRole> tempRoleList = new List<UserRole>(); //if current user is first super admin he can create aditional super admin if (curUser.UserId == curUser.CreatedBy) { //ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(roleList, "RoleId", "RoleName"); tempRoleList = roleList; } else { for (int i = 1; i < roleList.Count && ViewBag.CurrUserRoleType != 3; i++) { UserRole tempRole = new UserRole() { RoleId = roleList[i].RoleId, RoleName = roleList[i].RoleName }; tempRoleList.Add(tempRole); } } _createById = curUser.UserId; _companyId = curUser.Company_Id; _curUserRoleId = curUser.RoleId; ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(tempRoleList, "RoleId", "RoleName"); _curBranchId = curUser.BranchId; // get all branches List<Branch> branchesLists = (new BranchAccess()).getBranches(curUser.Company_Id); //if current user is admin restrict to creat user for another branch if (ViewBag.CurrUserRoleType == 2) { //ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(branchesLists, "BranchId", "BranchName", curUser.BranchId); _curBranchId = curUser.BranchId; } else { ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(branchesLists, "BranchId", "BranchName"); } return PartialView("Create"); }
public ActionResult SignUp(User user) { if (this.Session["CaptchaImageText"].ToString() == user.SecurityCode) { string newSalt = PasswordEncryption.RandomString(); user.Password = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(user.Password, newSalt); user.Email = user.NewEmail; user.RoleId = 1; user.Status = true; user.step_status = 0; UserAccess ua = new UserAccess(); if (ua.InsertUser(user) >= 1) { //ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "Your profile Successfully created."; TempData["status"] = "success"; //If succeed update step table to step2 StepAccess sa = new StepAccess(); //if (sa.updateStepNumberByUserId(ua.getUserId(user.Email), 1)) return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } TempData["status"] = "fail"; //ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Failed to Sign up try again!"; } else { TempData["status"] = "captchaFail"; //ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Entered Security Code is Not Correct!"; TempData["ErrorModel"] = user; } //return View(); return RedirectToAction("SignUp"); }
public ActionResult Create(User user) { int currentUser =0; try { currentUser = int.Parse(Session["userId"].ToString()); } catch (Exception) { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } user.CreatedBy = _createById; user.IsDelete = false; user.Status = false; //Set admin branch to new user if (_curUserRoleId == 2) { user.BranchId = _curBranchId; } //Check role is selected if (user.RoleId == 0) user.RoleId = 2; //Check branch is selected if (_curUserRoleId == 1 && user.BranchId == 0) { user.BranchId = _curBranchId; } string passwordTemp = user.Password; UserAccess ua = new UserAccess(); string newSalt = PasswordEncryption.RandomString(); user.Password = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(user.Password, newSalt); user.Email = user.NewEmail; //Check this CompanyAccess ca = new CompanyAccess(); Company company = new Company();//ca.GetCompanyDetailsByFirstSpUserId(currentUser); //Insert user user.Company_Id = company.CompanyId; int res = ua.InsertUser(user); //Insert new user to user activation table string activationCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); int userId = (new UserAccess()).getUserId(user.Email); res = ua.InsertUserActivation(userId, activationCode); if (res == 1) { ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "Data Successfully inserted!"; string body = "Hi " + user.FirstName + "! <br /><br /> Your account has been successfully created. Below in your account detail." + "<br /><br /> User name: " + user.UserName + "<br /> Password : <b>" + passwordTemp + "<br />Click <a href='http://localhost:57318/CreateUser/ConfirmAccount?userId=" + userId + "&activationCode=" + activationCode + "'>here</a> to activate your account." + "<br /><br/> Thanks,<br /> Admin."; Email email = new Email(user.Email); email.SendMail(body, "Account details"); // check the user as superadmin or admin.. if (user.RoleId == 1 || user.RoleId == 2) { ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "User Successfully Created"; return RedirectToAction("create",new { lbls = ViewBag.SuccessMsg }); } Session["editUserIds"] = userId; return RedirectToAction("SetRights", "EditRights", new {@lbl1 = ViewBag.SuccessMsg }); } else { ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Failed to create user!"; //Restrict to create above user role RoleAccess ra = new RoleAccess(); List<UserRole> roleList = ra.GetAllUserRoles(); List<UserRole> tempRoleList = new List<UserRole>(); for (int i = roleList[_curUserRoleId - 1].RoleId; i <= roleList.Count && _curUserRoleId != 3; i++) { UserRole tempRole = new UserRole() { RoleId = roleList[i - 1].RoleId, RoleName = roleList[i - 1].RoleName }; tempRoleList.Add(tempRole); } ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(tempRoleList, "RoleId", "RoleName"); // get all branches List<Branch> branchesLists = (new BranchAccess()).getBranches(_companyId); ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(branchesLists, "BranchId", "BranchName"); return PartialView("Create"); } }
public ActionResult Selectloan(string type) { LoanSelection detail = new LoanSelection(); //if edit loan if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type) && type.Contains("tidenaol")) { detail = (new UnitAccess()).GetInActiveLoans(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, userData.RoleId); if (detail != null) { Session["detail"] = detail; } else { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type) && type.Contains("aticno")) { detail = (new UnitAccess()).GetPermisssionGivenLoanwithBranchDeatils(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, userData.RoleId); if (detail != null) { Session["detail"] = detail; } else { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } } else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type) && type.Contains("tcaninaol")) { detail = (new UnitAccess()).GetActiveLoanforInactive(userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, userData.RoleId); if (detail != null) { Session["detail"] = detail; } else { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { detail = (new UnitAccess()).GetPermisssionGivenLoanwithBranchDeatils(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, userData.RoleId); if (detail == null) { ViewBag.type = "return"; return PartialView(); } else if (detail != null) { Session["detail"] = detail; } } int userId = userData.UserId; // if Session is expired throw an error loanSelection.RegBranches = new List<Branch>(); loanSelection.NonRegBranchList = new List<NonRegBranch>(); loanSelection.LoanList = new List<LoanSetupStep1>(); //getting user role UserAccess ua = new UserAccess(); // curUser.Company_Id asanka 8/3/2016 //create list for nonRegisterCompaniers List<NonRegBranch> NonRegisteredBranchLists = detail.NonRegBranchList; //(new BranchAccess()).getNonRegBranches(userData.Company_Id); if (userData.RoleId == 1) { loanSelection.RegBranches = detail.RegBranches; //(new BranchAccess()).getBranches(userData.Company_Id); if (loanSelection.RegBranches != null && loanSelection.RegBranches.Count() == 1) { // the get non registered branches details for perticular branch from the non registeres branches list foreach (NonRegBranch branch in NonRegisteredBranchLists) { if (branch.BranchId == loanSelection.RegBranches[0].BranchId) { loanSelection.NonRegBranchList.Add(branch); } } if (loanSelection.NonRegBranchList.Count() == 1) { List<LoanSetupStep1> loanLists = detail.LoanList; //new LoanSetupAccess().GetLoanDetailsByNonRegBranchId(loanSelection.NonRegBranchList[0].NonRegBranchId); loanSelection.LoanList = new List<LoanSetupStep1>(); foreach (LoanSetupStep1 loan in loanLists) { // if(loan.LoanStatus == true) // { loanSelection.LoanList.Add(loan); // } } //if loans count is one redirect to add unit page } } } else if (userData.RoleId == 2) { //loanSelection.RegBranches.Add((new BranchAccess()).getBranchByBranchId(userData.BranchId)); if (detail.RegBranches != null && detail.RegBranches.Count > 0) { loanSelection.RegBranches.Add(detail.RegBranches[0]); } // the get non registered branches details for perticular branch from the non registeres branches list foreach (NonRegBranch branch in NonRegisteredBranchLists) { if (branch.BranchId == userData.BranchId) { loanSelection.NonRegBranchList.Add(branch); } } if (loanSelection.NonRegBranchList.Count() == 1) { loanSelection.LoanList = detail.LoanList; //new LoanSetupAccess().GetLoanDetailsByNonRegBranchId(loanSelection.NonRegBranchList[0].NonRegBranchId); } } else if (userData.RoleId == 3) { //loanSelection.RegBranches.Add((new BranchAccess()).getBranchByBranchId(userData.BranchId)); loanSelection.RegBranches.Add(detail.RegBranches[0]); // the get non registered branches details for perticular branch from the non registeres branches list foreach (NonRegBranch branch in NonRegisteredBranchLists) { if (branch.BranchId == userData.BranchId) { loanSelection.NonRegBranchList.Add(branch); } } if (loanSelection.NonRegBranchList.Count() == 1) { loanSelection.LoanList = detail.LoanList; //new LoanSetupAccess().GetLoanDetailsByNonRegBranchId(loanSelection.NonRegBranchList[0].NonRegBranchId); } } Session["popUpSelectionType"] = type; if (type == "asderruy") // for add unit page { ViewBag.type = "AddUnit"; return PartialView(loanSelection); } else if (type == "tyuirede") // for add unit page { ViewBag.type = "Advance"; return PartialView(loanSelection); } else if (type == "sedretyt") { ViewBag.type = "Curtailment"; return PartialView(loanSelection); } else if (type == "wsedtgio") { ViewBag.type = "PayOff"; return PartialView(loanSelection); } else if (type == "frtgcvfd") { ViewBag.type = "Title"; return PartialView(loanSelection); } else if (type == "dashboard") { ViewBag.type = "DashBoard"; return PartialView(loanSelection); } else if (type == "linkDealer") { ViewBag.type = "linkDealer"; return PartialView(loanSelection); } else if (type == "assignRights") { ViewBag.type = "assignRights"; return PartialView(loanSelection); } else if (type == "tidenaol") // for add unit page { ViewBag.type = "EditLoan"; return PartialView(loanSelection); } else if (type == "tcaninaol") { ViewBag.type = "InactiveLoan"; return PartialView(loanSelection); } else if (type == "aticno") { ViewBag.type = "RenewLoan"; return PartialView(loanSelection); } return PartialView(loanSelection); }
public ActionResult EditProfile(User model) { if (model != null) { if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CurrentPassword)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Password)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ConfirmPassword))) { User userObj = new User(); userObj = (new UserAccess()).retreiveUserByUserId(userData.UserId); string passwordFromDB = userObj.Password; //user.Password = userObj.Password; char[] delimiter = { ':' }; string[] split = passwordFromDB.Split(delimiter); var checkCharHave = passwordFromDB.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(':'); if (passwordFromDB == null || (checkCharHave == false)) { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Incorrect Username or Password, please confirm and submit." }); } string passwordEncripted = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(model.CurrentPassword, split[1]); if (string.Compare(passwordEncripted, passwordFromDB) == 0) { string passwordEncripted1 = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(model.Password, split[1]); model.Password = passwordEncripted1; model.CurrentPassword = passwordFromDB; } else { TempData["UpdteReslt"] = -1; return RedirectToAction("EditProfile"); //return View(); } //string newSalt = PasswordEncryption.RandomString(); //user.CurrentPassword = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(user.CurrentPassword, newSalt); //user.Password = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(user.Password, newSalt); } model.UserId = userData.UserId; model.Status = true; UserAccess usrAcc = new UserAccess(); int reslt = usrAcc.UpdateUser(model, userData.UserId); if ((reslt == 1) || (reslt == 2)) { Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, model.BranchId, 0, "Edit User", "Edit User : "******"UpdteReslt"] = 1; } else { TempData["UpdteReslt"] = 0; } return RedirectToAction("EditProfile"); } return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); }
public ActionResult EditProfile() { User userObj = new User(); UserAccess uas = new UserAccess(); userObj = uas.retreiveUserByUserId(userData.UserId); string roleName = ""; if (userData.RoleId == 1) roleName = "Super Admin"; else if (userData.RoleId == 2) roleName = "Admin"; else if (userData.RoleId == 3) roleName = "User"; else if (userData.RoleId == 4) roleName = "Dealer User"; ViewBag.RoleName = roleName; if (TempData["UpdteReslt"] != null) { if (int.Parse(TempData["UpdteReslt"].ToString()) == 1) { ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "Profile is successfully updated"; } else if (int.Parse(TempData["UpdteReslt"].ToString()) == 0) { ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Failed to update Profile"; } else if (int.Parse(TempData["UpdteReslt"].ToString()) == -1) { ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Failed to update Profile"; } } userObj.PhoneNumber2 = userObj.PhoneNumber; return View(userObj); }
public ActionResult EditUserAtDashboard(User user) { if(user!=null) { if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.CurrentPassword)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Password)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.ConfirmPassword))) { User userObj = new User(); userObj = (new UserAccess()).retreiveUserByUserId(user.UserId); string passwordFromDB = userObj.Password; //user.Password = userObj.Password; char[] delimiter = { ':' }; string[] split = passwordFromDB.Split(delimiter); var checkCharHave = passwordFromDB.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(':'); if (passwordFromDB == null || (checkCharHave == false)) { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } string passwordEncripted = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(user.CurrentPassword, split[1]); if (string.Compare(passwordEncripted, passwordFromDB) == 0) { string passwordEncripted1 = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(user.Password, split[1]); user.Password = passwordEncripted1; user.CurrentPassword = passwordFromDB; } else { TempData["UpdteReslt"] = -1; return RedirectToAction("EditUserAtDashboard"); //return View(); } //string newSalt = PasswordEncryption.RandomString(); //user.CurrentPassword = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(user.CurrentPassword, newSalt); //user.Password = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(user.Password, newSalt); } UserAccess usrAcc = new UserAccess(); int reslt = usrAcc.UpdateUser(user,userData.UserId); if((reslt==1)||(reslt == 2)) { Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, user.BranchId, 0, "Edit User", "Edit User : "******"AuthenticatedUser"] = null; } else { TempData["UpdteReslt"] = 1; } } else { TempData["UpdteReslt"] = 0; } return RedirectToAction("EditUserAtDashboard"); } else { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } }
public ActionResult Step3(User user) { user.PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber2; int currentUser = userData.UserId; // check he is a super admin or admin int roleId = userData.RoleId; if (roleId > 2) { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(404,"You are not allowed"); } // check if step is 3... if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["companyStep"]) < 3) { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(404, "You are not allowed"); } user.CreatedBy = currentUser; user.IsDelete = false; // user.Status = false; string passwordTemp = user.Password; UserAccess ua = new UserAccess(); string newSalt = PasswordEncryption.RandomString(); user.Password = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(user.Password, newSalt); user.Email = user.NewEmail; //CompanyAccess ca = new CompanyAccess(); //Company company = ca.GetCompanyDetailsByFirstSpUserId(currentUser); user.Company_Id = userData.Company_Id;// company.CompanyId; - asanka //Set admin branch to new user if (roleId == 2) { user.BranchId = userData.BranchId; } user.step_status = userData.step_status; //Insert user int res = ua.InsertUser(user); if (res > 0) { //insert to log Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId,0, "Create User in Company setup", "created "+(user.RoleId == 1 ? "Super Admin" : "Admin") + ", Username : "******"Hi " + user.FirstName + "! <br /><br /> Your account has been successfully created. Below in your account detail." + "<br /><br /> User name: " + user.UserName + "<br /> Password : <b>" + passwordTemp + //"<br />Click <a href='http://localhost:57318/CreateUser/ConfirmAccount?userId=" + userId + "&activationCode=" + activationCode + "'>here</a> to activate your account." + "<br /><br/> Thanks,<br /> Admin."; Email email = new Email(user.Email); email.SendMail(body, "Account details"); } Session["abcRol"] = user.RoleId; Session["abcBrnc"] = user.BranchId; ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "User Successfully Created"; //additional page ----> Add User Rights //if() return RedirectToAction("Step3", new { lbls = ViewBag.SuccessMsg }); } else { ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Failed to create user!"; //Restrict to create above user role RoleAccess ra = new RoleAccess(); List<UserRole> roleList = ra.GetAllUserRoles(); ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(roleList, "RoleId", "RoleName"); // User curUser = ua.retreiveUserByUserId(userId); // get all branches List<Branch> branchesLists = (new BranchAccess()).getBranches(userData.Company_Id); ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(branchesLists, "BranchId", "BranchName"); if (HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { ViewBag.AjaxRequest = 1; return RedirectToAction("Step3", new { lbls = ViewBag.ErrorMsg }); } else { return RedirectToAction("Step3", new { lbls = ViewBag.ErrorMsg }); } } }
public ActionResult GetUserByUserId(int userId) { if (userId > 0) { User userObj = new User(); UserAccess uas = new UserAccess(); userObj = uas.retreiveUserByUserId(userId); if (userObj.UserId > 1) { userObj.PhoneNumber2 = userObj.PhoneNumber; } //SelectList UserList1 = new SelectList(eum.UserList, "UserId", "UserName"); return Json(userObj); } else { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } }
public ActionResult GetSuperAdminsDetails(int roleId) { if (roleId == 1) { User eum = new User(); UserAccess uas = new UserAccess(); eum.UserList = uas.GetSuperAdminsByCompanyId(userData.Company_Id); //SelectList UserList1 = new SelectList(eum.UserList, "UserId", "UserName"); //return Json(UserList1); if (eum.UserList != null) { //SelectList UserList1 = new SelectList(eum.UserList, "UserId", "UserName"); return Json(eum); } else { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } } else { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } }
public ActionResult GetUsersByBranchId(int roleId,int branchId) { if(branchId==0) { if(userData.BranchId>0) { branchId = userData.BranchId; } } if ((branchId > 0)&&(roleId>1)) { User eum = new User(); UserAccess uas = new UserAccess(); eum.UserList = uas.GetAllUsersByBranchId(roleId,branchId); if(eum.UserList != null) { //SelectList UserList1 = new SelectList(eum.UserList, "UserId", "UserName"); return Json(eum); } else { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } } else { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } }
/// <summary> /// CreatedBy : Piyumi /// CreatedDate: 2016/04/22 /// /// edit user(not include edit rights) /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> /// public ActionResult EditUserAtDashboard() { if (Session["AuthenticatedUser"] != null) { ViewBag.UserRole = userData.RoleId; if(TempData["UpdteReslt"]!=null) { if(int.Parse(TempData["UpdteReslt"].ToString())==1) { ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "User is successfully updated"; } else if (int.Parse(TempData["UpdteReslt"].ToString()) == 0) { ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Failed to update user"; } else if (int.Parse(TempData["UpdteReslt"].ToString()) == -1) { ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Failed to update user"; } } RoleAccess ra = new RoleAccess(); List<UserRole> roleList = ra.GetAllUserRoles(userData.Company_Id); List<UserRole> tempRoleList = new List<UserRole>(); for (int i = 0; i < roleList.Count; i++) { if ((userData.RoleId == 2) && (roleList[i].RoleId == 1)) { continue; } //if (roleList[i].RoleId == 4) //{ // continue; //} UserRole tempRole = new UserRole() { RoleId = roleList[i].RoleId, RoleName = roleList[i].RoleName }; tempRoleList.Add(tempRole); } ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(tempRoleList, "RoleId", "RoleName"); if ((userData.RoleId == 1) ||(userData.RoleId == 2)) { User eum = new User(); List<User> usrList = new List<User>(); List<Branch> brList = new List<Branch>(); UserAccess uas = new UserAccess(); //usrList = uas.GetAllUsersByCompanyId(userData.Company_Id); if (userData.RoleId == 1) { //get all branches for the company BranchAccess ba = new BranchAccess(); eum.BranchList = ba.GetBranchesByCompanyId(userData.Company_Id); if (eum.BranchList == null) { eum.BranchList = new List<Branch>(); } eum.UserList = new List<User>(); ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(eum.BranchList, "BranchId", "BranchNameAddress"); ViewBag.UserId = new SelectList(eum.UserList, "UserId", "UserName"); //return View(eum); } else if (userData.RoleId == 2) { eum.BranchList = new List<Branch>(); eum.UserList = new List<User>(); ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(eum.BranchList, "BranchId", "BranchNameAddress"); ViewBag.UserId = new SelectList(eum.UserList, "UserId", "UserName"); } return View(eum); } else { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } } else { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } //return View(); }
/// <summary> /// CreatedBy : Piyumi /// CreatedDate: 2016/04/20 /// /// edit loan /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> /// public ActionResult SelectInActiveLoan(string type) { if ((userData.RoleId == 1) || (userData.RoleId == 2)) { LoanSelection detail = (new UnitAccess()).GetInActiveLoans(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, userData.RoleId); if (detail != null) { Session["InActiveLoanDetails"] = detail; } //Session["detail"] = detail; int userId = userData.UserId; // if Session is expired throw an error loanSelection.RegBranches = new List<Branch>(); loanSelection.NonRegBranchList = new List<NonRegBranch>(); loanSelection.LoanList = new List<LoanSetupStep1>(); //getting user role UserAccess ua = new UserAccess(); // curUser.Company_Id asanka 8/3/2016 //create list for nonRegisterCompaniers List<NonRegBranch> NonRegisteredBranchLists = detail.NonRegBranchList; //(new BranchAccess()).getNonRegBranches(userData.Company_Id); if (userData.RoleId == 1) { loanSelection.RegBranches = detail.RegBranches; //(new BranchAccess()).getBranches(userData.Company_Id); if (loanSelection.RegBranches.Count() == 1) { // the get non registered branches details for perticular branch from the non registeres branches list foreach (NonRegBranch branch in NonRegisteredBranchLists) { if (branch.BranchId == loanSelection.RegBranches[0].BranchId) { loanSelection.NonRegBranchList.Add(branch); } } if (loanSelection.NonRegBranchList.Count() == 1) { List<LoanSetupStep1> loanLists = detail.LoanList; //new LoanSetupAccess().GetLoanDetailsByNonRegBranchId(loanSelection.NonRegBranchList[0].NonRegBranchId); loanSelection.LoanList = new List<LoanSetupStep1>(); foreach (LoanSetupStep1 loan in loanLists) { // if(loan.LoanStatus == true) // { loanSelection.LoanList.Add(loan); // } } //if loans count is one redirect to add unit page } } } else if (userData.RoleId == 2) { //loanSelection.RegBranches.Add((new BranchAccess()).getBranchByBranchId(userData.BranchId)); loanSelection.RegBranches.Add(detail.RegBranches[0]); // the get non registered branches details for perticular branch from the non registeres branches list foreach (NonRegBranch branch in NonRegisteredBranchLists) { if (branch.BranchId == userData.BranchId) { loanSelection.NonRegBranchList.Add(branch); } } if (loanSelection.NonRegBranchList.Count() == 1) { loanSelection.LoanList = detail.LoanList; //new LoanSetupAccess().GetLoanDetailsByNonRegBranchId(loanSelection.NonRegBranchList[0].NonRegBranchId); } } Session["popUpType"] = type; if (type == "tidenaol") // for add unit page { ViewBag.type = "EditLoan"; return PartialView(loanSelection); } else { return View(); } //return PartialView(loanSelection); //return View(); } else { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login"); } }
public ActionResult CreateDashboardUser(User userObj) { //assign phone number to object property userObj.PhoneNumber = userObj.PhoneNumber2; //assign user id to variable int currentUser = userData.UserId; // assign role to variable int roleId = userData.RoleId; //assign current user id to created by property userObj.CreatedBy = currentUser; //is delete property as false userObj.IsDelete = false; //encrypt password string passwordTemp = userObj.Password; UserAccess ua = new UserAccess(); DashBoardAccess da = new DashBoardAccess(); string newSalt = PasswordEncryption.RandomString(); userObj.Password = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(userObj.Password, newSalt); userObj.Email = userObj.NewEmail; //assign logged user's company id to created user's company id userObj.Company_Id = userData.Company_Id; //check user role is admin if (roleId == 2) { //assign logged user's branch id to created user's branch id userObj.BranchId = userData.BranchId; } //check created user is super admin and logged user is super admin if ((userObj.RoleId == 1)&&(userData.RoleId==1)) { //assign logged user's step status to created user's step status userObj.step_status = userData.step_status; } //check created user is admin else if (userObj.RoleId == 2) { //get step status for given branch id int step= ua.GetStepStatusByUserBranchId(userObj.BranchId); //check step is 0 or greater than 0 if(step>=0) { //assign step to created user's step status userObj.step_status = step; } } //check created user is user else if (userObj.RoleId == 3) { //check Session["LoanTitle"] is not null if (Session["LoanTitle"] != null) { //convert session to list List<Branch> loanList = (List<Branch>)Session["LoanTitle"]; for (var j = 0; j < loanList.Count; j++) { //check created user's loan id if (loanList[j].LoanId == userObj.LoanId) { foreach (Right rgt1 in userObj.UserRightsList) { //check title is needed to be tracked for created user's loan if (!loanList[j].IsTitleTrack && rgt1.rightId == "U02") { //assign title page rights as false if title is not needed to be tracked rgt1.active = false; } //check if there is atleast one fee for created user's loan if (!loanList[j].HasFee && rgt1.rightId == "U07") { //assign fee page rights as false if there is no atleast one fee rgt1.active = false; } } //check report rights according to the loan setup details foreach(Right rgt in userObj.ReportRightsList) { //check title need to be tracked and related right id if(!loanList[j].IsTitleTrack && rgt.rightId== "R04") { rgt.active = false; } //check loan has advance fee and related right id for advance fee invoice if (!loanList[j].HasAdvanceFee && rgt.rightId == "R07") { rgt.active = false; } //check loan has advance fee and related right id for advance fee receipt if (!loanList[j].HasAdvanceFee && rgt.rightId == "R08") { rgt.active = false; } //check loan has monthly fee and related right id for monthly fee invoice if (!loanList[j].HasMonthlyFee && rgt.rightId == "R09") { rgt.active = false; } //check loan has monthly fee and related right id for monthly fee receipt if (!loanList[j].HasMonthlyFee && rgt.rightId == "R10") { rgt.active = false; } //check loan has lot inspection fee and related right id for lot inspection fee invoice if (!loanList[j].HasLotFee && rgt.rightId == "R11") { rgt.active = false; } //check loan has lot inspection fee and related right id for lot inspection fee receipt if (!loanList[j].HasLotFee && rgt.rightId == "R12") { rgt.active = false; } } } } } //assign 1 for created user's step status userObj.step_status= 1; //assign selected branch id for created user's branch id userObj.BranchId = userObj.BranchIdUser; string[] arrList = new string[userObj.UserRightsList.Count]; string[] arrList2 = new string[userObj.ReportRightsList.Count]; int i = 0; int k = 0; //create user right list string by checking each right in right list active status foreach (var x in userObj.UserRightsList) { if (x.active) { arrList[i] = x.rightId; i++; } } //create user report right list string by checking each right in report right list active status foreach (var y in userObj.ReportRightsList) { if (y.active) { arrList2[k] = y.rightId; k++; } } arrList = arrList.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); userObj.UserRights = string.Join(",", arrList); //add report rights arrList2 = arrList2.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); userObj.ReportRights = string.Join(",", arrList2); } //Insert user details int res = da.InsertUserInDashboard(userObj); //check result of insert user function if (res > 0) { //update Companay Step States in incomplete Branches continued in dashboard StepAccess sa = new StepAccess(); sa.UpdateCompanySetupStep(userData.Company_Id, userObj.BranchId, 4); //if created user's status is active send email to inform his username and password if (userObj.Status) { string body = "Hi " + userObj.FirstName + "! <br /><br /> Your account has been successfully created. Below in your account detail." + "<br /><br /> User name: " + userObj.UserName + "<br /> Password : <b>" + passwordTemp + "<br /><br/> Thanks,<br /> Admin."; Email email = new Email(userObj.Email); email.SendMail(body, "Account details"); } string roleName = ""; //check created user is super admin if (userObj.RoleId == 1) { //assign role name as super admin roleName = "Super Admin"; } //check created user is admin else if (userObj.RoleId == 2) { //assign role name as admin roleName = "Admin"; } //check created user is user else if (userObj.RoleId == 3) { //assign role name as user roleName = "User"; } //insert log record Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, userObj.BranchId, 0, "Create User", "Create "+roleName+" ,Username:"******"createUserResult"] = 1; //return RedirectToAction("CreateDashboardUser"); Session["LoanTitle"] = null; } else { TempData["createUserResult"] = 0; //return View(); } return RedirectToAction("CreateDashboardUser"); }
public ActionResult LinkDealer(DealerUserModel user) { //initialize properties of user object user.PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber2; user.CreatedBy = userData.UserId; user.IsDelete = false; user.Status = true; user.Company_Id = userData.Company_Id; user.BranchId = userData.BranchId; user.RoleId = 4; user.Email = user.NewEmail; BranchAccess ba = new BranchAccess(); Loan loan = new Loan(); //Check Session["oneLoanDashboard"] is not null if (Session["oneLoanDashboard"] != null) { //convert session object to loan object loan = (Loan)Session["oneLoanDashboard"]; } //Check Session["loanDashboardJoinDealer"] is not null if (Session["loanDashboardJoinDealer"] != null) { //convert session object to loan object loan = (Loan)Session["loanDashboardJoinDealer"]; } //initialize non registered branch id user.NonRegBranchId = loan.NonRegBranchId; //initialize loan id user.LoanId = loan.LoanId; //encrypt given password string passwordTemp = user.Password; UserAccess ua = new UserAccess(); string newSalt = PasswordEncryption.RandomString(); user.Password = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(user.Password, newSalt); user.ActivationCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //report rights string[] arrList = new string[user.ReportRightsList.Count]; int k = 0; foreach (var y in user.ReportRightsList) { //Check whether a particular report right is given to user if (y.active) { arrList[k] = y.rightId; k++; } } arrList = arrList.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); user.ReportRights = string.Join(",", arrList); //Insert dealer user details and retrieve user id of inserted user int newUserId = ua.InsertDealerUser(user); //Check user id is not 0 if (newUserId != 0) { //Generate email to send username and password to created dealer user string body = "Hi " + user.FirstName + "! <br /><br /> Your account has been successfully created. Below in your account detail." + "<br /><br /> User name: " + user.UserName + "<br /> Password : <b>" + passwordTemp + "<br />Click <a href='www.dfpso.com'>here</a> to activate your account." + "<br /><br/> Thanks,<br /> Admin."; Email email = new Email(user.Email); Session["abcRol"] = user.RoleId; Session["abcBrnc"] = user.BranchId; email.SendMail(body, "Account details"); //insert log record after user is created Log log = new Log(userData.UserId, userData.Company_Id, user.BranchId, user.LoanId, "Create Dealer Account", "Inserted Dealer : " + user.UserName, DateTime.Now); int islog = (new LogAccess()).InsertLog(log); TempData["msg"] = 1; return RedirectToAction("LinkDealer"); } else { TempData["msg"] = 2; return RedirectToAction("LinkDealer"); } }
///// <summary> ///// CreatedBy : Kanishka SHM ///// CreatedDate: 2016/01/19 ///// activated account /// /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="activationCode"></param> /// <returns>Return to view create first super admin</returns> public ActionResult ConfirmAccount(int userId, string activationCode) { UserAccess ua = new UserAccess(); if (ua.UpdateUserSatus(userId, activationCode) == 1) { return View(); } else { ViewBag.IsError = 1; ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "You have already activated your acount."; return View(); } }
public int CheckPasswd(int userId,string Cpwd) { if (userId > 0) { User userObj = new User(); UserAccess uas = new UserAccess(); userObj = uas.retreiveUserByUserId(userId); string passwordFromDB = userObj.Password; //user.Password = userObj.Password; char[] delimiter = { ':' }; string[] split = passwordFromDB.Split(delimiter); var checkCharHave = passwordFromDB.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(':'); if (passwordFromDB == null || (checkCharHave == false)) { // return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Incorrect Username or Password, please confirm and submit." }); } string passwordEncripted = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(Cpwd, split[1]); int reslt = 0; if (string.Compare(passwordEncripted, passwordFromDB) == 0) { reslt = 1; } else { reslt = 0; } return reslt; } else { return 0; } }
public ActionResult getNonRegBranchesByRegBranchId(int regBranchId) { int userId; try { userId = userData.UserId; } catch (Exception) { return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Due to inactivity your session has timed out, please log in again." }); } UserAccess ua = new UserAccess(); //User curUser = ua.retreiveUserByUserId(userId); List<NonRegBranch> NonRegisteredBranchLists = (new BranchAccess()).getNonRegBranches(userData.Company_Id); List<NonRegBranch> newNonRegList = new List<NonRegBranch>(); foreach (NonRegBranch nonRegBranch in NonRegisteredBranchLists) { if (nonRegBranch.BranchId == regBranchId) { newNonRegList.Add(nonRegBranch); } } SelectList NonRegisteredBranches = new SelectList(newNonRegList, "NonRegBranchId", "BranchName"); return Json(NonRegisteredBranches); }