public static void Main(string[] args) { var db = new DatabaseInterface("BANGAZON_CLI_DB"); ActiveCustomer activeCustomer = new ActiveCustomer(); ProductManager productManager = new ProductManager(db); PaymentTypeManager payment = new PaymentTypeManager(db); OrderManager orderManager = new OrderManager(db); // Seeds the database if none exists db.RunCheckForTable(); DBInitializer.Initialize(db); CustomerManager manager = new CustomerManager(db); // Read in the user's choice int choice; do { // Present the main menu Console.WriteLine("*************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Bangazon! Command Line Ordering System"); Console.WriteLine("*************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("1. Create a customer account"); Console.WriteLine("2. Choose an active customer"); Console.WriteLine("3. Create a payment type"); Console.WriteLine("4. Add product to sell"); Console.WriteLine("5. Add Product to Shopping Cart"); Console.WriteLine("6. Complete an order"); Console.WriteLine("7. Remove customer product"); Console.WriteLine("8. Update product information"); Console.WriteLine("9. Show stale products"); Console.WriteLine("10. Get Revenue Report for customer"); Console.WriteLine("12. Leave Bangazon!"); Console.Write("> "); Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice); // Add New Customer // If option 1 was chosen, create a new customer account // By Ryan if (choice == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Enter customer full name"); Console.Write("> "); string fullName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter customer city"); Console.Write("> "); string city = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter customer state"); Console.Write("> "); string state = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter customer street address"); Console.Write("> "); string street = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter customer postal code"); Console.Write("> "); string postalCode = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter customer phone number"); Console.Write("> "); string phoneNumber = Console.ReadLine(); int custId = manager.AddCustomer(new Customer(fullName, street, city, state, Int32.Parse(postalCode), phoneNumber)); } // Set Active Customer Menu // By Ryan and Mitchell // If option 2 chosen, gets and displays list of customers - user chooses which to set as active if (choice == 2) { CustomerManager _manager = new CustomerManager(db); Console.WriteLine("*************************************************"); List <Customer> allCustomers = _manager.GetListCustomers(); for (int i = 0; i < allCustomers.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"{i+1}. {allCustomers[i].Name}"); } Console.WriteLine("*************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("Select a customer to be active"); Console.Write("> "); string setThisCustomerAsActive = Console.ReadLine(); activeCustomer.setActiveCustomerId(Int32.Parse(setThisCustomerAsActive)); var active = ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId; // potential getter will go here to convert customer ID to its corresponding name Console.WriteLine("Active customer ID is: " + active); } // If option 3 was chosen, enter payment type for active customer // By Ryan if (choice == 3) { if (ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Enter a payment type (visa, mastercard, etc)"); Console.Write("> "); string paymentType = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the account # associated with your payment type"); Console.Write("> "); int customerId = ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId; string accountNum = Console.ReadLine(); int paymentId = payment.CreatePaymentType(new PaymentType(customerId, paymentType, accountNum)); } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Please choose an active customer"); Console.ResetColor(); } } // If option 4 was chosen, create a new product for the logged in user // By Mitchell if (choice == 4) { if (ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId != 0) { // product id is auto generated Console.WriteLine("Enter product title"); Console.Write("> "); string Title = Console.ReadLine(); ProductTypeManager _manager = new ProductTypeManager(db); Console.WriteLine("*************************************************"); List <ProductType> allProductTypes = _manager.GetListProductTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < allProductTypes.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"{i+1}. {allProductTypes[i].Type}"); } Console.WriteLine("*************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("Select an existing product type by number OR enter a new type"); Console.Write("> "); int TypeId = 0; string enteredProductType = Console.ReadLine(); if (Int32.TryParse(enteredProductType, out TypeId)) { } else { ProductType newProductType = new ProductType(enteredProductType); TypeId = _manager.AddProductType(newProductType); } var active = ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId; Console.WriteLine("Enter product description"); Console.Write("> "); string Description = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter price"); Console.Write("> "); string Price = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter quantity available"); Console.Write("> "); string QuantityAvailable = Console.ReadLine(); int SellerId = ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId; // customer id calls getter for active customer int newProductId = productManager.CreateProduct(new Product(TypeId, Title, Int32.Parse(QuantityAvailable), Description, float.Parse(Price), SellerId)); Console.WriteLine("Product to sell successfully added."); } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Please choose an active customer"); Console.ResetColor(); } } //Adding a product to an order //Written by Andrew Rock //Checks if a customer already has an open order (if not it creates a new order) //Then displays a list of products to add to the open order if (choice == 5) { if (ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId != 0) { int buyerId = ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId; Console.WriteLine("*********************"); List <Product> productList = productManager.GetListOfProducts(buyerId); int? activeOrder = orderManager.CreateOrder(); if (activeOrder != null) { Console.WriteLine("This Customer already has an open order."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Created a new order for the customer"); } Console.WriteLine("What product would you like to add?"); int productChoiceNum; do { int counter = 1; foreach (Product product in productList) { Console.WriteLine($"{counter}. {product.Title}"); counter++; } Console.WriteLine("99. Exit to main menu"); Console.Write("> "); string productChoice = Console.ReadLine(); productChoiceNum = Int32.Parse(productChoice); if (productChoiceNum != 99) { int?addedProductId = productList[productChoiceNum - 1].ProductId; orderManager.AddProductToOrder((int)addedProductId, (int)activeOrder); Console.WriteLine("Product Successfully Added."); } } while(productChoiceNum != 99); } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Please choose an active customer"); Console.ResetColor(); } } // If option 8 was chosen, edit an existing product // By Mitchell if (choice == 8) { if (ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId != 0) { // gets list of product belonging to that customer var active = ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId; List <Product> productList = productManager.getCustomersProducts(active); for (int i = 0; i < productList.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"{productList[i].ProductId}. {productList[i].Title}"); } Console.WriteLine("*************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("Select which of your products to edit"); Console.Write("> "); string productIdToEdit = Console.ReadLine(); // passes selected product id into getter to get product details Product productToEdit = productManager.getSingleProduct(Int32.Parse(productIdToEdit)); Console.Write("> "); Console.WriteLine("Choose which field to edit"); Console.WriteLine($"1. Title: {productToEdit.Title}"); Console.WriteLine($"2. Description: {productToEdit.Description}"); Console.WriteLine($"3. Price: {productToEdit.Price}"); Console.WriteLine($"4. Quantity Available: {productToEdit.QuantityAvailable}"); Console.Write("> "); int fieldToEdit; Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out fieldToEdit); string columnToEdit = ""; string newValue = ""; switch (fieldToEdit) { case 1: columnToEdit = "Title"; Console.WriteLine($"Enter new product title"); Console.Write("> "); newValue = Console.ReadLine(); break; case 2: columnToEdit = "Description"; Console.WriteLine($"Enter new product description"); Console.Write("> "); newValue = Console.ReadLine(); break; case 3: columnToEdit = "Price"; Console.WriteLine($"Enter new product price"); Console.Write("> "); newValue = Console.ReadLine(); break; case 4: columnToEdit = "QuantityAvailable"; Console.WriteLine($"Enter new product QuantityAvailable"); Console.Write("> "); newValue = Console.ReadLine(); break; } productManager.updateProduct(Int32.Parse(productIdToEdit), columnToEdit, newValue); Console.WriteLine("Product to sell successfully edited."); } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Please choose an active customer"); Console.ResetColor(); } } if (choice == 10) { if (ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId != 0) { orderManager.GetRevenueReport(); } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Please choose an active customer"); Console.ResetColor(); } } if (choice == 6) { if (ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId != 0) { int? orderId = orderManager.CheckForIncompleteOrder(); string total = orderManager.GetOrderTotal(orderId); Console.WriteLine($"Your order total is ${total}. Ready to purchase"); Console.WriteLine("(Y/N) >"); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer == "Y" || answer == "y") { Console.WriteLine("Choose a payment option"); int customerId = ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId; List <PaymentType> paymentTypeList = payment.GetCustomerPaymentTypes(customerId); int counter = 1; foreach (PaymentType paymenttype in paymentTypeList) { Console.WriteLine($"{paymenttype.PaymentTypeId}. {paymenttype.Type}"); counter++; } Console.Write("> "); string paymentChoice = Console.ReadLine(); int paymentChoiceNum = Int32.Parse(paymentChoice); bool result = orderManager.AddPaymentTypeToOrder(paymentChoiceNum); if (result == true) { Console.WriteLine("Your Order has been completed"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Action cancelled"); } } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Please choose an active customer"); Console.ResetColor(); } } // If option 9 was chosen, display customer's list of stale products // Program choices by Mitchell, product manager methods by team if (choice == 9) { if (ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Here is the list of all stale products: "); List <Product> staleProducts = productManager.getAllStaleProducts(); int counter = 0; foreach (Product staleProduct in staleProducts) { Console.WriteLine($"{counter+1}. {staleProduct.Title}"); counter++; } Console.WriteLine($"{counter+1}. Return to main menu."); Console.WriteLine("> "); int staleChoice = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (staleChoice == counter) { choice = 999; // choosing 999 effectively returns user to main menu } } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Please choose an active customer"); Console.ResetColor(); } } //By: Ryan McCarty //Menu option for DELETE if (choice == 7) { if (ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId != 0) { Console.WriteLine("*************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("Enter a product Id"); int customerId = ActiveCustomer.activeCustomerId; List <Product> activeCustProducts = productManager.getActiveCustomersNonOrderProdcuts(customerId); int counter = 0; foreach (var x in activeCustProducts) { Console.WriteLine($"{counter+1}. {x.Title}, Product Id={x.ProductId} "); counter++; } Console.WriteLine("99. Return to main menu"); Console.Write(">"); string prodChoice = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(prodChoice); int delProd = Int32.Parse(prodChoice); bool result = productManager.deleteProduct(delProd); if (delProd == counter) { choice = 99; } if (result == true) { Console.WriteLine("Product was deleted"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Deletion failed"); } } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Please choose an active customer"); Console.ResetColor(); } } } while (choice != 12); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Seed the database if none exists dbUtilities db = new dbUtilities("BANGAZONCLI_DB"); CustomerManager cm = new CustomerManager(db); PaymentTypeManager paytm = new PaymentTypeManager(db); db.CheckCustomer(); db.CheckPaymentType(); db.CheckOrder(); db.CheckProductType(); db.CheckProduct(); db.CheckProductOrder(); db.SeedTables(); MainMenu menu = new MainMenu(); ProductManager pm = new ProductManager(db); ProductTypeManager ptm = new ProductTypeManager(db); OrderManager om = new OrderManager(db); int choice; do { // Show the Main Menu choice = menu.ShowMainMenu(); switch (choice) { case 1: // Displays the Create Customer Menu CreateCustomer.CreateCustomerMenu(cm); break; case 2: ChooseCustomer.ChooseCustomerMenu(cm, db); break; case 3: if (CustomerManager.currentCustomer == null) { ChooseCustomer.ChooseCustomerMenu(cm, db); } CreatePayment.CreatePaymentMenu(paytm); break; case 4: if (CustomerManager.currentCustomer == null) { ChooseCustomer.ChooseCustomerMenu(cm, db); } AddProductToSell.DoAction(pm, ptm); break; case 5: if (CustomerManager.currentCustomer == null) { ChooseCustomer.ChooseCustomerMenu(cm, db); } AddProductOrder.AddProductToOrder(cm, pm, om); break; case 6: if (CustomerManager.currentCustomer == null) { ChooseCustomer.ChooseCustomerMenu(cm, db); } CompleteOrder.CompleteOrderMenu(om, pm, paytm); break; case 7: if (CustomerManager.currentCustomer == null) { ChooseCustomer.ChooseCustomerMenu(cm, db); } RemoveProductToSell.RemoveProductToSellMenu(pm); break; case 8: if (CustomerManager.currentCustomer == null) { ChooseCustomer.ChooseCustomerMenu(cm, db); } UpdateProduct.UpdateProductMenu(pm); break; case 9: if (CustomerManager.currentCustomer == null) { ChooseCustomer.ChooseCustomerMenu(cm, db); } ShowStale.DoAction(om); break; case 10: if (CustomerManager.currentCustomer == null) { ChooseCustomer.ChooseCustomerMenu(cm, db); } RevenueReport.ShowRevenueReport(om); break; case 11: ProductPopularityReport.ProductPopularityReportMenu(pm); break; } } while(choice != 12); }