        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.WriteLine(" _____________Welcome to Noel's Bakery_____________");
            Console.WriteLine("|                                                  |");
            Console.WriteLine("|  We specialize in bread and pastries             |");
            Console.WriteLine("|                                                  |");
            Console.WriteLine("|  Please place your order below!                  |");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.WriteLine(" ____________________Bread Menu____________________");
            Console.WriteLine("|                                                  |");
            Console.WriteLine("|  Bread is $5.00 per loaf or buy-two-get-one-free |");
            Console.WriteLine("|                                                  |");
            Console.WriteLine("|  How many loafs of bread would you like?         |");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            string breadQuantityString = Console.ReadLine();
            int    breadQuantity       = int.Parse(breadQuantityString);
            Bread  newBread            = new Bread(breadQuantity);

            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.WriteLine(" ___________________Pastry Menu____________________");
            Console.WriteLine("|                                                  |");
            Console.WriteLine("|  Pastries are $2.00 each or three for $5.00      |");
            Console.WriteLine("|                                                  |"); Console.WriteLine("|  How many pastries would you like?               |");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            string pastryQuantityString = Console.ReadLine();
            int    pastryQuantity       = int.Parse(pastryQuantityString);
            Pastry newPastry            = new Pastry(pastryQuantity);

            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.WriteLine(" ______________receipt______________");
            Console.WriteLine("|                                   |");
            Console.WriteLine("|  For " + newBread.Quantity + " loafs of bread:            |");
            Console.WriteLine("|  your total would be $" + newBread.PriceCalculatorBread() + "       |");
            Console.WriteLine("|                                   |");
            Console.WriteLine("|  For 6 pastries:                  |");
            Console.WriteLine("|  your total would be $" + newPastry.PriceCalculatorPastry() + "       |");
            Console.WriteLine("|                                   |");
            grandTotal(newPastry.PriceCalculatorPastry(), newBread.PriceCalculatorBread());
            Console.WriteLine("|                                   |");
            Console.WriteLine("|            Thank you!             |");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");