private void listBox_timkiem_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Index >= 0) { ListBox listBox = sender as ListBox; string path = listBox.Items[e.Index] as string; if (rd_TXT.Checked) { string lineresult = XTxt.GetLineHaveKeyWord(path, keyword); XTextInfo fileInfo = new XTextInfo(path, lineresult); // Draw the background. e.DrawBackground(); fileInfo.DrawItem(e.Graphics, e.Bounds, this.Font, false); } else if (rd_word.Checked) { XInfo fileInfo = new XInfo(path); // Draw the background. e.DrawBackground(); fileInfo.DrawItem(e.Graphics, e.Bounds, this.Font, false); } } }
void AddFileToListBox(string path) { XInfo listitem = new XInfo(XImage.LoadImagebyExt(path), XPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path), path); listBox_timkiem.Invoke((Action)(() => { listBox_timkiem.BeginUpdate(); listBox_timkiem.Items.Add(listitem); listBox_timkiem.EndUpdate(); })); }
private void ListBox_file_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e) { ListBox listBox = sender as ListBox; if (e.Index >= 0) { XInfo fileInfo = listBox.Items[e.Index] as XInfo; // Draw the background. e.DrawBackground(); fileInfo.DrawItem(e.Graphics, e.Bounds, this.Font, false); } }
void loadLichsuFile() { string[] result = XTxt.ReadLineText(XPath.pathfile_history_file).ToArray(); if (result.Count() == 0) { listBox_file.DrawMode = DrawMode.Normal; listBox_file.Items.Add("Không có file mở gần đây"); } else { foreach (string item in result) { XInfo temp = new XInfo(item); listBox_file.Items.Add(temp); } } }