public static void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (GameManager.GetLevel() == null) { if (PlayerProfile.getController(0) == null) { PlayerProfile.Update(gameTime, true); if (PlayerProfile.getController(0) != null) { setMessage("Press A to search for connection"); } } else { PlayerProfile.Update(gameTime, false); if (NetworkManager.networkSession == null) { BasicController b = PlayerProfile.getController(0); if (b.AButton()) { setMessage("Attempting to Join..."); if (NetworkManager.JoinSession()) { setMessage("Sucess"); } else { setMessage("Failure to Connect"); } } } else { NetworkManager.Update(gameTime); } } } else { if (!PlayerProfile.getController(0).BackButton()) { GameManager.Update(gameTime); FPSCounter.Update(gameTime); } else { GameManager.ClearLevel(); } } }
public static void Draw() { if (EditorMode) { MyEditor.Draw(); } else { GameManager.Draw(); MasterManager.SetViewportToFullscreen(); Game1.graphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null); FPSCounter.Draw(); } }
public static void Draw() { if (GameManager.GetLevel() == null) { Game1.graphicsDevice.Clear(Color.DarkBlue); Game1.spriteBatch.Begin(); Render.DrawShadowedText(RecieverMessage, new Vector2(128)); Render.DrawShadowedText("Network Status:\n" + NetworkManager.NetworkStatus, new Vector2(128, 256)); Game1.spriteBatch.End(); } else { GameManager.Draw(); FPSCounter.Draw(); } }
public static void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (EditorMode) { if (Game1.self.IsActive) { MyEditor.Update(gameTime); } SenderManager.Update(gameTime); } else { if (KeyboardManager.keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { SwitchFromPlay(); } else { GameManager.Update(gameTime); FPSCounter.Update(gameTime); } } }