private void ReferenceOrWriteSchema(JsonSchema schema) { if (schema.Id != null && _resolver.GetSchema(schema.Id) != null) { _writer.WriteStartObject(); _writer.WritePropertyName(JsonTypeReflector.RefPropertyName); _writer.WriteValue(schema.Id); _writer.WriteEndObject(); } else { WriteSchema(schema); } }
private JsonSchema GenerateInternal(Type type, Required valueRequired, bool required) { ValidationUtils.ArgumentNotNull(type, "type"); string resolvedId = GetTypeId(type, false); string explicitId = GetTypeId(type, true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resolvedId)) { JsonSchema resolvedSchema = _resolver.GetSchema(resolvedId); if (resolvedSchema != null) { // resolved schema is not null but referencing member allows nulls // change resolved schema to allow nulls. hacky but what are ya gonna do? if (valueRequired != Required.Always && !HasFlag(resolvedSchema.Type, JsonSchemaType.Null)) { resolvedSchema.Type |= JsonSchemaType.Null; } if (required && resolvedSchema.Required != true) { resolvedSchema.Required = true; } return(resolvedSchema); } } // test for unresolved circular reference if (_stack.Any(tc => tc.Type == type)) { throw new JsonException("Unresolved circular reference for type '{0}'. Explicitly define an Id for the type using a JsonObject/JsonArray attribute or automatically generate a type Id using the UndefinedSchemaIdHandling property.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, type)); } JsonContract contract = ContractResolver.ResolveContract(type); JsonConverter converter; if ((converter = contract.Converter) != null || (converter = contract.InternalConverter) != null) { JsonSchema converterSchema = null; System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("GetSchema does not exists"); if (converterSchema != null) { return(converterSchema); } } Push(new TypeSchema(type, new JsonSchema())); if (explicitId != null) { CurrentSchema.Id = explicitId; } if (required) { CurrentSchema.Required = true; } CurrentSchema.Title = GetTitle(type); CurrentSchema.Description = GetDescription(type); if (converter != null) { // todo: Add GetSchema to JsonConverter and use here? CurrentSchema.Type = JsonSchemaType.Any; } else { switch (contract.ContractType) { case JsonContractType.Object: CurrentSchema.Type = AddNullType(JsonSchemaType.Object, valueRequired); CurrentSchema.Id = GetTypeId(type, false); GenerateObjectSchema(type, (JsonObjectContract)contract); break; case JsonContractType.Array: CurrentSchema.Type = AddNullType(JsonSchemaType.Array, valueRequired); CurrentSchema.Id = GetTypeId(type, false); JsonArrayAttribute arrayAttribute = JsonTypeReflector.GetCachedAttribute <JsonArrayAttribute>(type); bool allowNullItem = (arrayAttribute == null || arrayAttribute.AllowNullItems); Type collectionItemType = ReflectionUtils.GetCollectionItemType(type); if (collectionItemType != null) { CurrentSchema.Items = new List <JsonSchema>(); CurrentSchema.Items.Add(GenerateInternal(collectionItemType, (!allowNullItem) ? Required.Always : Required.Default, false)); } break; case JsonContractType.Primitive: CurrentSchema.Type = GetJsonSchemaType(type, valueRequired); if (CurrentSchema.Type == JsonSchemaType.Integer && type.IsEnum() && !type.IsDefined(typeof(FlagsAttribute), true)) { CurrentSchema.Enum = new List <JToken>(); IList <EnumValue <long> > enumValues = EnumUtils.GetNamesAndValues <long>(type); foreach (EnumValue <long> enumValue in enumValues) { JToken value = JToken.FromObject(enumValue.Value); CurrentSchema.Enum.Add(value); } } break; case JsonContractType.String: JsonSchemaType schemaType = (!ReflectionUtils.IsNullable(contract.UnderlyingType)) ? JsonSchemaType.String : AddNullType(JsonSchemaType.String, valueRequired); CurrentSchema.Type = schemaType; break; case JsonContractType.Dictionary: CurrentSchema.Type = AddNullType(JsonSchemaType.Object, valueRequired); Type keyType; Type valueType; ReflectionUtils.GetDictionaryKeyValueTypes(type, out keyType, out valueType); if (keyType != null) { JsonContract keyContract = ContractResolver.ResolveContract(keyType); // can be converted to a string if (keyContract.ContractType == JsonContractType.Primitive) { CurrentSchema.AdditionalProperties = GenerateInternal(valueType, Required.Default, false); } } break; #if !(DOTNET || PORTABLE || PORTABLE40) case JsonContractType.Serializable: CurrentSchema.Type = AddNullType(JsonSchemaType.Object, valueRequired); CurrentSchema.Id = GetTypeId(type, false); GenerateISerializableContract(type, (JsonISerializableContract)contract); break; #endif #if !((NET35 || NET_2_0 || NET_2_0_SUBSET) || NET20 || PORTABLE40) case JsonContractType.Dynamic: #endif case JsonContractType.Linq: CurrentSchema.Type = JsonSchemaType.Any; break; default: throw new JsonException("Unexpected contract type: {0}".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, contract)); } } return(Pop().Schema); }
private JsonSchema ResolveReferences(JsonSchema schema) { if (schema.DeferredReference != null) { string reference = schema.DeferredReference; bool locationReference = (reference.StartsWith("#", StringComparison.Ordinal)); if (locationReference) { reference = UnescapeReference(reference); } JsonSchema resolvedSchema = _resolver.GetSchema(reference); if (resolvedSchema == null) { if (locationReference) { string[] escapedParts = schema.DeferredReference.TrimStart('#').Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); JToken currentToken = _rootSchema; foreach (string escapedPart in escapedParts) { string part = UnescapeReference(escapedPart); if (currentToken.Type == JTokenType.Object) { currentToken = currentToken[part]; } else if (currentToken.Type == JTokenType.Array || currentToken.Type == JTokenType.Constructor) { int index; if (int.TryParse(part, out index) && index >= 0 && index < currentToken.Count()) { currentToken = currentToken[index]; } else { currentToken = null; } } if (currentToken == null) { break; } } if (currentToken != null) { resolvedSchema = BuildSchema(currentToken); } } if (resolvedSchema == null) { throw new JsonException("Could not resolve schema reference '{0}'.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, schema.DeferredReference)); } } schema = resolvedSchema; } if (schema.ReferencesResolved) { return(schema); } schema.ReferencesResolved = true; if (schema.Extends != null) { for (int i = 0; i < schema.Extends.Count; i++) { schema.Extends[i] = ResolveReferences(schema.Extends[i]); } } if (schema.Items != null) { for (int i = 0; i < schema.Items.Count; i++) { schema.Items[i] = ResolveReferences(schema.Items[i]); } } if (schema.AdditionalItems != null) { schema.AdditionalItems = ResolveReferences(schema.AdditionalItems); } if (schema.PatternProperties != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JsonSchema> patternProperty in schema.PatternProperties.ToList()) { schema.PatternProperties[patternProperty.Key] = ResolveReferences(patternProperty.Value); } } if (schema.Properties != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JsonSchema> property in schema.Properties.ToList()) { schema.Properties[property.Key] = ResolveReferences(property.Value); } } if (schema.AdditionalProperties != null) { schema.AdditionalProperties = ResolveReferences(schema.AdditionalProperties); } return(schema); }