public UMLClass() { ClassNodes = new List<ClassNode>(); EnumNodes = new List<EnumNode>(); StructNodes = new List<StructNode>(); InterfaceNodes = new List<InterfaceNode>(); }
public EchoBackupService() { //setup guid Logger.init(); guid = Node.GetGuid(); if (guid == Guid.Empty) { guid = Guid.NewGuid(); Properties.Settings.Default.guid = guid; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } recoverResults = new Queue<RecoverResult>(); clientThreads = new List<ClientThread>(); if (Node.GetTemporaryDirectory() == "") { Node.SetTemporaryDirectory(Path.Combine(Node.ExecutableDir(), "temp")); } if (Node.GetBackupDirectory() == "") { Node.SetBackupDirectory(Path.Combine(Node.ExecutableDir(), "backups")); } Logger.Debug2("About to set service name"); this.ServiceName = "Echo Backup Service"; Logger.Debug2("set service name"); InitializeComponent(); Logger.Debug2("initialized component"); }
public TabbedMainClubPages(List<Club> clubList, List<Club> memberClubList, List<Club> popularClubs, List<Club> newestClubs, List<string> pendingInviteList, List<string> firstLineCommentList) { ch = new ColorHandler(); BackgroundColor = ch.fromStringToColor("purple"); // BarTintColor = ch.fromStringToColor("purple"); NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, true); // NavigationPage.SetTitleIcon(CurrentPage,"CloudIcon.png"); this.ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem { Icon = "Settings_Top.png", Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Primary, Command = new Command(() => menuPopup()), }); csp = new ClubSearchPage(clubList, memberClubList, popularClubs, newestClubs, pendingInviteList, firstLineCommentList); mcp = new MyClubsPage(memberClubList, firstLineCommentList); pp = new ProfilePage(); this.Children.Add(csp); this.Children.Add(mcp); this.Children.Add(pp); this.Title = "Explore"; CurrentPageChanged += TabbedMainClubPages_CurrentPageChanged; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PrototypeBackend.BoardConfiguration"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="info">Info.</param> /// <param name="context">Context.</param> public BoardConfiguration(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { OnPinsUpdated = null; OnBoardUpdated = null; OnSequencesUpdated = null; OnSignalsUpdated = null; board = new Board (); Pins = new List<IPin> (); MeasurementCombinations = new List<MeasurementCombination> (); Sequences = new List<Sequence> (); board = (Board)info.GetValue ("Board", board.GetType ()); Pins = (List<IPin>)info.GetValue ("Pins", Pins.GetType ()); MeasurementCombinations = (List<MeasurementCombination>)info.GetValue ("MeasurementCombinations", MeasurementCombinations.GetType ()); Sequences = (List<Sequence>)info.GetValue ("Sequences", Sequences.GetType ()); ConfigSavePath = info.GetString ("ConfigSavePath"); CSVSaveFolderPath = info.GetString ("CSVSaveFolderPath"); UseMarker = info.GetBoolean ("UseMarker"); LogRAWValues = info.GetBoolean ("LogRAWValues"); Separator = info.GetString ("CSVSeparator"); EmptyValueFilling = info.GetString ("EmptyValueFilling"); UTCTimestamp = info.GetBoolean ("UTCTimestamp"); LocalTimestamp = info.GetBoolean ("LocalTimestamp"); TimeFormat = info.GetString ("TimeFormat"); FileNameConvention = ((List<string>)info.GetValue ("FileNameConvention", new List<string> ().GetType ())).ToArray<string> (); FileNameTimeFormat = info.GetString ("FileNameTimeFormat"); FileNameDateFormat = info.GetString ("FileNameDateFormat"); ValueFormatCultur = info.GetString ("ValueFormatCultur"); }
public BruteLayout() { figures = new List<TypeFigure>(); figureToInterfaces = new Dictionary<string, SimpleTextFigure>(); AllNodes = new List<Node>(); implementations = new List<SimpleTextFigure>(); }
public FriendsPage(List<FrontFriends> friendsList) { this.friendsList = friendsList; displayedFriends = friendsList; Title = "Friends"; ch = new ColorHandler(); Entry searchBar = new Entry { Placeholder = "Search", BackgroundColor = ch.fromStringToColor("white"), TextColor = ch.fromStringToColor("black") }; searchBar.Completed += SearchBar_Completed; ListView listView = new ListView { ItemsSource = displayedFriends, ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(FriendsListViewCell)), RowHeight = 75 }; listView.ItemSelected += ListView_ItemSelected; BackgroundColor = ch.fromStringToColor("lightGray"); Content = new StackLayout { Children = { searchBar, listView } }; }
private PlayerModel() { this.MaxHealthPoints = 100; this.HealthPoints = 100; this.phialSizeMax = 9999; this.isPlayerAlive = true; this.revivePosition =; //Damage this.Damage = 42; this.DamageType_Bolt = DamageTypes.Standard; this.DamageType_Poision = DamageTypes.None; //Recipes FoundedRecipes = new List<BaseRecipe>(); addRecipe(getRecipe(PhialType.Heal)); // Inventory Setup PhialInventory = new List<PhialType>(); addPhialToinventory(PhialType.Heal); addPhialToinventory(PhialType.Heal); addPhialToinventory(PhialType.Fire); addPhialToinventory(PhialType.Ice); addPhialToinventory(PhialType.Fire); ingredieceInventory = new List<BaseIngredient>(); }
public Bracket(List<Player> players) { this.players = players; Matches = new List<Match>(); CurrentMatch = 0; GenerateMatches(); }
public MethodNode(string Name, string Modifier, string ReturnType) { this.Name = Name; this.Modifier = Modifier; this.ReturnType = ReturnType; Parameters = new List<Parameter>(); }
public List<Result> Search(string textToSearch, int i, List<Result> previousResults) { string first; string last; while (i > 0) { first = textToSearch.Substring(0, i); last = textToSearch.Substring(i); if (AddIfExists(first, previousResults)) { return Search(last, last.Length, previousResults); } var result = SearchUsingNumbers(first); if (result.Count() > 0) { previousResults.Add(new Result { Number = first, Words = result }); return Search(last, last.Length, previousResults); } i--; } return previousResults; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PrototypeBackend.Sequence"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="copy">Copy.</param> public Sequence(Sequence copy) : base() { Pin = new DPin (copy.Pin); Name = copy.Name; Chain = new List<SequenceOperation> (copy.Chain); Repetitions = copy.Repetitions; }
public Bracket(List<Player> players) { Matches = new List<Match>(); MatchesPlayed = new List<Match>(); CurrentMatch = 0; Players = players; GenerateMatches(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PrototypeBackend.BoardConfiguration"/> class. /// </summary> public BoardConfiguration() { board = new Board (); Pins = new List<IPin> (); MeasurementCombinations = new List<MeasurementCombination> (); Sequences = new List<Sequence> (); //just in case use the home directory of the user -> ensures write properties CSVSaveFolderPath = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile); }
public MyClubsPage(List<Club> memberClubList, List<string> recentCommentsList) { ch = new ColorHandler(); generateDisplayList(memberClubList, recentCommentsList); updatePage(); }
public FriendsClubListPage(List<Club> clubList) { Content = new StackLayout { Children = { new Label { Text = "Hello ContentPage" } } }; }
/// <summary> /// Strings to pin. /// </summary> /// <returns>The to pin.</returns> /// <param name="str">String.</param> public static List<int> StringToPin(string str) { var pairs = str.Split (new char[]{ ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var dict = new List<int> (); foreach (string s in pairs) { dict.Add (Convert.ToInt32 (s)); } return dict; }
public TreeLayout() { figures = new List<TypeFigure>(); TreeNodes = new List<TreeNode>(); map = new Dictionary<string, TreeNode>(); Roots = new List<TreeNode>(); figureToInterfaces = new Dictionary<string, SimpleTextFigure>(); Singles = new List<ClassFigure>(); }
public List<Result> Search(string textToSearch) { var results = new List<Result>(); if (ContainsOnlyNumbers(textToSearch)) { return Search(textToSearch, textToSearch.Length, results); } return results; }
public Node() { this.Name = "Type Name"; this.Methods = new List<MethodNode>(); this.Fields = new List<FieldNode>(); this.Properties = new List<PropertyNode>(); this.Events = new List<EventNode>(); this.Links = new List<string>(); this.Implementations = new List<string>(); }
// Loop while program is running and ping trusted nodes to determine whether they are online or offline // When a node comes online, distribute indexes to that node public void BeginIndexDistribution() { DistributionDatabase ddb = new DistributionDatabase(); List<string> guidList = new List<string>(); NodeDatabase ndb = new NodeDatabase(); string online = "online"; string offline = "offline"; ddb.ResetStatus(); while (distribute) { guidList = ndb.SelectGUID(); foreach (string currentGUID in guidList) { if (Node.GetGuid() != Guid.Parse(currentGUID)) { Thread.Sleep(1000); ddb.InsertNode(currentGUID, offline); if (ndb.SelectNodeTrusted(Guid.Parse(currentGUID)) == "yes") { Ping pingSender = new Ping(); int timeout = 100; try { IPAddress ip = ndb.SelectNodeIp(Guid.Parse(currentGUID)); PingReply reply = pingSender.Send(ip, timeout); if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success) { if (ddb.GetStatus(currentGUID) == offline) { sendIndexes(currentGUID); ddb.UpdateStatus(currentGUID, online); } } else { ddb.UpdateStatus(currentGUID, offline); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Print(ex.Message); } } else { ddb.UpdateStatus(currentGUID, offline); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PrototypeBackend.Sequence"/> class. /// </summary> public Sequence() { Pin = new DPin (); Name = ""; GroupName = ""; Chain = new List<SequenceOperation> (); Repetitions = 0; Cycle = 0; CurrentOperation = 0; CurrentState = SequenceState.New; LastOperation = new TimeSpan (0); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PrototypeBackend.MeasurementCombination"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="copy">Copy.</param> public MeasurementCombination(MeasurementCombination copy) : base() { Pins = copy.Pins; Name = copy.Name; Color = copy.Color; Operation = copy.Operation; OperationString = copy.OperationString; Unit = copy.Unit; MeanValuesCount = copy.MeanValuesCount; Values = copy.Values; }
private void SearchBar_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e) { var searchedList = new List<FrontFriends>(); for (int i = 0; i < friendsList.Count; i++) { if (friendsList[i].Username.Contains(searchBar.Text)) { searchedList.Add(friendsList[i]); } } displayedFriends = searchedList; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PrototypeBackend.MeasurementCombination"/> class. /// </summary> public MeasurementCombination() { //Todo init Pins = new List<APin> (); Name = string.Empty; Color = Gdk.Color.Zero; Operation = null; OperationString_ = string.Empty; Unit = string.Empty; MeanValuesCount = 1; Values = new List<DateTimeValue> (); }
public App() { Instance = this; this.InitializeComponent(); this.Suspending += OnSuspending; Players = new List<Player>(); OCPlayers = new ObservableCollection<Player>(); Leagues = new List<league>(); OCPlayers.Add(new Player()); OCPlayers.Add(new Player()); OCPlayers.Add(new Player()); //CheckNetwork(); }
public App() { Instance = this; this.InitializeComponent(); this.Suspending += OnSuspending; Players = new List<Player>(); Players.Add(new Player("anders")); Players.Add(new Player("SindreKING")); //Players.Add(new Player("MarkuScrub")); //Players.Add(new Player("LeftEye")); if (NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable()) { GenerateLeague(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PrototypeBackend.Sequence"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="info">Info.</param> /// <param name="context">Context.</param> public Sequence(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { Pin = new DPin (); Pin = (DPin)info.GetValue ("Pin", Pin.GetType ()); Name = info.GetString ("Name"); GroupName = info.GetString ("GroupName"); Chain = new List<SequenceOperation> (); Chain = (List<SequenceOperation>)info.GetValue ("Chain", Chain.GetType ()); Repetitions = info.GetInt32 ("Repetitions"); Color = new Gdk.Color (info.GetByte ("RED"), info.GetByte ("GREEN"), info.GetByte ("BLUE")); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SequenceConfigurationsDialog.SequenceConfiguration"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="pins">Pins.</param> /// <param name="groups">Groups.</param> /// <param name="seq">Seq.</param> /// <param name="RefPin">Reference pin.</param> /// <param name="parent">Parent.</param> public SeqConfigDialog(DPin[] pins, List<string> groups, Sequence seq = null, DPin RefPin = null, Gtk.Window parent = null) : base("Digital Sequences - Dialog", parent, Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal, new object[0]) { this.Build (); sbRadioBtnStopAfter.Adjustment.Upper = int.MaxValue; sbRadioBtnStopAfter.Adjustment.Lower = 0; DPins = pins; //no DPin no Sequence if (DPins.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < DPins.Length; i++) { // cbPin.AppendText (string.Format ("{0}(D{1})", DPins [i].Name, DPins [i].Number)); cbPin.AppendText (DPins [i].DisplayNumber); } } SetupNodeView (); SetupOxyPlot (); if (seq != null) { PinSequence = seq; if (seq.Repetitions == -1) { rbRepeateContinously.Active = true; } else { rbStopAfter.Active = true; sbRadioBtnStopAfter.Sensitive = true; sbRadioBtnStopAfter.Value = seq.Repetitions; } buttonOk.Label = "Apply"; buttonOk.Image = new Image (Gtk.Stock.Apply, IconSize.Button); } else { pinSequence = new Sequence (); pinSequence.Repetitions = -1; } if (RefPin == null) { cbPin.Active = 0; } else { cbPin.Active = pins.ToList ().IndexOf (RefPin); } SetupGroups (groups); DisplaySequenceInfos (); BuildEvents (); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PrototypeBackend.APin"/> class. /// </summary> public APin() { Type = Backend.PinType.ANALOG; Mode = Backend.PinMode.INPUT; Name = ""; Number = 0; PlotColor = new Gdk.Color (0, 0, 0); Slope = 1; Offset = 0; MeanValuesCount = 1; Interval = 1000; Values = new List<DateTimeValue> (); RAWValues = new List<DateTimeValue> (); Unit = "V"; OnNewValue = null; OnNewRAWValue = null; }
private bool PassedNodeAvailabilityTest(List<NodeInstance> nodes) { txtUnitTests.Text += "Test 8.1.1 - Verifying node availability:"; bool passed = true; foreach (NodeInstance node in nodes) { if (node.IPAddress.Length > 0) { txtUnitTests.Text += Environment.NewLine + node.Name + " is available, IP Address: " + node.IPAddress; } else { passed = false; } } return passed; }