private void ScanComplite(object sender, TiEventArgs e) { if (grdTargets.InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { ScanComplite(sender, e); })); } else { _in_scan = false; if (_in_test == false) { btnScan.Enabled = true; btnStart.Enabled = true; btnStop.Enabled = true; } else { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in grdTargets.Rows) { if (row.Tag == null) { row.Tag = 0; } BleDevice device = BleDevices.GetDeviceByMac(row.Cells["colMac"].Value.ToString()); if ((int)row.Tag > 0 || ((device != null) && (device.Connected))) { row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.White; } else { row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.OrangeRed; } if (csv != null) { string line = string.Format("{4,3},{0,8},{1,-15},{2,4},{5,12},{6,-7},{3}" /*+ Environment.NewLine*/, row.Cells["colMAC"].Value.ToString(), row.Cells["colDeviceName"].Value.ToString(), row.Cells["colRSSI"].Value.ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), (int)row.Tag, (row.Cells["colVersion"].Value == null ? "" : row.Cells["colVersion"].Value.ToString()), device != null ? device.Connected.ToString() : "false"); try { UpdateDeviceRssi(row.Cells["colMAC"].Value.ToString(), 0); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Failed to set RSSI to 0"); } File.AppendAllText(CsvFilename, line + Environment.NewLine); //csv.Info(line); } row.Tag = 0; } TestConnection(); } } }
public SoftwareUpgrade(string MacAddress, IBleCommands Ble, byte[] Image) { _status = UPGRADE_STATUS.NOT_STARTED; _macAddress = MacAddress; _ble = Ble; _image = Image; BleDevices devices = new BleDevices(); dps = devices[_macAddress]; }
public static bool Add(BleDevice device) { if (deviceList.ContainsKey(device.MacAddress.ToString())) { deviceList[device.MacAddress.ToString()].Name = device.Name; return(false); } deviceList.Add(device.MacAddress.ToString(), device); return(true); }
private void TestConnection() { if (_checkConnection == false) { return; } #region Disconnect the last connected device if (last_connected_device != null) { if (last_connected_device.Connected == true) { _dongle.TerminateLinkRequest(last_connected_device.Handle); } } #endregion #region Connect to the next device next_dps_to_connect++; if (grdTargets.Rows.Count <= next_dps_to_connect) { next_dps_to_connect = 0; } DataGridViewRow row = grdTargets.Rows[next_dps_to_connect]; BleDevice device = BleDevices.GetDeviceByMac(row.Cells["colMAC"].Value.ToString()); last_connected_device = device; if (device != null) { if (!device.Connected) { _dongle.TiConnect(device.MacBytes()); } } #endregion }
public void analyzePacket(TiCommand Replay) { if (Replay.type == TiCommand.TI_PROTOCOL_EVENT_TYPE_MESSAGE) { switch (Replay.eventOpCode) { case TI_PROTOCOL_EVENT_OPCODE_INIT_SUCCESS: { HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus h = new HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus(; GetParam(GAP_ParamId.TGAP_CONN_EST_INT_MIN); Thread.Sleep(200); GetParam(GAP_ParamId.TGAP_CONN_EST_INT_MAX); Thread.Sleep(200); GetParam(GAP_ParamId.TGAP_CONN_EST_LATENCY); Thread.Sleep(200); init_success = true; if (OnHardwareInitComplite != null) { OnHardwareInitComplite(this, new TiEventArgs()); } } break; case TI_PROTOCOL_EVENT_OPCODE_ESTABLISH_LINK: { EstablishLink l1 = new EstablishLink(; CommandReplyed = true; BleDevice dps = BleDevices.GetDeviceByMac(l1.MacAddress.ToString()); if (dps != null) { dps.Handle = l1.ConnectionHandle; dps.Connected = true; //ReadCharValueByHandle(l1.ConnectionHandle, 0x1f); //type 0x2803 } device_connected = true; OnLinkEstablished(this, new TiEventArgs(l1.MacAddress, "TI_PROTOCOL_EVENT_OPCODE_ESTABLISH_LINK")); } break; case ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_NOTIFICATION: HandleValueNotification l = new HandleValueNotification(; NextBlock = l.NextBlock; CommandReplyed = true; break; case TI_PROTOCOL_EVENT_OPCODE_TERMINATED_LINK: { TerminateLink terminateLink = new TerminateLink(; CommandReplyed = true; if (terminateLink.Status == 0) { List <BleDevice> deviceList = BleDevices.GetDevices(); foreach (BleDevice dps in deviceList) { if (dps.Handle == terminateLink.ConnectionHandle) { dps.Handle = 0xFFFF; dps.Connected = false; OnLinkTerminated(this, new TiEventArgs(dps.MacAddress, "TI_PROTOCOL_EVENT_OPCODE_TERMINATED_LINK")); } } } device_disconnected = true; } break; case TI_PROTOCOL_EVENT_OPCODE_COMMAND_STATUS: { HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus r = new HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus(; if (r.Status == 0) { CommandReplyed = true; } } break; case TI_PROTOCOL_EVENT_OPCODE_SCAN_COMPLIRE: DeviceDiscoveryDone scan_complite = new DeviceDiscoveryDone(; OnSerchComplite(this, new TiEventArgs(null, "TI_PROTOCOL_EVENT_OPCODE_SCAN_COMPLIRE")); break; case TI_PROTOCOL_EVENT_OPCODE_SCAN_DEVICE: DeviceInformation scan_device = new DeviceInformation(; CommandReplyed = true; if ((scan_device.Name != null) && (scan_device.Name.Length > 0)) { if (BleDevices.Add(new BleDevice(scan_device.MacAddress, scan_device.Name))) { if (_gui != null) { _gui.AddDevice(scan_device.MacAddress, scan_device.Name, scan_device.RSSI); } } else { _gui.UpdateDevice(scan_device.MacAddress, scan_device.Name, scan_device.RSSI); } } else { _gui.UpdateDeviceRssi(scan_device.MacAddress, scan_device.RSSI); } break; case ATT_READ_RESPONSE: ReadRsp read_response = new ReadRsp(; CommandReplyed = true; break; case ATT_WRITE_RESPONSE: WriteRsp write_response = new WriteRsp(; CommandReplyed = true; if (write_response.Status == 0) { WriteResponse = true; } break; case ATT_ERROR_RESPONSE: ErrorRsp error_response = new ErrorRsp(; CommandReplyed = true; break; } } }
public byte[] MacBytes() { return(BleDevice.StringToByteArray(MacAddress)); }