public static int UpdatePaymentByCourse(DBManager db, int courseID) { Course c = new Course(); c.LoadFromDB(db, " course_id=" + courseID); return(UpdatePaymentByCourse(db, c)); }
public bool LoadCourse(DBManager db) { if (_courseID <= 0) { return(false); } _course = new Course(); _course.LoadFromDB(db, " course_id=" + _courseID); return(true); }
public void DoEditCourse(string courseID) { DBManager db = new MySQLDBManager(Config.DB_SERVER, Config.DB_NAME, Config.DB_USER, Config.DB_PASSWORD, Config.DB_CHAR_ENC); theCourse = new Course(); if (!theCourse.LoadFromDB(db, "course_id=" + courseID)) theCourse = null; roomList = Room.LoadListFromDBCustom(db, "SELECT r.room_id,, b.branch_name as branch_name FROM room r, branch b WHERE r.branch_id=b.branch_id"); teacherList = Teacher.LoadListFromDB(db, " ORDER BY firstname"); paidGroupList = PaidGroup.LoadListFromDB(db, " ORDER BY paid_group_id"); db.Close(); }
public bool LoadCourse(DBManager db) { if (_courseID <= 0) { return(false); } _course = new Course(); _course.LoadFromDB(db, " course_id=" + _courseID); // Assign loaded data to helper this._btsCourseID = _course._btsCourseID; return(true); }
public bool LoadCourse(DBManager db) { if (_courseID <= 0) { return(false); } _course = new Course(); _course.LoadFromDB(db, " course_id=" + _courseID); // Assign loaded data to helper this._btsCourseID = _course._btsCourseID; this._courseType = _course._courseType; this._courseCategotry = _course._category; this._courseStart = _course._startdate; this._courseEnd = _course._enddate; return(true); }
public bool LoadCourse(DBManager db) { if (_courseID <= 0) return false; _course = new Course(); _course.LoadFromDB(db, " course_id=" + _courseID); // Assign loaded data to helper this._btsCourseID = _course._btsCourseID; return true; }
public static int UpdatePaymentByCourse(DBManager db, int courseID) { Course c = new Course(); c.LoadFromDB(db, " course_id="+courseID); return UpdatePaymentByCourse(db, c); }
protected String[,] LoadStudentList(DBManager db) { // Load all information Course c = new Course(); c.LoadFromDB(db); String sqlCount = "SELECT Count(*) FROM student"; String sql = "SELECT s.student_id, s.firstname, s.surname, s.nickname,, s.birthday, s.citizen_id, s.addr,,, s.tel2,, s.level, s.create_date, s.is_active"; String sqlWhere = " FROM student s" + " ORDER BY s.student_id"; int num = db.QueryCount(sqlCount); String[,] result = new String[num, 14]; int n = 0; OdbcDataReader reader = db.Query(sql + sqlWhere); while (reader.Read()) { int fCount = reader.FieldCount; for (int i = 0; i < fCount; i++) { string name = reader.GetName(i); switch (name) { case "student_id": result[n, 0] = Student.GetStudentID(reader.GetInt32(i).ToString()); break; case "firstname": result[n, 1] = reader.GetString(i); break; case "surname": result[n, 1] = result[n, 1] + " " + reader.GetString(i); break; case "nickname": result[n, 2] = reader.GetString(i); break; case "sex": result[n, 3] = reader.GetString(i); break; case "birthday": result[n, 4] = reader.GetDate(i).ToString(); break; case "citizen_id": result[n, 5] = reader.GetString(i); break; case "addr": result[n, 6] = reader.GetString(i); break; case "email": result[n, 7] = reader.GetString(i); break; case "tel": result[n, 8] = "=\"" + reader.GetString(i) + "\""; break; case "tel2": result[n, 9] = "=\"" + reader.GetString(i) + "\""; break; case "school": result[n, 10] = reader.GetString(i); break; case "level": result[n, 11] = StringUtil.ConvertEducateLevel(reader.GetInt32(i)); break; case "create_date": result[n, 12] = reader.GetDate(i).ToString(); break; case "is_active": result[n, 13] = (reader.GetInt32(i) == 1 ? "ปกติ" : "ลบ"); break; } } n++; } return result; }
protected void ProcessWizQueryCourseDetail(string courseID) { DBManager db = new MySQLDBManager(Config.DB_SERVER, Config.DB_NAME, Config.DB_USER, Config.DB_PASSWORD, Config.DB_CHAR_ENC); Course c = new Course(); c.LoadFromDB(db, " course_id="+courseID); c.LoadTeacher(db); db.Close(); TextReader reader = new StreamReader(Config.PATH_APP_ROOT + "\\template\\" + AjaxSvc.WIZ_Q_COURSE_DETAIL + ".htm"); String templateContent = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); String htmlContent = String.Format(templateContent , Config.URL_PIC_COURSE + "/" + c._img , c._btsCourseID + " " + c._courseName , c._startdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", ci) + " - " + c._enddate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", ci) + "<br>" + c._dayOfWeek + " " + c._opentime , c._teacher._firstname + " " + c._teacher._surname , StringUtil.Int2StrComma(c._cost) , c._courseDesc); outBuf.Append(htmlContent); }
protected void ProcessWizAddSelectedCourse(string course_id) { // get data from session RegisTransaction reg = (RegisTransaction)Session[SessionVar.CURRENT_REGIS]; if (reg == null) { reg = new RegisTransaction(); } DBManager db = new MySQLDBManager(Config.DB_SERVER, Config.DB_NAME, Config.DB_USER, Config.DB_PASSWORD, Config.DB_CHAR_ENC); Course course = new Course(); course.LoadFromDB(db," course_id=" + course_id); db.Close(); if (course != null) { reg.AddCourse(course); } // save back to session Session[SessionVar.CURRENT_REGIS] = reg; }
protected String[,] LoadStudentList(DBManager db, string courseID) { // Load all information Course c = new Course(); c.LoadFromDB(db); String sqlCount = "SELECT Count(*) "; String sql = "SELECT r.regis_date, s.firstname, s.surname,,, ,r.discounted_cost as discounted_cost, r.note as note, r.status as status, r.regis_id as regis_id "; String sqlWhere = " FROM student s, registration r " + " WHERE s.student_id=r.student_id AND s.is_active=1 AND r.course_id=" + courseID + " ORDER BY r.status, s.firstname, s.surname"; int num = db.QueryCount(sqlCount + sqlWhere); String[,] result = new String[num,9]; int n = 0; OdbcDataReader reader = db.Query(sql + sqlWhere); while (reader.Read()) { int fCount = reader.FieldCount; for (int i = 0; i < fCount; i++) { string name = reader.GetName(i); switch (name) { case "regis_date": result[n, 0] = new DateTime(reader.GetDateTime(i).Ticks).ToString(); break; case "firstname": result[n,1] = reader.GetString(i); break; case "surname": result[n, 1] = result[n, 1] + " " + reader.GetString(i); break; case "school": result[n, 2] = reader.GetString(i); break; case "tel": result[n, 3] = reader.GetString(i); break; case "email": result[n, 4] = reader.GetString(i); break; case "discounted_cost": result[n, 5] = reader.GetInt32(i).ToString(); break; case "status": result[n, 6] = (reader.GetInt32(i)==0?"ปกติ":"ยกเลิก"); break; case "note": result[n, 7] = reader.GetString(i); break; case "regis_id": result[n, 8] = reader.GetInt32(i).ToString(); break; } } n++; } return result; }
protected void DoViewCourse(string courseID) { DBManager db = new MySQLDBManager(Config.DB_SERVER, Config.DB_NAME, Config.DB_USER, Config.DB_PASSWORD, Config.DB_CHAR_ENC); theCourse = new Course(); theCourse.LoadFromDB(db, " course_id=" + courseID); theCourse.LoadTeacher(db); theCourse.LoadPaidGroup(db); db.Close(); TextReader reader = new StreamReader(Config.PATH_APP_ROOT + "\\template\\course_view.htm"); String templateContent = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); String[,] students = LoadStudentList(db, courseID); StringBuilder stdTxt = new StringBuilder(); int numStudent = (students.Length / 9); int numCancel = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numStudent; i++) { stdTxt.Append("<tr>"); for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { // edit registration if (j == 8) { stdTxt.Append("<td>  <a href=\"javascript:jumpToEditRegistration(" + students[i, j] + ")\"><img src=\"img/sys/edit.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Edit\"></a></td>"); continue; } stdTxt.Append("<td>  " + students[i, j]+"</td>"); if ((j == 6) && (students[i, j].Equals("ยกเลิก"))) { numCancel++; } } stdTxt.Append("</tr>"); } String courseScheduleDetail = "-"; if (theCourse._courseType == "คอร์สสด") { courseScheduleDetail = theCourse._startdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", ci) + " - " + theCourse._enddate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", ci) + "<br>" + theCourse._dayOfWeek + " " + theCourse._opentime; } String htmlContent = String.Format(templateContent , Config.URL_PIC_COURSE + "/" + theCourse._img , theCourse._btsCourseID + " " + theCourse._courseName , theCourse._shortName , theCourse._courseType , theCourse._category , courseScheduleDetail , theCourse._teacher._firstname + " " + theCourse._teacher._surname , PaidGroup.GetPaidGroupID(theCourse._paidGroupID)+ " " + theCourse._paidGroup._name , StringUtil.Int2StrComma(theCourse._cost) , theCourse._seatLimit.ToString() , theCourse._bankRegisLimit.ToString() , (numStudent - numCancel).ToString() , theCourse._courseDesc , "สมัคร " + numStudent + " คน ยกเลิก " + (numCancel) + " คน คงเหลือ " + (numStudent - numCancel) + " คน" , stdTxt.ToString() ); outBuf.Append(htmlContent); }
protected String DoSaveStudentListAsExcel(string courseID) { DBManager db = new MySQLDBManager(Config.DB_SERVER, Config.DB_NAME, Config.DB_USER, Config.DB_PASSWORD, Config.DB_CHAR_ENC); theCourse = new Course(); theCourse._courseID = Int32.Parse(courseID); theCourse.LoadFromDB(db); String prefix = "course_students_"; int numDel = DeleteOldReportFile(prefix); log.StampLine(Logger.INFO, "Delete old " + prefix + " " + numDel + " files"); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; String dateStr = StringUtil.FillString(now.Ticks.ToString(), "0", 20, true) + "_" + StringUtil.FillString(Session.GetHashCode().ToString(), "0", 10, true); String filename = prefix + dateStr + ".csv"; String physPath = Config.PATH_APP_ROOT + "\\file\\" + filename; String urlPath = "file/" + filename; FileStream fs = File.Open(physPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fs, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); StringBuilder stdTxt = new StringBuilder(); /* Encoding tis620 = Encoding.GetEncoding("tis-620"); Encoding utf8 = Encoding.UTF8; Encoding encFrom = Encoding.Unicode; Encoding encTo = Encoding.UTF8; String unicodeString = "รหัสชีวิต"; // Convert the string into a byte[]. byte[] unicodeBytes = encFrom.GetBytes(unicodeString); // Perform the conversion from one encoding to the other. byte[] asciiBytes = Encoding.Convert(encFrom, encTo, unicodeBytes); // Convert the new byte[] into a char[] and then into a string. // This is a slightly different approach to converting to illustrate // the use of GetCharCount/GetChars. char[] asciiChars = new char[encTo.GetCharCount(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length)]; encTo.GetChars(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length, asciiChars, 0); // char[] unicodeChars = new char[encFrom.GetCharCount(unicodeBytes, 0, unicodeBytes.Length)]; // encFrom.GetChars(unicodeBytes, 0, unicodeBytes.Length, unicodeChars, 0); //stdTxt.Append("ก"); */ /* stdTxt.Append(asciiChars + "\n"); stdTxt.Append(unicodeString + "\n"); // stdTxt.Append(unicodeChars+"\n"); stdTxt.Append("คิดถึงจัง");*/ //stdTxt.AppendLine((asciiString); //stdTxt.AppendLine(unicodeString); // รหัส,ชื่อ-นามสกุล,โรงเรียน,โทร.,อีเมล์,จำนวนเงิน,หมายเหตุ //stdTxt.Append(StringUtil.GetExcelEncodingPrefix()); stdTxt.Append("รายชิ้อนักเรียนที่ลงทะเบียนคอร์ส " + theCourse._btsCourseID + " " + theCourse._courseName + "\n"); stdTxt.Append("วันที่สมัคร,ชื่อ-นามสกุล,โรงเรียน,โทร.,อีเมล์,จำนวนเงิน, สถานะ, หมายเหตุ \n" ); String[,] students = LoadStudentList(db, courseID); for (int i = 0; i < students.Length / 9; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { stdTxt.Append(StringUtil.AddCSVDQuote(students[i, j])+","); } stdTxt.AppendLine(""); if (i % 100 == 99) { writer.Write(stdTxt); stdTxt = new StringBuilder(); } } if (stdTxt.Length > 0) { writer.Write(stdTxt); } writer.Close(); return urlPath; }
protected String DoInitPrintStudentList(string courseID) { DBManager db = new MySQLDBManager(Config.DB_SERVER, Config.DB_NAME, Config.DB_USER, Config.DB_PASSWORD, Config.DB_CHAR_ENC); theCourse = new Course(); theCourse.LoadFromDB(db); String[,] students = LoadStudentList(db, courseID); StringBuilder stdTxt = new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0;i<students.Length/9;i++) { stdTxt.Append("<tr>"); for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { stdTxt.Append("<td nowrap><font size=2>  " + students[i, j]+"</font></td>"); } stdTxt.Append("</tr>"); } TextReader reader = new StreamReader(Config.PATH_APP_ROOT + "\\template\\course_print_student.htm"); String templateContent = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); String htmlContent = String.Format(templateContent , theCourse._btsCourseID + " " + theCourse._courseName , stdTxt.ToString() ); return htmlContent; }
public bool LoadCourse(DBManager db) { if (_courseID <= 0) return false; _course = new Course(); _course.LoadFromDB(db, " course_id=" + _courseID); // Assign loaded data to helper this._btsCourseID = _course._btsCourseID; this._courseType = _course._courseType; this._courseCategotry = _course._category; this._courseStart = _course._startdate; this._courseEnd = _course._enddate; return true; }
public bool LoadCourse(DBManager db) { if (_courseID <= 0) return false; _course = new Course(); _course.LoadFromDB(db, " course_id=" + _courseID); return true; }