        /// <summary>
        /// Adds mod options tab to tabstrip.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tabStrip">Tab strip to add to</param>
        /// <param name="tabIndex">Index number of tab</param>
        internal GeneralOptionsPanel(UITabstrip tabStrip, int tabIndex)
            // Add tab and helper.
            UIPanel  panel  = PanelUtils.AddTab(tabStrip, Translations.Translate("BOB_OPT_GEN"), tabIndex);
            UIHelper helper = new UIHelper(panel);

            panel.autoLayout = true;

            // Language dropdown.
            UIDropDown languageDrop = UIControls.AddPlainDropDown(panel, Translations.Translate("TRN_CHOICE"), Translations.LanguageList, Translations.Index);

            languageDrop.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (control, index) => Translations.Index = index;

            // Hotkey control.
            panel.gameObject.AddComponent <OptionsKeymapping>();

            // Default grouping behaviour.
            string[] groupItems = new string[]
            UIDropDown groupDropDown = UIControls.AddPlainDropDown(panel, Translations.Translate("BOB_PER_IND"), groupItems, ModSettings.indDefault, 350f);

            groupDropDown.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (control, index) => ModSettings.indDefault = index;

            // Rember last position.
            UICheckBox rememberPosCheck = UIControls.AddPlainCheckBox(panel, Translations.Translate("BOB_OPT_POS"));

            rememberPosCheck.isChecked          = ModSettings.rememberPosition;
            rememberPosCheck.eventCheckChanged += (control, isChecked) => ModSettings.rememberPosition = isChecked;
文件: PanelBase.cs 项目: Alexof/BOB
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a BOB slider to the specified component.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Parent component</param>
        /// <param name="xPos">Relative X position</param
        /// <param name="yPos">Relative Y position</param
        /// <param name="width">Slider width</param>
        /// <param name="labelKey">Text label translation key</param>
        /// <param name="minValue">Minimum displayed value</param
        /// <param name="maxValue">Maximum displayed value</param>
        /// <param name="stepSize">Minimum slider step size</param>
        /// <param name="name">Slider name</param>
        /// <returns>New BOBSlider</returns>
        protected BOBSlider AddBOBSlider(UIComponent parent, float xPos, float yPos, float width, string labelKey, float minValue, float maxValue, float stepSize, string name)
            const float SliderY             = 18f;
            const float ValueY              = 3f;
            const float LabelY              = -13f;
            const float SliderHeight        = 18f;
            const float FloatTextFieldWidth = 45f;
            const float IntTextFieldWidth   = 38f;

            // Slider control.
            BOBSlider newSlider = parent.AddUIComponent <BOBSlider>();

            newSlider.size             = new Vector2(width, SliderHeight);
            newSlider.relativePosition = new Vector2(xPos, yPos + SliderY);
            newSlider.name             = name;

            // Value field - added to parent, not to slider, otherwise slider catches all input attempts.  Integer textfields (stepsize == 1) have shorter widths.
            float       textFieldWidth = stepSize == 1 ? IntTextFieldWidth : FloatTextFieldWidth;
            UITextField valueField     = UIControls.TinyTextField(parent, xPos + Margin + newSlider.width - textFieldWidth, yPos + ValueY, textFieldWidth);

            // Title label.
            UILabel titleLabel = UIControls.AddLabel(newSlider, 0f, LabelY, Translations.Translate(labelKey), textScale: 0.7f);

            // Autoscale tile label text, with minimum size 0.35.
            while (titleLabel.width > newSlider.width - textFieldWidth && titleLabel.textScale > 0.35f)
                titleLabel.textScale -= 0.05f;

            // Slider track.
            UISlicedSprite sliderSprite = newSlider.AddUIComponent <UISlicedSprite>();

            sliderSprite.atlas            = TextureUtils.InGameAtlas;
            sliderSprite.spriteName       = "BudgetSlider";
            sliderSprite.size             = new Vector2(newSlider.width, 9f);
            sliderSprite.relativePosition = new Vector2(0f, 4f);

            // Slider thumb.
            UISlicedSprite sliderThumb = newSlider.AddUIComponent <UISlicedSprite>();

            sliderThumb.atlas      = TextureUtils.InGameAtlas;
            sliderThumb.spriteName = "SliderBudget";
            newSlider.thumbObject  = sliderThumb;

            // Set references.
            newSlider.ValueField = valueField;

            // Event handler for textfield.
            newSlider.ValueField.eventTextSubmitted += newSlider.OnTextSubmitted;

            // Set initial values.
            newSlider.StepSize  = stepSize;
            newSlider.maxValue  = maxValue;
            newSlider.minValue  = minValue;
            newSlider.TrueValue = 0f;

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the target prefab.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetPrefabInfo">Target prefab to set</param>
        internal override void SetTarget(PrefabInfo targetPrefabInfo)
            // Don't do anything if invalid target, or target hasn't changed.
            if (!(targetPrefabInfo is BuildingInfo) || selectedPrefab == targetPrefabInfo)

            // Base setup.

            // Set target reference.
            currentBuilding = SelectedBuilding;

            // Does this building have sub-buildings?
            if (currentBuilding.m_subBuildings != null && currentBuilding.m_subBuildings.Length > 0)
                // Yes - create lists of sub-buildings (names and infos).
                int numSubs    = currentBuilding.m_subBuildings.Length;
                int numChoices = numSubs + 1;
                SubBuildingNames    = new string[numChoices];
                subBuildings        = new BuildingInfo[numChoices];
                SubBuildingNames[0] = PrefabLists.GetDisplayName(currentBuilding);
                subBuildings[0]     = currentBuilding;

                object[] subBuildingIndexes = new object[numChoices];
                subBuildingIndexes[0] = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < numSubs; ++i)
                    SubBuildingNames[i + 1]   = PrefabLists.GetDisplayName(currentBuilding.m_subBuildings[i].m_buildingInfo);
                    subBuildings[i + 1]       = currentBuilding.m_subBuildings[i].m_buildingInfo;
                    subBuildingIndexes[i + 1] = i + 1;

                // Add sub-building menu, if it doesn't already exist.
                if (subBuildingPanel == null)
                    subBuildingPanel = this.AddUIComponent <UIPanel>();

                    // Basic behaviour.
                    subBuildingPanel.autoLayout    = false;
                    subBuildingPanel.canFocus      = true;
                    subBuildingPanel.isInteractive = true;

                    // Appearance.
                    subBuildingPanel.backgroundSprite = "MenuPanel2";
                    subBuildingPanel.opacity          = PanelOpacity;

                    // Size and position.
                    subBuildingPanel.size             = new Vector2(200f, PanelHeight - TitleHeight);
                    subBuildingPanel.relativePosition = new Vector2(-205f, TitleHeight);

                    // Heading.
                    UILabel subTitleLabel = UIControls.AddLabel(subBuildingPanel, 5f, 5f, Translations.Translate("BOB_PNL_SUB"), 190f);
                    subTitleLabel.textAlignment    = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    subTitleLabel.relativePosition = new Vector2(5f, (TitleHeight - subTitleLabel.height) / 2f);

                    // List panel.
                    UIPanel subBuildingListPanel = subBuildingPanel.AddUIComponent <UIPanel>();
                    subBuildingListPanel.relativePosition = new Vector2(Margin, TitleHeight);
                    subBuildingListPanel.width            = subBuildingPanel.width - (Margin * 2f);
                    subBuildingListPanel.height           = subBuildingPanel.height - TitleHeight - (Margin * 2f);

                    subBuildingList = UIFastList.Create <UISubBuildingRow>(subBuildingListPanel);

                    // Create return fastlist from our filtered list.
                    subBuildingList.rowsData = new FastList <object>
                        m_buffer = subBuildingIndexes,
                        m_size   = subBuildingIndexes.Length
                    // If the sub-building panel has already been created. just make sure it's visible.
                // Otherwise, hide the sub-building panel (if it exists).

            // Populate target list and select target item.

            // Apply Harmony rendering patches.
            RenderOverlays.CurrentBuilding = selectedPrefab as BuildingInfo;