/// <summary>
        /// Removes the Peer from this Scope and adds them to the specified targetScope.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="peer">The Peer.</param>
        /// <param name="targetScope">The Scope to handover the Peer to.</param>
        public void HandoverPeer(TPeer peer, BaseServerScope <TPeer> targetScope)
            // tell the peer about this handover
            ScopeUtils.SendScopeSwitchedMessage(this, targetScope, peer);

            // remove peer from this scope
            RemovePeer(peer, false);

            // add peer to target scope
            targetScope.AddPeer(peer, false);
        // Called (event-handler) when a Peer connects organically
        void OnPeerConnectedMsg(NetworkMessage msg)
            // create the peer
            TPeer peer = (TPeer)msg.conn;

            // add to peers

            peer.OnDisconnect += Peer_OnDisconnect;

            // notify event listeners

            // add this peer to the default scope
            defaultScope.AddPeer(peer, true);