public static void ShowDetentionPlot(BMP bmp, string plotTitle = "Wet Detention System Plot") { frmChart formC = new frmChart(bmp, "WetDetention"); formC.Text = plotTitle; formC.ShowDialog(); }
public void CreateFromBMP(BMP bmp) { this.CatchmentID = bmp.CatchmentID; this.BMPType = bmp.BMPType; this.AnnualCost = bmp.TotalAnnualCost; this.ConstructionCost = bmp.BMPCost; this.PresentValue = bmp.PresentWorth; }
public string SpecificBMPReport(int i, BMP bmp) { string s = "<br/>BMP in Series Number: " + i.ToString() + "<br/>"; s += "BMP Type: " + bmp.BMPType + "<br/>"; s += bmp.BMPInputVariables(); return(s); }
public static void ShowVFSPlot(BMP bmp, string plotTitle = "Vegetated Filter Strip Plot") { VegetatedFilterStrip vnb = (VegetatedFilterStrip)bmp; frmChart formC = new frmChart(bmp, "VFS"); formC.Text = plotTitle; formC.ShowDialog(); }
public static void ShowVNBPlot(BMP bmp, string plotTitle = "Vegetated Natural Buffer Plot") { VegetatedNaturalBuffer vnb = (VegetatedNaturalBuffer)bmp; frmChart formC = new frmChart(bmp, "VNB"); formC.Text = plotTitle; formC.ShowDialog(); }
public static void ShowRetentionPlot(BMP bmp, string plotTitle = "Retention Treatment Efficiency") { frmChart formC = new frmChart(bmp, "Storage"); formC.Text = plotTitle; formC.AddMarker(bmp.RetentionDepth, bmp.HydraulicCaptureEfficiency, "System Efficiency at Treatment Depth (in over watershed): " + XmlPropertyObject.AsString(bmp.RetentionDepth, 2)); formC.ShowDialog(); }
public MultipleBMP(Catchment c) : base(c) { RetentionCount = 0; RunoffVolume = c.PostRunoffVolume; BMPType = BMPTrainsProject.sMultipleBMP; bmp1 = new BMP(c); bmp1.BMPType = c.BMP1; bmp2 = new BMP(c); bmp2.BMPType = c.BMP2; bmp3 = new BMP(c); bmp3.BMPType = c.BMP3; bmp4 = new BMP(c); bmp4.BMPType = c.BMP4; }
private void CalculateReductions(BMP bmp) { bmp.BMPNMassLoadOut = bmp.BMPNMassLoadIn * (100 - bmp.ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency) / 100; bmp.BMPPMassLoadOut = bmp.BMPPMassLoadIn * (100 - bmp.ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency) / 100; // //if (!bmp.isRetention()) { // bmp.GroundwaterNMassLoadIn = bmp.BMPNMassLoadIn * bmp.ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency / 100; // bmp.GroundwaterPMassLoadIn = bmp.BMPPMassLoadIn * bmp.ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency / 100; //} }
private void CalculateTraditional(BMP bmp) { if (bmp.isDefined()) { bmp.BMPNMassLoadIn = bmp1.BMPNMassLoadOut; bmp.BMPPMassLoadIn = bmp1.BMPPMassLoadOut; CalculateReductions(bmp); ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency = 100 * (bmp1.BMPNMassLoadIn - bmp.BMPNMassLoadOut) / bmp1.BMPNMassLoadIn; ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency = 100 * (bmp1.BMPPMassLoadIn - bmp.BMPPMassLoadOut) / bmp1.BMPPMassLoadIn; CalculateMassLoading(); } }
public static void SetButtonColor(Catchment catchment, BMP bmp, System.Windows.Forms.Button btn) { System.Drawing.Color dColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen; System.Drawing.Color bColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; System.Drawing.Color sColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightCyan; setButtonColor(bmp.isDefined(), btn); if ((catchment.getSelectedBMP() == bmp) && bmp.isDefined()) { btn.BackColor = sColor; } }
public void AddCost(BMP bmp) { bmp.CalculateCost(Globals.Project.InterestRate, Globals.Project.ProjectDuration, Globals.Project.CostOfWater); LandCost += bmp.LandCost; FixedCost += bmp.FixedCost; BMPCost += bmp.BMPCost; AnnualCostRecovery += bmp.AnnualCostRecovery; MaintenanceCost += bmp.MaintenanceCost; TotalAnnualCost += bmp.TotalAnnualCost; PresentValueOfReplacement += bmp.PresentValueOfReplacement; PresentWorth += bmp.PresentWorth; }
private void RouteRetentionToWetDetention(BMP up, BMP down) { double rt = 0.0; // Adjusted Residence time based on incoming flow difference due to removal // e is provided retention treatment efficiency double e = CalculateEffectiveRetentionTreatmentEfficiency(); up.BMPVolumeOut = up.BMPVolumeIn * e / 100; // This is retention calculation for VOlume Out if (((Storage)up).BMPVolumeOut != 0) { rt = ((WetDetention)down).PermanentPoolVolume / ((Storage)up).BMPVolumeOut * 365; } ((WetDetention)down).Calculate(rt); down.BMPNMassLoadIn = up.BMPNMassLoadOut; down.BMPPMassLoadIn = up.BMPPMassLoadOut; // Now we have to adjust the overall efficiency to take into account the additional removal double NonAdjustedN = CalculateAdjustedEfficiency(e, down.ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency); double NonAdjustedP = CalculateAdjustedEfficiency(e, down.ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency); //if (e > down.ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency) // down.ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency = down.ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency - 22; //else down.ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency = down.ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency - e / 7.0; //down.ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency = NonAdjustedN - e / 7.0; //if (e > down.ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency) // down.ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency = down.ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency - 12; //else down.ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency = down.ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency - e / 7.0; //down.ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency = NonAdjustedP - e / 7.0; if (down.ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency <= 0) { down.ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency = 0.0; } if (down.ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency <= 0) { down.ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency = 0.0; } ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency = CalculateAdjustedEfficiency(e, down.ProvidedNTreatmentEfficiency); ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency = CalculateAdjustedEfficiency(e, down.ProvidedPTreatmentEfficiency); CalculateReductions(down); CalculateReductions(this); }
public void AddBMP(int i, BMP bmp) { if (i == 1) { bmp1 = bmp; } if (i == 2) { bmp2 = bmp; } if (i == 3) { bmp3 = bmp; } if (i == 4) { bmp4 = bmp; } }
public frmChart(DomainCode.BMP _bmp, string BMPType) { InitializeComponent(); ChartType = BMPType; bmp = _bmp; if (BMPType == "Storage") { PlotStorage(bmp); } if (BMPType == "VNB") { PlotVNB((VegetatedNaturalBuffer)bmp, "Nitrogen"); } if (BMPType == "VFS") { PlotVFS((VegetatedFilterStrip)bmp, "Nitrogen"); } if (BMPType == "WetDetention") { PlotWetDetention((WetDetention)bmp, "Nitrogen"); } }