public int ChangePassword(FormCollection f) { try { AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); int cusUserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); string sOldPass = f["txtOldPass"]; string sNewPass = f["txtNewPass"]; string sNewPassConfirm = f["txtNewPassConfirm"]; if (!ab.checkPass(cusUserId, sOldPass)) { return -1; } if (sOldPass == sNewPass) { return -2; } if (sNewPass != sNewPassConfirm) { return -3; } ab.ChangePassword(cusUserId, sNewPass); return 1; } catch { return -4; } }
protected void Page_Load() { AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); if (Context.Session != null) { if (Session.IsNewSession) { } } }
public int CreateNewPassword(FormCollection f) { try { AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); int userId = Convert.ToInt32(f["userId"]); string newPassword = f["txtPass"]; ab.ChangePassword(userId, newPassword); return 1; } catch { return -1; } }
public ActionResult CreateNewPassword(string strUserId, DateTime timeSend) { try { DateTime activeTimeCheck = DateTime.Now; AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); int userId = 0; string salt = strUserId.Substring(strUserId.Length - 88); List<User> lstUser = db.Users.ToList(); foreach (var item in lstUser) { if (ab.CreateIdHash(item.UserId, salt) == strUserId) { userId = item.UserId; } } double check = (activeTimeCheck - timeSend).TotalMinutes; if (check > 1440) { ViewBag.outOfTime = ""; } if (userId != 0) { ViewBag.userId = userId; return View(); } else { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Error"); } } catch { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Error"); } }
public int EditInformation(FormCollection f) { try { AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); int userId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); string sName = f["customerName"]; string sEmail = f["customerEmail"]; if ((int)Session["UserRole"] == 1) { if (ab.checkEmailExisted(userId, sEmail)) { return -1; } ab.ChangeInformation(userId, sName, sEmail, null,null,null); } if ((int)Session["UserRole"] == 2) { if (ab.checkEmailExisted(userId, sEmail)) { return -1; } string sAddress = f["customerAddress"]; string sPhone = f["customerPhoneNumber"]; if (ab.checkPhoneExisted(userId, sPhone)) { return -2; } ab.ChangeInformation(userId, sName, sEmail, sAddress, null, sPhone); } return 1; } catch { return -3; } }
//For customer after enter information public int LoginOrderProduct(FormCollection f) { try { AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); CustomerOrderBusiness cob = new CustomerOrderBusiness(); if (Session["Cart"] == null) { return -4; } List<CustomerCartViewModel> cart = GetCart(); string orderTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); int amount = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Amount"]); int taxAmount = Convert.ToInt32(Session["TaxAmount"]); int discount = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DiscountAmount"]); string sAccount = f.Get("txtAccount").ToString(); string sPassword = f.Get("txtPassword").ToString(); User endUser = ab.checkLogin(sAccount, sPassword); if (endUser != null) { int checkRole = endUser.RoleId; if (checkRole != 3) { TempData["Notify"] = "Tài khoản không hợp lệ"; return -2; } Session["User"] = endUser; Session["UserId"] = endUser.UserId; Session["CusUserId"] = endUser.Customers.ElementAt(0).CustomerId; TempData["userName"] = endUser.Username.ToString(); Session["Phonenumber"] = endUser.Customers.ElementAt(0).CustomerPhoneNumber.ToString(); } else { TempData["Notify"] = "Sai tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu"; return -3; } int cusUserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); DateTime planDeliveryDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Session["DeliveryDate"].ToString(), "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string Note = Session["Note"].ToString(); cob.OrderProduct(orderTime, planDeliveryDate, amount, taxAmount, discount, cusUserId, cart, Note); TempData["orderCode"] = cob.GetOrderCode(); Session["Cart"] = null; Session["Amount"] = null; Session["TaxAmount"] = null; Session["DiscountAmount"] = null; Session["Note"] = null; return 1; } catch { return -5; } }
public int AddStaff(FormCollection f) { try { AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); User staffUser = Session["User"] as User; if (staffUser == null || Session["UserRole"] == null || (int)Session["UserRole"] != 1) { return -7; } else { String staffName = f["txtStaffName"]; String staffUserAccount = f["txtStaffUserAccount"]; String staffPhoneNumber = f["txtStaffPhoneNumber"]; String staffEmail = f["txtStaffEmail"]; String staffAddress = f["txtStaffAddress"]; Staff staff = new Staff(); User user = new User(); var chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; var stringChars = new char[6]; var random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < stringChars.Length; i++) { stringChars[i] = chars[random.Next(chars.Length)]; } var finalString = new String(stringChars); try { user.Fullname = staffName; user.Username = staffUserAccount; user.Email = staffEmail; user.RoleId = 3; user.Password = ab.CreateStaffPassword(finalString); staff.StaffPhoneNumber = staffPhoneNumber; staff.StaffAddress = staffAddress; staff.IsActive = true; staff.User = user; string password = "******"; string from = "*****@*****.**"; string to = staffEmail; MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.To.Add(to); mail.From = new MailAddress(from); mail.Subject = string.Format("{0}{1}", "Tạo tài khoản cho nhân viên ", staffName); mail.Body += "<html lang='vi'>"; mail.Body += "<head>"; mail.Body += "<meta charset='utf-8'>"; mail.Body += "</head>"; mail.Body += "<body>"; mail.Body += "<div> Bạn vừa được tạo tài khoản tại Tiệm Bánh Dâu Tây</div>"; mail.Body += string.Format("{0}{1}", "Tên tài khoản: ", staffUserAccount); mail.Body += "<div></div>"; mail.Body += string.Format("{0}{1}", "Mật khẩu: ", finalString); mail.Body += "</body>"; mail.Body += "</html>"; var mailBody = mail.Body; var htmlBody = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(mailBody, null, "text/html"); mail.AlternateViews.Add(htmlBody); mail.Priority = MailPriority.High; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false; smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(from, password); smtp.Port = 587; smtp.Host = ""; smtp.EnableSsl = true; smtp.Send(mail); } catch (Exception) { return 0; } bool result = StaffBusiness.AddStaff(staff); if (result) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
// GET: Manage public ActionResult Index(int userId) { try { if (Session["User"] == null || Session["UserRole"] == null) { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } if ((int)Session["UserId"] != userId) { return RedirectToAction("Index", "StoreInfor"); } AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); var user = ab.GetUser(userId); return View(user); } catch { return RedirectToAction("ManageError", "Error"); } }
public ActionResult Index() { try { if (Session["User"] == null || Session["UserRole"] == null) { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } ViewBag.TreeView = "storeInfor"; ViewBag.TreeViewMenu = "storeInforList"; AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); StoreInfo storeInfo = db.StoreInfoes.SingleOrDefault(); List<Product> lstNewProduct = db.Products.OrderByDescending(n => n.ProductId).Take(4).ToList(); ViewBag.lstProduct = lstNewProduct; List<Order> lstOrder = db.Orders.Where(n => n.OrderStatus == 0).ToList(); ViewBag.orderWaiting = lstOrder.Count; List<Customer> lstCustomer = db.Customers.ToList(); ViewBag.customer = lstCustomer.Count; List<ProductMaterial> lstLowQuantity = ab.StaffOffLowQuantityNoty(); ViewBag.lowQuantity = lstLowQuantity.Count; return View(storeInfo); } catch { return RedirectToAction("ManageError", "Error"); } }
public int ApproveOrder(int orderId, int deposit, DateTime deliveryTime, int staffUserId, CustomerViewModel newCustomer) { OrderViewModel orderViewModel = GetOrderViewModel(orderId); if (orderViewModel.Order.CustomerEditingFlag) { return -1; } if (orderViewModel == null) { return -2; } if (orderViewModel.Order.OrderStatus != 0) { return -3; } if (!orderViewModel.IsEnoughMaterial) { return -4; } DbContextTransaction contextTransaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; #region Update OutputMaterial; ExportFrom and InputMaterial foreach (OrderItem orderItem in orderViewModel.Order.OrderItems) { List<MaterialViewModel> materialListForOrderItem = GetMaterialListForOrderItem(orderItem.Product.ProductId, orderItem.Quantity); foreach (MaterialViewModel materialViewModel in materialListForOrderItem) { OutputMaterial outputMaterial = new OutputMaterial(); outputMaterial.ExportQuantity = materialViewModel.NeedQuantity; outputMaterial.ProductMaterialId = materialViewModel.ProductMaterialId; outputMaterial.ExportTime = now; outputMaterial.OrderItemId = orderItem.OrderItemId; //Get list of InputMaterial available order by ExpireDate descending List<InputMaterial> tempList = db.InputMaterials.Where( m => m.ProductMaterialId == materialViewModel.ProductMaterialId && m.IsActive && m.RemainQuantity > 0).OrderByDescending(m => m.InputMaterialExpiryDate).ToList(); //Compare each input material with material ViewModel and merge each material of orderItem to input material foreach (InputMaterial inputMaterial in tempList) { if (materialViewModel.NeedQuantity > 0) { ExportFrom exportFrom = new ExportFrom(); if (inputMaterial.RemainQuantity >= materialViewModel.NeedQuantity) { exportFrom.ExportFromQuantity = materialViewModel.NeedQuantity; inputMaterial.RemainQuantity -= materialViewModel.NeedQuantity; materialViewModel.NeedQuantity = 0; } else { materialViewModel.NeedQuantity -= inputMaterial.RemainQuantity; exportFrom.ExportFromQuantity = inputMaterial.RemainQuantity; inputMaterial.RemainQuantity = 0; } InputBill inputBill = inputMaterial.InputBill; // Get info for ExportFrom exportFrom.InputBill = inputBill; // Add input bill to output material outputMaterial.ExportFroms.Add(exportFrom); } } if (materialViewModel.NeedQuantity > 0) { contextTransaction.Rollback(); return -6; } db.OutputMaterials.Add(outputMaterial); db.SaveChanges(); } } #endregion #region Update ProductMaterial foreach (MaterialViewModel materialViewModel in orderViewModel.MaterialList) { //Update currentQuantity of product material ProductMaterial productMaterial = db.ProductMaterials.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ProductMaterialId == materialViewModel.ProductMaterialId); if (productMaterial == null) { contextTransaction.Rollback(); return 0; } productMaterial.CurrentQuantity -= materialViewModel.NeedQuantity; if (productMaterial.CurrentQuantity < 0) { contextTransaction.Rollback(); return -6; } db.SaveChanges(); } #endregion #region UpdateOrder Order order = db.Orders.FirstOrDefault(m => m.OrderId == orderViewModel.Order.OrderId); if (order == null) { contextTransaction.Rollback(); return -2; } order.OrderStatus = 2; order.PlanDeliveryTime = deliveryTime; order.ApproveTime = now; order.DepositAmount = deposit; order.StaffApproveUserId = staffUserId; if (newCustomer != null) { Customer customer = new Customer { CustomerAddress = newCustomer.CustomerAddress, CustomerPhoneNumber = newCustomer.CustomerPhoneNumber, TaxCode = newCustomer.CustomerTaxCode, IsActive = true, IsLoyal = false }; List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer> { customer }; AccountBusiness accountBusiness = new AccountBusiness(); // Generate random password string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; var stringChars = new char[6]; var random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < stringChars.Length; i++) { stringChars[i] = chars[random.Next(chars.Length)]; } string password = new String(stringChars); User user = new User { Fullname = newCustomer.CustomerName, Email = newCustomer.CustomerEmail, Username = newCustomer.Username, Password = accountBusiness.CreatePassword(password) }; Role role = db.Roles.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name.Equals("Customer")); user.Role = role; user.Customers = customers; order.User = user; // Remove Guest Info GuestInfo guestInfo = order.GuestInfo; if (guestInfo != null) { order.GuestInfo = null; db.GuestInfoes.Remove(guestInfo); } // Send Email string passwordStore = "Tiembanhdautay"; string from = "*****@*****.**"; string to = user.Email; MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.To.Add(to); mail.From = new MailAddress(from); mail.Subject = string.Format("{0}{1}", "Tạo tài khoản cho khách hàng ", user.Fullname); mail.Body += "<html lang='vi'>"; mail.Body += "<head>"; mail.Body += "<meta charset='utf-8'>"; mail.Body += "</head>"; mail.Body += "<body>"; mail.Body += "<div> Bạn vừa được tạo tài khoản tại Tiệm Bánh Dâu Tây</div>"; mail.Body += string.Format("{0}{1}", "Tên tài khoản: ", user.Username); mail.Body += "<div></div>"; mail.Body += string.Format("{0}{1}", "Mật khẩu: ", password); mail.Body += "</body>"; mail.Body += "</html>"; var mailBody = mail.Body; var htmlBody = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(mailBody, null, "text/html"); mail.AlternateViews.Add(htmlBody); mail.Priority = MailPriority.High; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false; smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(from, passwordStore); smtp.Port = 587; smtp.Host = ""; smtp.EnableSsl = true; try { smtp.Send(mail); } catch (Exception e) { contextTransaction.Rollback(); return -5; } } try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception) { return 0; } #endregion try { contextTransaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { contextTransaction.Rollback(); return 0; } finally { contextTransaction.Dispose(); } return 1; }
public int GetPassword(FormCollection f) { try { AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); string username = f["txtUsername"].ToString(); List<User> lstUser = db.Users.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < lstUser.Count; i++) { if (lstUser[i].Username == username) { try { string password = "******"; string from = "*****@*****.**"; string to = lstUser[i].Email; MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.To.Add(to); mail.From = new MailAddress(from); mail.Subject = string.Format("{0}{1}", "Tạo mật khẩu mới cho khách hàng ", lstUser[i].Fullname); mail.Body += "<html lang='vi'>"; mail.Body += "<head>"; mail.Body += "<meta charset='utf-8'>"; mail.Body += "</head>"; mail.Body += "<body>"; mail.Body += "<div> Quý khách vừa gởi yêu cầu tạo mật khẩu mới bằng Email này ?</div>"; mail.Body += "<div> Nếu phải, vui lòng bấm vào 'Tạo mới mật khẩu' bên dưới, đường dẫn chỉ có hiệu lực trong vòng 24 tiếng kể từ khi quý khách nhận được email này</div>"; //string link = Url.Encode(string.Format("{0}{1}", Request.Url.Authority, Url.Action("CreateNewPassword", "Account", new { userId = lstUser[i].UserId, timeSend = DateTime.Now }))); //mail.Body += string.Format("<a href='{0}{1}'>Tạo mới mật khẩu</a>", "http://", link); mail.Body += string.Format("<a href='{0}{1}{2}'>Tạo mới mật khẩu</a>", "http://", Request.Url.Authority, Url.Action("CreateNewPassword", "Account", new { strUserId = ab.EncodeUserId(lstUser[i].UserId), timeSend = DateTime.Now })); mail.Body += "</body>"; mail.Body += "</html>"; var mailBody = mail.Body; var htmlBody = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(mailBody, null, "text/html"); mail.AlternateViews.Add(htmlBody); mail.Priority = MailPriority.High; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false; smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(from, password); smtp.Port = 587; smtp.Host = ""; smtp.EnableSsl = true; smtp.Send(mail); return 1; } catch { return -2; } } } return -1; } catch (Exception) { return -1; } }
public ActionResult ConfigIndex() { try { if (Session["User"] == null || Session["UserRole"] == null) { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } if ((int)Session["UserRole"] == 2) { return RedirectToAction("Index"); } ViewBag.TreeView = "storeInfor"; ViewBag.TreeViewMenu = "configStoreInfor"; AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); List<Product> lstNewProduct = db.Products.OrderBy(n => n.ProductId).Take(4).ToList(); ViewBag.lstProduct = lstNewProduct; List<Order> lstOrder = db.Orders.Where(n => n.OrderStatus == 0).ToList(); ViewBag.orderWaiting = lstOrder.Count; List<Customer> lstCustomer = db.Customers.ToList(); ViewBag.customer = lstCustomer.Count; List<ProductMaterial> lstLowQuantity = ab.StaffOffLowQuantityNoty(); ViewBag.lowQuantity = lstLowQuantity.Count; Policy policy = db.Policies.SingleOrDefault(n => n.PolicyId == 1); ViewBag.minQuantity = policy; Policy policy2 = db.Policies.SingleOrDefault(n => n.PolicyId == 2); ViewBag.maxPrice = policy2; List<DiscountByQuantity> discountByQuantity = db.DiscountByQuantities.ToList(); ViewBag.discountByQuantity = discountByQuantity; var quantityFrom = db.DiscountByQuantities.Select(n => n.QuantityFrom).ToList(); var quantityTo = db.DiscountByQuantities.Select(n => n.QuantityTo).ToList(); var discountRate = db.DiscountByQuantities.Select(n => n.DiscountValue).ToList(); ViewBag.QuantityFrom = quantityFrom; ViewBag.quantityTo = quantityTo; ViewBag.DiscountValue = discountRate; List<Category> category = db.Categories.Where(n => n.CategoryName != "Bánh").ToList(); ViewBag.category = category; return View(); } catch { return RedirectToAction("ManageError", "Error"); } }
public ActionResult Logout() { try { AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); if (Session["CusUserId"] != null) { MvcApplication.changeStatusNotifer.Dispose(); ab.SetLogoutTime((int)Session["UserId"]); } if (Session["UserRole"] != null) { if ((int)Session["UserRole"] == 2) { ab.SetLogoutTime((int)Session["UserId"]); } } Session["User"] = null; Session["BeEdited"] = null; Session.Clear(); return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } catch { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Error"); } }
public int Login(FormCollection f, string strURL) { AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); try { string sAccount = f.Get("txtAccount"); string sPassword = f.Get("txtPassword"); User endUser = ab.checkLogin(sAccount, sPassword); if (endUser == null) { return -1; } if (!endUser.IsConfirmed) { ab.ConfirmAccount(endUser.UserId); } if (endUser.RoleId == 3) { if (!endUser.Customers.ElementAt(0).IsActive) { return -2; } Session["User"] = endUser; Session["UserId"] = endUser.UserId; Session["CusUserId"] = endUser.Customers.ElementAt(0).CustomerId; Session["Phonenumber"] = endUser.Customers.ElementAt(0).CustomerPhoneNumber; //Check customer off notifier List<Order> lstNewOrderNoty = ab.CustomerOffNewOrderNoty((int)Session["UserId"]); List<Order> lstEditedOrderNoty = ab.CustomerOffEditedOrderNoty((int)Session["UserId"]); List<Order> lstConfirmOrderNoty = ab.CustomerOffConfirmOrderNoty((int)Session["UserId"]); if (lstNewOrderNoty != null) { Session["CusNewOrderCountPartial"] = Session["CusNotificateCount"] = lstNewOrderNoty.Count; if (lstEditedOrderNoty != null) { Session["CusEditOrderCountPartial"] = lstEditedOrderNoty.Count; Session["CusNotificateCount"] = lstNewOrderNoty.Count + lstEditedOrderNoty.Count; if (lstConfirmOrderNoty != null) { Session["CusConfirmOrderCountPartial"] = lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count; Session["CusNotificateCount"] = lstNewOrderNoty.Count + lstEditedOrderNoty.Count + lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count; } } else { if (lstConfirmOrderNoty != null) { Session["CusConfirmOrderCountPartial"] = lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count; Session["CusNotificateCount"] = lstNewOrderNoty.Count + lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count; } } } else { if (lstEditedOrderNoty != null) { Session["CusEditOrderCountPartial"] = Session["CusNotificateCount"] = lstEditedOrderNoty.Count; if (lstConfirmOrderNoty != null) { Session["CusConfirmOrderCountPartial"] = lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count; Session["CusNotificateCount"] = lstEditedOrderNoty.Count + lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count; } } else { if (lstConfirmOrderNoty != null) { Session["CusConfirmOrderCountPartial"] = Session["CusNotificateCount"] = lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count; } } } //Open connection with this Customer string dependencyCheckSql = string.Format("{0}{1}", "SELECT OrderStatus FROM dbo.[Orders] WHERE CustomerUserId=", endUser.UserId); Session["CheckToNotify"] = endUser.UserId; MvcApplication.changeStatusNotifer.Start("BMAChangeDB", dependencyCheckSql); MvcApplication.changeStatusNotifer.Change += this.OnChange3; return 1; } else { if (endUser.RoleId == 2) { if (!endUser.Staffs.ElementAt(0).IsActive) { return -2; } MvcApplication.notifier.Dispose(); MvcApplication.notifier.Start("BMAChangeDB", "SELECT OrderId FROM dbo.[Orders]"); MvcApplication.notifier.Change += this.OnChange; MvcApplication.lowQuantityNotifer.Dispose(); MvcApplication.lowQuantityNotifer.Start("BMAChangeDB", "SELECT ProductMaterialId,CurrentQuantity,StandardQuantity FROM dbo.[ProductMaterial] WHERE (CurrentQuantity < StandardQuantity AND IsActive = 'True')"); MvcApplication.lowQuantityNotifer.Change += this.OnChange2; //Check staff off notifier List<Order> lstNewOrderNoty = ab.StaffOffNewOrderNoty(); List<Order> lstConfirmOrderNoty = ab.StaffOffConfirmOrderNoty(); List<Order> lstCancelOrderNoty = ab.StaffOffCancelOrderNoty(); List<ProductMaterial> lstLowQuantityNoty = ab.StaffOffLowQuantityNoty(); if (lstNewOrderNoty != null) { Session["NewOrderCountPartial"] = Session["NotificateCount"] = lstNewOrderNoty.Count; if (lstConfirmOrderNoty != null) { Session["ConfirmOrderCountPartial"] = lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count; Session["NotificateCount"] = lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count + lstNewOrderNoty.Count; if (lstCancelOrderNoty != null) { Session["CancelOrderCountPartial"] = lstCancelOrderNoty.Count; Session["NotificateCount"] = lstCancelOrderNoty.Count + lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count + lstNewOrderNoty.Count; if (lstLowQuantityNoty != null) { Session["LowMaterialCountPartial"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count; Session["NotificateCount"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count + lstCancelOrderNoty.Count + lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count + lstNewOrderNoty.Count; } } else { if (lstLowQuantityNoty != null) { Session["LowMaterialCountPartial"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count; Session["NotificateCount"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count + lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count + lstNewOrderNoty.Count; } } } else { if (lstCancelOrderNoty != null) { Session["CancelOrderCountPartial"] = lstCancelOrderNoty.Count; Session["NotificateCount"] = lstCancelOrderNoty.Count + lstNewOrderNoty.Count; if (lstLowQuantityNoty != null) { Session["LowMaterialCountPartial"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count; Session["NotificateCount"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count + lstCancelOrderNoty.Count + lstNewOrderNoty.Count; } } else { if (lstLowQuantityNoty != null) { Session["LowMaterialCountPartial"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count; Session["NotificateCount"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count + lstNewOrderNoty.Count; } } } } else { if (lstConfirmOrderNoty != null) { Session["ConfirmOrderCountPartial"] = Session["NotificateCount"] = lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count; if (lstCancelOrderNoty != null) { Session["CancelOrderCountPartial"] = lstCancelOrderNoty.Count; Session["NotificateCount"] = lstCancelOrderNoty.Count + lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count; if (lstLowQuantityNoty != null) { Session["LowMaterialCountPartial"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count; Session["NotificateCount"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count + lstCancelOrderNoty.Count + lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count; } } else { if (lstLowQuantityNoty != null) { Session["LowMaterialCountPartial"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count; Session["NotificateCount"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count + lstConfirmOrderNoty.Count; } } } else { if (lstCancelOrderNoty != null) { Session["CancelOrderCountPartial"] = Session["NotificateCount"] = lstCancelOrderNoty.Count; if (lstLowQuantityNoty != null) { Session["LowMaterialCountPartial"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count; Session["NotificateCount"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count + lstCancelOrderNoty.Count; } } else { if (lstLowQuantityNoty != null) { Session["LowMaterialCountPartial"] = Session["NotificateCount"] = lstLowQuantityNoty.Count; } } } } } Session["User"] = endUser; Session["UserId"] = endUser.UserId; Session["UserRole"] = endUser.Role.RoleId; return 2; } } catch { return -1; } }
public int ChangePasswordConfirm(FormCollection f) { try { AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); int cusUserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); string sOldPass = f["txtOldPass"]; string sNewPass = f["txtNewPass"]; string sNewPassConfirm = f["txtNewPassConfirm"]; if (!ab.checkPass(cusUserId, sOldPass)) { TempData["checkOldPass"] = "******"; return -1; } if (sOldPass == sNewPass) { TempData["checkUnchange"] = "Mật khẩu mới và mật khẩu cũ giống nhau! Vui lòng thử lại."; return -2; } if (sNewPass != sNewPassConfirm) { TempData["checkConfirmPass"] = "******"; return -3; } ab.ChangePassword(cusUserId, sNewPass); return 1; } catch { return -4; } }
public ActionResult ChangePassword(int UserId) { try { AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); if (Session["User"] == null || ((int)Session["UserId"] != UserId)) { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } var user = ab.GetUser(UserId); return View(user); } catch { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Error"); } }
public int ChangeInformationConfirm(FormCollection f) { try { AccountBusiness ab = new AccountBusiness(); int cusUserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); string sName = f["txtName"]; string sAddress = f["txtAdress"]; string sEmail = f["txtEmail"]; string sTaxCode = f["txtTaxCode"]; string sPhone = f["txtPhone"]; if (ab.checkEmailExisted(cusUserId, sEmail)) { return -1; } if (ab.checkPhoneExisted(cusUserId, sPhone)) { return -2; } if (ab.checkTaxCodeExisted(cusUserId, sTaxCode)) { return -3; } ab.ChangeInformation(cusUserId, sName, sEmail, sAddress, sTaxCode, sPhone); return 1; } catch { return -4; } }
/// <summary> /// Add new order /// </summary> /// <param name="cartList">List of product</param> /// <param name="customerUserId">If add for customer in DB, the ID of user of customer</param> /// <param name="inputCustomer">If add for new customer</param> /// <param name="staffUserId">Adding statff user id</param> /// <param name="deposit">Deposit</param> /// <param name="deliveryDate">Delivery Date</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool AddOrder(List<CartViewModel> cartList, int? customerUserId, CustomerViewModel inputCustomer, int staffUserId, int deposit, DateTime deliveryDate, string orderNote) { OrderViewModel orderViewModel = MakeOrderViewModel(cartList, customerUserId, null); if (orderViewModel == null) { return false; } DbContextTransaction contextTransaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction(); // Add order Order order = new Order(); order = orderViewModel.Order; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; order.ApproveTime = now; order.CreateTime = now; order.OrderStatus = 2; order.PlanDeliveryTime = deliveryDate; order.DepositAmount = deposit; order.StaffApproveUserId = staffUserId; order.OrderNote = orderNote; // Get current identity of Order table var currentOrderId = db.Database.SqlQuery<decimal>("SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('Orders')").FirstOrDefault(); String orderCode = "O" + now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + (((currentOrderId + 1) % 10000)).ToString(new string('0', 4)); order.OrderCode = orderCode; // Customer // Exist User if (customerUserId != null && inputCustomer == null) { order.CustomerUserId = customerUserId; } // New User else if (customerUserId == null && inputCustomer != null) { //Add customer User checkUser = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Username == inputCustomer.Username || m.Email == inputCustomer.CustomerEmail); Customer checkCustomer = db.Customers.FirstOrDefault( m => m.CustomerAddress == inputCustomer.CustomerAddress || m.CustomerPhoneNumber == inputCustomer.CustomerPhoneNumber || m.TaxCode == inputCustomer.CustomerTaxCode); if (checkUser == null && checkCustomer == null) { AccountBusiness accountBusiness = new AccountBusiness(); // Create user Role role = db.Roles.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name.Equals("Customer")); // Generate password string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; var stringChars = new char[6]; var random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < stringChars.Length; i++) { stringChars[i] = chars[random.Next(chars.Length)]; } string password = new String(stringChars); User user = new User { Username = inputCustomer.Username, Email = inputCustomer.CustomerEmail, Password = accountBusiness.CreatePassword(password), Role = role, Fullname = inputCustomer.CustomerName }; // Creat customer Customer customer = new Customer { CustomerAddress = inputCustomer.CustomerAddress, CustomerPhoneNumber = inputCustomer.CustomerPhoneNumber, TaxCode = inputCustomer.CustomerTaxCode, IsActive = true }; user.Customers.Add(customer); order.User = user; string passwordStore = "Tiembanhdautay"; string from = "*****@*****.**"; string to = user.Email; MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.To.Add(to); mail.From = new MailAddress(from); mail.Subject = string.Format("{0}{1}", "Tạo tài khoản cho khách hàng ", user.Fullname); mail.Body += "<html lang='vi'>"; mail.Body += "<head>"; mail.Body += "<meta charset='utf-8'>"; mail.Body += "</head>"; mail.Body += "<body>"; mail.Body += "<div> Bạn vừa được tạo tài khoản tại Tiệm Bánh Dâu Tây</div>"; mail.Body += string.Format("{0}{1}", "Tên tài khoản: ", user.Username); mail.Body += "<div></div>"; mail.Body += string.Format("{0}{1}", "Mật khẩu: ", password); mail.Body += "</body>"; mail.Body += "</html>"; var mailBody = mail.Body; var htmlBody = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(mailBody, null, "text/html"); mail.AlternateViews.Add(htmlBody); mail.Priority = MailPriority.High; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false; smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(from, passwordStore); smtp.Port = 587; smtp.Host = ""; smtp.EnableSsl = true; try { smtp.Send(mail); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } } #region Add OrderItem, OutputMaterial, ExportFrom, InputMaterial foreach (OrderItem orderItem in orderViewModel.Order.OrderItems) { List<OutputMaterial> outputMaterialList = new List<OutputMaterial>(); List<MaterialViewModel> materialListForOrderItem = GetMaterialListForOrderItem(orderItem.Product.ProductId, orderItem.Quantity); foreach (MaterialViewModel materialViewModel in materialListForOrderItem) { OutputMaterial outputMaterial = new OutputMaterial(); outputMaterial.ExportQuantity = materialViewModel.NeedQuantity; outputMaterial.ProductMaterialId = materialViewModel.ProductMaterialId; //Get list of InputMaterial available order by expire date descending List<InputMaterial> tempList = db.InputMaterials.Where( m => m.ProductMaterialId == materialViewModel.ProductMaterialId && m.IsActive && m.RemainQuantity > 0).OrderByDescending(m => m.InputMaterialExpiryDate).ToList(); //Compare each input material with material ViewModel and merge each material of orderItem to input material foreach (InputMaterial inputMaterial in tempList) { if (materialViewModel.NeedQuantity > 0) { ExportFrom exportFrom = new ExportFrom(); if (inputMaterial.RemainQuantity >= materialViewModel.NeedQuantity) { exportFrom.ExportFromQuantity = materialViewModel.NeedQuantity; inputMaterial.RemainQuantity -= materialViewModel.NeedQuantity; materialViewModel.NeedQuantity = 0; } else { materialViewModel.NeedQuantity -= inputMaterial.RemainQuantity; exportFrom.ExportFromQuantity = inputMaterial.RemainQuantity; inputMaterial.RemainQuantity = 0; } InputBill inputBill = inputMaterial.InputBill; // Get info for ExportFrom exportFrom.InputBill = inputBill; // Add input bill to output material outputMaterial.ExportFroms.Add(exportFrom); } } outputMaterialList.Add(outputMaterial); } orderItem.OutputMaterials = outputMaterialList; } #endregion #region Update ProductMaterial foreach (MaterialViewModel materialViewModel in orderViewModel.MaterialList) { //Update currentQuantity of product material ProductMaterial productMaterial = db.ProductMaterials.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ProductMaterialId == materialViewModel.ProductMaterialId); if (productMaterial == null) { return false; } productMaterial.CurrentQuantity -= materialViewModel.NeedQuantity; db.SaveChanges(); } #endregion // Add order to db db.Orders.Add(order); db.SaveChanges(); try { contextTransaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { contextTransaction.Rollback(); } finally { contextTransaction.Dispose(); } return true; }