private void ImportRoutes() { string sql = " Truncate Table RouteMaster"; if (CheckTable("RouteMaster")) { if (MessageBox.Show("The Route Table do exists in the Database!\n" + " The data will be deleted. Continue updating", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { ExecuteSQLDirect(sql); } else { return; } } ExecuteSQLDirect(sql); sql = "Select * from Route_List"; table = new DataTable(); old = new OldBlObj(); pbR.Value = 0; table = old.GetDataTable(sql); int idiv = table.Rows.Count; ExportBulkQty(table, "RouteMaster"); pbR.Value = 100; lbRM.Text = "Imported Records" + idiv; }
private void ImportQty() { string sql = "Select * from Collection_tbl where Month(trDate)=" + dtM.Value.Month + " And Year(trdate) = " + dtM.Value.Year + " Order By trDate "; int i = 0, idiv = 0; table = new DataTable(); old = new OldBlObj(); table = old.GetDataTable(sql); idiv = table.Rows.Count / 100; CheckRowIntegrity(); ExportBulkQty(table, "Collection_tbl"); pgbQty.Value = 100; lmsgQ.Text = string.Format("Importing record {0,6}", table.Rows.Count); }
private void ImportOther() { // Here we backup previous Main_Reg Table string tabName = "Main_Reg_" + dtM.Value.Year.ToString().Trim() + "_" + String.Format("{0:MMM}", dtM.Value.AddMonths(-1)); int idiv = 0; bool TableCreated = false; // Getting data from old system string sql = "Select * from Main_Reg"; table = new DataTable(); old = new OldBlObj(); table = old.GetDataTable(sql); idiv = table.Rows.Count; pbOth.Value = 0; // Here we check previous table exists if (CheckTable(tabName)) { sql = "Drop Table " + tabName; ExecuteSQLDirect(sql); //sql = "Insert " + tabName + " Select * FROM Main_Reg"; //ExecuteSQLDirect(sql); CreateTable(tabName); TableCreated = true; } else { CreateTable(tabName); TableCreated = true; } sql = "Truncate Table Main_Reg"; ExecuteSQLDirect(sql); ExportBulkQty(table, "Main_Reg"); // Here we are going update present suppliers with OLD parameters if (TableCreated) { sql = " Update Main_Reg Set DeductionRate = " + tabName + ".DeductionRate, isActive =" + tabName + ".isActive," + "isBogus=" + tabName + ".isBogus From " + tabName + " Where Main_Reg.RegNo =" + tabName + ".RegNo"; ExecuteSQLDirect(sql); } // Here we marking active suppliers sql = " Update Main_Reg Set isActive = 1 Where RegNo in ( Select Distinct RegNo From Collection_Tbl Where" + " Month(trDate) = " + dtM.Value.Month + " AND Year(trDate) = " + dtM.Value.Year + ")"; ExecuteSQLDirect(sql); lo.Text = String.Format("Imported Master Records = {0,6}", idiv); pbOth.Value = 100; contxt.Database.Connection.Close(); }
private void GetOldRoutes() { old = new OldBlObj(); string sql = " Select * from Route_List"; DataTable oldr = new DataTable(); oldr = old.GetDataTable(sql); int reccnt = 0; if (oldr.Rows.Count > 0) { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; foreach (DataRow dr in oldr.Rows) { address.AddressType =; string routeName = dr["rName"].ToString().Trim(); address.AddressName = routeName; address.AddressLine01 = address.AddressName; address.FactoryId =; AddressBook abtemp = contxt.AddressBooks.FirstOrDefault( o => o.AddressName.Trim() == routeName && o.AddressType ==; if (abtemp == null) { //isNew = true; isEdit = false; //Save(); address.CreatedBy = 1; address.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; contxt.AddressBooks.Add(address); contxt.Entry(address).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added; } else { //isNew = false; isEdit = true; =; abtemp.ModifiedBy = 1; abtemp.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; abtemp.AddressName = address.AddressName; abtemp.AddressLine01 = address.AddressLine01; abtemp.AddressLine02 = address.AddressLine02; abtemp.AddressBookType = address.AddressBookType; abtemp.AddressType =; contxt.Entry(abtemp).CurrentValues.SetValues(address);// = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; abtemp = null; } contxt.SaveChanges(); reccnt++; if (reccnt % 100 == 0) { pgAb.Value++; } pgAb.Refresh(); address = new AddressBook(); //Application. } lmsg.Text = reccnt.ToString() + " Record updated"; if (reccnt < 100) { pgAb.Value = pgAb.Value + (100 - pgAb.Value); } pgAb.Refresh(); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
private void ImportOldData() { //System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection olecn; //System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand olecmd; //System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter oleda; //string oldcn = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["blold"].ConnectionString; //olecn = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(oldcn); string sql = "Select * from Main_Reg"; DataTable olds = new DataTable(); Application.UseWaitCursor = true; OldBlObj old = new OldBlObj(); olds = old.GetDataTable(sql); int reccnt = olds.Rows.Count; int intval = reccnt / 100; int newsup = 0; reccnt = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in olds.Rows) { supplier.RegNo = int.Parse(dr["RegNo"].ToString()); supplier.PayMode = dr["PayMode"].ToString(); supplier.BankAccount = dr["AcNumber"].ToString(); supplier.SavingRegistered = int.Parse(dr["SavingReg"].ToString() == "True" ? "1" :"0"); supplier.WelfareRegistered = dr["WelfareReg"].ToString() == "Yes" ? 1 : 0; supplier.FactoryId =; DateTime rd; if (DateTime.TryParse(dr["RegDate"].ToString(), out rd)) { supplier.RegDate = rd; } route = routes.Where(o => o.AddressName.Trim() == dr["RouteName"].ToString().Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); if (route == null) { throw new Exception("The route is not registered"); } else { supplier.RouteId =; } //if (dr["WelfareReg"].ToString() == "Yes") // supplier.WelfareRegDate= DateTime.Parse(dr[]) SupplierMaster stemp = contxt.SupplierMasters.FirstOrDefault(o => o.RegNo == supplier.RegNo); if (stemp == null) { isNew = true; isEdit = false; address.CreatedBy = 1; address.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; contxt.AddressBooks.Add(address); contxt.Entry(address).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added; contxt.SaveChanges(); contxt.Entry(address).Reload(); supplier.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; supplier.CreatedBy = 1; supplier.AddressBookId =; contxt.SupplierMasters.Add(supplier); contxt.Entry(supplier).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added; newsup++; } else { isNew = false; isEdit = true; AddressBook atemp = contxt.AddressBooks.Where(o => == stemp.AddressBookId).FirstOrDefault(); if (atemp == null) { address.AddressType =; address.FactoryId =; address.AddressName = dr["RegName"].ToString(); address.AddressLine01 = dr["Address"].ToString(); address.TP01 = dr["TPno"].ToString(); address.CreatedBy = 1; address.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; contxt.AddressBooks.Add(address); contxt.Entry(address).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added; contxt.SaveChanges(); contxt.Entry(address).Reload(); } address.AddressType =; address.FactoryId =; =; address.AddressName = dr["RegName"].ToString(); address.AddressLine01 = dr["Address"].ToString(); address.TP01 = dr["TPno"].ToString(); address.ModifiedBy = 1; address.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; contxt.Entry(atemp).CurrentValues.SetValues(address); contxt.SaveChanges(); // Here we are going to update supplier =; supplier.AddressBookId =; supplier.ModifiedBy = 1; supplier.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; contxt.Entry(stemp).CurrentValues.SetValues(supplier); contxt.SaveChanges(); } reccnt++; int upd = reccnt % 100 == 0 ? pgb.Value++ : 0; pgb.Refresh(); address = new AddressBook(); supplier = new SupplierMaster(); } Application.UseWaitCursor = false; MessageBox.Show(" Suppliers imported =" + newsup); }