private void AddItem_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Shelf slf = new Shelf(); DataTable dtSlf = slf.GetShelves(); BLL.Program prog = new BLL.Program(); prog.GetParentPrograms(); cboPrograms.DataSource = prog.DefaultView; cboPrograms.SelectedIndex = -1; PopulateFields(); ResetForHub(); }
private void BeforeLayout(object sender, LayoutEventArgs e) { if (this.IsReady) { return; } // Do this only the first time, when the page loaded. //PopulateCatTree(SelectedType); DataTable dtMonths = new DataTable(); dtMonths.Columns.Add("Value"); dtMonths.Columns.Add("Month"); dtDate.Value = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; dtDate.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; _dtCur = ConvertDate.DateConverter(dtDate.Text); int currentMont = _dtCur.Month; int year = _dtCur.Year;// ((currentMont < 11) ? _dtCur.Year : _dtCur.Year + 1); Item itm = new Item(); DataTable dtyears = itm.AllYears(); cboYear.Properties.DataSource = dtyears; cboYear.EditValue = year; BLL.Program prog = new BLL.Program(); new DataTable(); DataTable dtProg = prog.GetSubPrograms(); object[] objProg = { 0, "All Programs", "", 0, "" }; dtProg.Rows.Add(objProg); lkPrograms.Properties.DataSource = dtProg; lkPrograms.EditValue = 0; lkStore.SetupActivityEditor().SetDefaultActivity(); //lkStore.EditValue = (BLL.Settings.IsRdfMode)? 9: 1; this.IsReady = true; layoutProgressBar.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Always; PopulateGrid(); }
private void cboPrograms_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { lstPrograms.Items.Clear(); BLL.Program prog = new BLL.Program(); ItemProgram progItem = new ItemProgram(); if (cboPrograms.SelectedValue != null) { prog.GetSubProgramsByParentId(Convert.ToInt32(cboPrograms.SelectedValue)); } else { prog.GetSubPrograms(); } foreach (DataRowView dv in prog.DefaultView) { bool check = false; check = progItem.CheckIfExists(itemId, Convert.ToInt32(dv["ID"])); lstPrograms.Items.Add(dv["Name"], check); } }
private void PopulateFields() { // Bind the lookups first ABC abc = new ABC(); abc.LoadAll(); radioGroupABC.Properties.Items.Clear(); while(!abc.EOF){ radioGroupABC.Properties.Items.Add(new RadioGroupItem(abc.ID, abc.Description)); abc.MoveNext(); } radioGroupVEN.Properties.Items.Clear(); VEN ven = new VEN(); ven.LoadAll(); while (!ven.EOF) { radioGroupVEN.Properties.Items.Add(new RadioGroupItem(ven.ID, ven.Description)); ven.MoveNext(); } if(itemId != 0) { Item itm = new Item(); //itm.LoadByPrimaryKey(itemId); DataTable dtItem = itm.GetItemById(itemId); txtItemName.Text = itm.FullItemName;//String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}", dtItem.Rows[0]["ItemName"], dtItem.Rows[0]["DosageForm"], dtItem.Rows[0]["Strength"]); ckExculed.Checked = (!itm.IsColumnNull("IsInHospitalList"))?itm.IsInHospitalList:false; chkProcessDecimal.Checked = (!itm.IsColumnNull("ProcessInDecimal")) ? itm.ProcessInDecimal : false; if (!itm.IsColumnNull("ABCID")) { radioGroupABC.EditValue = itm.GetColumn("ABCID"); } if (!itm.IsColumnNull("VENID")) { radioGroupVEN.EditValue = itm.GetColumn("VENID"); } Supplier sup = new Supplier(); sup.LoadAll(); ItemSupplier itmSup = new ItemSupplier(); itmSup.GetSuppliersAndMarkThoseUsed(itemId); while(!itmSup.EOF) { lstSuppliers.Items.Add(itmSup.GetColumn("CompanyName"),Convert.ToBoolean(itmSup.GetColumn("IsUsed"))); itmSup.MoveNext(); } BLL.Program prog = new BLL.Program(); prog.GetSubPrograms(); ItemProgram progItem = new ItemProgram(); lstPrograms.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRowView dv in prog.DefaultView) { bool check = false; check = progItem.CheckIfExists(itemId,Convert.ToInt32(dv["ID"])); lstPrograms.Items.Add(dv["Name"],check); } } }
private void cboPrograms_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { lstPrograms.Items.Clear(); BLL.Program prog = new BLL.Program(); ItemProgram progItem = new ItemProgram(); if (cboPrograms.SelectedValue != null) { prog.GetSubProgramsByParentId(Convert.ToInt32(cboPrograms.SelectedValue)); } else { prog.GetSubPrograms(); } foreach (DataRowView dv in prog.DefaultView) { bool check = false; check = progItem.CheckIfExists(itemId, Convert.ToInt32(dv["ID"])); lstPrograms.Items.Add(dv["Name"],check); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!AccountTypeSelectionValid()) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Please choose to which account types this item applies to.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); gridViewStoreItemMatrix.SetColumnError(gridColAcctType, "At least one account type needs to be selected"); return; } Item itm = new Item(); ItemSupplier itmSup = new ItemSupplier(); if (itemId != 0) itm.LoadByPrimaryKey(itemId); else { itm.AddNew(); ItemCategory prodCate = new ItemCategory(); prodCate.AddNew(); prodCate.ItemId = itm.ID; prodCate.SubCategoryID = Convert.ToInt32(categoryId); prodCate.Save(); } if(radioGroupABC.EditValue != null){ itm.ABC = Convert.ToInt32(radioGroupABC.EditValue); } if (radioGroupVEN.EditValue != null) { itm.VEN = Convert.ToInt32(radioGroupVEN.EditValue); } itm.IsInHospitalList = ckExculed.Checked; itm.ProcessInDecimal = chkProcessDecimal.Checked; itm.Save(); if (itm.IsInHospitalList) { SaveHubDetails(); } else { // clear out the prefered locations // clear out the pick face locations // make sure that this item could be made not in the list } itmSup.DeleteAllSupForItem(itm.ID); Supplier sup = new Supplier(); for (int i = 0; i < lstSuppliers.CheckedItems.Count;i++ ) { sup.GetSupplierByName(lstSuppliers.CheckedItems[i].ToString()); itmSup.AddNew(); itmSup.ItemID = itm.ID; itmSup.SupplierID = sup.ID; itmSup.Save(); } ItemProgram progItm = new ItemProgram(); progItm.DeleteAllProgramsForItem(itemId); BLL.Program prog = new BLL.Program(); for (int i = 0; i < lstPrograms.CheckedItems.Count; i++) { prog.GetProgramByName(lstPrograms.CheckedItems[i].ToString()); progItm.AddNew(); progItm.ItemID = itm.ID; progItm.ProgramID = prog.ID; progItm.Save(); } XtraMessageBox.Show("Item Detail is Saved Successfully!", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); }
private void PopulateFields() { // Bind the lookups first ABC abc = new ABC(); abc.LoadAll(); radioGroupABC.Properties.Items.Clear(); while (!abc.EOF) { radioGroupABC.Properties.Items.Add(new RadioGroupItem(abc.ID, abc.Description)); abc.MoveNext(); } radioGroupVEN.Properties.Items.Clear(); VEN ven = new VEN(); ven.LoadAll(); while (!ven.EOF) { radioGroupVEN.Properties.Items.Add(new RadioGroupItem(ven.ID, ven.Description)); ven.MoveNext(); } if (itemId != 0) { Item itm = new Item(); //itm.LoadByPrimaryKey(itemId); DataTable dtItem = itm.GetItemById(itemId); txtItemName.Text = itm.FullItemName;//String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}", dtItem.Rows[0]["ItemName"], dtItem.Rows[0]["DosageForm"], dtItem.Rows[0]["Strength"]); ckExculed.Checked = (!itm.IsColumnNull("IsInHospitalList"))?itm.IsInHospitalList:false; chkProcessDecimal.Checked = (!itm.IsColumnNull("ProcessInDecimal")) ? itm.ProcessInDecimal : false; if (!itm.IsColumnNull("ABCID")) { radioGroupABC.EditValue = itm.GetColumn("ABCID"); } if (!itm.IsColumnNull("VENID")) { radioGroupVEN.EditValue = itm.GetColumn("VENID"); } Supplier sup = new Supplier(); sup.LoadAll(); ItemSupplier itmSup = new ItemSupplier(); itmSup.GetSuppliersAndMarkThoseUsed(itemId); while (!itmSup.EOF) { lstSuppliers.Items.Add(itmSup.GetColumn("CompanyName"), Convert.ToBoolean(itmSup.GetColumn("IsUsed"))); itmSup.MoveNext(); } BLL.Program prog = new BLL.Program(); prog.GetSubPrograms(); ItemProgram progItem = new ItemProgram(); lstPrograms.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRowView dv in prog.DefaultView) { bool check = false; check = progItem.CheckIfExists(itemId, Convert.ToInt32(dv["ID"])); lstPrograms.Items.Add(dv["Name"], check); } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!AccountTypeSelectionValid()) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Please choose to which account types this item applies to.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); gridViewStoreItemMatrix.SetColumnError(gridColAcctType, "At least one account type needs to be selected"); return; } Item itm = new Item(); ItemSupplier itmSup = new ItemSupplier(); if (itemId != 0) { itm.LoadByPrimaryKey(itemId); } else { itm.AddNew(); ItemCategory prodCate = new ItemCategory(); prodCate.AddNew(); prodCate.ItemId = itm.ID; prodCate.SubCategoryID = Convert.ToInt32(categoryId); prodCate.Save(); } if (radioGroupABC.EditValue != null) { itm.ABC = Convert.ToInt32(radioGroupABC.EditValue); } if (radioGroupVEN.EditValue != null) { itm.VEN = Convert.ToInt32(radioGroupVEN.EditValue); } itm.IsInHospitalList = ckExculed.Checked; itm.ProcessInDecimal = chkProcessDecimal.Checked; itm.Save(); if (itm.IsInHospitalList) { SaveHubDetails(); } else { // clear out the prefered locations // clear out the pick face locations // make sure that this item could be made not in the list } itmSup.DeleteAllSupForItem(itm.ID); Supplier sup = new Supplier(); for (int i = 0; i < lstSuppliers.CheckedItems.Count; i++) { sup.GetSupplierByName(lstSuppliers.CheckedItems[i].ToString()); itmSup.AddNew(); itmSup.ItemID = itm.ID; itmSup.SupplierID = sup.ID; itmSup.Save(); } ItemProgram progItm = new ItemProgram(); progItm.DeleteAllProgramsForItem(itemId); BLL.Program prog = new BLL.Program(); for (int i = 0; i < lstPrograms.CheckedItems.Count; i++) { prog.GetProgramByName(lstPrograms.CheckedItems[i].ToString()); progItm.AddNew(); progItm.ItemID = itm.ID; progItm.ProgramID = prog.ID; progItm.Save(); } XtraMessageBox.Show("Item Detail is Saved Successfully!", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); }