        /// <summary>
        /// Get book by id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <Book> GetBook(string itemID)
            int id = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(itemID, out id) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Id is not valid");

                throw new BLLBookException("Id is not valid");
                return(await _bookRep.GetBook(id));
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is BookException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLBookException("Cannot get a book atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        public async Task DeleteGenre(string name)
                Genre g1 = await GetGenre(name);

                if (g1.Name != null)
                    await _genreRep.DeleteGenre(g1);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is GenreException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLGenreException("Cannot delete a genre atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a list of all the books with quantity of more than 1
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <List <Book> > GetAllAvailableBooks()
                List <Book> books = await _bookRep.GetAllBooks();

                for (int i = 0; i < books.Count; i++)
                    if (books[i].Quantity == 0)
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is BookException ||
                    e is DALException ||
                    e is ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLBookException("Cannot get all available books atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        public async Task AddNewGenre(string name)
            if (await CheckGenre(name) == false)
                    Genre g1 = new Genre(name);
                    await _genreRep.AddGenre(g1);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (e is GenreException ||
                        e is DALException)
                        await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                        throw new BLLGenreException("Cannot add a new genre atm try again later or call a manager");
                        await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                        throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Genre Already Exist");

                throw new LibraryException("Genre already exist");
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a genre name already exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <bool> CheckGenre(string name)
                Genre gen = await _genreRep.GetGenre(name);

                if (gen.Name == null)
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is GenreException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLGenreException("Cannot check a genre atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        public async Task <List <string> > GetAllGenreNames()
            List <string> genres = new List <string>();

                List <Genre> genresL = await _genreRep.GetAllGenres();

                for (int i = 0; i < genresL.Count; i++)
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is GenreException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLGenreException("Cannot get all genres atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        public async Task UpdateGenre(string name, string newName)
                Genre g1 = await GetGenre(name);

                Genre updated = new Genre();
                updated.ID   = g1.ID;
                updated.Name = newName;
                await _genreRep.UpdateGenre(updated.ID, updated);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is GenreException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLGenreException("Cannot update a genre atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a journal by journal id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemID"></param>
        /// <returns>Journal found or null</returns>
        public async Task <Journal> GetJournal(string itemID)
            int id = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(itemID, out id) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Id is not valid cannot convert to int");

                throw new BLLJournalException("Id is not valid");
                return(await _journalRep.GetJournal(id));
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is JournalException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLJournalException("Cannot get a journal atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all journals where quantity is more than 0.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <List <Journal> > GetAllAvailableJournals()
                List <Journal> journals = await _journalRep.GetAllJournals();

                for (int i = 0; i < journals.Count; i++)
                    if (journals[i].Quantity == 0)
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is JournalException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLJournalException("Cannot get all available journals atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove 1 from the quantity of books if book quantity is 1 or more
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task SellBook(string itemID, string username)
            int id;

            if (int.TryParse(itemID, out id) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Wrong id cannot convert to int");

                throw new BLLBookException("Cannot sell a book id is not correct");
            Book b1 = await GetBook(itemID);

            if (b1.Quantity > 0)
                b1.Quantity -= 1;
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Cannot sell a book out of stock");

                throw new BLLBookException("Cannot sell a book out of stock");
                await UpdateBook(itemID, b1.Name, b1.Writer, b1.PrintDate.ToString(), b1.Publisher, b1.Genre.Name, b1.Discount.ToString(), b1.Quantity.ToString(), b1.Price.ToString(), b1.ISBN, b1.Edition, b1.Summary);

                await _saleService.AddNewSale(username, id, 1);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is BookException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLBookException("Cannot sell a book atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes 1 from the quantity of the journal if the quantity is 1 or more
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task SellJournal(string itemID, string username)
            int id;

            if (int.TryParse(itemID, out id) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("ID is not valid cannot convert to int!");

                throw new BLLJournalException("ID is not valid cannot convert to int!");
                Journal j1 = await GetJournal(itemID);

                if (j1.Quantity > 0)
                    j1.Quantity -= 1;
                await UpdateJournal(itemID, j1.Name, j1.Writer, j1.PrintDate.ToString(), j1.Publisher, j1.Genre.Name, j1.Discount.ToString(), j1.Quantity.ToString(), j1.Price.ToString(), j1.Subject);

                await _saleService.AddNewSale(username, id, 1);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is BLLJournalException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLJournalException("Cannot sell a journal atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        public async Task <List <Book> > GetAllBooks()
                return(await _bookRep.GetAllBooks());
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is BookException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLBookException("Cannot get all books atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a genre by its name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns>Genre found or an empty genre if not found</returns>
        public async Task <Genre> GetGenre(string name)
                return(await _genreRep.GetGenre(name));
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is GenreException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLGenreException("Cannot get a genre atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        public async Task UpdateBook(string idToUpdate, string name, string writer, string printdate, string publisher, string genre, string discount, string quantity, string price, string isbn, string edition, string summary)
            if (idToUpdate == "" || name == "" || writer == "" || printdate == "" || printdate == "" || publisher == "" || genre == "" || discount == "" || quantity == "" || price == "" || isbn == "" || edition == "" || summary == "")

                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("All book fields must be full!");

                throw new BLLBookException("All book fields must be full!");
            int id = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(idToUpdate, out id) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Id is not valid");

                throw new BLLBookException("Id is not valid");
            Book b1 = new Book();

            b1.Name   = name;
            b1.Writer = writer;
            DateTime date;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(printdate, out date) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Print Date is not in a correct format");

                throw new BLLBookException("Print Date is not in a correct format");
            b1.PrintDate = DateTime.Parse(printdate);
            b1.Publisher = publisher;
                Genre g1 = await _genreRep.GetGenre(genre);

                if (g1.Name == null)
                    g1.Name = genre;
                    await _genreRep.AddGenre(g1);
                b1.Genre = g1;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is GenreException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLBookException("Cannot sell a book atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
            int discountToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(discount, out discountToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("discount is not a number! cannot convert to number");

                throw new BLLBookException("discount is not a number!");
            if (discountToAdd < 0 || discountToAdd > 99)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Discount must be between 0-99");

                throw new BLLBookException("Discount must be between 0-99");
            b1.Discount = discountToAdd;
            int quantityToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(quantity, out quantityToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("quantity is not a number");

                throw new BLLBookException("quantity is not a number");
            if (quantityToAdd < 0)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Quantity cannot be negative!");

                throw new BLLBookException("Quantity cannot be negative!");
            b1.Quantity = quantityToAdd;
            int priceToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(price, out priceToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Price is not a number!");

                throw new BLLBookException("Price is not a number!");
            if (priceToAdd < 0)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Price cannot be negative!");

                throw new BLLBookException("Price cannot be negative!");
            b1.Price   = priceToAdd;
            b1.ISBN    = isbn;
            b1.Edition = edition;
            b1.Summary = summary;
                await _bookRep.UpdateBook(id, b1);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is BLLBookException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLBookException("Cannot update a book atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        public async Task AddNewBook(string name, string writer, string printdate, string publisher, string genre, string discount, string quantity, string price, string isbn, string edition, string summary)
            Book b1 = new Book();

            if (name == "" || writer == "" || printdate == "" || printdate == "" || publisher == "" || genre == "" || discount == "" || quantity == "" || price == "" || isbn == "" || edition == "" || summary == "")
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("All book fields must be full in order to add a new book!");

                throw new BLLBookException("All book fields must be full in order to add a new book!");
            b1.Name   = name;
            b1.Writer = writer;
            DateTime date;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(printdate, out date) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Cannot Convert date to DateTime!");

                throw new BLLBookException("Date Time Not in a correct format");
            b1.PrintDate = DateTime.Parse(printdate);
            b1.Publisher = publisher;
                Genre g1 = await _genreRep.GetGenre(genre);

                if (g1.Name == null)
                    g1.Name = genre;
                    await _genreRep.AddGenre(g1);

                    g1 = await _genreRep.GetGenre(genre);
                b1.Genre = g1;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is GenreException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLBookException("Cannot add a new book atm try again later");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
            int discountToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(discount, out discountToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("discount is not a number!");

                throw new BLLBookException("discount is not a number!");
            if (discountToAdd < 0 || discountToAdd > 99)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Discount must be between 0-99");

                throw new BLLBookException("Discount must be between 0-99");
            b1.Discount = discountToAdd;
            int quantityToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(quantity, out quantityToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("quantity is not a number");

                throw new BLLBookException("quantity is not a number");
            if (quantityToAdd < 0)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Quantity cannot be negative!");

                throw new BLLBookException("Quantity cannot be negative!");
            b1.Quantity = quantityToAdd;
            int priceToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(price, out priceToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Price is not a number");

                throw new BLLBookException("Price is not a number");
            if (priceToAdd < 0)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Price cannot be negative!");

                throw new BLLBookException("Price cannot be negative!");
            b1.Price = priceToAdd;
                List <string> isbns = await _bookRep.GetAllIsbn();

                if (isbns.Contains(isbn))
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("ISBN Already Exist!");

                    throw new BLLBookException("ISBN Already Exist!");
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is BookException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLBookException("Cannot add a new book atm try again later");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
            b1.ISBN    = isbn;
            b1.Edition = edition;
            b1.Summary = summary;
                await _bookRep.AddBook(b1);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is BookException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLBookException("Cannot add a new book atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
        public async Task UpdateJournal(string idToUpdate, string name, string writer, string printdate, string publisher, string genre, string discount, string quantity, string price, string subject)
            if (idToUpdate == "" || name == "" || writer == "" || printdate == "" || publisher == "" || genre == "" || discount == "" || quantity == "" || price == "" || subject == "")
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("All journal fields must be full");

                throw new BLLJournalException("All journal fields must be full");
            int id = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(idToUpdate, out id) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Id is not valid cannot convert to int");

                throw new BLLJournalException("Id is not valid");
            Journal j1 = new Journal();

            j1.ItemID = id;
            j1.Name   = name;
            j1.Writer = writer;
            DateTime date;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(printdate, out date) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("print date is not in a valid format!");

                throw new BLLJournalException("print date is not in a valid format!");
            j1.PrintDate = date;
            j1.Publisher = publisher;
                Genre g1 = await _genreRep.GetGenre(genre);

                if (g1.Name == null)
                    g1.Name = genre;
                    await _genreRep.AddGenre(g1);
                j1.Genre = g1;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is GenreException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLJournalException("Cannot update a journal atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
            int discountToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(discount, out discountToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("discount is not a number");

                throw new BLLJournalException("discount is not a number");
            if (discountToAdd < 0 || discountToAdd > 99)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Discount must be between 0-99");

                throw new BLLJournalException("Discount must be between 0-99");
            j1.Discount = discountToAdd;
            int quantityToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(quantity, out quantityToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("quantity is not a number");

                throw new BLLJournalException("quantity is not a number");
            if (quantityToAdd < 0)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Quantity cannot be negative!");

                throw new BLLJournalException("Quantity cannot be negative!");
            j1.Quantity = quantityToAdd;
            int priceToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(price, out priceToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Price must be a number!");

                throw new BLLJournalException("Price must be a number!");
            if (priceToAdd < 0)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Price cannot be negative!");

                throw new BLLJournalException("Price cannot be negative!");
            j1.Price   = priceToAdd;
            j1.Subject = subject;
                await _journalRep.UpdateJournal(id, j1);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is JournalException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLJournalException("Cannot update a journal atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");