/***************************************************/ /**** Public methods ****/ /***************************************************/ public static RoofBase ToRevitRoofBase(this oM.Physical.Elements.Roof roof, Document document, RevitSettings settings = null, Dictionary <Guid, List <int> > refObjects = null) { if (roof == null || roof.Location == null || document == null) { return(null); } PlanarSurface planarSurface = roof.Location as PlanarSurface; if (planarSurface == null) { return(null); } RoofBase roofBase = refObjects.GetValue <RoofBase>(document, roof.BHoM_Guid); if (roofBase != null) { return(roofBase); } settings = settings.DefaultIfNull(); RoofType roofType = roof.Construction?.ToRevitElementType(document, new List <BuiltInCategory> { BuiltInCategory.OST_Roofs }, settings, refObjects) as RoofType; if (roofType == null) { roofType = roof.ElementType(document, settings); } if (roofType == null) { Compute.ElementTypeNotFoundWarning(roof); return(null); } Level level = document.LevelBelow(roof.Location, settings); if (level == null) { return(null); } double elevation = level.Elevation.ToSI(UnitType.UT_Length); oM.Geometry.Plane plane = BH.Engine.Geometry.Create.Plane(BH.Engine.Geometry.Create.Point(0, 0, elevation), BH.Engine.Geometry.Create.Vector(0, 0, 1)); ICurve curve = planarSurface.ExternalBoundary.IProject(plane); CurveArray curveArray = Create.CurveArray(curve.IToRevitCurves()); ModelCurveArray modelCurveArray = new ModelCurveArray(); roofBase = document.Create.NewFootPrintRoof(curveArray, level, roofType, out modelCurveArray); if (roofBase != null) { Parameter parameter = roofBase.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ROOF_UPTO_LEVEL_PARAM); if (parameter != null) { parameter.Set(ElementId.InvalidElementId); } List <oM.Geometry.Point> controlPoints = planarSurface.ExternalBoundary.IControlPoints(); if (controlPoints != null && controlPoints.Count > 2) { SlabShapeEditor slabShapeEditor = roofBase.SlabShapeEditor; slabShapeEditor.ResetSlabShape(); foreach (oM.Geometry.Point point in controlPoints) { if (Math.Abs(point.Z - plane.Origin.Z) > settings.DistanceTolerance) { XYZ xyz = point.ToRevit(); slabShapeEditor.DrawPoint(xyz); } } } } roofBase.CheckIfNullPush(roof); if (roofBase == null) { return(null); } // Copy parameters from BHoM object to Revit element roofBase.CopyParameters(roof, settings); // Update the offset in case the level had been overwritten. double offset = 0; if (roofBase.LevelId.IntegerValue != level.Id.IntegerValue) { Level newLevel = document.GetElement(roofBase.LevelId) as Level; offset += (level.ProjectElevation - newLevel.ProjectElevation).ToSI(UnitType.UT_Length); } roofBase.SetParameter(BuiltInParameter.ROOF_LEVEL_OFFSET_PARAM, offset); refObjects.AddOrReplace(roof, roofBase); return(roofBase); }
/***************************************************/ /**** Public methods ****/ /***************************************************/ public static Floor ToRevitFloor(this oM.Physical.Elements.Floor floor, Document document, RevitSettings settings = null, Dictionary <Guid, List <int> > refObjects = null) { if (floor == null || floor.Construction == null || document == null) { return(null); } Floor revitFloor = refObjects.GetValue <Floor>(document, floor.BHoM_Guid); if (revitFloor != null) { return(revitFloor); } PlanarSurface planarSurface = floor.Location as PlanarSurface; if (planarSurface == null) { return(null); } settings = settings.DefaultIfNull(); FloorType floorType = floor.Construction?.ToRevitElementType(document, new List <BuiltInCategory> { BuiltInCategory.OST_Floors }, settings, refObjects) as FloorType; if (floorType == null) { floorType = floor.ElementType(document, settings); } if (floorType == null) { Compute.ElementTypeNotFoundWarning(floor); return(null); } double bottomElevation = floor.Location.IBounds().Min.Z; Level level = document.LevelBelow(bottomElevation.FromSI(UnitType.UT_Length), settings); oM.Geometry.Plane sketchPlane = new oM.Geometry.Plane { Origin = new BH.oM.Geometry.Point { Z = bottomElevation }, Normal = Vector.ZAxis }; ICurve curve = planarSurface.ExternalBoundary.IProject(sketchPlane); CurveArray curveArray = Create.CurveArray(curve.IToRevitCurves()); BH.oM.Geometry.Plane slabPlane = planarSurface.FitPlane(); if (1 - Math.Abs(Vector.ZAxis.DotProduct(slabPlane.Normal)) <= settings.AngleTolerance) { revitFloor = document.Create.NewFloor(curveArray, floorType, level, true); } else { Vector normal = slabPlane.Normal; if (normal.Z < 0) { normal = -slabPlane.Normal; } double angle = normal.Angle(Vector.ZAxis); double tan = Math.Tan(angle); XYZ dir = normal.Project(oM.Geometry.Plane.XY).ToRevit().Normalize(); BH.oM.Geometry.Line ln = slabPlane.PlaneIntersection(sketchPlane); XYZ start = ln.ClosestPoint(curveArray.get_Item(0).GetEndPoint(0).PointFromRevit(), true).ToRevit(); Autodesk.Revit.DB.Line line = Autodesk.Revit.DB.Line.CreateBound(start, start + dir); revitFloor = document.Create.NewSlab(curveArray, level, line, -tan, true); revitFloor.SetParameter(BuiltInParameter.ELEM_TYPE_PARAM, floorType.Id); } revitFloor.CheckIfNullPush(floor); if (revitFloor == null) { return(null); } document.Regenerate(); if (planarSurface.InternalBoundaries != null) { foreach (ICurve hole in planarSurface.InternalBoundaries) { document.Create.NewOpening(revitFloor, Create.CurveArray(hole.IProject(slabPlane).IToRevitCurves()), true); } } foreach (BH.oM.Physical.Elements.IOpening opening in floor.Openings) { PlanarSurface openingLocation = opening.Location as PlanarSurface; if (openingLocation == null) { BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning(String.Format("Conversion of a floor opening to Revit failed because its location is not a planar surface. Floor BHoM_Guid: {0}, Opening BHoM_Guid: {1}", floor.BHoM_Guid, opening.BHoM_Guid)); continue; } document.Create.NewOpening(revitFloor, Create.CurveArray(openingLocation.ExternalBoundary.IToRevitCurves()), true); if (!(opening is BH.oM.Physical.Elements.Void)) { BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning(String.Format("Revit allows only void openings in floors, therefore the BHoM opening of type {0} has been converted to a void opening. Floor BHoM_Guid: {1}, Opening BHoM_Guid: {2}", opening.GetType().Name, floor.BHoM_Guid, opening.BHoM_Guid)); } } double offset = revitFloor.LookupParameterDouble(BuiltInParameter.FLOOR_HEIGHTABOVELEVEL_PARAM); // Copy parameters from BHoM object to Revit element revitFloor.CopyParameters(floor, settings); // Update the offset in case the level had been overwritten. if (revitFloor.LevelId.IntegerValue != level.Id.IntegerValue) { Level newLevel = document.GetElement(revitFloor.LevelId) as Level; offset += (level.ProjectElevation - newLevel.ProjectElevation).ToSI(UnitType.UT_Length); } revitFloor.SetParameter(BuiltInParameter.FLOOR_HEIGHTABOVELEVEL_PARAM, offset); refObjects.AddOrReplace(floor, revitFloor); return(revitFloor); }