private void Init(MainWindow m)
                lblStatusBar.UpdateStatusLabel("Looking up and pinging Domain");
                WriteLogs("Application Init Starting");
                string  adTest = String.Empty;
                ADStuff ads    = new ADStuff();
                adTest = ads.ADTest(m);
                DCMGToolbox.ActiveDirectory ad = new ActiveDirectory();

                string[] split   = adTest.Split(new string[] { "||" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                string   pingres = split[0];
                string   domain  = split[1];


                if (pingres.ToUpper().Trim() == "PINGABLE")
                    //build combobox
                    List <string> l  = new List <string>();
                    string        dn = ad.ConvertStringDomainToDN(domain.Trim());
                    l = ad.GetOUList(dn);

                if (domain.ToUpper().Trim() == "NA")
                    txtDomain.UpdateTextBoxTS("No Domain Found");
                lblStatusBar.UpdateStatusLabel("Domain lookup task completed.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLogs(ex.Message, Logging.LogType.Critical);
 private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     ADStuff ads = new ADStuff();
     //lblTestOutput.Content = ads.ADTest();
        private void btnNewUser_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ADStuff a = new ADStuff();

            WriteLogs("Gathering information to create user", Logging.LogType.Info);

            string fName = txtFirstName.Text;

            WriteLogs("Gathered FirstName as: " + fName, Logging.LogType.Info);
            string lName = txtLastName.Text;

            WriteLogs("Gathered LastName as: " + lName, Logging.LogType.Info);
            string uName = txtUserName.Text;

            WriteLogs("Gathered UserName as: " + uName, Logging.LogType.Info);
            string pWord = String.Empty;
            string email = txtEmail.Text;

            WriteLogs("Gathered E-mail as: " + email, Logging.LogType.Info);
            bool passOnLogon = chkChangePWOnLogin.IsChecked.Value;

            WriteLogs("Change password on next login : "******"Password never exires is set to : " + passNeverExpires.ToString(), Logging.LogType.Info);
            bool cannotChangePW = chkCannotChangePW.IsChecked.Value;

            WriteLogs("Password never exires is set to : " + passNeverExpires.ToString(), Logging.LogType.Info);
            string domain = txtDomain.Text;

            WriteLogs("Domain is : " + domain, Logging.LogType.Info);

            if (pbPassword.Password == pbConfirm.Password)
                pWord = pbConfirm.Password;
                //MessageBox.Show(pWord + " " + passOnLogon.ToString());
                if (fName.Count() > 1 && lName.Count() > 1 && uName.Count() > 1 && pWord.Count() > 8)
                    MessageBoxResult mb = MessageBox.Show("Please verify the information below:"
                                                          + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                                          + "FirstName:\t" + fName + Environment.NewLine
                                                          + "LastName:\t" + lName + Environment.NewLine
                                                          + "UserName:\t" + uName + Environment.NewLine
                                                          + "E-Mail:\t\t" + email + Environment.NewLine
                                                          + "Password:\t\t" + pWord + Environment.NewLine
                                                          + "ExpirePW:\t\t" + passOnLogon.ToString() + Environment.NewLine
                                                          + "PW Never Expires:\t" + passNeverExpires.ToString() + Environment.NewLine
                                                          + "Cannot Change PW:\t" + cannotChangePW.ToString()
                                                          , "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Question);
                    if (mb == MessageBoxResult.OK)
                        //Build OU or Container string.
                        //Default to Built-in Users

                        string container = String.Empty;
                        if (cbxOUs.SelectedIndex == -1)
                            string DN = a.GetDomainDN(domain);
                            container = "CN=Users," + DN;

                        container = container.Trim("LDAP://".ToCharArray());
                        //a.CreateAdUser(uName, fName, lName, pWord,txtDomain.Text,container, email, passNeverExpires, cannotChangePW, passOnLogon);
                    MessageBox.Show("UserName, FirstName, LastName, and Password cannot be blank" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Password must also be longer than 8 characters", "Information", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
                MessageBoxResult mb = MessageBox.Show("Passwords do NOT match!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);