AddVariableUsage() public method

Creates a link between a StructuredDataStructure and DataAttribute. This link is known as Variable. In addition to what a variable inherits from the associated data attribute, it can have its own label, default and missing values, and optionality of its value.
public AddVariableUsage ( StructuredDataStructure dataStructure, DataAttribute dataAttribute, bool isValueOptional, string label, string defaultValue, string missingValue, string description, Unit variableUnit = null ) : Variable
dataStructure BExIS.Dlm.Entities.DataStructure.StructuredDataStructure The structured data structure to be linked to the data attribute
dataAttribute BExIS.Dlm.Entities.DataStructure.DataAttribute The data attribute to be used in a data structure as a variable
isValueOptional bool Indicates whether the associated to the variable is optional or not. This allows dataset to not provide data values for optional variables.
label string The display name of the variable. It may differ from the associated data attribute name. The variable label usually indicates the role of the data attribute in the structure. /// Its possible for a data structure to use a data attribute more than once by creating more than one variables, hence having different labels.
defaultValue string The default value of the associated variable values. Mainly considered for user interface purposes.
missingValue string A specific sentinel value that when is put into the variable values, means those values are missing and should not be considered data.
description string
variableUnit BExIS.Dlm.Entities.DataStructure.Unit A specific unit for the variable. If not provided the unit of the is used. /// If provided, its dimension must be equal to the dimension of the 's unit.
return BExIS.Dlm.Entities.DataStructure.Variable
        public ActionResult copyDataStructure(long Id, bool isStructured, string Name = "" , string Description = "", string cssId = "")
            Name = Server.UrlDecode(Name);
            Description = Server.UrlDecode(Description);
            DataStructureManager dataStructureManager = new DataStructureManager();

            if (!isStructured)
                UnStructuredDataStructure dataStructure = dataStructureManager.UnStructuredDataStructureRepo.Get(Id);
                if (dataStructure != null)
                    if (Name == "")
                        Name = dataStructure.Name + " - Copy";

                    if (Description == "" && dataStructure.Description != null)
                        Description = dataStructure.Description;
                    LoggerFactory.LogCustom("Copy Data Structure" + Id);
                    return createDataStructure(0, Name.Trim(), isStructured, Description.Trim(), cssId);
                StructuredDataStructure dataStructure = dataStructureManager.StructuredDataStructureRepo.Get(Id);
                if (dataStructure != null)
                    if (Name == "")
                        Name = dataStructure.Name + " - Copy";

                    if (Description == "" && dataStructure.Description != null)
                        Description = dataStructure.Description;

                    MessageModel messageModel = storeDataStructure(0, Name.Trim(), isStructured, Description.Trim(), cssId);
                    List<long> order = new List<long>();
                    Variable variable = new Variable();

                    if (!messageModel.hasMessage)
                        StructuredDataStructure dataStructureCopy = dataStructureManager.StructuredDataStructureRepo.Get(Convert.ToInt64(messageModel.Message));
                        foreach (Variable v in DataStructureIO.getOrderedVariables(dataStructure))
                            variable = dataStructureManager.AddVariableUsage(dataStructureCopy, v.DataAttribute, v.IsValueOptional, v.Label.Trim(), v.DefaultValue, v.MissingValue, v.Description.Trim(), v.Unit);
                        DataStructureIO.setVariableOrder(dataStructureCopy, order);
                    LoggerFactory.LogCustom("Copy Data Structure" + Id);
                    return PartialView("_message", messageModel);
            return PartialView("_message", new MessageModel());
        public DataStructure CreateDataStructure(string dataSetID, DataTable mapVariables, List<string> variableNames)
            DataStructureManager dataStructureManager = new DataStructureManager();
            DataContainerManager attributeManager = new DataContainerManager();
            StructuredDataStructure dataStructure = new StructuredDataStructure();
            UnitManager unitManager = new UnitManager();

            // values of DataStructure
            ExcelTemplateProvider provider = new ExcelTemplateProvider();
            string name = "oldBExIS" + dataSetID;
            string description = "old BExIS datastructure, created for " + dataSetID + ", possibly used by other"; //metadata.Title;
            string xsdFileName = "";//"xsdFileName";
            string xslFileName = "";//"xslFileName";
            DataStructureCategory indexerType = DataStructureCategory.Generic;

            // if dataStructure not exists
            StructuredDataStructure existDS = existingDataStructures(mapVariables, dataSetID);
            if (existDS.Name == null)
                // create dataStructure
                dataStructure = dataStructureManager.CreateStructuredDataStructure(name, description, xsdFileName, xslFileName, indexerType, null);

                foreach (string varName in variableNames)
                    // values of variables
                    string attName = "";
                    string convFactor = "";
                    string varDescription = "";
                    int Block = -999;
                    long AttributeId = -999, UnitId = -999, VarUnitId = -999;
                    foreach (DataRow mapRow in mapVariables.Select("DatasetId = '" + dataSetID + "'"))
                        if (mapRow["Name"].ToString() == varName)
                            attName = mapRow["Attribute"].ToString();
                            convFactor = mapRow["ConvFactor"].ToString();
                            varDescription = mapRow["Description"].ToString();
                            Block = int.Parse(mapRow["Block"].ToString());
                            if (attName.Length > 1) // if not mapped yet
                                AttributeId = Convert.ToInt64(mapRow["AttributeId"].ToString());
                                UnitId = Convert.ToInt64(mapRow["UnitId"].ToString());
                                if (mapRow["Unit"].ToString().Length > 0)
                                    VarUnitId = Convert.ToInt64(mapRow["VarUnitId"].ToString());

                    if (AttributeId > 0 && Block == 0) // if not mapped yet AND variable is in block 0
                        // find existing attribute for each variable
                        DataAttribute attribute = attributeManager.DataAttributeRepo.Get(AttributeId);

                        Unit varUnit = null;
                        if (VarUnitId > 0)
                            varUnit = unitManager.Repo.Get(VarUnitId);

                        // add variables to dataStructure
                        Variable variable = dataStructureManager.AddVariableUsage(dataStructure, attribute, true, varName, null, null, varDescription, varUnit);
                return dataStructure;
                return existDS;
        public ActionResult storeVariables(long Id, storeVariableStruct[] variables)
            DataStructureManager dataStructureManager = new DataStructureManager();
            StructuredDataStructure dataStructure = dataStructureManager.StructuredDataStructureRepo.Get(Id);
            MessageModel returnObject = new MessageModel();
            MessageModel messageModel = MessageModel.validateDataStructureInUse(dataStructure.Id, dataStructure);
            if (messageModel.hasMessage)
                foreach (Variable v in dataStructure.Variables)
                    if (variables.Select(svs => svs.Id).ToList().Contains(v.Id))
                        v.Description = variables.Where(svs => svs.Id == v.Id).FirstOrDefault().Description;
                        dataStructure = dataStructureManager.UpdateStructuredDataStructure(dataStructure);
                return PartialView("_messageWindow", messageModel);

            if (variables != null && variables.Count() > 0)
                Variable variable = new Variable();
                List<long> order = new List<long>();

                foreach (Variable v in dataStructure.Variables)
                    if (!variables.Select(svs => svs.Id).ToList().Contains(v.Id))

                foreach (storeVariableStruct svs in variables.Where(svs => svs.Id == 0).ToList())
                    if (svs.Lable == null)
                        svs.Lable = "";
                    if (svs.Description == null)
                        svs.Description = "";

                    DataAttribute dataAttribute = new DataContainerManager().DataAttributeRepo.Get(svs.AttributeId);
                    if (dataAttribute != null)
                        variable = dataStructureManager.AddVariableUsage(dataStructure, dataAttribute, svs.isOptional, svs.Lable.Trim(), null, null, svs.Description.Trim(), new UnitManager().Repo.Get(svs.UnitId));
                        svs.Id = variable.Id;
                        returnObject = new MessageModel()
                            hasMessage = true,
                            Message = "Not all Variables are stored.",
                            CssId = "0"
                dataStructure = dataStructureManager.StructuredDataStructureRepo.Get(Id);

                variables = variables.Where(v => v.Id != 0).ToArray();

                foreach (storeVariableStruct svs in variables.Where(svs => svs.Id != 0).ToList())
                    if (svs.Lable == null)
                        svs.Lable = "";
                    if (svs.Description == null)
                        svs.Description = "";

                    variable = dataStructure.Variables.Where(v => v.Id == svs.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (variable != null)
                        variable.Label = svs.Lable.Trim();
                        variable.Description = svs.Description.Trim();
                        variable.Unit = new UnitManager().Repo.Get(svs.UnitId);
                        variable.DataAttribute = new DataContainerManager().DataAttributeRepo.Get(svs.AttributeId);
                        variable.IsValueOptional = svs.isOptional;

                dataStructure = dataStructureManager.UpdateStructuredDataStructure(dataStructure);
                DataStructureIO.setVariableOrder(dataStructure, variables.Select(svs => svs.Id).ToList());
                foreach (Variable v in dataStructure.Variables)
            LoggerFactory.LogCustom("Variables for Data Structure " + Id + " stored.");
            return Json(returnObject, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);