Extra functionality for the Vector3 struct.
Hopefully, all of this should eventually go away as the System.Numerics.Vectors improves.
        public static void GetVelocityOfPoint(ref Vector3 point, ref Vector3 center, ref Vector3 linearVelocity, ref Vector3 angularVelocity, out Vector3 velocity)
            Vector3 offset = point - center;

            Vector3x.Cross(ref angularVelocity, ref offset, out velocity);
            velocity += linearVelocity;
        public float Determinant()
            //Current implementation of cross far from optimal without shuffles. This assumes it'll eventually be accelerated.
            Vector3 cross;

            Vector3x.Cross(ref Y, ref Z, out cross);
            return(Vector3.Dot(X, cross));
        private static void FindNormal(ref QuickList <int> indices, ref QuickList <Vector3> points, int triangleIndex, out Vector3 normal)
            var     a  = points.Elements[indices.Elements[triangleIndex]];
            Vector3 ab = points.Elements[indices.Elements[triangleIndex + 1]] - a;
            Vector3 ac = points.Elements[indices.Elements[triangleIndex + 2]] - a;

            Vector3x.Cross(ref ac, ref ab, out normal);
        private static bool IsTriangleVisibleFromPoint(ref QuickList <int> indices, ref QuickList <Vector3> points, int triangleIndex, ref Vector3 point)
            //Compute the normal of the triangle.
            var     a  = points.Elements[indices.Elements[triangleIndex]];
            Vector3 ab = points.Elements[indices.Elements[triangleIndex + 1]] - a;
            Vector3 ac = points.Elements[indices.Elements[triangleIndex + 2]] - a;
            Vector3 normal;

            Vector3x.Cross(ref ac, ref ab, out normal);
            //Assume a consistent winding.  Check to see if the normal points at the point.
            Vector3 offset = point - a;
            float   dot    = Vector3.Dot(offset, normal);

            return(dot >= 0);
        public static void Invert(ref Matrix3x3 m, out Matrix3x3 inverse)
            //Current implementation of cross far from optimal without shuffles, and even then this has some room for improvement.
            //Inverts should be really rare, so it's not too concerning. Use the scalar version when possible until ryujit improves (and we improve this implementation).
            Vector3 yz, zx, xy;

            Vector3x.Cross(ref m.Y, ref m.Z, out yz);
            Vector3x.Cross(ref m.Z, ref m.X, out zx);
            Vector3x.Cross(ref m.X, ref m.Y, out xy);
            var inverseDeterminant = 1f / Vector3.Dot(m.X, yz);

            inverse.X = yz * inverseDeterminant;
            inverse.Y = zx * inverseDeterminant;
            inverse.Z = xy * inverseDeterminant;
            Transpose(ref inverse, out inverse);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the intersection between a ray and a triangle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray to test.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumLength">Maximum length to travel in units of the direction's length.</param>
        /// <param name="a">First vertex of the triangle.</param>
        /// <param name="b">Second vertex of the triangle.</param>
        /// <param name="c">Third vertex of the triangle.</param>
        /// <param name="hitClockwise">True if the the triangle was hit on the clockwise face, false otherwise.</param>
        /// <param name="hit">Hit data of the ray, if any</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the ray and triangle intersect.</returns>
        public static bool FindRayTriangleIntersection(ref Ray ray, float maximumLength, ref Vector3 a, ref Vector3 b, ref Vector3 c, out bool hitClockwise, out RayHit hit)
            hitClockwise = false;
            hit          = new RayHit();
            Vector3 ab = b - a;
            Vector3 ac = c - a;

            Vector3x.Cross(ref ab, ref ac, out hit.Normal);
            if (hit.Normal.LengthSquared() < Epsilon)
                return(false); //Degenerate triangle!
            float d = -Vector3.Dot(ray.Direction, hit.Normal);

            hitClockwise = d >= 0;

            Vector3 ap = ray.Position - a;

            hit.T  = Vector3.Dot(ap, hit.Normal);
            hit.T /= d;
            if (hit.T < 0 || hit.T > maximumLength)
                return(false);//Hit is behind origin, or too far away.
            hit.Location = ray.Position + hit.T * ray.Direction;

            // Compute barycentric coordinates
            ap = hit.Location - a;
            float ABdotAB, ABdotAC, ABdotAP;
            float ACdotAC, ACdotAP;

            ABdotAB = Vector3.Dot(ab, ab);
            ABdotAC = Vector3.Dot(ab, ac);
            ABdotAP = Vector3.Dot(ab, ap);
            ACdotAC = Vector3.Dot(ac, ac);
            ACdotAP = Vector3.Dot(ac, ap);

            float denom = 1 / (ABdotAB * ACdotAC - ABdotAC * ABdotAC);
            float u     = (ACdotAC * ABdotAP - ABdotAC * ACdotAP) * denom;
            float v     = (ABdotAB * ACdotAP - ABdotAC * ABdotAP) * denom;

            return((u >= -Toolbox.BigEpsilon) && (v >= -Toolbox.BigEpsilon) && (u + v <= 1 + Toolbox.BigEpsilon));
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the quaternion rotation between two normalized vectors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="v1">First unit-length vector.</param>
        /// <param name="v2">Second unit-length vector.</param>
        /// <param name="q">Quaternion representing the rotation from v1 to v2.</param>
        public static void GetQuaternionBetweenNormalizedVectors(ref Vector3 v1, ref Vector3 v2, out Quaternion q)
            float dot = Vector3.Dot(v1, v2);

            //For non-normal vectors, the multiplying the axes length squared would be necessary:
            //float w = dot + (float)Math.Sqrt(v1.LengthSquared() * v2.LengthSquared());
            if (dot < -0.9999f) //parallel, opposing direction
                //If this occurs, the rotation required is ~180 degrees.
                //The problem is that we could choose any perpendicular axis for the rotation. It's not uniquely defined.
                //The solution is to pick an arbitrary perpendicular axis.
                //Project onto the plane which has the lowest component magnitude.
                //On that 2d plane, perform a 90 degree rotation.
                float absX = Math.Abs(v1.X);
                float absY = Math.Abs(v1.Y);
                float absZ = Math.Abs(v1.Z);
                if (absX < absY && absX < absZ)
                    q = new Quaternion(0, -v1.Z, v1.Y, 0);
                else if (absY < absZ)
                    q = new Quaternion(-v1.Z, 0, v1.X, 0);
                    q = new Quaternion(-v1.Y, v1.X, 0, 0);
                Vector3 axis;
                Vector3x.Cross(ref v1, ref v2, out axis);
                q = new Quaternion(axis.X, axis.Y, axis.Z, dot + 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the intersection between a ray and a triangle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray to test.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumLength">Maximum length to travel in units of the direction's length.</param>
        /// <param name="sidedness">Sidedness of the triangle to test.</param>
        /// <param name="a">First vertex of the triangle.</param>
        /// <param name="b">Second vertex of the triangle.</param>
        /// <param name="c">Third vertex of the triangle.</param>
        /// <param name="hit">Hit data of the ray, if any</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the ray and triangle intersect.</returns>
        public static bool FindRayTriangleIntersection(ref Ray ray, float maximumLength, TriangleSidedness sidedness, ref Vector3 a, ref Vector3 b, ref Vector3 c, out RayHit hit)
            hit = new RayHit();
            Vector3 ab = b - a;
            Vector3 ac = c - a;

            Vector3x.Cross(ref ab, ref ac, out hit.Normal);
            if (hit.Normal.LengthSquared() < Epsilon)
                return(false); //Degenerate triangle!
            float d = -Vector3.Dot(ray.Direction, hit.Normal);

            switch (sidedness)
            case TriangleSidedness.DoubleSided:
                if (d <= 0)     //Pointing the wrong way.  Flip the normal.
                    hit.Normal = -hit.Normal;
                    d          = -d;

            case TriangleSidedness.Clockwise:
                if (d <= 0)     //Pointing the wrong way.  Can't hit.


            case TriangleSidedness.Counterclockwise:
                if (d >= 0)     //Pointing the wrong way.  Can't hit.

                hit.Normal = -hit.Normal;
                d          = -d;

            Vector3 ap = ray.Position - a;

            hit.T  = Vector3.Dot(ap, hit.Normal);
            hit.T /= d;
            if (hit.T < 0 || hit.T > maximumLength)
                return(false);//Hit is behind origin, or too far away.
            hit.Location = ray.Position + hit.T * ray.Direction;

            // Compute barycentric coordinates
            ap = hit.Location - a;
            float ABdotAB, ABdotAC, ABdotAP;
            float ACdotAC, ACdotAP;

            ABdotAB = Vector3.Dot(ab, ab);
            ABdotAC = Vector3.Dot(ab, ac);
            ABdotAP = Vector3.Dot(ab, ap);
            ACdotAC = Vector3.Dot(ac, ac);
            ACdotAP = Vector3.Dot(ac, ap);

            float denom = 1 / (ABdotAB * ACdotAC - ABdotAC * ABdotAC);
            float u     = (ACdotAC * ABdotAP - ABdotAC * ACdotAP) * denom;
            float v     = (ABdotAB * ACdotAP - ABdotAC * ABdotAP) * denom;

            return((u >= -Toolbox.BigEpsilon) && (v >= -Toolbox.BigEpsilon) && (u + v <= 1 + Toolbox.BigEpsilon));
        private static void ComputeInitialTetrahedron(ref QuickList <Vector3> points, ref QuickList <int> outsidePointCandidates, ref QuickList <int> triangleIndices, out Vector3 centroid)
            //Find four points on the hull.
            //We'll start with using the x axis to identify two points on the hull.
            int     a, b, c, d;
            Vector3 direction;
            //Find the extreme points along the x axis.
            float minimumX = float.MaxValue, maximumX = -float.MaxValue;
            int   minimumXIndex = 0, maximumXIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; ++i)
                var v = points.Elements[i];
                if (v.X > maximumX)
                    maximumX      = v.X;
                    maximumXIndex = i;
                else if (v.X < minimumX)
                    minimumX      = v.X;
                    minimumXIndex = i;
            a = minimumXIndex;
            b = maximumXIndex;
            //Check for redundancies..
            if (a == b)
                throw new ArgumentException("Point set is degenerate; convex hulls must have volume.");

            //Now, use a second axis perpendicular to the two points we found.
            Vector3 ab = points.Elements[b] - points.Elements[a];

            Vector3x.Cross(ref ab, ref Toolbox.UpVector, out direction);
            if (direction.LengthSquared() < Toolbox.Epsilon)
                Vector3x.Cross(ref ab, ref Toolbox.RightVector, out direction);
            float minimumDot, maximumDot;
            int   minimumIndex, maximumIndex;

            GetExtremePoints(ref direction, ref points, out maximumDot, out minimumDot, out maximumIndex, out minimumIndex);
            //Compare the location of the extreme points to the location of the axis.
            float dot = Vector3.Dot(direction, points.Elements[a]);

            //Use the point further from the axis.
            if (Math.Abs(dot - minimumDot) > Math.Abs(dot - maximumDot))
                //In this case, we should use the minimum index.
                c = minimumIndex;
                //In this case, we should use the maximum index.
                c = maximumIndex;

            //Check for redundancies..
            if (a == c || b == c)
                throw new ArgumentException("Point set is degenerate; convex hulls must have volume.");

            //Use a third axis perpendicular to the plane defined by the three unique points a, b, and c.
            Vector3 ac = points.Elements[c] - points.Elements[a];

            Vector3x.Cross(ref ab, ref ac, out direction);

            GetExtremePoints(ref direction, ref points, out maximumDot, out minimumDot, out maximumIndex, out minimumIndex);
            //Compare the location of the extreme points to the location of the plane.
            dot = Vector3.Dot(direction, points.Elements[a]);
            //Use the point further from the plane.
            if (Math.Abs(dot - minimumDot) > Math.Abs(dot - maximumDot))
                //In this case, we should use the minimum index.
                d = minimumIndex;
                //In this case, we should use the maximum index.
                d = maximumIndex;

            //Check for redundancies..
            if (a == d || b == d || c == d)
                throw new ArgumentException("Point set is degenerate; convex hulls must have volume.");

            //Add the triangles.




            //The centroid is guaranteed to be within the convex hull.  It will be used to verify the windings of triangles throughout the hull process.
            centroid = (points.Elements[a] + points.Elements[b] + points.Elements[c] + points.Elements[d]) * 0.25f;

            for (int i = 0; i < triangleIndices.Count; i += 3)
                var vA = points.Elements[triangleIndices.Elements[i]];
                var vB = points.Elements[triangleIndices.Elements[i + 1]];
                var vC = points.Elements[triangleIndices.Elements[i + 2]];

                //Check the signed volume of a parallelepiped with the edges of this triangle and the centroid.
                Vector3 cross;
                ab = vB - vA;
                ac = vC - vA;
                Vector3x.Cross(ref ac, ref ab, out cross);
                Vector3 offset = vA - centroid;
                float   volume = Vector3.Dot(offset, cross);
                //This volume/cross product could also be used to check for degeneracy, but we already tested for that.
                if (Math.Abs(volume) < Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Point set is degenerate; convex hulls must have volume.");
                if (volume < 0)
                    //If the signed volume is negative, that means the triangle's winding is opposite of what we want.
                    //Flip it around!
                    var temp = triangleIndices.Elements[i];
                    triangleIndices.Elements[i]     = triangleIndices.Elements[i + 1];
                    triangleIndices.Elements[i + 1] = temp;

            //Points which belong to the tetrahedra are guaranteed to be 'in' the convex hull. Do not allow them to be considered.
            var tetrahedronIndices = new QuickList <int>(BufferPools <int> .Locking);

            //Sort the indices to allow a linear time loop.
            Array.Sort(tetrahedronIndices.Elements, 0, 4);
            int tetrahedronIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; ++i)
                if (tetrahedronIndex < 4 && i == tetrahedronIndices[tetrahedronIndex])
                    //Don't add a tetrahedron index. Now that we've found this index, though, move on to the next one.