Restricts two degrees of linear motion while allowing one degree of angular freedom.
Inheritance: SolverGroup
        void AddDriveWheel(Vector3 suspensionOffset, Entity body, bool leftSide, out RevoluteMotor drivingMotor, out RevoluteMotor steeringMotor, out Box suspensionLeg)
            suspensionLeg = new Box(body.Position + suspensionOffset, 0.25f, 0.8f, 0.25f, 10);

            const float horizontalWheelOffset = 0.2f;

            var wheel = new Cylinder(suspensionLeg.Position + new Vector3(leftSide ? -horizontalWheelOffset : horizontalWheelOffset, -suspensionLeg.HalfHeight, 0), .2f, .3f, 5f);
            wheel.Material.KineticFriction = 2.5f;
            wheel.Material.StaticFriction = 3.5f;
            wheel.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Forward, MathHelper.PiOver2);

            //Preventing the occasional pointless collision pair can speed things up.
            CollisionRules.AddRule(wheel, body, CollisionRule.NoBroadPhase);
            CollisionRules.AddRule(wheel, suspensionLeg, CollisionRule.NoBroadPhase);
            CollisionRules.AddRule(suspensionLeg, body, CollisionRule.NoBroadPhase);

            //Connect the suspension to the body.
            var bodyToSuspension = new LineSliderJoint(body, suspensionLeg, suspensionLeg.Position, Vector3.Down, suspensionLeg.Position);
            bodyToSuspension.Limit.IsActive = true;
            bodyToSuspension.Limit.Minimum = -0.5f;
            bodyToSuspension.Limit.Maximum = 0;

            //This linear axis motor will give the suspension its springiness by pushing the wheels outward.
            bodyToSuspension.Motor.IsActive = true;
            bodyToSuspension.Motor.Settings.Mode = MotorMode.Servomechanism;
            bodyToSuspension.Motor.Settings.Servo.Goal = 0;
            bodyToSuspension.Motor.Settings.Servo.SpringSettings.Stiffness = 300;
            bodyToSuspension.Motor.Settings.Servo.SpringSettings.Damping = 70;

            steeringMotor = new RevoluteMotor(body, suspensionLeg, Vector3.Up);
            steeringMotor.Settings.Mode = MotorMode.Servomechanism;
            //The constructor makes a guess about how to set up the constraint.
            //It can't always be right since it doesn't have all the information;
            //in this case, it chooses the basis and test axis incorrectly.
            //This leads to a 'flipping' behavior when the wheel is rolling
            //(the test axis is 'rolling' with the wheel, and passes over
            //a singularity which causes a flip).

            //To fix this, we configure the constraint directly.
            //The basis is aligned with how the wheel is set up; we choose 'up' as
            //the motorized axis, and right/forward to define the angle measurement plane.
            //The test axis is set to be perpendicular to the wheel's rotation so that
            //it only measures the steering angle.

            //If you're curious, the angle measurement is just a Math.Atan2.
            //The current world test axis is dotted against the two plane axes (Right and Forward here).
            //This gives an x and y value.  These can be plugged into Atan2 just like when
            //you compute an angle on a normal 2d graph.
            steeringMotor.Basis.SetWorldAxes(Vector3.Up, Vector3.Right);
            steeringMotor.TestAxis = Vector3.Right;

            //To make the steering a little more responsive, set a base speed at which error gets corrected.
            //This works on top of the default error reduction implied by the constraint's spring constants.
            steeringMotor.Settings.Servo.BaseCorrectiveSpeed = 1;

            //The revolute motor is weaker than some other types of constraints and maintaining a goal in the presence of extremely fast rotation and integration issues.
            //Laying a revolute limit on top of it can help mitigate the problem.
            var steeringConstraint = new RevoluteLimit(body, suspensionLeg, Vector3.Up, Vector3.Right, -maximumTurnAngle, maximumTurnAngle);

            //Connect the wheel to the suspension.
            var suspensionToWheel = new RevoluteJoint(suspensionLeg, wheel, wheel.Position, Vector3.Right);
            drivingMotor = suspensionToWheel.Motor;
            //The driving motor's default, created by the RevoluteJoint constructor above, chose the axis of rotation such that negatives values made the car go forward and vice versa.
            //Swap it around so that the positive values make the car roll forward instead!
            drivingMotor.Basis.SetWorldAxes(Vector3.Left, Vector3.Forward);
            drivingMotor.TestAxis = Vector3.Forward;
            drivingMotor.Settings.VelocityMotor.Softness = .3f;
            drivingMotor.Settings.MaximumForce = 100;

            //Add the wheel and connection to the space.