/// <summary> /// Sets the User's location and access based on what is stored in the database. See UtilityCashFlow /// </summary> protected void SetUpUser() { this.isAdminUser = utility.GetIsAdminUser(); this.isCMUser = utility.GetIsCMUser(); this.isDeptUser = utility.GetIsDeptUser(); this.location = utility.GetLocation(); this.department = utility.GetDepartment(); if (!this.isAdminUser && !this.isCMUser && !this.isDeptUser) { Response.Redirect(VariablesCashManager.NO_ACCESS_PAGE); } if (isDeptUser) { LabelCMPriority.Visible = false; RadioButtonListCMPriority.Visible = false; if (this.location.Equals("All")) { RadioButtonListLocation.Visible = true; LabelLocation.Visible = true; } else if (this.location.Equals("2")) { RadioButtonListLocation.Visible = true; LabelLocation.Visible = true; RadioButtonListLocation.Items.FindByValue("All").Attributes.Add("Style", "display: none"); RadioButtonListLocation.Items.FindByValue("1").Attributes.Add("Style", "display: none"); } else { LabelLocation.Visible = false; RadioButtonListLocation.Visible = false; } LabelPayFlag.Visible = false; RadioButtonListPayFlag.Visible = false; LabelPaymentMethod.Visible = false; RadioButtonListPaymentMethod.Visible = false; LabelDepartments.Visible = false; CheckBoxDepartmentsAll.Visible = false; } if (isAdminUser || isCMUser) { RadioButtonListLocation.Visible = true; LabelLocation.Visible = true; } }
String userName = ""; ///<network ID of user protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.userName = Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString().Substring(8); UtilityCashFlow utility = new UtilityCashFlow(this.userName); if (!utility.GetIsAdminUser() && !utility.GetIsCMUser()) { Response.Redirect(VariablesCashManager.NO_ACCESS_PAGE); } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { PopulateOfficeLocations(); } }
String userName = ""; ///<network ID of user protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.userName = Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString().Substring(8); //this.userName = "******"; UtilityCashFlow utility = new UtilityCashFlow(this.userName); if (!utility.GetIsAdminUser() && !utility.GetIsCMUser()) { Response.Redirect(VariablesCashManager.NO_ACCESS_PAGE); } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { LabelMessage.Text = ""; GetAmountToPay(); } }
String userName = ""; ///<network ID of user protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.userName = Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString().Substring(8); //this.userName = "******"; UtilityCashFlow utility = new UtilityCashFlow(this.userName); if ( !utility.GetIsAdminUser() && !utility.GetIsCMUser() ) { Response.Redirect(VariablesCashManager.NO_ACCESS_PAGE); } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { LabelMessage.Text = ""; GetAmountToPay(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = true; String userName = Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString().Substring(8); //userName = "******"; utility = new UtilityCashFlow(userName); SetUpUser(); int totalRows = 0; if (Request["loc"] != null) { utility.SetLocation(Request["loc"].ToString()); } if (Request["dept"] != null) { utility.SetDepartment(Request["dept"].ToString()); } try { totalRows = dataGridView.Rows.Count; } catch (SqlException sqle) { Logger.QuickLog(errorLogFileName, sqle.Message, "Page_Load()", "int totalRows = dataGridView.Rows.Count"); } if (utility.GetIsDeptUser()) { data.Attributes.Add("class", "cashManagerData cashManagerDataDept"); options.Attributes.Add("class", "optionsCashManagerDeptUser"); } else if (utility.GetIsCMUser()) { data.Attributes.Add("class", "cashManagerData cashManagerDataCM"); options.Attributes.Add("class", "optionsCashManagerCMUser"); } else { data.Attributes.Add("class", "cashManagerData cashManagerDataAdmin"); options.Attributes.Add("class", "optionsCashManagerAdminUser"); } utility.SetRowChanged(totalRows); hasPagerRow.Value = "false"; //Set Tool Tips buttonSave.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "Tip('" + VariablesCashManager.TOOLTIP_SAVE_BUTTON + "')"); buttonSave.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "UnTip()"); exitButton.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "UnTip()"); if (utility.GetIsAdminUser() || utility.GetIsCMUser()) { AmountSelectedHidden.Value = Convert.ToString(GetTotalChecked()); if (Session["amountToPay"] != null) { AmountToPay.Value = Session["amountToPay"].ToString(); } else { AmountToPay.Value = "0"; } } else { divTotalToPay.Visible = false; buttonAdminOptions.Visible = false; } LabelCurrentPage.Text = "Page " + Convert.ToString(dataGridView.PageIndex + 1) + " of " + dataGridView.PageCount; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { LogUserAccess(); } }
/// <summary> /// Called before the page is rendered. This is used for the save functionality. /// See Code for SQL - this is a large dynamic sql that is built using C#. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { String messageOutput = ""; bool updateMessage = false; if (Page.IsPostBack) { String sessionResetCookie = "false"; if (Session["resetCookie"] != null) { sessionResetCookie = Session["resetCookie"].ToString(); } if (sessionResetCookie.Equals("true")) { Session["resetCookie"] = "false"; } int totalRows = dataGridView.Rows.Count; for (int r = 0; r < totalRows; r++) { if (utility.GetRowChanged()[r]) { updateMessage = true; GridViewRow thisGridViewRow = dataGridView.Rows[r]; String barcode = ""; String source = ""; String invoiceNumber = ""; String invoiceDate = ""; String vendorNumber = ""; int payFlag = 0; decimal amount = 0; //String cmPriority = "4"; //String deptPriority = "4"; String cmPriority = "2"; String deptPriority = "2"; String cmNotes = ""; String deptNotes = ""; String payMethod = ""; String updateTimeAtLoad = ""; try { barcode = thisGridViewRow.Cells[columnBarcode].Text == "-" ? "-1" : thisGridViewRow.Cells[columnBarcode].Text; source = thisGridViewRow.Cells[columnSource].Text; invoiceNumber = thisGridViewRow.Cells[columnInvoiceNumberHidden].Text.Replace("'", "''").Replace(" ", ""); invoiceDate = thisGridViewRow.Cells[columnInvoiceDateHidden].Text; vendorNumber = thisGridViewRow.Cells[columnVendorIdHidden].Text; payFlag = ((CheckBox)thisGridViewRow.FindControl("review1CB")).Checked == true ? 1 : 0; updateTimeAtLoad = thisGridViewRow.Cells[columnUpdateTimeHidden].Text; try { amount = Convert.ToDecimal(thisGridViewRow.Cells[columnAmountHidden].Text); } catch (FormatException fe) { Logger.QuickLog(VariablesCashManager.ERROR_LOG_FILE_NAME, "Page_PreRender()", fe.Message, "converting amount from text to decimal: " + thisGridViewRow.Cells[columnAmountHidden].Text); } if (utility.GetIsDeptUser()) { cmPriority = thisGridViewRow.Cells[columnPriorityCMHidden].Text; payMethod = thisGridViewRow.Cells[columnPaymentMethodHidden].Text.Replace(" ", ""); } else { cmPriority = ((RadioButtonList)thisGridViewRow.FindControl("cmPriorityRadioButtonList")).SelectedValue; payMethod = ((DropDownList)thisGridViewRow.FindControl("DropDownListPayMthd")).SelectedValue; } if (utility.GetIsCMUser()) { deptPriority = thisGridViewRow.Cells[columnPriorityDeptHidden].Text == "-1" ? "null" : thisGridViewRow.Cells[columnPriorityDeptHidden].Text; } else { deptPriority = ((RadioButtonList)thisGridViewRow.FindControl("deptPriorityRadioButtonList")).SelectedValue; } cmNotes = ((TextBox)thisGridViewRow.FindControl("cmNotesTB")).Text.Replace("'", "''"); deptNotes = ((TextBox)thisGridViewRow.FindControl("deptNotesTB")).Text.Replace("'", "''"); } catch (FormatException) { //this is to catch when set to a nonNumber //non numbers are converted to zero } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ae) { //when using paging Logger.QuickLog(errorLogFileName, ae.Message, "Page_PreRender()", ""); } SqlConnection con = null; String sqlDateCheck = " SELECT case when updateTime > '" + updateTimeAtLoad + "' then 0 else 1 end as okToSave " + " FROM BMcBEARCashFlowManager " + " WHERE barcode = " + barcode + " AND dataSource = '" + source + "' " + " AND invoiceNumber = '" + invoiceNumber + "' " + " AND invoiceDate = '" + invoiceDate + "' " + " AND vendorNumber = '" + vendorNumber + "' " + " AND amount = " + amount; String sqlArchive = " INSERT INTO dbo.BMcBEARCashFlowManagerArchive " + " SELECT ID " + " ,barcode " + " ,dataSource " + " ,invoiceNumber " + " ,invoiceDate " + " ,vendorNumber " + " ,payFlag " + " ,amount " + " ,priorityCM " + " ,priorityDept" + " ,notesCM " + " ,notesDept " + " ,paymentMethod " + " ,updatedBy " + " ,updateTime " + " FROM dbo.BMcBEARCashFlowManager (nolock)" + " WHERE barcode = " + barcode + " AND dataSource = '" + source + "' " + " AND invoiceNumber = '" + invoiceNumber + "' " + " AND invoiceDate = '" + invoiceDate + "' " + " AND vendorNumber = '" + vendorNumber + "' " + " AND amount = " + amount; String sqlSelectCount = " SELECT count(*) as count " + " FROM dbo.BMcBEARCashFlowManager (nolock) " + " WHERE barcode = " + barcode + " AND dataSource = '" + source + "' " + " AND invoiceNumber = '" + invoiceNumber + "' " + " AND invoiceDate = '" + invoiceDate + "' " + " AND vendorNumber = '" + vendorNumber + "' " + " AND amount = " + amount; String sqlUpdate = " UPDATE BMcBEARCashFlowManager " + " SET updatedBy = '" + utility.GetUserName() + "' " + " , updateTime = '" + DateTime.Now + "' "; if (!utility.GetIsDeptUser()) { sqlUpdate = sqlUpdate + " , payFlag = " + payFlag + " , paymentMethod = '" + payMethod + "' " + " , notesCM = '" + cmNotes + "' " + " , priorityCM = " + cmPriority; } if (!utility.GetIsCMUser()) { sqlUpdate = sqlUpdate + " , priorityDept = " + deptPriority + " , notesDept = '" + deptNotes + "' "; } sqlUpdate = sqlUpdate + " WHERE barcode = " + barcode + " AND dataSource = '" + source + "' " + " AND invoiceNumber = '" + invoiceNumber + "' " + " AND invoiceDate = '" + invoiceDate + "' " + " AND vendorNumber = '" + vendorNumber + "' " + " AND amount = " + amount; String sqlInsert = " INSERT INTO dbo.BMcBEARCashFlowManager ( " + " barcode, dataSource, invoiceNumber, invoiceDate, vendorNumber, " + " payFlag, amount, priorityCM, priorityDept, notesCM, notesDept, " + " paymentMethod, updatedBy, updateTime " + " ) VALUES ( " + barcode + ", '" + source + "' " + ", '" + invoiceNumber + "' " + ", '" + invoiceDate + "' " + ", '" + vendorNumber + "' " + ", " + payFlag + ", " + amount; if (cmPriority.Equals("-1")) { sqlInsert = sqlInsert + ", NULL "; } else { sqlInsert = sqlInsert + ", " + cmPriority; } sqlInsert = sqlInsert + ", " + deptPriority + ", '" + cmNotes + "' " + ", '" + deptNotes + "' " + ", '" + payMethod + "' " + ", '" + utility.GetUserName() + "' " + ", '" + DateTime.Now + "' " + " ) "; try { con = new SqlConnection( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["eliteConnectionString"].ConnectionString); con.Open(); SqlCommand command = con.CreateCommand(); command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; command.CommandText = sqlArchive; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); int recordCount = 0; try { command.CommandText = sqlSelectCount; SqlDataReader readerCount = command.ExecuteReader(); if (readerCount.Read()) { recordCount = Convert.ToInt16(readerCount["count"].ToString()); } readerCount.Close(); } catch (SqlException sqleSelectCount) { Logger.QuickLog(errorLogFileName, sqleSelectCount.Message, "Page_PreRender()", sqlSelectCount); } catch (Exception) { } if (recordCount > 0) { int okToSave = 0; try { command.CommandText = sqlDateCheck; SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { okToSave = Convert.ToInt16(reader["okToSave"].ToString()); } reader.Close(); } catch (SqlException sqleDateCheck) { Logger.QuickLog(errorLogFileName, sqleDateCheck.Message, "PagePreRender()", sqlDateCheck); } if (okToSave == 1) { try { command.CommandText = sqlUpdate; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException sqleUpdate) { Logger.QuickLog(errorLogFileName, sqleUpdate.Message, "Page_PreRender()", sqlUpdate); } } else { if (messageOutput.Equals("")) { messageOutput = "Barcode(s): " + barcode; } else { messageOutput = messageOutput + ", " + barcode; } } } else { try { command.CommandText = sqlInsert; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException sqleInsert) { Logger.QuickLog(errorLogFileName, sqleInsert.Message, "Page_PreRender()", sqlInsert); } } } catch (SqlException sqleArchive) { Logger.QuickLog(errorLogFileName, sqleArchive.Message, "Page_PreRender()", sqlArchive); } finally { if (con != null) { con.Close(); } } utility.GetRowChanged()[r] = false; } //end "if (rowChanged[r])" } //end "for (int r = 0; r < totalRows; r++)" if (!messageOutput.Equals("")) { messageOutput = messageOutput + " Not Saved due to being updated by someone else"; } if (updateMessage) { if (messageOutput.Equals("")) { messageOutput = "All Records Saved"; LabelMessage.CssClass = "Green"; } else { LabelMessage.CssClass = "Red"; } LabelMessage.Text = messageOutput; } else if (LabelMessage.Text.Equals("All Records Saved")) { LabelMessage.Text = ""; } dataGridView.DataBind(); if (utility.GetIsAdminUser() || utility.GetIsCMUser()) { AmountSelectedHidden.Value = Convert.ToString(GetTotalChecked()); } } //end if (Page.IsPostBack) else { dataGridView.SelectedIndex = -1; } } //end Page_PreRender()