        private void BDBGCForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs eload)
            BDBGlovesClient.CreateMidiPort(); //Open "BDB_MIDI" port

            //If BLEHandlingDiscovery Class has been Instantiated, Look for Devices
            if (bleDevice != null)
                try { bleDevice.StartBLEDeviceWatcher(); }
                catch { MessageBox.Show("Glove One is Disconnected!"); }

            if (bleDevice_2 != null)
                try { bleDevice_2.StartBLEDeviceWatcher(); }
                catch { MessageBox.Show("Glove Two Is Disconnected!"); }

            Debug.WriteLine("Form Load");

            //Fill Camera Combo Boxes with Camera Index, Disable Start Buttons

            captureOneStartButton.Enabled = false;
            captureTwoStartButton.Enabled = false;
 private void sendMidiNoteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     BDBGlovesClient.SendNextMidiOutMessage(0x91, 60, 127);
        public void MIDINoteTriggering()
            int note       = 60;   //MIDI Note C5
            int velocity_1 = 127;  //Max Velocity
            int velocity_2 = 127;
            int command    = 0x90; //Send Note over BDB_MIDI Channel 1
            int command_2  = 0x91; //Send Note over BDB_MIDI Channel 2
            int curstate   = 0;    //Marks when hand is rising
            int curstate_2 = 0;

            float accX;
            float gyroY;
            float accX_2;
            float gyroY_2;

            _MidiTriggeringBackgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
            _MidiTriggeringBackgroundWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;

            _MidiTriggeringBackgroundWorker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(async(state, args) =>
                    if (_MidiTriggeringBackgroundWorker.CancellationPending)

                    while (StartIMUCheckBox.Checked)
                        bleDevice.UpdateAllData();   //Grab IMU Data
                        bleDevice_2.UpdateAllData(); //Grab IMU Data

                        accX  = bleDevice.accAngleX;
                        gyroY = bleDevice.gyroAngleY;

                        //Use Angular Velocity to determine dynamic quality (scaled between 0 and 127)
                        velocity_1 = (int)((Math.Abs(gyroY) / 2.0) * 127);
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Velocity 1: {velocity_1}");

                        //Note Triggered if enough motion is detected and the hand is accelerating downard
                        if (MotionCountOne > 3) //Camera one represents sampler channel one
                            if ((accX < 0.1) && (curstate == 0))
                                if (curstate == 0)
                                {   //Send MIDI Note
                                    BDBGlovesClient.SendNextMidiOutMessage(command, note, 127);
                                    Debug.WriteLine($"Acc X: {bleDevice.accAngleX}");
                                    curstate = 1;
                        if ((bleDevice.accAngleX > 0.1) && (curstate == 1))
                            curstate = 0; //reset when hand is rising

                        accX_2  = bleDevice_2.accAngleX;
                        gyroY_2 = bleDevice_2.gyroAngleY;

                        velocity_2 = (int)((Math.Abs(gyroY_2) / 2.0) * 127);
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Velocity 2: {velocity_2}");
                        if (MotionCountTwo > 3)
                            if ((accX_2 < 0.1) && (curstate_2 == 0))
                                if (curstate_2 == 0)
                                    BDBGlovesClient.SendNextMidiOutMessage(command_2, note, 127);
                                    Debug.WriteLine($"Acc X_2: {bleDevice_2.accAngleX}");
                                    curstate_2 = 1;
                        if ((bleDevice_2.accAngleX > 0.1) && (curstate_2 == 1))
                            curstate_2 = 0;
                } while (true);