 /// <summary>
 /// 更新一条数据
 /// </summary>
 public void Update(BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot model)
    private void Play_jqcRobot()
        int meid = GetUsID();//得到随机的UsID

        if (!new BCW.BLL.User().ExistsID(meid))
        if (meid > 0)
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(R(1, 11) * 1000);
            int  beilv    = GetPayCent();                                    //得到随机投注的倍率
            int  buycou   = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("ROBOTBUY", xmlPath)); //xml限定每个机器人购买次数
            int  zhuPrice = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("zhuPrice", xmlPath)); //每注酷币
            long Price    = zhuPrice * beilv;
            string votenum = string.Empty;
            int[]  a       = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
            string s       = string.Empty;
            Random ran     = new Random();
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                s = a[ran.Next(0, 4)].ToString();
                if (j == 7)
                    votenum += s;
                    votenum += s + "#";

            string where1 = "where phase!='' and Sale_Start < getdate() and  Sale_End > getdate() order by newid()";//查询数据库可以下注的随机一期
            BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Internet model = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Internet().GetJQC_Internet_model(where1);
            if (model.phase > 0)
                BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Bet modelBuy = new BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Bet();
                int count = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().GetRecordCount(" UsID=" + meid + " and Lottery_issue='" + model.phase + "'");
                if ((count < buycou) || (buycou == 0))
                    modelBuy.Lottery_issue = model.phase;
                    modelBuy.UsID          = meid;
                    modelBuy.Input_Time    = DateTime.Now;
                    modelBuy.State         = 0;
                    modelBuy.isRobot       = 1;
                    modelBuy.Zhu           = 1;
                    modelBuy.Zhu_money     = zhuPrice;
                    modelBuy.GetMoney      = 0;
                    modelBuy.VoteRate      = beilv;
                    modelBuy.PutGold       = Price;
                    modelBuy.VoteNum       = votenum;

                    long   gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);
                    long   prices = Price;
                    string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);

                    if (gold < prices)
                        BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
                        modelx.BbTag     = 3;
                        modelx.Types     = 0;
                        modelx.PUrl      = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
                        modelx.UsId      = meid;
                        modelx.UsName    = mename;
                        modelx.AcGold    = prices;
                        modelx.AfterGold = gold + prices;//更新后的币数
                        modelx.AcText    = "系统进球彩机器人自动操作";
                        modelx.AddTime   = DateTime.Now;
                        new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);
                        BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+(" + prices + ") where id=" + meid + "");

                    long xPrices = Utils.ParseInt64(ub.GetSub("BigPrice", xmlPath));
                    if (xPrices > 0)
                        long      oPrices = 0;
                        DataSet   ds      = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().GetList("PutGold", "UsID=" + meid + " and Lottery_issue='" + model.phase + "'");
                        DataTable dt      = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                            int drs = int.Parse(dr[0].ToString());
                            oPrices = oPrices + drs;
                        if (oPrices + prices > xPrices)
                    int id = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().Add(modelBuy);
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, "进球彩第" + model.phase + "期投注消费-标识ID" + id + "");

                    BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot jack = new BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot();
                    jack.UsID     = meid;
                    jack.InPrize  = Price;
                    jack.OutPrize = 0;
                    //jack.Jackpot = Price + new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().GetGold();//实时奖池
                    jack.Jackpot = Price + new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().GetGold_phase(model.phase);
                    jack.AddTime = DateTime.Now;
                    jack.phase   = model.phase;
                    jack.type    = 0;//玩家下注
                    jack.BetID   = id;
                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().Add(jack);
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateTime(meid, 5); //更新会员在线时长
                    string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid) + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/jqc.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]第" + model.phase + "期下注" + Price + "" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "";
                    new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(1014, id, meid, "", wText);
 /// <summary>
 /// 增加一条数据
 /// </summary>
 public int Add(BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot model)
    public void Open_price(string phase)
        if (new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Internet().Exists_wei(int.Parse(phase)))
            DataSet ds = new BCW.BLL.Guest().GetList("*", "Content LIKE '%进球彩%' AND ToId=52784 AND ToName='森林仔555' AND DateDiff(dd,AddTime,getdate())=0");
            if (ds == null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0)
                new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(1, 52784, "森林仔555", "注意:进球彩在第" + phase + "期前存在未开奖期号,请马上去后台检查开奖.");

            DataSet ds1 = new BCW.BLL.Guest().GetList("*", "Content LIKE '%进球彩%' AND ToId=10086 AND ToName='客服10086' AND DateDiff(dd,AddTime,getdate())=0");
            if (ds1 == null && ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0)
                new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(1, 10086, "客服10086", "注意:进球彩在第" + phase + "期前存在未开奖期号,请马上去后台检查开奖.");
            Response.Write("<br/>在" + phase + "期前存在未开奖期号,请马上检查开奖.ok1<br/>");
            string where = string.Empty;
            where        = "where phase='" + phase + "'";
            BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Internet model = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Internet().GetJQC_Internet_model(where);

            string Result = model.Result;
            Response.Write("<br/>等待开奖期号:[" + model.phase + "]ok1<br/>");
            if (Result != "")//如果开奖号码为空,则不返奖
                long get_jiangchi_kou = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().GetGold_phase((int.Parse(phase)));

                #region 判断系统是否有投入和开奖是否够币
                if (get_jiangchi_kou > jiangchi_guding)
                    if (new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().Getxitong_toujin() > new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().Getxitong_huishou())
                        BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot bb = new BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot();
                        bb.AddTime  = DateTime.Now;
                        bb.BetID    = 0;
                        bb.InPrize  = 0;
                        bb.Jackpot  = get_jiangchi_kou - jiangchi;
                        bb.OutPrize = jiangchi;
                        bb.phase    = (int.Parse(phase)); //开奖的那期
                        bb.type     = 4;                  //系统
                        bb.UsID     = 10086;
                        new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().Add(bb);
                if (get_jiangchi_kou < jianchi_zuidi)
                    BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot aa = new BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot();
                    aa.AddTime  = DateTime.Now;
                    aa.BetID    = 0;
                    aa.InPrize  = jiangchi;
                    aa.Jackpot  = jiangchi + get_jiangchi_kou;
                    aa.OutPrize = 0;
                    aa.phase    = (int.Parse(phase)); //开奖的那期
                    aa.type     = 4;                  //系统
                    aa.UsID     = 10086;
                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().Add(aa);

                long get_jiangchi = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().GetGold_phase((int.Parse(phase)));
                new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Internet().Update_Result("nowprize='" + get_jiangchi + "'", "phase='" + phase + "'");
                long moshou = Convert.ToInt64(get_jiangchi * huishou * 0.01);
                BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot aa1 = new BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot();
                aa1.AddTime  = DateTime.Now;
                aa1.BetID    = 0;
                aa1.InPrize  = 0;
                aa1.Jackpot  = get_jiangchi - moshou;
                aa1.OutPrize = moshou;
                aa1.phase    = (int.Parse(phase));
                aa1.type     = 3;//系统扣税10%
                aa1.UsID     = 10086;
                new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().Add(aa1);

                //if (new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().Exists_num(model.phase))
                    long z4 = Convert.ToInt64(get_jiangchi * jqcFour * 0.01);
                    long z3 = Convert.ToInt64(get_jiangchi * jqcThree * 0.01);
                    long z2 = Convert.ToInt64(get_jiangchi * jqcTwo * 0.01);
                    long z1 = Convert.ToInt64(get_jiangchi * jqcOne * 0.01);

                    DataSet ds = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().GetList("*", " State=0 and Lottery_issue='" + model.phase + "'");
                    if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        int      count     = 0;
                        string[] resultnum = Result.Split(',');

                        for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                            int      ID            = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString());
                            int      UsID          = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UsID"].ToString());
                            string   Lottery_issue = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Lottery_issue"].ToString();
                            int      State         = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["State"].ToString());
                            long     Zhu_money     = Int64.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Zhu_money"].ToString());
                            long     PutGold       = Int64.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PutGold"].ToString());
                            long     GetMoney      = Int64.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["GetMoney"].ToString());
                            int      VoteRate      = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["VoteRate"].ToString());//投注倍率
                            DateTime Input_Time    = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Input_Time"]);
                            int      isRobot       = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["isRobot"].ToString());
                            string   Vote          = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["VoteNum"].ToString();        //投注号码
                            int      VoteNum       = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Zhu"].ToString()); //投注注数

                            if (VoteNum == 1)                                                           //单注
                                #region 单式中奖算法
                                string[] votenum = Vote.Split('#');
                                if (Vote != "" && Result != "")
                                    for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
                                        string aa = votenum[k];
                                        string bb = resultnum[k];
                                        if (True(aa, bb))

                                #region 单式中奖更新数据库
                                if (count == 5)//4等奖----State=4
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().update_GetMoney("Prize4=1", "ID='" + ID + "'");
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().Update_win(ID, 1); //0未开1中2不中3已领4过期
                                else if (count == 6)                             //3等奖----State=3
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().update_GetMoney("Prize3=1", "ID='" + ID + "'");
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().Update_win(ID, 1);
                                else if (count == 7)//2等奖----State=2
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().update_GetMoney("Prize2=1", "ID='" + ID + "'");
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().Update_win(ID, 1);
                                else if (count == 8)//1等奖----State=1
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().update_GetMoney("Prize1=1", "ID='" + ID + "'");
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().Update_win(ID, 1);
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().Update_win(ID, 2);
                                count = 0;
                                #region  式中奖算法
                                int      num1 = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0;
                                string[] buyvote = Vote.Split('#');
                                string[] vote1   = buyvote[0].Split(',');
                                string[] vote2   = buyvote[1].Split(',');
                                string[] vote3   = buyvote[2].Split(',');
                                string[] vote4   = buyvote[3].Split(',');
                                string[] vote5   = buyvote[4].Split(',');
                                string[] vote6   = buyvote[5].Split(',');
                                string[] vote7   = buyvote[6].Split(',');
                                string[] vote8   = buyvote[7].Split(',');

                                List <string[]> list = new List <string[]>();
                                string[] totalResult;
                                string[] Finalresult = Result.Split(',');

                                totalResult = bianli(list);//得到投注数据

                                for (int iresult = 0; iresult < totalResult.Length; iresult++)
                                    //builder.Append(totalResult[iresult].Replace("#", ",") + "<br/>");
                                    string[] results = totalResult[iresult].Split('#');
                                    for (int j = 0; j < results.Length; j++)
                                        if (results[j].Equals(Finalresult[j]))
                                    if (count == 5)//如果count出现的次数等于5,证明是四等奖
                                    if (count == 6)//如果count出现的次数等于6,证明是三等奖
                                    if (count == 7)//如果count出现的次数等于7,证明是二等奖
                                    if (count == 8)//如果count出现的次数等于8,证明是一等奖
                                        num1 = 1;
                                    count = 0;

                                #region 单式中奖更新数据库
                                if (num1 > 0)
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().update_GetMoney("Prize1=1", "ID='" + ID + "'");
                                if (num2 > 0)
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().update_GetMoney("Prize2=" + num2 + "", "ID='" + ID + "'");
                                if (num3 > 0)
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().update_GetMoney("Prize3=" + num3 + "", "ID='" + ID + "'");
                                if (num4 > 0)
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().update_GetMoney("Prize4=" + num4 + "", "ID='" + ID + "'");
                                if (num1 == 0 && num2 == 0 && num3 == 0 && num4 == 0)
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().Update_win(ID, 2);
                                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().Update_win(ID, 1);

                    int q4 = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().count_renshu(model.phase, "Prize4");
                    int q3 = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().count_renshu(model.phase, "Prize3");
                    int q2 = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().count_renshu(model.phase, "Prize2");
                    int q1 = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().count_renshu(model.phase, "Prize1");
                    long z_price4, z_price3, z_price2, z_price1 = 0;
                    if (q1 != 0)
                        z_price1 = z1 / q1;
                        z_price1 = z1;
                    if (q2 != 0)
                        z_price2 = z2 / q2;
                        z_price2 = z2;
                    if (q3 != 0)
                        z_price3 = z3 / q3;
                        z_price3 = z3;
                    if (q4 != 0)
                        z_price4 = z4 / q4;
                        z_price4 = z4;

                    string ai  = q1 + "," + q2 + "," + q3 + "," + q4;
                    string aii = z_price1 + "," + z_price2 + "," + z_price3 + "," + z_price4;

                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Internet().Update_Result("zhu='" + ai + "',zhu_money='" + aii + "'", "phase='" + phase + "'");

                    DataSet ds1 = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().GetList("*", " State>0 and Lottery_issue='" + model.phase + "'");
                    for (int i = 0; i < ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                        int  ID       = int.Parse(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString());
                        int  UsID     = int.Parse(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UsID"].ToString());
                        int  VoteRate = int.Parse(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[i]["VoteRate"].ToString());//投注倍率
                        int  isRobot  = int.Parse(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[i]["isRobot"].ToString());
                        int  Prize1   = int.Parse(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Prize1"].ToString());
                        int  Prize2   = int.Parse(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Prize2"].ToString());
                        int  Prize3   = int.Parse(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Prize3"].ToString());
                        int  Prize4   = int.Parse(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Prize4"].ToString());
                        long qian     = 0;

                        BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot bb = new BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot();
                        bb.AddTime = DateTime.Now;
                        bb.BetID   = ID;
                        bb.InPrize = 0;
                        bb.phase   = int.Parse(phase);
                        bb.type    = 1;
                        bb.UsID    = UsID;

                        if (Prize1 > 0 || Prize2 > 0 || Prize3 > 0 || Prize4 > 0)
                            qian = z_price4 * VoteRate * Prize4 + z_price3 * VoteRate * Prize3 + z_price2 * VoteRate * Prize2 + z_price1 * VoteRate * Prize1;
                            new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().update_GetMoney("GetMoney='" + qian + "'", "ID=" + ID + "");
                            bb.Jackpot  = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().GetGold_phase(int.Parse(phase)) - qian;
                            bb.OutPrize = qian;
                            new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().Add(bb);

                            if (isRobot == 0)
                                new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(1, UsID, new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(UsID), "恭喜您在" + GameName + "第" + model.phase + "期获得了" + qian + "" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "[url=/bbs/game/jqc.aspx?act=case]马上兑奖[/url]");
                            string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + UsID + "]" + new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(UsID) + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/jqc.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]《" + model.phase + "期》获得了" + qian + "" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "";
                            new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(1014, ID, UsID, "", wText);


                    BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot aa3 = new BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot();
                    aa3.AddTime  = DateTime.Now;
                    aa3.BetID    = 0;
                    aa3.InPrize  = 0;
                    aa3.Jackpot  = 0;
                    aa3.OutPrize = get_jiangchi - moshou - new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().Get_paijiang(int.Parse(phase));
                    aa3.phase    = (int.Parse(phase));
                    aa3.type     = 5;//5是系统滚存
                    aa3.UsID     = 10086;
                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().Add(aa3);

                    BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot aa2 = new BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot();
                    aa2.AddTime  = DateTime.Now;
                    aa2.BetID    = 0;
                    aa2.InPrize  = get_jiangchi - moshou - new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().Get_paijiang(int.Parse(phase));
                    aa2.Jackpot  = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().GetGold_phase((int.Parse(phase) + 1)) + get_jiangchi - moshou - new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().Get_paijiang(int.Parse(phase));
                    aa2.OutPrize = 0;
                    aa2.phase    = (int.Parse(phase) + 1);
                    aa2.type     = 5;//5是系统滚存
                    aa2.UsID     = 10086;
                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().Add(aa2);

                    if (new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().GetGold_phase((int.Parse(phase) + 1)) < jianchi_zuidi)
                        BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot aa = new BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot();
                        aa.AddTime  = DateTime.Now;
                        aa.BetID    = 0;
                        aa.InPrize  = jiangchi;
                        aa.Jackpot  = jiangchi + new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().GetGold_phase((int.Parse(phase) + 1));
                        aa.OutPrize = 0;
                        aa.phase    = (int.Parse(phase) + 1);
                        aa.type     = 4;//系统
                        aa.UsID     = 10086;
                        new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().Add(aa);