private void ReloadPage(int forumid, int bid) { int meid = new BCW.User.Users().GetUsId(); if (meid == 0) { Utils.Login(); } int hid = int.Parse(Utils.GetRequest("hid", "all", 1, @"^[0-9]\d*$", "0")); if (hid == 0) { hid = meid; } builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", "")); builder.Append("查看参赛记录"); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />")); BCW.Model.Text model = new BCW.BLL.Text().GetText(bid); builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"text\">", "")); builder.Append("<b>记录:连中" + model.Glznum + "期,月中" + model.Gmnum + "期,历史" + model.Gaddnum + "中" + model.Gwinnum + "</b>"); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />")); int pageIndex; int recordCount; int pageSize = 10; string strWhere = string.Empty; string[] pageValUrl = { "forumid", "bid", "hid", "backurl" }; pageIndex = Utils.ParseInt(Request.QueryString["page"]); if (pageIndex == 0) { pageIndex = 1; } //查询条件 strWhere = "Forumid=" + forumid + " and BID=" + bid + " and UsID=" + hid + ""; // 开始读取列表 IList <BCW.Model.Forumvote> listForumvote = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetForumvotes(pageIndex, pageSize, strWhere, out recordCount); if (listForumvote.Count > 0) { int k = 1; foreach (BCW.Model.Forumvote n in listForumvote) { if (k % 2 == 0) { builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"text\">", "<br />")); } else { if (k == 1) { builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); } else { builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "<br />")); } } builder.Append("[" + n.qiNum + "]期:" + n.Notes + ""); if (n.state == 0) { builder.Append("[开?]"); } else { if (n.IsWin == 0) { builder.Append("[未中]"); } else { builder.Append("[中]"); } } k++; builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); } // 分页 builder.Append(BasePage.ForumMultiPage(pageIndex, pageSize, recordCount, Utils.getPageUrl(), pageValUrl, "page", 0)); } else { builder.Append(Out.Div("div", "没有相关记录..")); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", Out.Hr())); builder.Append("<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "") + "\"><<返回主題</a>"); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); }
private void ReloadPage(int forumid) { int meid = new BCW.User.Users().GetUsId(); if (meid == 0) { Utils.Login(); } string GsAdminID = ub.GetSub("BbsGsAdminID", xmlPath); if (!("#" + GsAdminID + "#").Contains("#" + meid + "#")) { Utils.Error("权限不足", ""); } int qiNum = int.Parse(Utils.GetRequest("qiNum", "all", 1, @"^[0-9]\d*$", "0")); if (qiNum == 0) { qiNum = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("BbsGsqiNum", xmlPath)); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", "")); builder.Append("<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("forum.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "") + "\">" + new BCW.BLL.Forum().GetTitle(forumid) + "</a>"); builder.Append(">>高手"); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />")); builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"text\">", "")); builder.Append("<b>本期第" + qiNum + "期,截止时间" + ub.GetSub("BbsGsStopTime", xmlPath) + "</b>"); string sNum = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetsNum(forumid, qiNum); if (sNum != "") { builder.Append("<br />本期已开奖:" + sNum + ""); } else { builder.Append("<br /><a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("Gsopen.aspx?act=open&forumid=" + forumid + "&qiNum=" + qiNum + "") + "\">马上开奖>></a>"); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"text\">", "<br />")); builder.Append("==第" + qiNum + "期参赛帖子=="); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); int pageIndex; int recordCount; int pageSize = 10; string strWhere = string.Empty; string strOrder = string.Empty; string[] pageValUrl = { "forumid", "qiNum", "backurl" }; pageIndex = Utils.ParseInt(Request.QueryString["page"]); if (pageIndex == 0) { pageIndex = 1; } //查询条件 strWhere = "Forumid=" + forumid + " and Types=8 and IsDel=0 and Gqinum=" + qiNum + ""; //排序条件 strOrder = "Istop Desc,ReTime Desc"; // 开始读取列表 IList <BCW.Model.Text> listText = new BCW.BLL.Text().GetTexts(pageIndex, pageSize, strWhere, strOrder, out recordCount); if (listText.Count > 0) { int k = 1; foreach (BCW.Model.Text n in listText) { if (k % 2 == 0) { builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"text\">", "<br />")); } else { builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "<br />")); } builder.Append(BCW.User.AppCase.CaseIsTop(n.IsTop)); builder.Append(BCW.User.AppCase.CaseIsGood(n.IsGood)); builder.Append(BCW.User.AppCase.CaseIsRecom(n.IsRecom)); builder.Append(BCW.User.AppCase.CaseIsLock(n.IsLock)); builder.Append(BCW.User.AppCase.CaseIsOver(n.IsOver)); builder.Append(BCW.User.AppCase.CaseText(n.Types)); string TextTab = string.Empty; builder.AppendFormat("<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("/bbs/topic.aspx?forumid={0}&bid={1}&backurl=" + Utils.PostPage(1) + "") + "\">{2}.{3}{4}</a><br />", n.ForumId, n.ID, (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize + k, TextTab, n.Title); builder.Append("" + n.UsName); builder.AppendFormat("/阅{0}/回<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("/bbs/reply.aspx?forumid={1}&bid={2}&backurl=" + Utils.PostPage(1) + "") + "\">{3}</a>", n.ReadNum, n.ForumId, n.ID, n.ReplyNum); k++; builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); } // 分页 builder.Append(BasePage.ForumMultiPage(pageIndex, pageSize, recordCount, Utils.getPageUrl(), pageValUrl, "page", 0)); } else { builder.Append(Out.Div("div", "<br />没有相关记录..")); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", Out.Hr())); builder.Append("<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("manwork.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "") + "\"><<返回版务</a>"); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); }
private void ReloadPage(int forumid, int bid, int id) { int meid = new BCW.User.Users().GetUsId(); if (meid == 0) { Utils.Login(); } string GsDemoID = ub.GetSub("BbsGsDemoID", xmlPath); if (GsDemoID != "") { if (!("#" + GsDemoID + "#").Contains("#" + meid + "#")) { Utils.Error("此功能内测中,您的ID不在内测ID里", ""); } } BCW.Model.Text modelT = new BCW.BLL.Text().GetText(bid); if (modelT.IsOver == 1) { Utils.Error("本帖已结,请另开新帖增加期数", ""); } if (id > 0) { BCW.Model.Forumvote model = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetForumvote(id); if (model == null) { Utils.Error("不存在的记录", ""); } if (model.UsID != meid) { Utils.Error("不存在的记录", ""); } } else { if (modelT == null) { Utils.Error("不存在的记录", ""); } if (modelT.UsID != meid) { Utils.Error("不存在的记录", ""); } } if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForumGSIDS(forumid) == true) { DateTime GsStopTime = Utils.ParseTime(ub.GetSub("BbsGsStopTime", xmlPath)); int GsqiNum = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("BbsGsqiNum", xmlPath)); if (GsqiNum == 0) { Utils.Error("本期尚未设置", ""); } if (GsStopTime < DateTime.Now) { Utils.Error("本期第" + GsqiNum + "期已截止发表,截止时间" + GsStopTime + "", ""); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", "")); if (id > 0) { Master.Title = "修改参赛内容"; builder.Append("修改参赛内容"); } else { Master.Title = "添加参赛内容"; builder.Append("添加参赛内容"); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />")); string ac = Utils.GetRequest("ac", "post", 1, "", ""); string Choose = Utils.GetRequest("Choose", "post", 1, "", ""); string Choose2 = Utils.GetRequest("Choose2", "post", 1, "", ""); if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum113(forumid) == true || new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum116(forumid) == true) { if (ac != "" && ac != "[删]") { if (Choose != "") { Choose += "," + Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } else { Choose = Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } } string show1 = ""; string show2 = ""; string show3 = ""; string show4 = ""; string show5 = ""; string show6 = ""; string show7 = ""; string show8 = ""; string show9 = ""; string show10 = ""; string show11 = ""; string show12 = ""; int cNum = Utils.GetStringNum(Choose, ","); if ((new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum113(forumid) == true && cNum == 5) || (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum116(forumid) == true && ac != "" && ac != "[删]")) { show1 = "$"; show2 = "$"; show3 = "$"; show4 = "$"; show5 = "$"; show6 = "$"; show7 = "$"; show8 = "$"; show9 = "$"; show10 = "$"; show11 = "$"; show12 = "$"; } else { if (Choose.Contains("鼠")) { show1 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("牛")) { show2 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("虎")) { show3 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("兔")) { show4 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("龙")) { show5 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("蛇")) { show6 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("马")) { show7 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("羊")) { show8 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("猴")) { show9 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("鸡")) { show10 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("狗")) { show11 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("猪")) { show12 = "$"; } } string sx = "" + show1 + "鼠|" + show2 + "牛|" + show3 + "虎|" + show4 + "兔|" + show5 + "龙|" + show6 + "蛇/|" + show7 + "马|" + show8 + "羊|" + show9 + "猴|" + show10 + "鸡|" + show11 + "狗|" + show12 + "猪"; builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); builder.Append("选择要推荐的生肖:"); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", Out.Hr())); builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; strValu = "" + Choose + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; strOthe = "" + sx + ",Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); if (Choose != "") { builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "<br />")); builder.Append("=选中的生肖=<br />"); string[] cTemp = Choose.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < cTemp.Length; i++) { builder.Append("" + cTemp[i] + ""); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; if (i == 0) { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace(cTemp[i] + ",", "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } else { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace("," + cTemp[i], "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } strOthe = "[删],Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); } } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum114(forumid) == true) { string showA1 = ""; string showA2 = ""; string showA3 = ""; string showB1 = ""; string showB2 = ""; string showB3 = ""; string showB4 = ""; string showB5 = ""; string showB6 = ""; if (ac != "" && ac != "[删]" && !ac.Contains("单") && !ac.Contains("双")) { if (Choose != "") { Choose += "," + Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } else { Choose = Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } int cNum = Utils.GetStringNum(Choose, ","); if (cNum >= 1) { showA1 = "$"; showA2 = "$"; showA3 = "$"; } showB1 = "$"; showB2 = "$"; showB3 = "$"; showB4 = "$"; showB5 = "$"; showB6 = "$"; } if (ac != "" && ac != "[删]" && (ac.Contains("单") || ac.Contains("双"))) { if (Choose2 != "") { Choose2 += "," + Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } else { Choose2 = Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } int cNum = Utils.GetStringNum(Choose2, ","); if (cNum >= 3) { showB1 = "$"; showB2 = "$"; showB3 = "$"; showB4 = "$"; showB5 = "$"; showB6 = "$"; } showA1 = "$"; showA2 = "$"; showA3 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("红波")) { showA1 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("蓝波")) { showA2 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("绿波")) { showA3 = "$"; } if (Choose2.Contains("红单")) { showB1 = "$"; } if (Choose2.Contains("蓝单")) { showB2 = "$"; } if (Choose2.Contains("绿单")) { showB3 = "$"; } if (Choose2.Contains("红双")) { showB4 = "$"; } if (Choose2.Contains("蓝双")) { showB5 = "$"; } if (Choose2.Contains("绿双")) { showB6 = "$"; } string bs = "" + showA1 + "红波|" + showA2 + "蓝波|" + showA3 + "绿波"; string bs2 = "" + showB1 + "红单|" + showB2 + "蓝单|" + showB3 + "绿单/|" + showB4 + "红双|" + showB5 + "蓝双|" + showB6 + "绿双"; builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", Out.RHr())); builder.Append("=选择要推荐的波色="); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />")); builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; strValu = "" + Choose + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; strOthe = "" + bs + ",Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other|other|other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", Out.Hr())); builder.Append("=选择要推荐的半波="); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />")); builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); strName = "Choose2,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; strValu = "" + Choose2 + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; strOthe = "" + bs2 + ",Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other|other|other|other|other|other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); if (Choose != "") { builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "<br />")); builder.Append("=选中的波色=<br />"); string[] cTemp = Choose.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < cTemp.Length; i++) { builder.Append("" + cTemp[i] + ""); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; if (i == 0) { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace(cTemp[i] + ",", "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } else { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace("," + cTemp[i], "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } strOthe = "[删],Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); } if (Choose2 != "") { builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "<br />")); builder.Append("=选中的半波=<br />"); string[] cTemp = Choose2.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < cTemp.Length; i++) { builder.Append("" + cTemp[i] + ""); strName = "Choose2,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; if (i == 0) { strValu = "" + Choose2.Replace(cTemp[i] + ",", "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } else { strValu = "" + Choose2.Replace("," + cTemp[i], "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } strOthe = "[删],Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); Choose = Choose2; } } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum117(forumid) == true) { if (ac != "" && ac != "[删]") { if (Choose != "") { Choose += "," + Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } else { Choose = Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } } string show1 = ""; string show2 = ""; string show3 = ""; string show4 = ""; string show5 = ""; string show6 = ""; string show7 = ""; string show8 = ""; string show9 = ""; string show10 = ""; string show11 = ""; string show12 = ""; string show13 = ""; string show14 = ""; string show15 = ""; string show16 = ""; string show17 = ""; string show18 = ""; string show19 = ""; string show20 = ""; string show21 = ""; string show22 = ""; string show23 = ""; string show24 = ""; string show25 = ""; string show26 = ""; string show27 = ""; string show28 = ""; string show29 = ""; string show30 = ""; string show31 = ""; string show32 = ""; string show33 = ""; string show34 = ""; string show35 = ""; string show36 = ""; string show37 = ""; string show38 = ""; string show39 = ""; string show40 = ""; string show41 = ""; string show42 = ""; string show43 = ""; string show44 = ""; string show45 = ""; string show46 = ""; string show47 = ""; string show48 = ""; string show49 = ""; int cNum = Utils.GetStringNum(Choose, ","); if (cNum == 4) { show1 = "$"; show2 = "$"; show3 = "$"; show4 = "$"; show5 = "$"; show6 = "$"; show7 = "$"; show8 = "$"; show9 = "$"; show10 = "$"; show11 = "$"; show12 = "$"; show13 = "$"; show14 = "$"; show15 = "$"; show16 = "$"; show17 = "$"; show18 = "$"; show19 = "$"; show20 = "$"; show21 = "$"; show22 = "$"; show23 = "$"; show24 = "$"; show25 = "$"; show26 = "$"; show27 = "$"; show28 = "$"; show29 = "$"; show30 = "$"; show31 = "$"; show32 = "$"; show33 = "$"; show34 = "$"; show35 = "$"; show36 = "$"; show37 = "$"; show38 = "$"; show39 = "$"; show40 = "$"; show41 = "$"; show42 = "$"; show43 = "$"; show44 = "$"; show45 = "$"; show46 = "$"; show47 = "$"; show48 = "$"; show49 = "$"; } else { if (Choose.Contains("01")) { show1 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("02")) { show2 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("03")) { show3 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("04")) { show4 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("05")) { show5 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("06")) { show6 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("07")) { show7 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("08")) { show8 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("09")) { show9 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("10")) { show10 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("11")) { show11 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("12")) { show12 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("13")) { show13 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("14")) { show14 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("15")) { show15 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("16")) { show16 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("17")) { show17 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("18")) { show18 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("19")) { show19 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("20")) { show20 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("21")) { show21 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("22")) { show22 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("23")) { show23 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("24")) { show24 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("25")) { show25 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("26")) { show26 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("27")) { show27 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("28")) { show28 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("29")) { show29 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("30")) { show30 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("31")) { show31 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("32")) { show32 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("33")) { show33 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("34")) { show34 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("35")) { show35 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("36")) { show36 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("37")) { show37 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("38")) { show38 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("39")) { show39 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("40")) { show40 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("41")) { show41 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("42")) { show42 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("43")) { show43 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("44")) { show44 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("45")) { show45 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("46")) { show46 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("47")) { show47 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("48")) { show48 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("49")) { show49 = "$"; } } string sNum = "" + show1 + "01|" + show2 + "02|" + show3 + "03|" + show4 + "04|" + show5 + "05|" + show6 + "06|" + show7 + "07/|" + show8 + "08|" + show9 + "09|" + show10 + "10|" + show11 + "11|" + show12 + "12|" + show13 + "13|" + show14 + "14/|" + show15 + "15|" + show16 + "16|" + show17 + "17|" + show18 + "18|" + show19 + "19|" + show20 + "20|" + show21 + "21/|" + show22 + "22|" + show23 + "23|" + show24 + "24|" + show25 + "25|" + show26 + "26|" + show27 + "27|" + show28 + "28/|" + show29 + "29|" + show30 + "30|" + show31 + "31|" + show32 + "32|" + show33 + "33|" + show34 + "34|" + show35 + "35/|" + show36 + "36|" + show37 + "37|" + show38 + "38|" + show39 + "39|" + show40 + "40|" + show41 + "41|" + show42 + "42/|" + show43 + "43|" + show44 + "44|" + show45 + "45|" + show46 + "46|" + show47 + "47|" + show48 + "48|" + show49 + "49"; builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); builder.Append("选择要推荐的5个数字:"); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", Out.Hr())); builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; strValu = "" + Choose + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; strOthe = "" + sNum + ",Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); if (Choose != "") { builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "<br />")); builder.Append("=选中的数字=<br />"); string[] cTemp = Choose.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < cTemp.Length; i++) { builder.Append("" + cTemp[i] + ""); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; if (i == 0) { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace(cTemp[i] + ",", "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } else { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace("," + cTemp[i], "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } strOthe = "[删],Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); } } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum119(forumid) == true) { if (ac != "" && ac != "[删]") { if (Choose != "") { Choose += "," + Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } else { Choose = Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } } string show1 = ""; string show2 = ""; string show3 = ""; string show4 = ""; string show5 = ""; string show6 = ""; string show7 = ""; string show8 = ""; string show9 = ""; string show10 = ""; int cNum = Utils.GetStringNum(Choose, ","); if (cNum == 4) { show1 = "$"; show2 = "$"; show3 = "$"; show4 = "$"; show5 = "$"; show6 = "$"; show7 = "$"; show8 = "$"; show9 = "$"; show10 = "$"; } else { if (Choose.Contains("0尾")) { show1 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("1尾")) { show2 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("2尾")) { show3 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("3尾")) { show4 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("4尾")) { show5 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("5尾")) { show6 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("6尾")) { show7 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("7尾")) { show8 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("8尾")) { show9 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("9尾")) { show10 = "$"; } } string ws = "" + show1 + "0尾|" + show2 + "1尾|" + show3 + "2尾|" + show4 + "3尾|" + show5 + "4尾/|" + show6 + "5尾|" + show7 + "6尾|" + show8 + "7尾|" + show9 + "8尾|" + show10 + "9尾"; builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); builder.Append("选择要推荐的5个尾数:"); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", Out.Hr())); builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; strValu = "" + Choose + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; strOthe = "" + ws + ",Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); if (Choose != "") { builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "<br />")); builder.Append("=选中的特尾=<br />"); string[] cTemp = Choose.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < cTemp.Length; i++) { builder.Append("" + cTemp[i] + ""); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; if (i == 0) { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace(cTemp[i] + ",", "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } else { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace("," + cTemp[i], "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } strOthe = "[删],Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); } } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum115(forumid) == true) { if (ac != "" && ac != "[删]") { if (Choose != "") { Choose += "," + Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } else { Choose = Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } } string show1 = ""; string show2 = ""; if (ac != "" && ac != "[删]") { show1 = "$"; show2 = "$"; } else { if (Choose.Contains("大数")) { show1 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("小数")) { show2 = "$"; } } string acType = "" + show1 + "大数|" + show2 + "小数"; builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); builder.Append("选择要推荐的大小:"); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", Out.Hr())); builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; strValu = "" + Choose + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; strOthe = "" + acType + ",Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); if (Choose != "") { builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "<br />")); builder.Append("=选中的大小=<br />"); string[] cTemp = Choose.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < cTemp.Length; i++) { builder.Append("" + cTemp[i] + ""); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; if (i == 0) { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace(cTemp[i] + ",", "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } else { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace("," + cTemp[i], "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } strOthe = "[删],Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); } } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum121(forumid) == true) { if (ac != "" && ac != "[删]") { if (Choose != "") { Choose += "," + Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } else { Choose = Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } } string show1 = ""; string show2 = ""; if (ac != "" && ac != "[删]") { show1 = "$"; show2 = "$"; } else { if (Choose.Contains("单数")) { show1 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("双数")) { show2 = "$"; } } string acType = "" + show1 + "单数|" + show2 + "双数"; builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); builder.Append("选择要推荐的单双:"); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", Out.Hr())); builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; strValu = "" + Choose + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; strOthe = "" + acType + ",Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); if (Choose != "") { builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "<br />")); builder.Append("=选中的单双=<br />"); string[] cTemp = Choose.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < cTemp.Length; i++) { builder.Append("" + cTemp[i] + ""); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; if (i == 0) { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace(cTemp[i] + ",", "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } else { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace("," + cTemp[i], "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } strOthe = "[删],Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); } } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum122(forumid) == true) { if (ac != "" && ac != "[删]") { if (Choose != "") { Choose += "," + Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } else { Choose = Utils.ToSChinese(ac); } } string show1 = ""; string show2 = ""; if (ac != "" && ac != "[删]") { show1 = "$"; show2 = "$"; } else { if (Choose.Contains("家禽")) { show1 = "$"; } if (Choose.Contains("野兽")) { show2 = "$"; } } string acType = "" + show1 + "家禽|" + show2 + "野兽"; builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); builder.Append("选择要推荐的家野:"); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", Out.Hr())); builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "")); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; strValu = "" + Choose + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; strOthe = "" + acType + ",Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other|other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); if (Choose != "") { builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "<br />")); builder.Append("=选中的家野=<br />"); string[] cTemp = Choose.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < cTemp.Length; i++) { builder.Append("" + cTemp[i] + ""); strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act,info"; if (i == 0) { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace(cTemp[i] + ",", "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } else { strValu = "" + Choose.Replace("," + cTemp[i], "").Replace(cTemp[i], "") + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'view'ok"; } strOthe = "[删],Gsedit.aspx,post,3,other"; builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe)); } builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); } } strText = ",,,,"; strName = "Choose,forumid,bid,id,act"; strType = "hidden,hidden,hidden,hidden,hidden"; strValu = "" + Choose + "'" + forumid + "'" + bid + "'" + id + "'save"; strEmpt = "false,false,false,false,false"; if (id > 0) { strOthe = "/>确定修改,Gsedit.aspx,post,0,red"; } else { strOthe = "/>确定添加,Gsedit.aspx,post,0,red"; } if (id > 0) { strText += ",主题(" + ub.GetSub("BbsThreadMax", xmlPath) + "字内):,内容(" + ub.GetSub("BbsContentMax", xmlPath) + "字内):/"; strName += ",Title,Content"; strType += ",text,big"; strValu += "'" + modelT.Title + "'" + modelT.Content + ""; strEmpt += ",false,false"; } builder.Append(Out.wapform(strText, strName, strType, strValu, strEmpt, strIdea, strOthe)); builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", Out.Hr())); builder.Append("<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "") + "\">返回上一级</a>"); builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "")); } }
private void OpenSavePage(int forumid) { int meid = new BCW.User.Users().GetUsId(); if (meid == 0) { Utils.Login(); } string GsAdminID = ub.GetSub("BbsGsAdminID", xmlPath); if (!("#" + GsAdminID + "#").Contains("#" + meid + "#")) { Utils.Error("权限不足", ""); } DateTime GsStopTime = Utils.ParseTime(ub.GetSub("BbsGsStopTime", xmlPath)); int GsqiNum = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("BbsGsqiNum", xmlPath)); if (GsqiNum == 0) { Utils.Error("本期尚未设置", ""); } if (GsStopTime > DateTime.Now) { //Utils.Error("本期第" + GsqiNum + "期截止时间" + GsStopTime + ",截止时间未到不能开奖", ""); } string qiNum = Utils.GetRequest("qiNum", "post", 2, @"^[0-9]\d*$", "期数错误"); string sNum = Utils.GetRequest("sNum", "post", 2, @"^(0)?[1-9]$|^[1-4]([0-9])?$", "特别号码填写错误"); string pNum1 = Utils.GetRequest("pNum1", "post", 2, @"^(0)?[1-9]$|^[1-4]([0-9])?$", "平.码1填写错误"); string pNum2 = Utils.GetRequest("pNum2", "post", 2, @"^(0)?[1-9]$|^[1-4]([0-9])?$", "平.码2填写错误"); string pNum3 = Utils.GetRequest("pNum3", "post", 2, @"^(0)?[1-9]$|^[1-4]([0-9])?$", "平.码3填写错误"); string pNum4 = Utils.GetRequest("pNum4", "post", 2, @"^(0)?[1-9]$|^[1-4]([0-9])?$", "平.码4填写错误"); string pNum5 = Utils.GetRequest("pNum5", "post", 2, @"^(0)?[1-9]$|^[1-4]([0-9])?$", "平.码5填写错误"); string pNum6 = Utils.GetRequest("pNum6", "post", 2, @"^(0)?[1-9]$|^[1-4]([0-9])?$", "平.码6填写错误"); DataSet ds = null; //ID,Types,qiNum,ForumID,BID,UsID,UsName,Notes,AddTime,IsWin,state if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum113(forumid) == true) //六肖 { ds = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetList("ID,BID,UsID,UsName,Notes", "ForumID=" + forumid + " and qiNum=" + qiNum + " and state=0 and ','+Notes+',' Like '%," + GetSX(sNum) + ",%'"); } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum114(forumid) == true)//波色 { ds = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetList("ID,BID,UsID,UsName,Notes", "ForumID=" + forumid + " and qiNum=" + qiNum + " and state=0"); } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum115(forumid) == true)//大小 { ds = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetList("ID,BID,UsID,UsName,Notes", "ForumID=" + forumid + " and qiNum=" + qiNum + " and state=0 and Notes='" + GetDX(sNum) + "'"); } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum121(forumid) == true)//单双 { ds = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetList("ID,BID,UsID,UsName,Notes", "ForumID=" + forumid + " and qiNum=" + qiNum + " and state=0 and Notes='" + GetDS(sNum) + "'"); } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum122(forumid) == true)//家野 { ds = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetList("ID,BID,UsID,UsName,Notes", "ForumID=" + forumid + " and qiNum=" + qiNum + " and state=0 and Notes='" + GetQS(sNum) + "'"); } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum116(forumid) == true)//平特一肖 { ds = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetList("ID,BID,UsID,UsName,Notes", "ForumID=" + forumid + " and qiNum=" + qiNum + " and state=0 and (Notes='" + GetSX(sNum) + "' OR Notes='" + GetSX(pNum1) + "' OR Notes='" + GetSX(pNum2) + "' OR Notes='" + GetSX(pNum3) + "' OR Notes='" + GetSX(pNum4) + "' OR Notes='" + GetSX(pNum5) + "' OR Notes='" + GetSX(pNum6) + "')"); } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum117(forumid) == true)//五不中 { ds = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetList("ID,BID,UsID,UsName,Notes", "ForumID=" + forumid + " and qiNum=" + qiNum + " and state=0"); } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum119(forumid) == true)//五尾 { ds = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetList("ID,BID,UsID,UsName,Notes", "ForumID=" + forumid + " and qiNum=" + qiNum + " and state=0"); } if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { int ID = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString()); int BID = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["BID"].ToString()); int UsID = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UsID"].ToString()); string UsName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UsName"].ToString(); string Notes = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Notes"].ToString(); bool IsWin = false; if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum113(forumid) == true)//六肖 { IsWin = true; } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum114(forumid) == true)//波色 { string bs = ""; if (Notes.Contains("波")) { bs = GetBS(sNum); } else { bs = GetBBS(sNum); } if (Notes.Contains(bs)) { IsWin = true; } } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum115(forumid) == true)//大小 { IsWin = true; } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum121(forumid) == true)//单双 { IsWin = true; } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum122(forumid) == true)//家野 { IsWin = true; } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum116(forumid) == true)//平特一肖 { IsWin = true; } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum117(forumid) == true)//五不中 { IsWin = true; string BVote = "," + Convert.ToInt32(sNum) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(pNum1) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(pNum2) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(pNum3) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(pNum4) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(pNum5) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(pNum6) + ","; string[] temp = Notes.Split(','); for (int k = 0; k < temp.Length; k++) { if (BVote.Contains("," + Convert.ToInt32(temp[k]) + ",")) { IsWin = false; break; } } } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum119(forumid) == true)//五尾 { string ws = Utils.Right(sNum, 1) + "尾"; if (("," + Notes + ",").Contains("," + ws + ",")) { IsWin = true; } } //------------公共部分--------------- if (IsWin) { int glznum = 1; //if (new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().Exists(forumid, BID, UsID)) //{ // glznum = 1; //} //更新中奖 new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().UpdateIsWin(ID, 1); //增加总中奖记录数和连中、月中 int MonthCount = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetMonthCount(forumid, BID, UsID); new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdategGsNum(BID, 1, glznum, MonthCount); } //------------5连中或近6期中5加精,近6期错2取消精华------------ int winnum = 0; int lostnum = 0; DataSet ds2 = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetList("TOP 6 IsWin", "ForumID=" + forumid + " and BID=" + BID + " and UsID=" + UsID + " order by id desc"); if (ds2 != null && ds2.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < ds2.Tables[0].Rows.Count; k++) { int iswin = int.Parse(ds2.Tables[0].Rows[k]["IsWin"].ToString()); if (iswin == 1) { winnum++; } else { lostnum++; } } } //帖子加精状态 int IsGood = new BCW.BLL.Text().GetIsGood(BID); //加精操作,前提是非精华的帖子 if (IsGood == 0) { int Getglznum = new BCW.BLL.Text().Getglznum(BID); if (Getglznum >= 5 || winnum >= 5) { new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdateIsGood(BID, 1); //new BCW.User.Cent().UpdateCent(BCW.User.Cent.enumRole.Cent_GoodText, UsID); string strLog = "主题[url=/bbs/topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + BID + "]《" + new BCW.BLL.Text().GetTitle(BID) + "》[/url]6期中5,被系统加为精华!"; new BCW.BLL.Forumlog().Add(1, forumid, BID, "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + UsID + "]" + UsName + "[/url]的" + strLog); new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(0, UsID, UsName, "您的" + strLog); } } else { //去精操作 if (lostnum >= 2) { new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdateIsGood(BID, 0); string strLog = "主题[url=/bbs/topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + BID + "]《" + new BCW.BLL.Text().GetTitle(BID) + "》[/url]6期错2,被系统去掉精华!"; new BCW.BLL.Forumlog().Add(1, forumid, BID, "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + UsID + "]" + UsName + "[/url]的" + strLog); new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(0, UsID, UsName, "您的" + strLog); } } //------------5连中或近6期中5加精,近6期错2取消精华------------ } } //更新本论坛本期全部开奖结束 string stat = "特" + sNum + ",平" + pNum1 + "-" + pNum2 + "-" + pNum3 + "-" + pNum4 + "-" + pNum5 + "-" + pNum6 + ""; new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().UpdateState(Convert.ToInt32(qiNum), forumid, 1, stat); Utils.Success("开奖", "本坛开奖成功..", Utils.getUrl("Gsopen.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + ""), "1"); }
private void SavePage(int forumid, int bid, int id) { int meid = new BCW.User.Users().GetUsId(); if (meid == 0) { Utils.Login(); } string GsDemoID = ub.GetSub("BbsGsDemoID", xmlPath); if (GsDemoID != "") { if (!("#" + GsDemoID + "#").Contains("#" + meid + "#")) { Utils.Error("此功能内测中,您的ID不在内测ID里", ""); } } DateTime GsStopTime = Utils.ParseTime(ub.GetSub("BbsGsStopTime", xmlPath)); int GsqiNum = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("BbsGsqiNum", xmlPath)); if (GsqiNum == 0) { Utils.Error("本期尚未设置", ""); } if (GsStopTime < DateTime.Now) { Utils.Error("本期第" + GsqiNum + "期已截止发表,截止时间" + GsStopTime + "", ""); } if (id > 0) { BCW.Model.Forumvote model = new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().GetForumvote(id); if (model == null) { Utils.Error("不存在的记录", ""); } if (model.UsID != meid) { Utils.Error("不存在的记录", ""); } } else { BCW.Model.Text modelT = new BCW.BLL.Text().GetText(bid); if (modelT == null) { Utils.Error("不存在的记录", ""); } if (modelT.UsID != meid) { Utils.Error("不存在的记录", ""); } if (GsqiNum == modelT.Gqinum) { Utils.Error("本期已参赛过了", ""); } } if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForumGSIDS(forumid) == true) { string Choose = ""; Choose = Utils.GetRequest("Choose", "post", 2, @"^[^\,]{1,50}(?:\,[^\,]{1,50}){0,500}$", "参赛内容选择出错"); int cNum = Utils.GetStringNum(Choose, ","); if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum113(forumid) == true) { if (cNum != 5) { Utils.Error("请选择6个生肖", ""); } } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum114(forumid) == true) { if (Choose.Contains("单") || Choose.Contains("双")) { if (cNum != 3) { Utils.Error("选择半波参赛时,请选择4个半波", ""); } } else { if (cNum != 1) { Utils.Error("选择波色参赛时,请选择2个波色", ""); } } } else if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum116(forumid) == true) { if (cNum != 0) { Utils.Error("请选择1个生肖", ""); } } if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum117(forumid) == true) { if (cNum != 4) { Utils.Error("请选择5个数字", ""); } } if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum119(forumid) == true) { if (cNum != 4) { Utils.Error("请选择5个尾数", ""); } } if (new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum115(forumid) == true || new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum121(forumid) == true || new BCW.User.ForumInc().IsForum122(forumid) == true) { if (cNum != 0) { Utils.Error("参数选择错误", ""); } } string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid); if (id > 0) { string Title = Utils.GetRequest("Title", "post", 2, @"^[\s\S]{1," + ub.GetSub("BbsThreadMax", xmlPath) + "}$", "标题限1-50字"); string Content = Utils.GetRequest("Content", "post", 2, @"^[\s\S]{1," + ub.GetSub("BbsContentMax", xmlPath) + "}$", "请输入不超" + ub.GetSub("BbsContentMax", xmlPath) + "字的内容"); BCW.Model.Text model2 = new BCW.Model.Text(); model2.ID = bid; model2.Title = Title; model2.Content = Content; new BCW.BLL.Text().Update(model2); new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().UpdateNotes(id, Choose); //记录日志 string strLog = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]修改了参赛内容!主题[url=/bbs/topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + "]《" + new BCW.BLL.Text().GetTitle(bid) + "》[/url]"; new BCW.BLL.Forumlog().Add(7, forumid, bid, strLog); } else { BCW.Model.Forumvote f = new BCW.Model.Forumvote(); f.Types = 0; f.ForumID = forumid; f.BID = bid; f.Notes = Choose; f.state = 0; f.qiNum = GsqiNum; f.IsWin = 0; f.AddTime = DateTime.Now; f.UsID = meid; f.UsName = mename; new BCW.BLL.Forumvote().Add(f); //更新期数进主题记录并加历史次数 new BCW.BLL.Text().UpdateGqinum(bid, GsqiNum); } Utils.Success("参赛", "操作成功,正在进入参赛帖...", Utils.getUrl("topic.aspx?forumid=" + forumid + "&bid=" + bid + ""), "2"); } }