static void Main(string[] args) { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); DateTime startDate; var endDate = DateTime.Today.GetBusinessDay(-1); var options = new CommandLineOptions(); if (!Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) Environment.Exit(Parser.DefaultExitCodeFail); DateTime.TryParse(String.Join(".", options.startDate), out startDate); var logging = new Logging(options.LogFile); Trace.WriteLine(options.ToString()); var config = new ConfigBase(); config.Load(options.Settings); if (!options.NoDownload) { IDataSource dataSource = new Bloomberg(); dataSource.Connect(); HashSet<string> shareNames = new HashSet<string>(); // get specifications var sheet = new Sheet(); sheet.Download(new string[] { config.GetValue("sheetCode"), config.GetValue("shareNames") }); var shareIDs = sheet.toShares(); shareNames.UnionWith( dataSource.GetTickers(shareIDs.ToList()) ); sheet.Download(new string[] { config.GetValue("sheetCode"), config.GetValue("indices") }); var indexNames = sheet.toShares(); sheet.Download(new string[] { config.GetValue("sheetCode"), config.GetValue("fields") }); var fields = new List<Field>(); sheet.toFields<Field>(fields); //download index compositions if (indexNames != null && indexNames.Count() > 0) { //obtain components of indices var names = dataSource.DownloadMultipleComponents(indexNames.ToList(), "INDX_MEMBERS"); //convert tickers -> BB IDs shareNames.UnionWith(dataSource.GetTickers(names)); } LocalDisk disk = new LocalDisk(); disk.SetPath(options.Dir); //delete data for shares-reload and shares-delete { sheet.Download(new string[] { config.GetValue("sheetCode"), config.GetValue("shares-reload") }); var sharesReload = dataSource.GetTickers(sheet.toShares().ToList()); sheet.Download(new string[] { config.GetValue("sheetCode"), config.GetValue("shares-delete") }); var sharesDelete = dataSource.GetTickers(sheet.toShares().ToList()); foreach (var item in sharesDelete.Concat(sharesReload)) disk.DeleteDirectory(item.StripOfIllegalCharacters()); //delete shares-delete names from list of downloadable shares foreach (var item in sharesDelete) { if (shareNames.Contains(item)) shareNames.Remove(item); } } //download and save data stopwatch.Start(); { var shares = new SharesBatch(shareNames.ToList(), fields, dataSource, disk, startDate, endDate); shares.PerformOperations(); Trace.Write("Processing Individual: "); foreach (var shareName in shareNames) { Share share = new Share(name: shareName, fields: fields, dataSource: dataSource, fileAccess: disk, startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate); share.DoWork(); } } dataSource.Disconnect(); //download fieldInfo { if (shareNames.Count() > 0) { dataSource.Connect(dataType: "//blp/apiflds"); disk.SetPath(options.FieldInfoDir); Share share = new Share(name: shareNames.First(), fields: fields, dataSource: dataSource, fileAccess: disk, startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate); share.DoWorkFieldInfo(); dataSource.Disconnect(); } } stopwatch.Stop(); Trace.WriteLine("Time spent downloading from BB: " + stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString()); } //upload data via SQL connection if (!options.NoUpload) { stopwatch.Restart(); { LocalDisk disk = new LocalDisk(); disk.SetPath(options.Dir); var database = new MySQL(config.GetValue("sqlIP"), config.GetValue("sqlUser"), config.GetValue("sqlPass"), config.GetValue("sqlDB"), disk); database.DoWork(); } { LocalDisk disk = new LocalDisk(); disk.SetPath(options.FieldInfoDir); var database = new MySQL(config.GetValue("sqlIP"), config.GetValue("sqlUser"), config.GetValue("sqlPass"), config.GetValue("sqlDB"), disk); database.DoWorkFieldInfo(); } stopwatch.Stop(); Trace.WriteLine("Time spent uploading: " + stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString()); logging.Close(); { Console.WriteLine("Executing long job, you can force exit program, it will continue executing on server"); LocalDisk disk = new LocalDisk(); disk.SetPath(options.Dir); var database = new MySQL(config.GetValue("sqlIP"), config.GetValue("sqlUser"), config.GetValue("sqlPass"), config.GetValue("sqlDB"), disk); database.executeScript(); } } }
private void SharesNewOld(IEnumerable<IField> fields) { sharesNew = new List<string>(); sharesOld = new List<string>(); foreach (var shareName in shareNames) { var share = new Share(shareName, fields, dataSource, fileAccess); if (!share.ShareExists()) sharesNew.Add(shareName); } sharesOld = (from s in shareNames where !this.sharesNew.Contains(s) select s).ToList(); }
// check specific share for last update - for all historical fields. Extend to all shares, where the same conditions are met. Download private void DownloadOldWithSameLastUpdateDate() { if (oldFields == null || oldFields.Count()==0) return; var oldFieldsReference = (from f in oldFields where f.requestType == "ReferenceDataRequest" select f).ToList(); oldFieldsReference.Sort(); foreach (var f in FieldBlocks(oldFieldsReference)) { if (f != null && f.Count() > 0) this.DownloadNew(sharesOld.ToList(), f, null); } var oldFieldsHistorical = (from f in oldFields where f.requestType == "HistoricalDataRequest" select f).ToList(); oldFieldsHistorical.Sort(); Share share = new Share(sharesOld.First(), fields, dataSource, fileAccess); DateTime oldestUpdate = this.endDate; foreach (var f in oldFieldsHistorical) { var update = share.CheckLatest(f); if (update!=null) { if (update < oldestUpdate) oldestUpdate = update.Value; } } if (oldestUpdate <= this.startDate) return; foreach (var f in FieldBlocks(oldFieldsHistorical)) { if (f != null && f.Count() > 0) this.DownloadNew(sharesOld.ToList(), f, oldestUpdate); } }
private void FieldsNewOld() { newFields = new List<IField>(); oldFields = new List<IField>(); if (sharesOld == null || sharesOld.Count() == 0) return; Share share = new Share(sharesOld.First(), fields, dataSource, fileAccess); foreach (var f in fields) { if (!share.FieldExists(f)) newFields.Add(f); else oldFields.Add(f); } newFields.Sort(); oldFields.Sort(); }
private void DownloadNew(List<string> shares, IEnumerable<IField> fields, DateTime? startDate) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Trace.Write("\nFields: "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Trace.Write(fields.ToExtendedString()); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Trace.Write(" Shares: "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; var equities = from s in shares select s; foreach (var shareBlock in this.ShareBlocks(shares)) { var output = dataSource.DownloadData(shareBlock.ToList(), fields.ToList(), startDate: startDate.HasValue ? startDate.Value : this.startDate, endDate: endDate); var enumerator = output.GetEnumerator(); foreach (var s in shareBlock) { var share = new Share(" ", fields, dataSource, fileAccess, startDate: startDate.HasValue ? startDate.Value : this.startDate, endDate: endDate); foreach (var f in fields) { enumerator.MoveNext(); var field = enumerator.Current; = field.Item1; share.InjectDownloaded(f, field.Item2); } share.FieldsToKeep(this.fields); share.DoWork(); } } }