        private bool doCloseOrders(out IList newOrders, out RebalanceResults result)
            newOrders = null;
            result = RebalanceResults.Success;
            bool retVal = false;

            // Get the portfolio
            IFundPortfolio portfolio = this.Account.Portfolio.PortfolioInstrument.Exclude(setting.TradeableInstrumentsToExclude);

            // Get the modelinstruments
            IModelVersion mv = Account.ModelPortfolio.LatestVersion;
            if (mv == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Not possible to compare to model for account {0}: Latest ModelVersion is null", Account.DisplayNumberWithName));

            // Instantiate a PortfolioComparer and fill it with Positions & model Instruments
            PositionComparerCollection pc = new PositionComparerCollection(this);
            foreach (IFundPosition pos in portfolio.ExcludeNonTradeableInstruments())
                if (pos.Size.IsNotZero)

            // check if order does not already exists
            IAccountOrderCollection orders = this.Account.OpenOrdersForAccount.Exclude(setting.InstrumentsToExclude);
            if (orders != null && orders.Count > 0)
                foreach (IOrder order in orders)
                    if (!order.IsMonetary)
                        pc.Add((ISecurityOrder)order, setting.CompareAction);

            // Check if Model is correct
            if (mv.TotalAllocation() != 1m)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Not possible to compare to model: {0} does not allocate completely to 100%", mv.ToString()));

            if (pc.CompareForCloseOrders(out newOrders))
                retVal = true;
            return retVal;
        private bool doRebalance(out IList newOrders, out RebalanceResults result)
            newOrders = null;
            result = RebalanceResults.Success;

            // Get the portfolio
            IFundPortfolio portfolio = this.Account.Portfolio.PortfolioInstrument.Exclude(setting.TradeableInstrumentsToExclude).ExcludeNonTradeableInstruments();
            ICashPortfolio cashPortfolio = this.Account.Portfolio.PortfolioCashGL;

            // Get the modelinstruments
            IModelVersion mv = Account.ModelPortfolio.LatestVersion;
            if (mv == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Not possible to compare to model for account {0}: Latest ModelVersion is null", Account.DisplayNumberWithName));

            // Get the total portfolio value for the model allocation
            // If there are withdrawals instructions -> Reduce the withdrawal amount
            // This amount has to be taken out of the rebalance, since it needs to be redrawned from the account
            Money withdrawalAmount = Account.ActiveWithdrawalInstructions.TotalAmount;

            Money totalValue = portfolio.TotalValueInBaseCurrency + cashPortfolio.SettledCashTotalInBaseValue + withdrawalAmount;

            if (totalValue.IsLessThanZero && Account.Portfolio.TotalValue().IsGreaterThanZero && withdrawalAmount != null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("The withdrawal amount is larger than the portfolio value for account {0}.", Account.DisplayNumberWithName));

            if (isRebalanceNeeded(totalValue, portfolio))
                // Instantiate a PortfolioComparer and fill it with Positions & model Instruments
                PositionComparerCollection pc = new PositionComparerCollection(this);
                // add instruments
                foreach (IFundPosition pos in portfolio.Where(x => x.Size.IsNotZero))
                // Add cash
                foreach (ICashPosition pos in cashPortfolio.Where(x => x.SettledSize.IsNotZero))

                // check if order does not already exists
                IAccountOrderCollection orders = this.Account.OpenOrdersForAccount.Exclude(setting.InstrumentsToExclude);
                if (orders != null && orders.Count > 0)
                    foreach (IOrder order in orders)
                        pc.Add(order, setting.CompareAction);

                // Check if Model is correct
                IModelInstrumentCollection modelInstrumentDistribution = mv.ModelInstruments.StrippedCollection(((IRebalanceInstruction)setting.Instruction).ExcludedComponents);
                if (modelInstrumentDistribution.TotalAllocation != 1m)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Not possible to compare to model: {0} does not allocate completely to 100%", mv.ToString()));

                if (totalValue != null && totalValue.IsNotZero)
                    foreach (IModelInstrument mi in modelInstrumentDistribution)
                        pc.Add(mi, totalValue);

                    // Add the cash from the withrawal instructions
                    pc.AddReservedCash(withdrawalAmount, mv.GetCashManagementFund());

                    if (pc.Compare(out newOrders))

                        // When no Orders -> Rebalance was not necessary
                        if (newOrders == null || newOrders.Count == 0)
                            result = RebalanceResults.RebalanceWasNotNeeded;
                            //// Set the cash transfers to being processed
                            if (Setting.Instruction.InstructionType == InstructionTypes.Rebalance)
                                IRebalanceInstruction ri = (IRebalanceInstruction)Setting.Instruction;
                                if (ri.CashTransfers != null && ri.CashTransfers.Where(c => !c.SkipOrders).Count() > 0)
                                    foreach (IJournalEntryLine transfer in ri.CashTransfers.Where(c => !c.SkipOrders))
                                        transfer.SkipOrders = true;
                result = RebalanceResults.NoRebalanceNegativePortfolioAmount;
            return true;
        private bool doBuyModel(out IList newOrders, out RebalanceResults result)
            newOrders = null;
            result = RebalanceResults.Success;
            IBuyModelInstruction bmi = (IBuyModelInstruction)setting.Instruction;

            // Get the modelinstruments
            IModelVersion mv = Account.ModelPortfolio.LatestVersion;
            if (mv == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Not possible to compare to model for account {0}: Latest ModelVersion is null", Account.DisplayNumberWithName));

            // Get the total portfolio value for the model allocation
            Money totalValue = bmi.CashTransfers.TotalTransferAmount;

            if (totalValue != null && totalValue.IsNotZero && totalValue.Sign)
                // Instantiate a PortfolioComparer and fill it with Positions & model Instruments
                PositionComparerCollection pc = new PositionComparerCollection(this);

                // Check if Model is correct
                if (mv.TotalAllocation() != 1m)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Not possible to compare to model: {0} does not allocate completely to 100%", mv.ToString()));

                foreach (IModelInstrument mi in mv.ModelInstruments)
                    pc.Add(mi, totalValue);

                // check if order does not already exists
                IAccountOrderCollection orders = this.Account.OpenOrdersForAccount;
                if (orders != null && orders.Count > 0)
                    if (orders.NewCollection(x => x.Side == Side.Sell).Count() > 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException("It is not possible to process a 'buy orders instruction' whenever there are sell orders.");

                if (pc.Compare(out newOrders))
                    // When no Orders -> Rebalance was not necessary
                    if (newOrders == null || newOrders.Count == 0)
                        result = RebalanceResults.RebalanceWasNotNeeded;
                    return true;
                result = RebalanceResults.NoRebalanceNegativePortfolioAmount;
            return true;