 public FundPositionHistorical(IFundPortfolioHistorical parent, InstrumentSize size, Price price, Decimal rate)
     this.Parent = parent;
     this.Size = size;
     this.Price = price;
     this.rate = rate;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for creating a test FeeClient object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account"></param>
        /// <param name="instrument"></param>
        /// <param name="side"></param>
        /// <param name="actiontype"></param>
        /// <param name="transactionDate"></param>
        /// <param name="issizebased"></param>
        /// <param name="orderValue"></param>
        /// <param name="amount"></param>
        /// <param name="price"></param>
        /// <param name="ordercurrency"></param>
        /// <param name="isValueInclComm"></param>
        public CommClient(IAccountTypeInternal account,IInstrument instrument, Side side, OrderActionTypes actiontype, 
                         DateTime transactionDate, bool issizebased, InstrumentSize orderValue, Money amount, Price price,
                         ICurrency ordercurrency, bool isValueInclComm)
            if (account == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("It is not possible to calculate the commission when the account is unknown.");

            if (instrument == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("It is not possible to calculate the commission when the instrument value is unknown.");

            this.account = account;
            this.instrument = instrument;
            this.Side = side;
            this.ActionType = actiontype;
            this.TransactionDate = transactionDate;
            this.IsSizeBased = issizebased;
            this.OriginalOrderType = issizebased ? BaseOrderTypes.SizeBased : BaseOrderTypes.AmountBased;
            this.Value = orderValue;
            this.amount = amount;
            this.Price = price;
            this.OrderCurrency = ordercurrency;
            this.IsValueInclComm = isValueInclComm;

            type = CommClientType.Test;
 public CrumbleTransaction(IOrder order, ICrumbleAccount acctA, IAccount acctB,
         InstrumentSize valueSize, Price price, decimal exRate, DateTime transactionDate,
         DateTime transactionDateTime, Decimal ServiceChargePercentage, Side txSide, ITradingJournalEntry tradingJournalEntry,
         IGLLookupRecords lookups, ListOfTransactionComponents[] components)
     : base(order, acctA, acctB, valueSize, price, exRate, transactionDate, transactionDateTime, ServiceChargePercentage,
         txSide, tradingJournalEntry, lookups, components)
 public InstrumentConversion(IAccountTypeInternal acctA, IAccount acctB,
         InstrumentSize valueSize, InstrumentSize convertedInstrumentSize,
         decimal exRate, IInstrumentHistory instrumentTransformation, 
         ITradingJournalEntry tradingJournalEntry)
     : this(acctA, acctB, valueSize, convertedInstrumentSize, null,
         exRate, instrumentTransformation, tradingJournalEntry, null)
        /// <summary>
        /// This method tries to find a commission rule based on the parameters entered
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="saccount">Account number</param>
        /// <param name="sinstrument">Instrument</param>
        /// <param name="sordervalue">Order value</param>
        /// <param name="samount">Amount</param>
        /// <param name="sprice">Price</param>
        public static string CalculateAccruedInterest(int instrumentId,
            DateTime settlementDate, BaseOrderTypes orderType,
            decimal amountQuantity, decimal sizeQuantity, decimal priceQuantity,
            int exchangeId)
            string result = "";


                using (IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession())
                    InstrumentSize size = null;
                    IBond instrument = (IBond)InstrumentMapper.GetInstrument(session, instrumentId);
                    IExchange exchange = null;
                    if (instrument == null)
                        throw new ApplicationException("select a valid bond");

                    if (exchangeId != 0 && exchangeId != int.MinValue)
                        exchange = ExchangeMapper.GetExchange(session, exchangeId);

                    ICurrency defcurrency = instrument.CurrencyNominal;
                    Price price = null;
                    if (priceQuantity != 0M)
                        price = new Price(priceQuantity, defcurrency, instrument);
                    else if (instrument.CurrentPrice != null)
                        price = instrument.CurrentPrice.Price;

                    if (!(price != null && price.IsNotZero))
                        throw new ApplicationException("There is no price");

                    if (orderType == BaseOrderTypes.AmountBased)
                        Money amount = new Money(amountQuantity, defcurrency);
                        size = instrument.CalculateSizeBackwards(amount, price, settlementDate);
                        size = new InstrumentSize(sizeQuantity, instrument);

                    AccruedInterestDetails accInt = instrument.AccruedInterest(size, settlementDate, exchange);
                    Money calcAmount = size.CalculateAmount(price);

                    if (accInt.IsRelevant)
                        result = accInt.DisplayString + string.Format("<br>Size: {0}<br>Amount: {1}<br>Settlement Date: {2}",
                        size.Quantity, calcAmount.Quantity, settlementDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"));
                        result = "Accrued interest is not relevant";
            catch (Exception ex)
                result = "Error during accrued interest test: " + ex.Message;
            return result;
 protected SecurityOrder(IAccountTypeInternal account, InstrumentSize value, ITradeableInstrument tradedInstrument, bool doNotChargeCommission)
     : base(account, value)
     if (tradedInstrument == null)
         throw new ApplicationException("TradedInstrument is mandatory on an order.");
     this.tradedInstrument = tradedInstrument;
     this.DoNotChargeCommission = doNotChargeCommission;
     if (DoNotChargeCommission)
         this.OrderInfo = "No commission charged";
 public TransactionNTM(IAccountTypeInternal acctA, IAccount acctB,
 InstrumentSize valueSize,
 Price price, decimal exRate, DateTime transactionDate, DateTime transactionDateTime,
 Decimal ServiceChargePercentage, Side txSide,
 ITradingJournalEntry tradingJournalEntry,
 IGLLookupRecords lookups, ListOfTransactionComponents[] components, string description)
     : base(acctA, acctB, valueSize, price, exRate, transactionDate,
             transactionDateTime, ServiceChargePercentage, txSide,
             tradingJournalEntry, lookups, components)
     this.Description = description;
        public CommClient(ITransactionOrder transaction, InstrumentSize newValue)
            if (transaction == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("It is not possible to calculate the commission when the transaction is null.");

            if (newValue == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("It is not possible to calculate the commission when the transaction value is null.");

            this.transaction = transaction;
            this.orderValue = newValue;
            this.amount = newValue.GetMoney();
            type = CommClientType.Transaction;
 public BondCouponPaymentDailyCalculation(
     IBondCouponPayment parent, DateTime calcDate, DateTime settlementDate, 
     InstrumentSize positionSize, Money calculatedAccruedInterestUpToDate,
     IList<IBondCouponPaymentDailyCalculation> oldCalculations)
     this.Parent = parent;
     this.Position = this.Parent.Position;
     this.CalcDate = calcDate;
     this.SettlementDate = settlementDate;
     this.PositionSize = positionSize;
     this.CalculatedAccruedInterestUpToDate = calculatedAccruedInterestUpToDate;
     this.OldCalculations = oldCalculations;
 public BonusDistribution(IAccountTypeInternal acctA, IAccount acctB,
 InstrumentSize valueSize,
 Price price, decimal exRate, DateTime transactionDate, DateTime transactionDateTime,
 Decimal ServiceChargePercentage, Side txSide,
 ICorporateActionBonusDistribution bonusDistributionDetails, ITradingJournalEntry tradingJournalEntry,
 IGLLookupRecords lookups, ListOfTransactionComponents[] components)
     : base(acctA, acctB, valueSize,
          price, exRate, transactionDate, transactionDateTime,
          ServiceChargePercentage, txSide,
          lookups, components)
     this.CorporateActionType = CorporateActionTypes.BonusDistribution;
     this.CorporateActionDetails = bonusDistributionDetails;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dividendDetails">The details of the cash dividend (date, price)</param>
        /// <param name="units">The total number of units over which dividend is paid</param>
        public CashDividend(IAccountTypeCustomer account, IMemorialBooking journalEntry, string description, decimal taxPercentage, IDividendHistory dividendDetails, InstrumentSize units, IGLLookupRecords lookups)
            : base(account, journalEntry, description, taxPercentage)
            if (dividendDetails == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Dividend details are mandatory.");

            if (units == null || units.IsZero)
                throw new ApplicationException("The number of units is mandatory.");

            this.DividendDetails = dividendDetails;
            this.UnitsInPossession = units;
            //this.CashGeneratingInstrument = dividendDetails.Instrument;

        internal StgSizeOrder(IStgAmtOrder childOrder, InstrumentSize value, Price price, IOrderRouteMapper routeMapper)
            : base(childOrder.Account, value, false)
            // Used for TypeConversion

            // Some check
            if (childOrder.ParentOrder != null)
                throw new ApplicationException("This order has a parent order and can no longer be converted.");

            this.IsTypeConverted = true;
            this.price = price;
            //this.CommissionDetails = childOrder.CommissionDetails;
            this.exRate = childOrder.ExRate;
        public static void UpdateExtPosition(DateTime date, decimal Size, int custodianID, int original_Key)
            IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession();

            ITradeableInstrument instrument = (ITradeableInstrument)InstrumentMapper.GetInstrument(session, original_Key);
            ExtCustodian custodian = ExtCustodianMapper.GetExtCustodian(session, custodianID);
            ExtPosition position = ExtCustodianMapper.GetExtCustodianPosition(session, custodian, instrument, date);

            InstrumentSize size = new InstrumentSize(Size, instrument);

            if (position == null)
                position = new ExtPosition(custodian, size, date);
                position.Size = size;

            ExtCustodianMapper.InsertOrUpdate(session, position);

        public InstrumentConversion(IAccountTypeInternal acctA, IAccount acctB,
                InstrumentSize valueSize, InstrumentSize convertedInstrumentSize, Money additionalCash,
                decimal exRate, IInstrumentHistory instrumentTransformation,
                ITradingJournalEntry tradingJournalEntry, IGLLookupRecords lookups)
            : base(acctA, acctB, valueSize, valueSize.GetPrice(0M), exRate,
                instrumentTransformation.ChangeDate, instrumentTransformation.ChangeDate, 0M,
                (valueSize.Sign ? Side.XI : Side.XO), tradingJournalEntry, lookups, null)
            if (instrumentTransformation == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Corporate action information is missing");

            if (!(valueSize != null && valueSize.IsNotZero && convertedInstrumentSize != null && convertedInstrumentSize.IsNotZero))
                throw new ApplicationException("Not all instrument information for this corporate action is available, both instruments have to be supplied");

            if (valueSize.Underlying.Equals(convertedInstrumentSize.Underlying))
                throw new ApplicationException("Both instruments can not be the same in a corporate action");

            if (valueSize.Sign.Equals(convertedInstrumentSize.Sign))
                throw new ApplicationException("Both instruments can not have the same side in a corporate action");

            IInstrumentsHistoryConversion conversion = (IInstrumentsHistoryConversion)instrumentTransformation;
            if (!(conversion.Instrument.Equals(valueSize.Underlying) && conversion.NewInstrument.Equals(convertedInstrumentSize.Underlying)))
                throw new ApplicationException("Corporate action does not equal the instrument history data");

            decimal diff = (convertedInstrumentSize.Abs().Quantity / valueSize.Abs().Quantity) - conversion.ConversionRate;
            if (diff != 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("Sizes do not correspond with conversion rate of the Corporate action");

            if (additionalCash != null && additionalCash.IsNotZero)
                ListOfTransactionComponents[] components = new ListOfTransactionComponents[1];
                components[0] = new ListOfTransactionComponents() { ComponentType = BookingComponentTypes.Conversion, ComponentValue = additionalCash };
                createComponents(lookups, components);


            this.CorporateActionType = CorporateActionTypes.Conversion;

            ConvertedInstrumentSize = convertedInstrumentSize;
            CorporateActionType = instrumentTransformation.CorporateActionType;
            InstrumentTransformation = instrumentTransformation;
 internal AggregatedCashValuation(ValuationCollection cashValuations, bool aggregateToBase)
     bool hasInitialized = false;
     if (aggregateToBase)
         foreach (IValuation valuation in cashValuations)
             if (valuation.Instrument.IsCash)
                 if (this.account == null)
                     this.account = valuation.Account;
                     this.date = valuation.Date;
                     this.key = valuation.Key;
                     this.marketRate = 1M;
                     this.avgOpenExRate = 1M;
                     baseCurrency = ((ICurrency)valuation.Instrument).BaseCurrency;
                     price = new Price(1M, baseCurrency, baseCurrency);
                     this.bookPrice = price;
                     this.costPrice = price;
                     this.marketPrice = price;
                     this.displayInstrumentsCategory = valuation.DisplayInstrumentsCategory;
                     this.AssetClass = valuation.ValuationMutation.AssetClass;
                     this.ValuationMutation = valuation.ValuationMutation;
                 this.size += valuation.BaseMarketValue;
                 this.bookValue += valuation.BookValue;
                 this.bookChange += valuation.BookChange;
                 this.deposit += valuation.Deposit;
                 this.withDrawal += valuation.WithDrawal;
                 if (!valuation.ValuationMutation.IsSecurityValuationMutation)
                     this.depositToDate += ((IMonetaryValuationMutation)valuation.ValuationMutation).DepositToDate;
                     this.withDrawalToDate += ((IMonetaryValuationMutation)valuation.ValuationMutation).WithDrawalToDate;
                 hasInitialized = true;
     if (!hasInitialized)
         throw new ApplicationException("Class AggregatedCashValuation could not be initialized");
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">User account</param>
        /// <param name="value">Instrument size</param>
        /// <param name="isClosure">Is this order closing a position.</param>
        /// <param name="feeFactory">The set of rules to use for calculating transaction costs.</param>
        /// <param name="doNotChargeCommission">parameter that decides whether commission should be charged</param>
        /// <param name="actionType">The action type that created this order.</param>
        public OrderSizeBased(IAccountTypeInternal account, InstrumentSize value, bool isClosure, IFeeFactory feeFactory, bool doNotChargeCommission, OrderActionTypes actionType)
            : base(account, value, (ITradeableInstrument)value.Underlying, doNotChargeCommission)
            this.ActionType = actionType;
            this.isClosure = isClosure;

            // Accrued Interest for Client Orders
            if (account.IsAccountTypeCustomer && TradedInstrument.SecCategory.Key == SecCategories.Bond)
                IBond bond = (IBond)TradedInstrument;
                if (bond.DoesPayInterest)
                    IExchange exchange = bond.DefaultExchange ?? bond.HomeExchange;
                    AccruedInterestDetails calc = bond.AccruedInterest(value, bond.GetSettlementDate(DateTime.Today, exchange), exchange);
                    if (calc.IsRelevant)
                        this.AccruedInterest = calc.AccruedInterest.Abs() * (decimal)this.Side * -1M;
        public CorporateActionStockDividend(IAccountTypeInternal acctA, IAccount acctB,
        InstrumentSize valueSize, Price price, decimal exRate, DateTime transactionDate,
        IDividendHistory dividendDetails, InstrumentSize previousSize,
        ITradingJournalEntry tradingJournalEntry)
            : base(acctA, acctB, valueSize,
                 price, exRate, transactionDate, transactionDate,
                 0M, valueSize.Sign ? Side.XI : Side.XO,
                 tradingJournalEntry, null, null)
            if (dividendDetails == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Dividend details are mandatory when creating a stock dividend corporate action");

            if (previousSize == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("The units in possession are mandatory when creating a stock dividend corporate action");
            else if (previousSize.IsZero)
                throw new ApplicationException("The units can not be zero when creating a stock dividend corporate action");

            this.CorporateActionType = CorporateActionTypes.StockDividend;
            this.CorporateActionDetails = dividendDetails;
            this.PreviousSize = previousSize;
文件: OrderP4.cs 项目: kiquenet/B4F
        public static void CheckMaximalRoundOffError(bool isSizeBased, InstrumentSize size, Money amount, Price price, Money accruedInterest, Side side)
            if (!isSizeBased)
                InstrumentSize calcAmt = size.CalculateAmount(price) * (decimal)side * -1M;
                //if (accruedInterest != null && accruedInterest.IsNotZero)
                //    accruedInterest = accruedInterest.Abs() * (decimal)side * -1M;
                //    calcAmt += accruedInterest;

                InstrumentSize diff = (calcAmt.Abs() - amount.Abs());
                if (diff.IsNotZero && !diff.IsWithinTolerance(0.02m))
                    decimal percLeft = diff.Abs().Quantity / amount.Abs().Quantity;
                    if (percLeft >= 0.05m)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                            "Price times Size ({0}) differs by {1}% from the provided Amount ({2}). Order cannot be filled.",
                            calcAmt.DisplayString, Math.Round(percLeft * 100m, 1), amount.DisplayString));
 public static decimal CalculateAccruedInterestAmount(int orderId, decimal size, DateTime settlementDate)
     using (IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession())
         decimal accruedInterest = 0;
         IStgOrder order = (IStgOrder)OrderMapper.GetOrder(session, orderId);
         if (order != null && order.RequestedInstrument.SecCategory.Key == SecCategories.Bond)
             IBond bond = (IBond)order.RequestedInstrument;
             if (bond.DoesPayInterest)
                 if (order.IsSizeBased)
                     InstrumentSize volume = new InstrumentSize(size, bond);
                     AccruedInterestDetails calc = bond.AccruedInterest(volume, settlementDate, null);
                     if (calc.IsRelevant)
                         accruedInterest = calc.AccruedInterest.Quantity;
         return accruedInterest;
文件: OrderP4.cs 项目: kiquenet/B4F
        public IOrderExecution Fill(InstrumentSize size, Price price, Money amount, decimal exRate,
            IAccount counterParty, DateTime transactionDate, DateTime transactionDateTime, IExchange exchange,
            bool isCompleteFill, Money serviceCharge, decimal serviceChargePercentage, Money accruedInterest,
            ITradingJournalEntry tradingJournalEntry, IGLLookupRecords lookups)
            IOrderExecution returnValue = null;

            if (size == null || price == null || amount == null)
                throw new Exception("Size, Price and Amount are mandatory when filling the order.");

            if (IsFillable != OrderFillability.True)
                throw new ApplicationException("This Order is not fillable.");

            setSignServiceCharge(ref serviceCharge, ref serviceChargePercentage);
            if (accruedInterest != null && accruedInterest.IsNotZero)
                accruedInterest = accruedInterest.Abs() * (decimal)this.Side * -1M;
            CheckMaximalRoundOffError(IsSizeBased, size, amount, price, accruedInterest, this.Side);

            if (isCompleteFill)
                // Check whether the order has not been filled before
                if (Transactions.Count > 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("The order has already been filled and so it can not be a complete fill.");

                if (this.OpenValue.IsZero)
                    throw new ApplicationException("The open value of this order is zero.");

                InstrumentSize diff = getTradeDifferenceOpenValue(size, amount, serviceCharge, accruedInterest);
                if (diff.IsNotZero)
                    const decimal maxAllowed = 0.05m;
                    // TickSize && NominalValue
                    decimal tickSize = 0M;
                    if (this.OrderType == OrderTypes.SizeBased)
                        IInstrumentExchange ie = getInstrumentExchange(exchange);
                        if (ie != null)
                            tickSize = ie.TickSize;
                    if (this.RequestedInstrument.SecCategory.Key == SecCategories.Bond)
                        tickSize = ((IBond)this.RequestedInstrument).NominalValue.Quantity;

                    if (!(tickSize > 0M && Math.Abs(diff.Quantity / tickSize) < 1M))
                        decimal fillRatio = diff.Abs().Quantity / this.OpenValue.Abs().Quantity;
                        if (fillRatio > maxAllowed)
                            throw new ApplicationException(
                                string.Format("The size of this transaction is different from the order size by more than {0:0.##}%.", maxAllowed * 100));
                amount.XRate = exRate;
                orderInitialCheck(ref amount, size, exRate, serviceCharge, accruedInterest);

            this.IsCompleteFilled = isCompleteFill;
            orderCheckSide(this.Side, ref amount, ref size);
            checkServiceChargePercentage(serviceCharge, serviceChargePercentage, amount);

            ListOfTransactionComponents[] components = packageComponents(amount, serviceCharge, accruedInterest);

            returnValue = new OrderExecution(this, counterParty, size, price, exRate, transactionDate, transactionDateTime, serviceChargePercentage, tradingJournalEntry, lookups, components);
            fillOrder(returnValue, size, price, amount, serviceCharge, accruedInterest);
            return returnValue;
文件: OrderP4.cs 项目: kiquenet/B4F
 private InstrumentSize getTradeDifferenceOpenValue(InstrumentSize size, Money amount, Money serviceCharge, Money accruedInterest)
     InstrumentSize diff;
     if (IsSizeBased)
         diff = (this.OpenValue.Abs() - size.Abs());
         diff = (this.OpenValue.Abs() - amount.Abs() + serviceCharge + accruedInterest);
     return diff;
文件: OrderP4.cs 项目: kiquenet/B4F
 protected bool orderCheckSide(Side side, ref Money amount, ref InstrumentSize size)
     if (side == Side.Buy)
         size = size.Abs();
         amount = amount.Abs() * -1;
         size = size.Abs() * -1;
         amount = amount.Abs();
     return true;
文件: OrderP4.cs 项目: kiquenet/B4F
        protected void orderInitialCheck(ref Money amount, InstrumentSize size, decimal exRate, Money serviceCharge, Money accruedInterest)
            InstrumentSize diff = getTradeDifferenceOpenValue(size, amount, serviceCharge, accruedInterest);
            if (!diff.Sign)
                if (diff < diff.Clone(-0.02m))
                    throw new ApplicationException("This size of the trade is larger than the order size.");

            if (IsMonetary) // can not be partfilled
                if (FilledValue != null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Monetary orders can only be filled once.");
                if (!diff.IsWithinTolerance(0.02m))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Monetary orders can only be filled completely.");
            else if (!(IsSizeBased)) // applies only to amount based orders
                // If first fill -> check if size should not be equal to Order size
                if (FilledValue == null)
                    if (diff.IsWithinTolerance(0.02m) && this.Amount != null)
                        amount = this.Amount;
                        // reduce it with servicecharge
                        amount = MoneyMath.AdjustAmountForServiceCharge(amount, serviceCharge, Side, MathOperator.Subtract);
                        // reduce it with accruedInterest
                        amount = MoneyMath.AdjustAmountForServiceCharge(amount, accruedInterest, Side, MathOperator.Subtract);

            amount.XRate = exRate;

            //bool approved = (route != null) ? route.ApproveTransactions : false;
            if (IsFillable != OrderFillability.True)
                throw new ApplicationException("This Order is not fillable.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:B4F.TotalGiro.Instruments.PredictedSize">PredictedSize</see> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="size">The predicted size</param>
 /// <param name="rateDate">The date of the used rate to predict the size</param>
 public PredictedSize(InstrumentSize size, DateTime rateDate)
     this.size = size;
     this.rateDate = rateDate;
文件: OrderP4.cs 项目: kiquenet/B4F
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills an order by setting the agreed size and price, exchange rate, counter party and transaction date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trade">The order to be filled</param>
        /// <param name="size">Size of the instrument</param>
        /// <param name="price">Agreed price of the instrument</param>
        /// <param name="amount">Amount of the order (=size * price)</param>
        /// <returns>True if it succeeded</returns>
        protected bool fillOrder(ITransactionOrder trade, InstrumentSize size, Price price, Money amount, Money serviceCharge, Money accruedInterest)
            decimal ratio = 1m;
            FilledValue += fillOrderValue(size, amount, serviceCharge, accruedInterest);
            if (this.IsSecurity)
                ((ISecurityOrder)this).ServiceCharge += serviceCharge;
                if (this.IsAmountBased)
                    ((ISecurityOrder)this).AccruedInterest += accruedInterest;

            // If OrderExecution -> set FillRatio
            if (trade.TransactionType == TransactionTypes.Execution)
                if (IsCompleteFilled)
                    // if order is already partly filled -> subtract rest
                    ratio = 1M - Transactions.TotalFillRatio();
                    InstrumentSize diff = PlacedValue.Abs() - fillOrderValue(size, amount, serviceCharge, accruedInterest).Abs();
                    if (diff.IsZero || diff.IsWithinTolerance(0.02M))
                        ratio = 1M;
                        ratio = fillOrderValue(size, amount, serviceCharge, accruedInterest).Abs().Quantity / PlacedValue.Abs().Quantity;
                        // If this trade filled the order (OpenSize = 0) -> take the remainder ratio
                        if (OpenValue.IsZero)
                            decimal var = ratio - (1M - getFillatioTransactions());
                            if (Math.Abs(var) < 0.0001M)
                                ratio = 1M - getFillatioTransactions();
            trade.FillRatio = ratio;
            OrderStateMachine.SetNewStatus(this, OrderStateEvents.Fill);

            //// If MoneyOrder on order -> set ExRate
            //if (IsMonetary)
            //    // Use the size as the amount -> because it is a conversion
            //    processMoneyFill(price, trade);

            return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// The value added with the ServiceCharge
 /// The following calculation has been used:
 /// side  servCh value  fillOrderValue
 /// ----  ---    -----  -----------
 /// buy    -5   -100     -105
 /// sell   -5    100      105
 /// </summary>
 internal override InstrumentSize fillOrderValue(InstrumentSize size, Money value, Money serviceCharge, Money accruedInterest)
     Money orderValue = MoneyMath.AdjustAmountForServiceCharge(value * -1, serviceCharge, Side, MathOperator.Add);
     orderValue += (accruedInterest * -1);
     return (InstrumentSize)orderValue;
        protected virtual TransactionFillDetails getTransactionFillDetailsAmountBasedOrderByGoalSeek(
            Money grossAmount, Side side, bool isCommissionRelevant, bool isValueInclComm,
            DateTime settlementDate, Price price, IExchange exchange,
            ICommRule rule, ICommClient client, decimal servChargePerc, int precision)
            decimal realAmount;
            decimal guess = grossAmount.Abs().CalculateSize(price).Quantity;
            FinancialMath.MaxCycles = 200;

            // Check -> use Commission
            bool useComm = true;
            bool useAddComm = false;
            if (!isCommissionRelevant || rule == null)
                useComm = false;

            if (useComm)
                useAddComm = (rule.AdditionalCalculation != null);

            realAmount = FinancialMath.GoalSeek(x =>
                new InstrumentSize(x, this).CalculateAmount(price).Quantity +
                (useComm ? rule.CommCalculation.Calculate(client.GetNewInstance(new InstrumentSize(x, this), price, (useAddComm ? rule.AdditionalCalculation.Calculate(client.GetNewInstance(new InstrumentSize(x, this), price)) : null))).Quantity : 0M) +
                (useAddComm ? rule.AdditionalCalculation.Calculate(client.GetNewInstance(new InstrumentSize(x, this), price)).Quantity : 0M) +
                (new InstrumentSize(x, this).CalculateAmount(price).Abs().Quantity * servChargePerc),
                grossAmount.Abs().Quantity, guess, precision);

            InstrumentSize size = new InstrumentSize(realAmount, this);
            Money amount = size.CalculateAmount(price);
            InstrumentSize cleanSize = amount.CalculateSize(price);

            Money servCh = (amount.Abs() * servChargePerc);
            Money comm = amount.ZeroedAmount();
            Money addComm = amount.ZeroedAmount();
            if (useComm)
                if (rule.AdditionalCalculation != null)
                    addComm = rule.AdditionalCalculation.Calculate(client.GetNewInstance(cleanSize, price));
                comm = rule.CommCalculation.Calculate(client.GetNewInstance(cleanSize, price, addComm));

                // if sell -> comm is already in the amount
                if (side == Side.Sell && (comm + addComm) != null && (comm + addComm).IsNotZero)
                    amount += (comm + addComm);
                    cleanSize = amount.CalculateSize(price);
                    if (!isValueInclComm)
                        if (rule.AdditionalCalculation != null)
                            addComm = rule.AdditionalCalculation.Calculate(client.GetNewInstance(cleanSize, price));
                        comm = rule.CommCalculation.Calculate(client.GetNewInstance(cleanSize, price, addComm));
            return new TransactionFillDetails(cleanSize, amount, null, servCh, servChargePerc, comm + addComm, grossAmount.Abs(), side);
 // Orphan instruments
 public PortfolioComponentView(InstrumentSize size)
     : this(size.Underlying, 0m, null)
        public static bool InitialiseConversion(int instrumentConversionId)
            using (IDalSession session = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession())
                bool success = false;
                int successCount = 0;
                IInstrumentsHistoryConversion conversion = InstrumentHistoryMapper.GetInstrumentConversion(session, instrumentConversionId);
                if (!conversion.IsInitialised)
                    if (conversion.ChangeDate > DateTime.Today)
                        throw new ApplicationException("The change date is in the future.");

                    int journalId = int.Parse((string)(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(@"DefaultTransactiesEUR")));
                    IJournal journal = JournalMapper.GetJournal(session, journalId);
                    IList<IHistoricalPosition> accountsWithPositionByDate = B4F.TotalGiro.MIS.StoredPositions.StoredPositionTransactionMapper.GetAccountsWithPositionByDate(session, conversion.ChangeDate, conversion.Instrument.Key);

                    if (accountsWithPositionByDate != null && accountsWithPositionByDate.Count > 0)
                        DateTime transactionDate = conversion.ChangeDate;
                        decimal exRate = ((ITradeableInstrument)conversion.Instrument).CurrencyNominal.ExchangeRate.Rate;

                        foreach (IHistoricalPosition hp in accountsWithPositionByDate)
                            if (!conversion.Conversions.Any(x => x.AccountA.Key == hp.Account.Key))
                                IDalSession session2 = NHSessionFactory.CreateSession();
                                IAccountTypeCustomer account = (IAccountTypeCustomer)AccountMapper.GetAccount(session2, hp.Account.Key);
                                InstrumentSize size = hp.ValueSize * -1M;
                                InstrumentSize newSize = new InstrumentSize(hp.ValueSize.Quantity * conversion.ConversionRate, conversion.NewInstrument);

                                if (size.IsNotZero)
                                    ITradingJournalEntry tradingJournalEntry = getNewBooking(session2, journal, transactionDate);
                                    IInstrumentConversion instConv = new InstrumentConversion(
                                        account, account.DefaultAccountforTransfer,
                                        size, newSize, exRate, conversion, tradingJournalEntry);
                                    if (session2.Insert(instConv))
                    if (accountsWithPositionByDate.Count == successCount)
                        conversion.IsInitialised = true;
                        success = true;
                return success;
        /// <summary>
        /// Used by method <b>Calculate</b> on derived classes to perform the common part of the commission calculation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">The size for which to calculate commission.</param>
        /// <param name="client">The order for which to calculate commission.</param>
        /// <returns>The value of the commission.</returns>
        protected Money calculateNormal(InstrumentSize size, ICommClient client)
            Money result = new Money(0m, CommCurrency);
            InstrumentSize comSize = size.Abs();

            foreach (CommCalcLineSizeBased line in CommLines)
                if (line.Envelops(comSize))
                    result = line.Calculate(comSize);
                    SetCommissionInfoOnOrder(client, string.Format("Flat -> Size ({0}) {1} -> use {2}.", comSize.DisplayString, line.DisplayRange, line.LineDistinctives));
            return addFixMinMax(result, client);