        static void Main(string[] args)
            var p = new FluentCommandLineParser <Arguments>();

            string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\g\Downloads\" + args[0]);
            //string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\g\Downloads\myurls816.txt");

            // Display the file contents by using a foreach loop.
            foreach (string line in lines)
                // Use a tab to indent each line of the file.
                System.Console.WriteLine("Contents of text file = " + line);

                Arguments arguments = new Arguments();
                //arguments.RootUri = line;
                arguments.RootUri     = line.Replace('"', ' ').Replace(',', ' ').Trim();
                arguments.ServiceName = "localhost";
                arguments.IndexName   = "IndexName";
                //arguments.AdminApiKey = "ed83fde2a56041ab83d75fe2437adb19";
                arguments.AdminApiKey = "1ccabb26e2134039ba6680434bd1a3ed";

                var indexer = new AzureSearchIndexer(arguments.ServiceName, arguments.IndexName, arguments.AdminApiKey, new TextExtractor());
                var crawler = new Crawler(indexer);
                crawler.Crawl(arguments.RootUri, maxPages: 20).Wait();
            // Console.Read(); // keep console open until a button is pressed so we see the output
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var p = new FluentCommandLineParser <Arguments>();

            p.Setup(arg => arg.RootUri)
            .As('r', "rootUri")
            .WithDescription("Start crawling from this web page");

            p.Setup(arg => arg.MaxPagesToIndex)
            .As('m', "maxPages")
            .WithDescription("Stop after having indexed this many pages. Default is " + DefaultMaxPagesToIndex + "; 0 means no limit.");

            p.Setup(arg => arg.ServiceName)
            .As('s', "ServiceName")
            .WithDescription("The name of your Azure Search service");

            p.Setup(arg => arg.IndexName)
            .As('i', "IndexName")
            .WithDescription("The name of the index in your Azure Search service");

            p.Setup(arg => arg.AdminApiKey)
            .As('a', "AdminApiKey")

            p.SetupHelp("?", "h", "help").Callback(text => Console.Error.WriteLine(text));

            ICommandLineParserResult result = p.Parse(args);

            if (result.HasErrors)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage: ");
            if (result.HelpCalled)

            Arguments arguments = p.Object;

            var indexer = new AzureSearchIndexer(arguments.ServiceName, arguments.IndexName, arguments.AdminApiKey, new TextExtractor());
            var crawler = new Crawler(indexer);

            crawler.Crawl(arguments.RootUri, maxPages: arguments.MaxPagesToIndex).Wait();

            Console.Read(); // keep console open until a button is pressed so we see the output