Class representing a Compositor object. Compositors provide the means to flexibly "composite" the final rendering result from multiple scene renders and intermediate operations like rendering fullscreen quads. This makes it possible to apply postfilter effects, HDRI postprocessing, and shadow effects to a Viewport.
Inheritance: Axiom.Core.Resource
 public CompositionTechnique(Compositor parent)
     this.parent = parent;
     textureDefinitions = new List<CompositionTextureDefinition>();
     targetPasses = new List<CompositionTargetPass>();
     outputTarget = new CompositionTargetPass(this);
     instances = new List<CompositorInstance>();
		public CompositorInstance( CompositionTechnique technique, CompositorChain chain )
			this.compositor = technique.Parent;
			this.technique = technique;
			this.chain = chain;
			this.enabled = false;

			var logicName = technique.CompositorLogicName;
			if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( logicName ) )
				CompositorManager.Instance.CompositorLogics[ logicName ].CompositorInstanceCreated( this );

			this.localTextures = new Dictionary<string, Texture>();
			this.renderSystemOperations = new List<QueueIDAndOperation>();
			/// <see cref="Translator.Translate"/>
			public override void Translate( ScriptCompiler compiler, AbstractNode node )
				ObjectAbstractNode obj = (ObjectAbstractNode)node;

				if ( obj != null )
					if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( obj.Name ) )
						compiler.AddError( CompileErrorCode.ObjectNameExpected, obj.File, obj.Line );
					compiler.AddError( CompileErrorCode.ObjectNameExpected, obj.File, obj.Line );

				// Create the compositor
				object compObject;
				ScriptCompilerEvent evt = new CreateCompositorScriptCompilerEvent( obj.File, obj.Name, compiler.ResourceGroup );
				bool processed = compiler._fireEvent( ref evt, out compObject );

				if ( !processed )
					// The original translated implementation of this code block was simply the following:
					// _Compositor = (Compositor)CompositorManager.Instance.Create( obj.Name, compiler.ResourceGroup );
					// but sometimes it generates an excepiton due to a duplicate resource.
					// In order to avoid the above mentioned exception, the implementation was changed, but
					// it need to be checked when ResourceManager._add will be updated to the lastest version

					Compositor checkForExistingComp = (Compositor)CompositorManager.Instance.GetByName( obj.Name );

					if ( checkForExistingComp == null )
						_Compositor = (Compositor)CompositorManager.Instance.Create( obj.Name, compiler.ResourceGroup );
						_Compositor = checkForExistingComp;
					_Compositor = (Compositor)compObject;

				if ( _Compositor == null )
					compiler.AddError( CompileErrorCode.ObjectAllocationError, obj.File, obj.Line );

				// Prepare the compositor
				_Compositor.Origin = obj.File;
				obj.Context = _Compositor;

				foreach ( AbstractNode i in obj.Children )
					if ( i is ObjectAbstractNode )
						_processNode( compiler, i );
						compiler.AddError( CompileErrorCode.UnexpectedToken, i.File, i.Line, "token not recognized" );
			public CompositorTranslator()
				: base()
				_Compositor = null;
 public CompositorInstance(Compositor filter, CompositionTechnique technique, CompositorChain chain)
     this.compositor = filter;
     this.technique = technique;
     this.chain = chain;
     this.enabled = false;
     localTextures = new Dictionary<string, Texture>();
     renderSystemOperations = new List<QueueIDAndOperation>();
     listeners = new List<CompositorInstanceListener>();
 public CompositorInstance AddCompositor(Compositor filter, int addPosition)
     return AddCompositor(filter, addPosition, bestCompositor);
        ///    Apply a compositor. Initially, the filter is enabled.
        ///<param name="filter">Filter to apply</param>
        ///<param name="addPosition">Position in filter chain to insert this filter at; defaults to the end (last applied filter)</param>
        ///<param name="technique">Technique to use; CompositorChain::BEST (default) chooses to the best one 
        ///                        available (first technique supported)
        CompositorInstance AddCompositor(Compositor filter, int addPosition, int technique)
            // Init on demand
            if (originalScene == null) {
                viewport.Target.BeforeUpdate += BeforeRenderTargetUpdate;
                // viewport.Target.AfterUpdate += AfterRenderTargetUpdate;
                viewport.Target.BeforeViewportUpdate += BeforeViewportUpdate;
                viewport.Target.AfterViewportUpdate += AfterViewportUpdate;
                /// Create base "original scene" compositor
                Compositor baseCompositor = (Compositor)CompositorManager.Instance.LoadExisting("Ogre/Scene");
                originalScene = baseCompositor.GetSupportedTechnique(0).CreateInstance(this);

            if (technique >= filter.SupportedTechniques.Count) {
                /// Warn user
                LogManager.Instance.Write("CompositorChain: Compositor " + filter.Name + " has no supported techniques.");
                return null;
            CompositionTechnique tech = filter.GetSupportedTechnique(technique);
            CompositorInstance t = tech.CreateInstance(this);

            if (addPosition == lastCompositor)
            else {
                Debug.Assert(addPosition <= instances.Count);
                instances.Insert(addPosition, t);

            dirty = true;
            anyCompositorsEnabled = true;
            return t;
 public CompositorInstance AddCompositor(Compositor filter)
     return AddCompositor(filter, lastCompositor, bestCompositor);
 ///    Required by the ResourceManager base class
 public override Resource Create(string name, bool isManual)
     Compositor ret = new Compositor(name);
     return ret;
		///    Apply a compositor. Initially, the filter is enabled.
		///<param name="filter">Filter to apply</param>
		///<param name="addPosition">Position in filter chain to insert this filter at; defaults to the end (last applied filter)</param>
		///<param name="technique">Technique to use; CompositorChain::BEST (default) chooses to the best one
		///                        available (first technique supported)
		///<param name="scheme"></param>
		private CompositorInstance AddCompositor( Compositor filter, int addPosition, int technique, string scheme )
			CompositionTechnique tech = filter.GetSupportedTechniqueByScheme( scheme );
			if ( tech == null )
				LogManager.Instance.DefaultLog.Write( "CompositorChain: Compositor " + filter.Name + " has no supported techniques." );
			var t = new CompositorInstance( tech, this );

			if ( addPosition == lastCompositor )
				addPosition = this.instances.Count;
				Debug.Assert( addPosition <= this.instances.Count, "Index out of bounds." );
			this.instances.Insert( addPosition, t );

			this.dirty = true;
			this.anyCompositorsEnabled = true;

			return t;
		///    Apply a compositor. Initially, the filter is enabled.
		///<param name="filter">Filter to apply</param>
		///<param name="addPosition">Position in filter chain to insert this filter at; defaults to the end (last applied filter)</param>
		///<param name="technique">Technique to use; CompositorChain::BEST (default) chooses to the best one
		///                        available (first technique supported)
		private CompositorInstance AddCompositor( Compositor filter, int addPosition, int technique )
			return AddCompositor( filter, addPosition, technique, string.Empty );
		///    Apply a compositor. Initially, the filter is enabled.
		///<param name="filter">Filter to apply</param>
		public CompositorInstance AddCompositor( Compositor filter )
			return AddCompositor( filter, lastCompositor, bestCompositor, string.Empty );