 public CDllCentral          // .ctor
     CRunProperties _crunProperties
     this.m_crunProperties = _crunProperties;

        public CInputterFromDelimFiles          // .ctor
            CRunProperties _runProperties
            this.m_runProperties = _runProperties;
        //internal CValueTableModule()  // .ctor

        /// <summary>
        /// Must use this constructor, there is no other .ctor for this class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_sIComparable">Either TableName, or ModuleName. Your choice.</param>
        /// <param name="_sTableName"></param>
        /// <param name="_sModuleName"></param>
        internal CValueTableModule          // .ctor
            string _sIComparable,
            string _sTableName,
            string _sModuleName
            this.m_sIComparable = _sIComparable.ToLower();
            this.m_sTableName   = _sTableName;
            this.m_sModuleName  = _sModuleName;

            this.m_sTableNameLowercase  = this.m_sTableName.ToLower();
            this.m_sModuleNameLowercase = this.m_sModuleName.ToLower();

            this.m_sModuleNameLowercaseNoSpaces = CRunProperties

        *  AxErd.exe  /in2 C:\Main\VisStudioProjs\AxErd31\AxErd\AxErd\_RelatedFiles_AxErd\DataFilesCPTM\  /out3 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Dynamics\AxErd31a\  /in1 AxErd-Input-  /m1 "General ledger"  /s3 false  /s1 16
        *  See AxErd2-run.BAT
        *  rem  //  /S
        *  rem  /s1  :  /InitialSleepSeconds
        *  rem  /s2  :  /SkipOutputOfFilesCP
        *  rem  /s3  :  /SkipOutputOfFilesTM
        *  rem
        *  rem  //  /IN
        *  rem  /in1  :  /InputDelimFilesCommonPrefix
        *  rem  /in2  :  /PathToInputDelimFiles
        *  rem  /in3  :  /DelimFileChildParents
        *  rem  /in4  :  /DelimFileTableModules
        *  rem  /in5  :  /DelimFileColumnColumn
        *  rem
        *  rem  //  /OUT
        *  rem  /out1  :  /OutputHtmlFilesCommonPrefixCPPC
        *  rem  /out2  :  /OutputHtmlFilesCommonPrefixTMMT
        *  rem  /out3  :  /PathToOutputHtmlFiles
        *  rem  /out4  :  /HtmlFileChildParents
        *  rem  /out5  :  /HtmlFileParentChilds
        *  rem  /out6  :  /HtmlFileTableModules
        *  rem  /out7  :  /HtmlFileModuleTables
        *  rem
        *  rem  //  /M
        *  rem  /m1  :  /RestrictToModulesCPPC
        *  rem  /m2  :  /RestrictToModulesTMMT
        *  ------------------------ (Values stored in CRunProperties.) --------
        *  >> AxErd2.exe
        *  /PathToInputDelimFiles          C:\Main\ERD-PerModule-Docu\AxErd2\AxErd2\DataFilesCPTM\
        *  /PathToOutputHtmlFiles          C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Dynamics\AxErd2\
        *  /InputDelimFilesCommonPrefix    Test2-
        *  /OutputHtmlFilesCommonPrefixCPPC  Modu-
        *  /RestrictToModulesCPPC            "Accounts payable,Accounts receivable"
        *  /InitialSleepSeconds            19
        *  Others
        *  /DelimFileChildParents TabDelim-Child-Parents.txt
        *  /DelimFileTableModules TabDelim-Table-Modules.txt
        *  /DelimFileColumnColumn TabDelim-Column-Column.txt
        *  /OutputHtmlFilesCommonPrefixTMMT ""
        *  /HtmlFileChildParents Child-Parents.htm
        *  /HtmlFileParentChilds Parent-Childs.htm
        *  /HtmlFileTableModules Table-Modules.htm
        *  /HtmlFileModuleTables Module-Tables.htm
        *  /RestrictToModules "Accounts payable,Accounts receivable"
        static int Main(string[] _sArgs)          // .entrypoint
            int nSleepSecs = 0;

            // Process first the /s1 parameter.
            for (int aa = 0; aa <= _sArgs.Length - 2; aa = aa + 2)
                if (_sArgs[aa].ToLower() == "/s1" ||
                    _sArgs[aa].ToLower() == "/initialsleepseconds"
                    nSleepSecs = Convert.ToInt32(_sArgs[aa + 1]);
                    if (nSleepSecs <= 1)
                        break;                          // Minimum sleep time is 2 seconds.
                    Console.WriteLine("WILL sleep for {0} =seconds, so you can attach debugger...", nSleepSecs);

                    for (int bb = nSleepSecs; 0 < bb; bb--)
                        SysThread.Thread.Sleep(1000); // 1 second, per loop.
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} =seconds of sleep REMAINING...", bb);
                    }                                 // EOLoop bb
            }                                         // EOLoop aa

            CRunProperties crunProperties = new CRunProperties();
            int            nInitialSleepSeconds_param; // Must at usage multiply by 1000 for milliseconds for Thread.Sleep.
            int            nReturnCode = 1;            // Only =0 means Good, else Error.

                CDllCentral dllCentral;

                    out nInitialSleepSeconds_param                     // Legacy location of this sleep processing, now unused here.

                dllCentral = new CDllCentral(crunProperties);

                nReturnCode = 0;
            catch (Exception_AxErd exAxErd)
                exAxErd.IsAlreadyCaughtAndProcessed = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error_nfh72: Unexpected System.Exception in Main.");

        static private void ProcessTheCommandLineParameters
            string[] _sArgs,
            CRunProperties _crunProperties,
            out int _nInitialSleepSeconds
            _nInitialSleepSeconds = 0;

            if (0 != (_sArgs.Length % 2))
                throw new ApplicationException("Error_axerd_mwf52: User provided an odd number of command line parameters. Must be 0 or other even number of parameters.");

            // One IF for every recognized command line parameter /Name.
            // For convenience, all parameter names have a short synonym alias.
            for (int pp = 0; pp < _sArgs.Length - 1; pp = pp + 2)
                // /S
                if ("/InitialSleepSeconds".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                    "/s1" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _nInitialSleepSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(_sArgs[pp + 1]);
                else if ("/SkipOutputOfFilesCP".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/s2" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    // User should give string value of either four characters 'true', or five chars 'false'.
                    _crunProperties.m_bSkipOutputOfFilesCP = Convert.ToBoolean(_sArgs[pp + 1]);
                else if ("/SkipOutputOfFilesTM".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/s3" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_bSkipOutputOfFilesTM = Convert.ToBoolean(_sArgs[pp + 1]);
                else if ("/NumEntriesPerModuleSubNodeFileApprox".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/s4" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_nMaxItems_SubNode_CPPC_File_PerModule = Convert.ToInt32(_sArgs[pp + 1]);

                // /IN
                else if ("/InputDelimFilesCommonPrefix".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/in1" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_sInputDelimFilesCommonPrefix = _sArgs[pp + 1];
                else if ("/PathToInputDelimFiles".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/in2" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_sPathToInputDelimFiles = _sArgs[pp + 1];
                else if ("/DelimFileChildParents".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/in3" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_sDelimFileChildParents = _sArgs[pp + 1];
                else if ("/DelimFileTableModules".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/in4" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_sDelimFileTableModules = _sArgs[pp + 1];
                else if ("/DelimFileColumnColumn".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/in5" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_sDelimFileColumnColumn = _sArgs[pp + 1];

                // /OUT
                else if ("/OutputHtmlFilesCommonPrefixCPPC".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||              // "Modu-".
                         "/out1" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_sOutputHtmlFilesCommonPrefixCPPC = _sArgs[pp + 1];
                else if ("/OutputHtmlFilesCommonPrefixTMMT".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||              // "All-".
                         "/out2" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_sOutputHtmlFilesCommonPrefixTMMT = _sArgs[pp + 1];
                else if ("/PathToOutputHtmlFiles".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/out3" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_sPathToOutputHtmlFiles = _sArgs[pp + 1];
                else if ("/HtmlFileChildParents".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/out4" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_sHtmlFileChildParents = _sArgs[pp + 1];
                else if ("/HtmlFileParentChilds".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/out5" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_sHtmlFileParentChilds = _sArgs[pp + 1];
                else if ("/HtmlFileTableModules".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/out6" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_sHtmlFileTableModules = _sArgs[pp + 1];
                else if ("/HtmlFileModuleTables".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/out7" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    _crunProperties.m_sHtmlFileModuleTables = _sArgs[pp + 1];

                // /M
                else if ("/RestrictToModulesCPPC".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/m1" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    // User probably needs to bound the value or values between quote marks, such as "The Module Name1,The Module Name2".
                    // The quote marks assist with the embedded spaces (if any), and with the delimiting comma (if any).

                    _crunProperties.m_sRestrictToModulesCPPC = _sArgs[pp + 1].Split
                                                                   (new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (1 != _crunProperties.m_sRestrictToModulesCPPC.Length)
                        throw new Exception_AxErd
                                  "/RestrictToModulesCPPC (/m1) limited to max of one module.",
                        //throw new ApplicationException("Error-AxErd-8261gw4: /RestrictToModulesCPPC (/m1) limited to max of one module.");
                else if ("/RestrictToModulesTMMT".ToLower() == _sArgs[pp].ToLower() ||
                         "/m2" == _sArgs[pp].ToLower())
                    // User probably needs to bound the value or values between quote marks, such as "The Module Name1,The Module Name2".
                    // The quote marks assist with the embedded spaces (if any), and with the delimiting comma (if any).

                    _crunProperties.m_sRestrictToModulesTMMT = _sArgs[pp + 1].Split
                                                                   (new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    throw new Exception_AxErd
                              "User provided an unrecognized command line parameter /Name.  Also, each parameter /Name must begin with down-left slash /, not with a dash - etc." + _sArgs[pp],
                    //throw new ApplicationException("Error_axerd_mwp51: User provided an unrecognized command line parameter /Name.  Also, each parameter /Name must begin with down-left slash /, not with a dash - etc." + _sArgs[pp]);
            }             // EOFor pp.

            // Validations.
            if ("" != _crunProperties.m_sPathToInputDelimFiles)
                if (!_crunProperties.m_sPathToInputDelimFiles.EndsWith("\\"))                  // Any user value for path must end with \ (tho not for zero length string).
                    _crunProperties.m_sPathToInputDelimFiles += "\\";

            if ("" != _crunProperties.m_sPathToOutputHtmlFiles)
                if (!_crunProperties.m_sPathToOutputHtmlFiles.EndsWith("\\"))
                    _crunProperties.m_sPathToOutputHtmlFiles += "\\";

            if (2 > _crunProperties.m_nMaxItems_SubNode_CPPC_File_PerModule)
                _crunProperties.m_nMaxItems_SubNode_CPPC_File_PerModule = 2;