public string Edit(Post post, int sectedUserId, int selectedBlogId) { var slugExists = _context.Posts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Slug == post.Slug); if (slugExists !=null && slugExists.Id != post.Id) return "The slug that was created already exists. Modify your title."; UserProfile user = _context.UserProfiles.Find(sectedUserId); Blog blog = _context.Blogs.Find(selectedBlogId); Post updatedPost = _context.Posts.Find(post.Id); if (updatedPost == null) return "The specified post could not be found."; updatedPost.Tags.Clear(); _context.SaveChanges(); updatedPost.Blog = blog; updatedPost.DateModified = post.DateModified; updatedPost.DatePublished = post.DatePublished; updatedPost.Description = post.Description; updatedPost.IsDeleted = post.IsDeleted; updatedPost.IsPublished = post.IsPublished; updatedPost.PostContent = post.PostContent; updatedPost.Tags = post.Tags; updatedPost.Slug = post.Slug; updatedPost.Title = post.Title; updatedPost.User = user; updatedPost.UniqueId = post.UniqueId; _context.SaveChanges(); _context.Dispose(); return string.Empty; }
public void Ping(Post entity) { IQueryable<PingService> pingList = _pingRepository.GetAll(); //for now get the default blog name; Blog blog = _blogSiteRepository.GetAllBlogs().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsActive && x.IsPrimary); string blogName = blog != null ? blog.BlogName : "Steven Moseley"; foreach (PingService pingService in pingList) { _pingWebRequestHelper.Send(pingService.PingUrl, _httpHelper.GetUrl(entity.Slug).ToString(), blogName); } }
public string Add(Post post, int userId, int blogId) { var slugExists = _context.Posts.Any(x => x.Slug == post.Slug); if (slugExists) return "The slug that was created already exists. Modify your title."; UserProfile user = _context.UserProfiles.Find(userId); if (user != null) post.User = user; Blog blog = _context.Blogs.Find(blogId); post.Blog = blog; _context.Posts.Add(post); _context.SaveChanges(); _context.Dispose(); return string.Empty; }
public IList<Post> MapToEntity(BlogMLBlog blogML) { var list = new List<Post>(); foreach (BlogMLPost blogMLPost in blogML.Posts) { var post = new Post(); post.Categories = GetPostCategoryies(blogML.Categories, blogMLPost); post.DateCreated = blogMLPost.DateCreated; post.DateModified = blogMLPost.DateModified; post.IsPublished = true; post.DatePublished = blogMLPost.DateModified; if (blogMLPost.Excerpt != null) post.Description = blogMLPost.Excerpt.Text; post.IsDeleted = false; if (blogMLPost.Content != null) post.PostContent = blogMLPost.Content.Text; post.Slug = blogMLPost.Title.ToSlug(); post.Title = blogMLPost.Title; Guid guid; if (!Guid.TryParse(blogMLPost.ID, out guid)) guid = Guid.NewGuid(); post.UniqueId = guid; list.Add(post); } return list; }
public string Edit(Post post) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public PostViewModel MapToView(Post entity) { return Mapper.Map<Post, PostViewModel>(entity); }
private void SendPing(Post entity, string result) { //if post added is successful then ping all the services with the URL if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PingService"].Equals("true")) _pingHttpPostService.Ping(entity); }
private IList<TagViewModel> MapTags(Post post) { return post.Tags.Select( item => new TagViewModel { Id = item.Id, Name = item.TagName }).ToList(); }
public IndexingError(Post post, Exception exception) { _post = post; _exception = exception; }