        /// <summary>
        /// This method is drawing core connections diagram for given cables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aCables">list of cables for which diagram should be drawn</param>
        public void DrawSchema(ArrayList aCables)
            // check if drawing control for schema is set and correct
            if (mDwgCtrl == null || mDwgCtrl.IsDisposed)


                // prepare first page for drawing
                // draw diagram header
                double _posY = DrawDiagramHeader(mDwgCtrl.Document.Pages[1]);
                // draw header of connections table
                _posY = DrawTableHeader(mDwgCtrl.Document.Pages[1], _posY - mMargin);
                // set current page
                Visio.Page _currPage = mDwgCtrl.Document.Pages[1];

                // draw connections diagram for all cables in list
                foreach (Database.DbElement _dbCable in aCables)
                    // get info for current cable
                    CableInfo _cableInfo = new CableInfo(_dbCable);

                    // check if new page is needed and if so create it
                    if (GetCableHeight(_cableInfo) > _posY - mMargin * 2)
                        Visio.Page _newPage = mDwgCtrl.Document.Pages.Add();
                        _posY     = DrawTableHeader(_newPage, _newPage.PageSheet.get_Cells(CELL_PAGE_HEIGHT).ResultIU - mMargin);
                        _currPage = _newPage;
                    // draw schema for current cable
                    _posY = DrawCable(_currPage, _cableInfo, _posY - mMargin);
                // clear selection
                // at the end set first page as active
                mDwgCtrl.Window.Page = mDwgCtrl.Document.Pages[1];
                // mark document as saved
                mDwgCtrl.Document.Saved = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// public constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aCore">database core element to get information from</param>
        public CoreInfo(Database.DbElement aCore, CableInfo aCableInfo)
            mStartElconn = aCableInfo.StartElconn;
            mStartEqui   = aCableInfo.StartEqui;
            mEndElconn   = aCableInfo.EndElconn;
            mEndEqui     = aCableInfo.EndEqui;

            if (aCore.IsValid)
                // get core name
                mCoreName = aCore.GetAsString(Database.DbAttributeInstance.NAMN);

                // get information about elements connected to core head
                Database.DbElement _elconn = aCore.GetElement(Database.DbAttributeInstance.STAREF);
                if (_elconn.IsValid)
                    mStartElconn = MiscUtilities.GetElemPresName(_elconn);
                    mStartEqui   = MiscUtilities.GetElemPresName(_elconn.Owner);

                int _point = aCore.GetInteger(Database.DbAttributeInstance.STAPOI);
                if (_point == 0)
                    mStartPin = UNSET_TEXT;
                    mStartPin = string.Format(PIN_TEMPLATE, _point.ToString());

                // get information about elements connected to core tail
                _elconn = aCore.GetElement(Database.DbAttributeInstance.ENDREF);
                if (_elconn.IsValid)
                    mEndElconn = MiscUtilities.GetElemPresName(_elconn);
                    mEndEqui   = MiscUtilities.GetElemPresName(_elconn.Owner);

                _point = aCore.GetInteger(Database.DbAttributeInstance.ENDPOI);
                if (_point == 0)
                    mEndPin = UNSET_TEXT;
                    mEndPin = string.Format(PIN_TEMPLATE, _point.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is calculating height of schema for single cable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aCableInfo">information about cable to calculate height</param>
        /// <returns>height of schema for given cable</returns>
        private double GetCableHeight(CableInfo aCableInfo)
            double _height = 0.0;

            if (aCableInfo.CoreNo == 0)
                _height = mCoreHeight;
                _height = aCableInfo.CoreNo * mCoreHeight;

        /// <summary>
        /// public constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aCore">database core element to get information from</param>
        public CoreInfo( Database.DbElement aCore, CableInfo aCableInfo )
            mStartElconn = aCableInfo.StartElconn;
            mStartEqui = aCableInfo.StartEqui;
            mEndElconn = aCableInfo.EndElconn;
            mEndEqui = aCableInfo.EndEqui;

            if( aCore.IsValid )
                // get core name
                mCoreName = aCore.GetAsString( Database.DbAttributeInstance.NAMN );

                // get information about elements connected to core head
                Database.DbElement _elconn = aCore.GetElement( Database.DbAttributeInstance.STAREF );
                if( _elconn.IsValid )
                    mStartElconn = MiscUtilities.GetElemPresName( _elconn );
                    mStartEqui = MiscUtilities.GetElemPresName( _elconn.Owner );

                int _point = aCore.GetInteger( Database.DbAttributeInstance.STAPOI );
                if( _point == 0 )
                    mStartPin = UNSET_TEXT;
                    mStartPin = string.Format( PIN_TEMPLATE, _point.ToString() );

                // get information about elements connected to core tail
                _elconn = aCore.GetElement( Database.DbAttributeInstance.ENDREF );
                if( _elconn.IsValid )
                    mEndElconn = MiscUtilities.GetElemPresName( _elconn );
                    mEndEqui = MiscUtilities.GetElemPresName( _elconn.Owner );

                _point = aCore.GetInteger( Database.DbAttributeInstance.ENDPOI );
                if( _point == 0 )
                    mEndPin = UNSET_TEXT;
                    mEndPin = string.Format( PIN_TEMPLATE, _point.ToString() );
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is drawing schema for single cable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aPage">page to draw on</param>
        /// <param name="aCableInfo">information about cable to draw</param>
        /// <param name="aPosY">vertical position in which schema should start</param>
        /// <returns>ertical position after drawing</returns>
        private double DrawCable(Visio.Page aPage, CableInfo aCableInfo, double aPosY)
            if (aCableInfo.CoreNo == 0)
                aCableInfo.CoreInfo.Add(new CoreInfo(Database.DbElement.GetElement(), aCableInfo));

            double _cableHeight = aCableInfo.CoreNo * mCoreHeight;

            Visio.Shape _newShape = aPage.DrawLine(mCablePosX, aPosY - _cableHeight / 2.0, mCablePosX + mCableWidth, aPosY - _cableHeight / 2.0);
            SetTextProperties(_newShape, aCableInfo.CableName + Environment.NewLine + aCableInfo.ComponentName, FONT_SIZE, (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter);

            _newShape = aPage.DrawLine(mCablePosX, aPosY, mCablePosX, aPosY - _cableHeight);
            _newShape = aPage.DrawLine(mCablePosX + mCableWidth, aPosY, mCablePosX + mCableWidth, aPosY - _cableHeight);

            int    _lastBeginEqui = 0, _lastEndEqui = 0, _lastBeginElconn = 0, _lastEndElconn = 0, _current = 0;
            string _lastBeginEquiName = string.Empty, _lastEndEquiName = string.Empty, _lastBeginElconnName = string.Empty, _lastEndElconnName = string.Empty;

            foreach (CoreInfo _core in aCableInfo.CoreInfo)
                //draw core boxes
                _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle(mCablePosX - mCoreWidth - mSpaceBetween, aPosY - _current * mCoreHeight, mCablePosX - mSpaceBetween, aPosY - (_current + 1) * mCoreHeight);
                SetTextProperties(_newShape, _core.CoreName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter);
                _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle(mCablePosX + mCableWidth + mSpaceBetween, aPosY - _current * mCoreHeight, mCablePosX + mCableWidth + mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth, aPosY - (_current + 1) * mCoreHeight);
                SetTextProperties(_newShape, _core.CoreName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter);

                //draw pin boxes
                _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle(mCablePosX - (mCoreWidth + mSpaceBetween) * 2, aPosY - _current * mCoreHeight, mCablePosX - mCoreWidth - mSpaceBetween * 2, aPosY - (_current + 1) * mCoreHeight);
                SetTextProperties(_newShape, _core.StartPin, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter);
                _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle(mCablePosX + mCableWidth + mSpaceBetween * 2 + mCoreWidth, aPosY - _current * mCoreHeight, mCablePosX + mCableWidth + (mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth) * 2, aPosY - (_current + 1) * mCoreHeight);
                SetTextProperties(_newShape, _core.EndPin, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter);

                //check/draw elconns
                if (_core.StartElconn == string.Empty || _lastBeginElconnName != _core.StartElconn)
                    if (_current > 0)
                        double _posX = mCablePosX - (mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth) * 2;
                        double _posY = aPosY - _lastBeginElconn * mCoreHeight;
                        //draw elconn
                        _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle(_posX - mElconnWidth, _posY, _posX, _posY - (_current - _lastBeginElconn) * mCoreHeight);
                        SetTextProperties(_newShape, _lastBeginElconnName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter);
                        _lastBeginElconn = _current;
                    _lastBeginElconnName = _core.StartElconn;
                if (_core.EndElconn == string.Empty || _lastEndElconnName != _core.EndElconn)
                    if (_current > 0)
                        //draw elconn
                        double _posX = mCablePosX + (mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth) * 2 + mCableWidth;
                        double _posY = aPosY - _lastEndElconn * mCoreHeight;
                        //draw elconn
                        _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle(_posX, _posY, _posX + mElconnWidth, _posY - (_current - _lastEndElconn) * mCoreHeight);
                        SetTextProperties(_newShape, _lastEndElconnName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter);
                        _lastEndElconn = _current;
                    _lastEndElconnName = _core.EndElconn;

                //check/draw equips
                if (_core.StartEqui == string.Empty || _lastBeginEquiName != _core.StartEqui)
                    if (_current > 0)
                        //draw equi
                        double _posX = mCablePosX - (mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth) * 2 - mElconnWidth;
                        double _posY = aPosY - _lastBeginEqui * mCoreHeight;

                        _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle(_posX - mEquiWidth, _posY, _posX, _posY - (_current - _lastBeginEqui) * mCoreHeight);
                        SetTextProperties(_newShape, _lastBeginEquiName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter);
                        _lastBeginEqui = _current;
                    _lastBeginEquiName = _core.StartEqui;
                if (_core.EndEqui == string.Empty || _lastEndEquiName != _core.EndEqui)
                    if (_current > 0)
                        //draw equi
                        double _posX = mCablePosX + (mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth) * 2 + mCableWidth + mElconnWidth;
                        double _posY = aPosY - _lastEndEqui * mCoreHeight;

                        _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle(_posX, _posY, _posX + mEquiWidth, _posY - (_current - _lastEndEqui) * mCoreHeight);
                        SetTextProperties(_newShape, _lastEndEquiName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter);
                        _lastEndEqui = _current;
                    _lastEndEquiName = _core.EndEqui;
            //draw last elconns
            double _pX = mCablePosX - (mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth) * 2;
            double _pY = aPosY - _lastBeginElconn * mCoreHeight;

            _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle(_pX - mElconnWidth, _pY, _pX, _pY - (_current - _lastBeginElconn) * mCoreHeight);
            SetTextProperties(_newShape, _lastBeginElconnName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter);

            _pX = mCablePosX + (mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth) * 2 + mCableWidth;
            _pY = aPosY - _lastEndElconn * mCoreHeight;

            _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle(_pX, _pY, _pX + mElconnWidth, _pY - (_current - _lastEndElconn) * mCoreHeight);
            SetTextProperties(_newShape, _lastEndElconnName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter);

            //draw last equips
            _pX = mCablePosX - (mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth) * 2 - mElconnWidth;
            _pY = aPosY - _lastBeginEqui * mCoreHeight;

            _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle(_pX - mEquiWidth, _pY, _pX, _pY - (_current - _lastBeginEqui) * mCoreHeight);
            SetTextProperties(_newShape, _lastBeginEquiName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter);

            _pX = mCablePosX + (mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth) * 2 + mCableWidth + mElconnWidth;
            _pY = aPosY - _lastEndEqui * mCoreHeight;

            _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle(_pX, _pY, _pX + mEquiWidth, _pY - (_current - _lastEndEqui) * mCoreHeight);
            SetTextProperties(_newShape, _lastEndEquiName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter);

            return(aPosY - _cableHeight);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is calculating height of schema for single cable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aCableInfo">information about cable to calculate height</param>
        /// <returns>height of schema for given cable</returns>
        private double GetCableHeight( CableInfo aCableInfo )
            double _height = 0.0;

            if( aCableInfo.CoreNo == 0 )
                _height = mCoreHeight;
                _height = aCableInfo.CoreNo * mCoreHeight;

            return _height;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is drawing schema for single cable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aPage">page to draw on</param>
        /// <param name="aCableInfo">information about cable to draw</param>
        /// <param name="aPosY">vertical position in which schema should start</param>
        /// <returns>ertical position after drawing</returns>
        private double DrawCable( Visio.Page aPage, CableInfo aCableInfo, double aPosY )
            if( aCableInfo.CoreNo == 0 )
                aCableInfo.CoreInfo.Add( new CoreInfo( Database.DbElement.GetElement(), aCableInfo ) );

            double _cableHeight = aCableInfo.CoreNo * mCoreHeight;

            Visio.Shape _newShape = aPage.DrawLine( mCablePosX, aPosY - _cableHeight / 2.0, mCablePosX + mCableWidth, aPosY - _cableHeight / 2.0 );
            SetTextProperties( _newShape, aCableInfo.CableName + Environment.NewLine + aCableInfo.ComponentName, FONT_SIZE, (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter );

            _newShape = aPage.DrawLine( mCablePosX, aPosY, mCablePosX, aPosY - _cableHeight );
            _newShape = aPage.DrawLine( mCablePosX + mCableWidth, aPosY, mCablePosX + mCableWidth, aPosY - _cableHeight );

            int _lastBeginEqui = 0, _lastEndEqui = 0, _lastBeginElconn = 0, _lastEndElconn = 0, _current = 0;
            string _lastBeginEquiName = string.Empty, _lastEndEquiName = string.Empty, _lastBeginElconnName = string.Empty, _lastEndElconnName = string.Empty;

            foreach( CoreInfo _core in aCableInfo.CoreInfo )
                //draw core boxes
                _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle( mCablePosX - mCoreWidth - mSpaceBetween, aPosY - _current * mCoreHeight, mCablePosX - mSpaceBetween, aPosY - ( _current + 1 ) * mCoreHeight );
                SetTextProperties( _newShape, _core.CoreName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter );
                _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle( mCablePosX + mCableWidth + mSpaceBetween, aPosY - _current * mCoreHeight, mCablePosX + mCableWidth + mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth, aPosY - ( _current + 1 ) * mCoreHeight );
                SetTextProperties( _newShape, _core.CoreName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter );

                //draw pin boxes
                _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle( mCablePosX - ( mCoreWidth + mSpaceBetween ) * 2, aPosY - _current * mCoreHeight, mCablePosX - mCoreWidth - mSpaceBetween * 2, aPosY - ( _current + 1 ) * mCoreHeight );
                SetTextProperties( _newShape, _core.StartPin, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter );
                _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle( mCablePosX + mCableWidth + mSpaceBetween * 2 + mCoreWidth, aPosY - _current * mCoreHeight, mCablePosX + mCableWidth + ( mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth ) * 2, aPosY - ( _current + 1 ) * mCoreHeight );
                SetTextProperties( _newShape, _core.EndPin, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter );

                //check/draw elconns
                if( _core.StartElconn == string.Empty || _lastBeginElconnName != _core.StartElconn )
                    if( _current > 0 )
                        double _posX = mCablePosX - ( mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth ) * 2;
                        double _posY = aPosY - _lastBeginElconn * mCoreHeight;
                        //draw elconn
                        _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle( _posX - mElconnWidth, _posY, _posX, _posY - ( _current - _lastBeginElconn ) * mCoreHeight );
                        SetTextProperties( _newShape, _lastBeginElconnName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter );
                        _lastBeginElconn = _current;
                    _lastBeginElconnName = _core.StartElconn;
                if( _core.EndElconn == string.Empty || _lastEndElconnName != _core.EndElconn )
                    if( _current > 0 )
                        //draw elconn
                        double _posX = mCablePosX + ( mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth ) * 2 + mCableWidth;
                        double _posY = aPosY - _lastEndElconn * mCoreHeight;
                        //draw elconn
                        _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle( _posX, _posY, _posX + mElconnWidth, _posY - ( _current - _lastEndElconn ) * mCoreHeight );
                        SetTextProperties( _newShape, _lastEndElconnName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter );
                        _lastEndElconn = _current;
                    _lastEndElconnName = _core.EndElconn;

                //check/draw equips
                if( _core.StartEqui == string.Empty || _lastBeginEquiName != _core.StartEqui )
                    if( _current > 0 )
                        //draw equi
                        double _posX = mCablePosX - ( mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth ) * 2 - mElconnWidth;
                        double _posY = aPosY - _lastBeginEqui * mCoreHeight;

                        _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle( _posX - mEquiWidth, _posY, _posX, _posY - ( _current - _lastBeginEqui ) * mCoreHeight );
                        SetTextProperties( _newShape, _lastBeginEquiName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter );
                        _lastBeginEqui = _current;
                    _lastBeginEquiName = _core.StartEqui;
                if( _core.EndEqui == string.Empty || _lastEndEquiName != _core.EndEqui )
                    if( _current > 0 )
                        //draw equi
                        double _posX = mCablePosX + ( mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth ) * 2 + mCableWidth + mElconnWidth;
                        double _posY = aPosY - _lastEndEqui * mCoreHeight;

                        _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle( _posX, _posY, _posX + mEquiWidth, _posY - ( _current - _lastEndEqui ) * mCoreHeight );
                        SetTextProperties( _newShape, _lastEndEquiName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter );
                        _lastEndEqui = _current;
                    _lastEndEquiName = _core.EndEqui;
            //draw last elconns
            double _pX = mCablePosX - ( mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth ) * 2;
            double _pY = aPosY - _lastBeginElconn * mCoreHeight;

            _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle( _pX - mElconnWidth, _pY, _pX, _pY - ( _current - _lastBeginElconn ) * mCoreHeight );
            SetTextProperties( _newShape, _lastBeginElconnName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter );

            _pX = mCablePosX + ( mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth ) * 2 + mCableWidth;
            _pY = aPosY - _lastEndElconn * mCoreHeight;

            _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle( _pX, _pY, _pX + mElconnWidth, _pY - ( _current - _lastEndElconn ) * mCoreHeight );
            SetTextProperties( _newShape, _lastEndElconnName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter );

            //draw last equips
            _pX = mCablePosX - ( mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth ) * 2 - mElconnWidth;
            _pY = aPosY - _lastBeginEqui * mCoreHeight;

            _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle( _pX - mEquiWidth, _pY, _pX, _pY - ( _current - _lastBeginEqui ) * mCoreHeight );
            SetTextProperties( _newShape, _lastBeginEquiName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter );

            _pX = mCablePosX + ( mSpaceBetween + mCoreWidth ) * 2 + mCableWidth + mElconnWidth;
            _pY = aPosY - _lastEndEqui * mCoreHeight;

            _newShape = aPage.DrawRectangle( _pX, _pY, _pX + mEquiWidth, _pY - ( _current - _lastEndEqui ) * mCoreHeight );
            SetTextProperties( _newShape, _lastEndEquiName, "6pt", (int)Visio.VisCellVals.visHorzCenter );

            return ( aPosY - _cableHeight );
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is drawing core connections diagram for given cables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aCables">list of cables for which diagram should be drawn</param>
        public void DrawSchema( ArrayList aCables )
            // check if drawing control for schema is set and correct
            if( mDwgCtrl == null || mDwgCtrl.IsDisposed )

                mDwgCtrl.Document.Application.QueueMarkerEvent( "E_OFF" );

                // prepare first page for drawing
                SetPageProperties( mDwgCtrl.Document.Pages[ 1 ].PageSheet );
                // draw diagram header
                double _posY = DrawDiagramHeader( mDwgCtrl.Document.Pages[ 1 ] );
                // draw header of connections table
                _posY = DrawTableHeader( mDwgCtrl.Document.Pages[ 1 ], _posY - mMargin );
                // set current page
                Visio.Page _currPage = mDwgCtrl.Document.Pages[ 1 ];

                // draw connections diagram for all cables in list
                foreach( Database.DbElement _dbCable in aCables )
                    // get info for current cable
                    CableInfo _cableInfo = new CableInfo( _dbCable );

                    // check if new page is needed and if so create it
                    if( GetCableHeight( _cableInfo ) > _posY - mMargin * 2 )
                        Visio.Page _newPage = mDwgCtrl.Document.Pages.Add();
                        SetPageProperties( _newPage.PageSheet );
                        _posY = DrawTableHeader( _newPage, _newPage.PageSheet.get_Cells( CELL_PAGE_HEIGHT ).ResultIU - mMargin );
                        _currPage = _newPage;
                    // draw schema for current cable
                    _posY = DrawCable( _currPage, _cableInfo, _posY - mMargin );
                // clear selection
                // at the end set first page as active
                mDwgCtrl.Window.Page = mDwgCtrl.Document.Pages[ 1 ];
                // mark document as saved
                mDwgCtrl.Document.Saved = true;
                mDwgCtrl.Document.Application.QueueMarkerEvent( "E_ON" );