        private static async Task <string[]> ShowAsync(this FileDialog me, Window parent, bool fallBack)
            if (fallBack)
                    return(await ShowOpenSaveFileDialogAsync(me, parent));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    WalletWasabi.Logging.Logger.LogWarning(ex, me.GetType().Name);

                    string title = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(me.Title)
                                                ? me.Title
                                                : me is OpenFileDialog
                                                        ? "Open File"
                                                        : me is SaveFileDialog
                                                                ? "Save File"
                                                                : throw new NotImplementedException();

                    string instructions = me is OpenFileDialog
                                                ? $"Failed to use your operating system's {nameof(OpenFileDialog)}. Please provide the path of the file you want to open manually:"
                                                : me is SaveFileDialog
                                                        ? $"Failed to use your operating system's {nameof(SaveFileDialog)}. Please provide the path where you want your file to be saved to:"
                                                        : throw new NotImplementedException();

                    string exampleFilePath = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)
                                                ? @"C:\path\to\the\file.ext"
                                                : @"/path/to/the/file";

                    string defaultTextInput = me is OpenFileDialog
                                                ? Path.Combine(me.InitialDirectory ?? "", me.InitialFileName ?? "")
                                                : me is SaveFileDialog sfd
                                                        ? Path.ChangeExtension(
                            string.IsNullOrEmpty(me.InitialDirectory) ? Path.GetDirectoryName(exampleFilePath) : me.InitialDirectory,
                            string.IsNullOrEmpty(me.InitialFileName) ? Path.GetFileName(exampleFilePath) : me.InitialFileName),
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(sfd.DefaultExtension)? "ext" : sfd.DefaultExtension)
                                                        : throw new NotImplementedException();

                    var dialog  = new TextInputDialogViewModel(title, instructions, exampleFilePath, defaultTextInput);
                    var success = await MainWindowViewModel.Instance.ShowDialogAsync(dialog);

                    if (success)
                        var path = dialog.TextInput.Trim();
                        return(new string[] { path });
                        return(new string[0]);
                return(await ShowOpenSaveFileDialogAsync(me, parent));