        public override void Draw()
            MouseOverIndex = -1;
            Color outerBorderColor = Skin.OuterBorderColor;
            Color innerBorderColor = Skin.InnerBorderColor;
            Color innerButtonColor = Skin.WhiteBackgroundColor;
            Color textColor        = Skin.TextColor;

            Primitives.FillRectangle(Rectangle, innerBorderColor);
            Primitives.DrawRectangle(Rectangle, outerBorderColor, Skin.OuterBorderThickness);
            Primitives.DrawAndFillRectangle(InnerRectangleWithBorder, innerButtonColor, outerBorderColor, Skin.OuterBorderThickness);
            //  Primitives.DrawMultiLineText(txt + (Root.SecondsSinceStartInt % 2 == 0 ? "|" : ""), new Rectangle(InnerRectangle.X + 8, InnerRectangle.Y + 3, InnerRectangle.Width - 10, InnerRectangle.Height - 4), textColor, Skin.Font, Primitives.TextAlignment.TopLeft);
            for (int i = _topOfList; i < Items.Count; i++)
                Rectangle rectItem = new Rectangle(InnerRectangle.X + 1, InnerRectangle.Y + Skin.ListItemHeight * (i - _topOfList) + 1, InnerRectangle.Width - 2, Skin.ListItemHeight);
                if (Root.IsMouseOver(rectItem))
                    MouseOverIndex = i;

                if (_selectedIndex == i)
                    Primitives.FillRectangle(rectItem, Skin.ItemSelectedBackgroundColor);
                else if (MouseOverIndex == i)
                    Primitives.FillRectangle(rectItem, Skin.ItemMouseOverBackgroundColor);
                Primitives.DrawSingleLineText(Items[i].ToString(), new Vector2(InnerRectangle.X + 5, InnerRectangle.Y + 2 + Skin.ListItemHeight * (i - _topOfList)), Skin.TextColor, Skin.Font);
                Primitives.DrawLine(new Vector2(InnerRectangle.X, InnerRectangle.Y + Skin.ListItemHeight * (i - _topOfList + 1)),
                                    new Vector2(InnerRectangle.Right, InnerRectangle.Y + Skin.ListItemHeight * (i - _topOfList + 1)),
                                    outerBorderColor, Skin.OuterBorderThickness);
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, Game game, float elapsedSeconds)
            Rectangle screen = Root.Screen;

            Primitives.FillRectangle(screen, Color.FromNonPremultiplied(0, 0, 0, 150));
            Player.Draw(sb, rectVideo, alreadyFullscreen: true);
            Primitives.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(rectVideo.X - 2, rectVideo.Y - 2, rectVideo.Width + 4, rectVideo.Height + 4), Color.White, 2);

            base.Draw(sb, game, elapsedSeconds);
        public override void Draw()
            IsMouseOverThis = Root.IsMouseOver(Rectangle);
            bool  pressed          = IsMouseOverThis && Root.Mouse_NewState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed;
            Color outerBorderColor = IsMouseOverThis ? Skin.OuterBorderColorMouseOver : Skin.OuterBorderColor;
            Color innerBorderColor = pressed ? Skin.InnerBorderColorMousePressed : (IsMouseOverThis ? Skin.InnerBorderColorMouseOver : Skin.InnerBorderColor);
            Color innerButtonColor = IsMouseOverThis ? Skin.GreyBackgroundColorMouseOver: Skin.GreyBackgroundColor;
            Color textColor        = IsMouseOverThis ? Skin.TextColorMouseOver : Skin.TextColor;

            Primitives.FillRectangle(Rectangle, innerBorderColor);
            Primitives.DrawRectangle(Rectangle, outerBorderColor, Skin.OuterBorderThickness);
            Primitives.DrawAndFillRectangle(InnerRectangleWithBorder, innerButtonColor, outerBorderColor, Skin.OuterBorderThickness);
            Primitives.DrawMultiLineText(Caption, InnerRectangle, textColor, Skin.Font, Primitives.TextAlignment.Middle);
        public void Draw()
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, (int)Y, Root.ScreenWidth, TOAST_HEIGHT);

            Primitives.FillRectangle(rect, Color.FromNonPremultiplied(170, 170, 170, (int)(AlphaMax * Alpha)));
            int text_x = rect.X + 7;

            if (Icon != GUIIcon.None)
                int iconheight = TOAST_HEIGHT - 6;
                Primitives.DrawImage(Library.GetTexture2DFromGUIIcon(Icon), new Rectangle(text_x, rect.Y + 2, iconheight, iconheight), Color.FromNonPremultiplied(255, 255, 255, (int)(AlphaMax * Alpha)));
                text_x += iconheight + 7;
            Primitives.DrawSingleLineText(Text, new Vector2(text_x, rect.Y + 6), Color.FromNonPremultiplied(ForeColor.R, ForeColor.G, ForeColor.B, (int)(Alpha * AlphaMax)));
        public static void DrawImage(Texture2D texture, Rectangle rectangle, Color?color = null, bool scale = false, bool scaleUp = true, Color?scaleBgColor = null)
            Color clr = color ?? Color.White;

            if (scale)
                Color clrB = scaleBgColor ?? Color.Black;
                Primitives.FillRectangle(rectangle, clrB);
                SpriteBatch.Draw(texture, Utilities.ScaleRectangle(rectangle, texture.Width, texture.Height, scaleUp), clr);
                SpriteBatch.Draw(texture, rectangle, clr);
        public override void Draw()
            string txt = Text;

            if (IsPassword)
                txt = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < Text.Length; i++)
                    txt += "*";
            Color outerBorderColor = Skin.OuterBorderColor;
            Color innerBorderColor = Skin.InnerBorderColor;
            Color innerButtonColor = Skin.WhiteBackgroundColor;
            Color textColor        = Skin.TextColor;

            Primitives.FillRectangle(Rectangle, Color.FromNonPremultiplied(226, 187, 50, 255));//Color.White);
            Primitives.DrawRectangle(Rectangle, Color.Black, 2);
            //     Primitives.DrawAndFillRectangle(InnerRectangleWithBorder, innerButtonColor, outerBorderColor, Skin.OuterBorderThickness);
            Primitives.DrawMultiLineText(txt + ((int)(Root.SecondsSinceStart * 2) % 2 == 0 && IsActive ? "|" : ""), new Rectangle(Rectangle.X + 8, Rectangle.Y + 3 + 2, Rectangle.Width - 10, Rectangle.Height - 4), textColor, Library.FontConsoleNormal, Primitives.TextAlignment.TopLeft);
 public virtual void Draw()
     Primitives.FillRectangle(Rectangle, Color.Red);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the video player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sb">Spritebatch to use.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Rectangle to fill.</param>
        /// <param name="alreadyFullscreen">Is the video player part of the FullscreenVideoGamePhase?</param>
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, Rectangle rect, bool alreadyFullscreen = false)
            mouseOverFullscreenButton = false;
            mouseOverPlayPauseButton  = false;
            mouseOverStopButton       = false;
            mouseOverThisElement      = false;
            if (State == MediaState.Playing || State == MediaState.Paused)
                Texture2D tex = this.GetTexture();
                if (tex != null)
                    Primitives.DrawImage(tex, rect, Color.White, scale: PerformScaling, scaleUp: false, scaleBgColor: Color.Black);
                    Primitives.FillRectangle(rect, Color.DarkGreen);
                if (stoppedTexture != null)
                    Primitives.DrawImage(stoppedTexture, rect, Color.White, scale: PerformScaling, scaleUp: false, scaleBgColor: Color.Black);
                    Primitives.FillRectangle(rect, Color.Black);
            if (Root.IsMouseOver(rect))
                mouseOverThisElement = true;
                Color     clrSemitransparent = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(255, 255, 255, 150);
                Rectangle rectBottom         = new Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Bottom - 5, rect.Width, 5);
                Primitives.FillRectangle(rectBottom, Color.Gray);
                double percent = videoPlayer.PlayPosition.TotalSeconds / videoPlayer.Video.Duration.TotalSeconds;
                Primitives.FillRectangle(new Rectangle(rectBottom.X, rectBottom.Y, (int)(rectBottom.Width * percent), rectBottom.Height), Color.White);
                const int ICONSIZE       = 30;
                Rectangle rectPlayPause  = new Rectangle(rectBottom.X + 1, rectBottom.Bottom - 1 - ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE);
                Rectangle rectStop       = new Rectangle(rectBottom.X + ICONSIZE + 1, rectBottom.Bottom - 1 - ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE);
                Rectangle rectFullscreen = new Rectangle(rectBottom.Right - ICONSIZE - 1, rectBottom.Bottom - 1 - ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE);
                if (hasPlayPauseButton)
                    Texture2D icon = videoPlayer.State == MediaState.Playing ? Library.IconPause : Library.IconPlay;
                    mouseOverPlayPauseButton = Root.IsMouseOver(rectPlayPause);
                    sb.Draw(icon, rectPlayPause, mouseOverPlayPauseButton ? Color.White : clrSemitransparent);
                    if (State == MediaState.Playing || State == MediaState.Paused)
                        mouseOverStopButton = Root.IsMouseOver(rectStop);
                        sb.Draw(Library.IconStop, rectStop, mouseOverStopButton ? Color.White : clrSemitransparent);
                if (hasExtendToFullscreenButton && !alreadyFullscreen)
                    mouseOverFullscreenButton = Root.IsMouseOver(rectFullscreen);
                    sb.Draw(Library.IconFullscreen, rectFullscreen, mouseOverFullscreenButton ? Color.White : clrSemitransparent);

                if (onClickPlayPause)
                    sb.Draw(videoPlayer.State == MediaState.Playing ? Library.IconPause : Library.IconPlay, new Rectangle(rect.X + rect.Width / 2 - 30, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 - 30, 60, 60), clrSemitransparent);
                if (onClickExtendToFullscreen && !alreadyFullscreen)
                    sb.Draw(Library.IconFullscreen, new Rectangle(rect.X + rect.Width / 2 - 30, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 - 30, 60, 60), clrSemitransparent);