public DeviceInfo GetFirstMatch(DeviceInfo device) { var url = _baseUrl + string.Format( "/registrar/device?MobileOs={0}&DeviceModel={1}&OsVersion={2}&UniqueId={3}", device.MobileOs, device.DeviceModel, device.OsVersion, device.UniqueId); var request = WebRequest.Create(url); try { var response = request.GetResponse(); var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); if(responseStream == null) { return null; } var str = new StreamReader(responseStream).ReadToEnd(); return _json.Deserialize<DeviceInfo>(str); } catch(WebException e) { if ((e.Response as HttpWebResponse).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { return null; } throw; } }
public DeviceInfo GetFirstMatch(DeviceInfo device, bool filterByAvailible) { DeviceInfo match = null; var conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString); conn.Open(); var sql = new SqlCommand(string.Format("exec mob_get_first_match @ID, @OS, @VERSION, @IP, @AVAILIBLE"), conn); sql.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 128) {Value = (object)device.UniqueId ?? DBNull.Value }); sql.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@OS", SqlDbType.VarChar, 64) { Value = (object)device.MobileOs ?? DBNull.Value }); sql.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@VERSION", SqlDbType.VarChar, 32) { Value = (object)device.OsVersion ?? DBNull.Value }); sql.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@IP", SqlDbType.VarChar, 16) { Value = (object)device.IP ?? DBNull.Value }); sql.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@AVAILIBLE", SqlDbType.Bit) {Value = filterByAvailible}); var reader = sql.ExecuteReader(); if(reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); match = new DeviceInfo { UniqueId = (string)reader["device_id"], MobileOs = (MobileOs)Enum.Parse(typeof(MobileOs), (string)reader["mobile_os"]), OsVersion = (string)reader["os_version"], IP = (string)reader["ip"] }; } conn.Close(); return match; }
public DeviceInfo GetFirstMatch(DeviceInfo device, bool filterByAvailible) { if (!filterByAvailible) { throw new Exception("Unavailible devices cannot be searched with the UdpClient."); } var time = DateTime.Now; while (DateTime.Now - time < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(45)) { var async = _udpClient.BeginReceive(null, null); if (async.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne()) { IPEndPoint remoteEp = null; var bytes = _udpClient.EndReceive(async, ref remoteEp); var encoding = new ASCIIEncoding(); var found = _json.Deserialize<DeviceInfo>(encoding.GetString(bytes)); if (IsMatch(device, found)) { return found; } } } return null; }
public iOSDevice(UIDevice device, UIWebView webView, ConnectionType connType, string connString) : base(connType, connString, new JsonProvider()) { _device = device; Browser = new iOSBrowser(webView); DeviceInfo = new DeviceInfo(); DeviceInfo.MobileOs = MobileOs.iOS; DeviceInfo.OsVersion = _device.SystemVersion; DeviceInfo.DeviceModel = _device.Model; DeviceInfo.UniqueId = _device.IdentifierForVendor.ToString(); DeviceInfo.IP = IP; }
public void TestRegistration() { DeviceInfo info = new DeviceInfo { DeviceModel = "aDevice", IP = "", MobileOs = MobileOs.None, OsVersion = "1.0", UniqueId = "0" }; MobileDb.Instance.Register(info); var match = MobileDb.Instance.GetFirstMatch(info); Assert.IsTrue(info.IP == match.IP, "Actual: {0} Expected: {1}", match.IP, info.IP); }
public void TestNoMatch() { var client = new RegistrarClient(BaseUrl, new JsonProvider()); var info = new DeviceInfo { DeviceModel = "aDevice", IP = "", MobileOs = MobileOs.None, OsVersion = "1.0", UniqueId = "0" }; Assert.IsNull(client.GetFirstMatch(info)); }
public AndroidDevice(Activity activity, ConnectionType connectionType, string connectionString) : base(connectionType, connectionString, new JsonProvider()) { // Setup the WebView/Browser _activity = activity; Browser = new AndroidBrowser(new WebView(activity)); _activity.SetContentView(WebView); // Populate device info Wifi = (WifiManager)activity.GetSystemService(Context.WifiService); DeviceInfo = new DeviceInfo(); DeviceInfo.MobileOs = MobileOs.Android; DeviceInfo.DeviceModel = Build.Model; DeviceInfo.OsVersion = Build.VERSION.Release; DeviceInfo.IP = IP; var tm = (TelephonyManager)activity.GetSystemService(Context.TelephonyService); DeviceInfo.UniqueId = tm.DeviceId; }
public void TestAvailibility() { DeviceInfo info = new DeviceInfo { DeviceModel = "aDevice", IP = "", MobileOs = MobileOs.None, OsVersion = "1.0", UniqueId = "0" }; MobileDb.Instance.Register(info); MobileDb.Instance.SetAvailibility(info, false); // Unavailible devices shouldn't be found in GetFirstMatch Assert.IsNull(MobileDb.Instance.GetFirstMatch(info)); MobileDb.Instance.SetAvailibility(info, true); var match = MobileDb.Instance.GetFirstMatch(info); // Availible devices should be found Assert.IsTrue(info.IP == match.IP, "Actual: {0} Expected: {1}", match.IP, info.IP); }
public void TestAvailibility() { var client = new RegistrarClient(BaseUrl, new JsonProvider()); var info = new DeviceInfo { DeviceModel = "aDevice", IP = "", MobileOs = MobileOs.None, OsVersion = "1.0", UniqueId = "0" }; client.Register(info); client.SetAvailibility(info, false); // Unavailible devices shouldn't be found in GetFirstMatch Assert.IsNull(client.GetFirstMatch(info)); client.SetAvailibility(info, true); // Availible devices should be found var match = client.GetFirstMatch(info); Assert.IsTrue(info.IP == match.IP, "Actual: {0} Expected: {1}", match.IP, info.IP); }
public DeviceInfo GetFirstMatch(DeviceInfo info) { return GetFirstMatch(info, true); }
public void Register(DeviceInfo device) { var conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString); conn.Open(); var sql = new SqlCommand(string.Format("exec mob_update_device_registration '{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}'", device.UniqueId, device.MobileOs, device.OsVersion, device.IP), conn); sql.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); }
public void SetAvailibility(DeviceInfo device, bool availible) { if (_currentInfo == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot set availibility: No device registered with this UdpClient instance."); } if (_currentInfo != device) { throw new Exception("Cannot set availibility: Device does not match registered device; register a new device before setting availibility."); } if (availible && !_timer.Enabled) { BeginBroadcast(); } else if (!availible) { EndBroadcast(); } }
private bool IsMatch(DeviceInfo orignal, DeviceInfo match) { return (orignal.MobileOs == null || orignal.MobileOs == match.MobileOs) && (orignal.OsVersion == null || orignal.OsVersion == match.OsVersion) && (orignal.UniqueId == null || orignal.UniqueId == match.UniqueId); }
public void PutDevice(DeviceInfo device) { MobileDb.Instance.Register(device); }
public void Register(DeviceInfo info) { _currentInfo = info; BeginBroadcast(); }
public void Register(DeviceInfo device) { var request = WebRequest.Create(_baseUrl + "/registrar/device"); request.Method = "PUT"; request.ContentType = "application/json"; var str = _json.Serialize(device); var count = Encoding.ASCII.GetByteCount(str); request.ContentLength = count; request.GetRequestStream().Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str), 0, count); request.GetResponse(); }
public void TestRegistration() { var client = new RegistrarClient(BaseUrl, new JsonProvider()); var info = new DeviceInfo { DeviceModel = "aDevice", IP = "", MobileOs = MobileOs.None, OsVersion = "1.0", UniqueId = "0" }; client.Register(info); var match = client.GetFirstMatch(info); Assert.IsTrue(info.IP == match.IP, "Actual: {0} Expected: {1}", match.IP, info.IP); }
public DeviceInfo GetFirstMatch(DeviceInfo device, bool filterByAvailible) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public void Register(DeviceInfo info) { var db = _sharedDb ?? new SQLiteConnection(_dbName).OpenAndReturn(); using (SQLiteCommand deviceInfo = new SQLiteCommand(db)) { deviceInfo.CommandText = string.Format( "REPLACE INTO DeviceInfo (MobileOs, DeviceModel, OsVersion, UniqueId, IP, LastSeen, Availible) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', datetime('now'), 1)", info.MobileOs, info.DeviceModel, info.OsVersion, info.UniqueId, info.IP); deviceInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(); } if (_sharedDb == null) { db.Close(); GC.Collect(); } }
public void SetAvailibility(DeviceInfo device, bool availible) { var request = WebRequest.Create(string.Format("{0}/registrar/device/{1}?availible={2}", _baseUrl, device.UniqueId, availible)); request.GetResponse(); }
public void SetAvailibility(DeviceInfo device, bool availible) { var db = _sharedDb ?? new SQLiteConnection(_dbName).OpenAndReturn(); using(SQLiteCommand availUpdate = new SQLiteCommand(db)) { availUpdate.CommandText = string.Format("UPDATE DeviceInfo SET Availible = {0} WHERE UniqueId = '{1}'", availible ? 1 : 0, device.UniqueId); availUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery(); } if (_sharedDb == null) { db.Close(); GC.Collect(); } }
public DeviceInfo GetFirstMatch(DeviceInfo device) { return GetFirstMatch(device, true); }
public void SetAvailibility(DeviceInfo device, bool availible) { var conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString); conn.Open(); var sql = new SqlCommand(string.Format("exec mob_set_availibility '{0}', {1}", device.UniqueId, availible ? 1 : 0), conn); sql.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the IP of the first registered device which matches all the info. /// Null values are ignored in the match /// </summary> /// <param name="info">Info to match</param> /// <param name="filterByAvailible"> </param> /// <returns>IP of the first match</returns> public DeviceInfo GetFirstMatch(DeviceInfo device, bool filterByAvailible) { var db = _sharedDb ?? new SQLiteConnection(_dbName).OpenAndReturn(); DeviceInfo match; using(SQLiteCommand deviceInfo = new SQLiteCommand(db)) { deviceInfo.CommandText ="SELECT MobileOs, DeviceModel, OsVersion, UniqueId, IP FROM DeviceInfo WHERE"; bool first = true; if(device.MobileOs != null) { deviceInfo.CommandText += string.Format(" MobileOs = '{0}'", device.MobileOs); first = false; } if(device.DeviceModel != null) { deviceInfo.CommandText += string.Format("{0} DeviceModel = '{1}'", first ? "" : " AND", device.DeviceModel); first = false; } if(device.OsVersion != null) { deviceInfo.CommandText += string.Format("{0} OsVersion = '{1}'", first ? "" : " AND", device.OsVersion); first = false; } if (device.UniqueId != null) { deviceInfo.CommandText += string.Format("{0} UniqueId = '{1}'", first ? "" : " AND", device.UniqueId); first = false; } if(filterByAvailible) { deviceInfo.CommandText += string.Format("{0} Availible = 1", first ? "" : " AND"); } deviceInfo.CommandText += " limit 1"; using (var reader = deviceInfo.ExecuteReader()) { match = !reader.HasRows ? null : new DeviceInfo { DeviceModel = (string) reader["DeviceModel"], MobileOs = (MobileOs) Enum.Parse(typeof (MobileOs), (string) reader["MobileOs"]), IP = (string) reader["IP"], OsVersion = (string) reader["OsVersion"], UniqueId = (string) reader["UniqueId"] }; } } if (_sharedDb == null) { db.Close(); GC.Collect(); } return match; }