/// <summary> /// Generate HTML documentation for all the tasks /// </summary> /// <param name="NameToTask">Map of task name to implementation</param> /// <param name="OutputFile">Output file</param> static void GenerateDocumentation(Dictionary <string, ScriptTask> NameToTask, FileReference OutputFile) { // Find all the assemblies containing tasks Assembly[] TaskAssemblies = NameToTask.Values.Select(x => x.ParametersClass.Assembly).Distinct().ToArray(); // Read documentation for each of them Dictionary <string, XmlElement> MemberNameToElement = new Dictionary <string, XmlElement>(); foreach (Assembly TaskAssembly in TaskAssemblies) { string XmlFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(TaskAssembly.Location, ".xml"); if (File.Exists(XmlFileName)) { // Read the document XmlDocument Document = new XmlDocument(); Document.Load(XmlFileName); // Parse all the members, and add them to the map foreach (XmlElement Element in Document.SelectNodes("/doc/members/member")) { string Name = Element.GetAttribute("name"); MemberNameToElement.Add(Name, Element); } } } // Create the output directory if (FileReference.Exists(OutputFile)) { FileReference.MakeWriteable(OutputFile); } else { DirectoryReference.CreateDirectory(OutputFile.Directory); } // Write the output file LogInformation("Writing {0}...", OutputFile); using (StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(OutputFile.FullName)) { Writer.WriteLine("<html>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <head>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <style>"); Writer.WriteLine(" table { border-collapse: collapse }"); Writer.WriteLine(" table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; }"); Writer.WriteLine(" </style>"); Writer.WriteLine(" </head>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <body>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <h1>BuildGraph Tasks</h1>"); foreach (string TaskName in NameToTask.Keys.OrderBy(x => x)) { // Get the task object ScriptTask Task = NameToTask[TaskName]; // Get the documentation for this task XmlElement TaskElement; if (MemberNameToElement.TryGetValue("T:" + Task.TaskClass.FullName, out TaskElement)) { // Write the task heading Writer.WriteLine(" <h2>{0}</h2>", TaskName); Writer.WriteLine(" <p>{0}</p>", TaskElement.SelectSingleNode("summary").InnerXml.Trim()); // Start the parameter table Writer.WriteLine(" <table>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <tr>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <th>Attribute</th>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <th>Type</th>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <th>Usage</th>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <th>Description</th>"); Writer.WriteLine(" </tr>"); // Document the parameters foreach (string ParameterName in Task.NameToParameter.Keys) { // Get the parameter data ScriptTaskParameter Parameter = Task.NameToParameter[ParameterName]; // Get the documentation for this parameter XmlElement ParameterElement; if (MemberNameToElement.TryGetValue("F:" + Parameter.FieldInfo.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + Parameter.Name, out ParameterElement)) { string TypeName = Parameter.FieldInfo.FieldType.Name; if (Parameter.ValidationType != TaskParameterValidationType.Default) { StringBuilder NewTypeName = new StringBuilder(Parameter.ValidationType.ToString()); for (int Idx = 1; Idx < NewTypeName.Length; Idx++) { if (Char.IsLower(NewTypeName[Idx - 1]) && Char.IsUpper(NewTypeName[Idx])) { NewTypeName.Insert(Idx, ' '); } } TypeName = NewTypeName.ToString(); } Writer.WriteLine(" <tr>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <td>{0}</td>", ParameterName); Writer.WriteLine(" <td>{0}</td>", TypeName); Writer.WriteLine(" <td>{0}</td>", Parameter.bOptional? "Optional" : "Required"); Writer.WriteLine(" <td>{0}</td>", ParameterElement.SelectSingleNode("summary").InnerXml.Trim()); Writer.WriteLine(" </tr>"); } } // Always include the "If" attribute Writer.WriteLine(" <tr>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <td>If</td>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <td>Condition</td>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <td>Optional</td>"); Writer.WriteLine(" <td>Whether to execute this task. It is ignored if this condition evaluates to false.</td>"); Writer.WriteLine(" </tr>"); // Close the table Writer.WriteLine(" <table>"); } } Writer.WriteLine(" </body>"); Writer.WriteLine("</html>"); } }
/// <summary> /// Generate HTML documentation for all the tasks /// </summary> /// <param name="NameToTask">Map of task name to implementation</param> /// <param name="OutputFile">Output file</param> static void GenerateDocumentation(Dictionary <string, ScriptTask> NameToTask, FileReference OutputFile) { // Find all the assemblies containing tasks Assembly[] TaskAssemblies = NameToTask.Values.Select(x => x.ParametersClass.Assembly).Distinct().ToArray(); // Read documentation for each of them Dictionary <string, XmlElement> MemberNameToElement = new Dictionary <string, XmlElement>(); foreach (Assembly TaskAssembly in TaskAssemblies) { string XmlFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(TaskAssembly.Location, ".xml"); if (File.Exists(XmlFileName)) { // Read the document XmlDocument Document = new XmlDocument(); Document.Load(XmlFileName); // Parse all the members, and add them to the map foreach (XmlElement Element in Document.SelectNodes("/doc/members/member")) { string Name = Element.GetAttribute("name"); MemberNameToElement.Add(Name, Element); } } } // Create the output directory DirectoryReference.CreateDirectory(OutputFile.Directory); FileReference.MakeWriteable(OutputFile); Log("Writing {0}...", OutputFile); // Parse the engine version BuildVersion Version; if (!BuildVersion.TryRead(BuildVersion.GetDefaultFileName(), out Version)) { throw new AutomationException("Couldn't read Build.version"); } // Write the output file using (StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(OutputFile.FullName)) { Writer.WriteLine("Availability: NoPublish"); Writer.WriteLine("Title: BuildGraph Predefined Tasks"); Writer.WriteLine("Crumbs: %ROOT%, Programming, Programming/Development, Programming/Development/BuildGraph, Programming/Development/BuildGraph/BuildGraphScriptTasks"); Writer.WriteLine("Description: This is a procedurally generated markdown page."); Writer.WriteLine("version: {0}.{1}", Version.MajorVersion, Version.MinorVersion); Writer.WriteLine("parent:Programming/Development/BuildGraph/BuildGraphScriptTasks"); Writer.WriteLine(); foreach (string TaskName in NameToTask.Keys.OrderBy(x => x)) { // Get the task object ScriptTask Task = NameToTask[TaskName]; // Get the documentation for this task XmlElement TaskElement; if (MemberNameToElement.TryGetValue("T:" + Task.TaskClass.FullName, out TaskElement)) { // Write the task heading Writer.WriteLine("### {0}", TaskName); Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.WriteLine(ConvertToMarkdown(TaskElement.SelectSingleNode("summary"))); Writer.WriteLine(); // Document the parameters List <string[]> Rows = new List <string[]>(); foreach (string ParameterName in Task.NameToParameter.Keys) { // Get the parameter data ScriptTaskParameter Parameter = Task.NameToParameter[ParameterName]; // Get the documentation for this parameter XmlElement ParameterElement; if (MemberNameToElement.TryGetValue("F:" + Parameter.FieldInfo.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + Parameter.Name, out ParameterElement)) { string TypeName = Parameter.FieldInfo.FieldType.Name; if (Parameter.ValidationType != TaskParameterValidationType.Default) { StringBuilder NewTypeName = new StringBuilder(Parameter.ValidationType.ToString()); for (int Idx = 1; Idx < NewTypeName.Length; Idx++) { if (Char.IsLower(NewTypeName[Idx - 1]) && Char.IsUpper(NewTypeName[Idx])) { NewTypeName.Insert(Idx, ' '); } } TypeName = NewTypeName.ToString(); } string[] Columns = new string[4]; Columns[0] = ParameterName; Columns[1] = TypeName; Columns[2] = Parameter.bOptional? "Optional" : "Required"; Columns[3] = ConvertToMarkdown(ParameterElement.SelectSingleNode("summary")); Rows.Add(Columns); } } // Always include the "If" attribute string[] IfColumns = new string[4]; IfColumns[0] = "If"; IfColumns[1] = "Condition"; IfColumns[2] = "Optional"; IfColumns[3] = "Whether to execute this task. It is ignored if this condition evaluates to false."; Rows.Add(IfColumns); // Get the width of each column int[] Widths = new int[4]; for (int Idx = 0; Idx < 4; Idx++) { Widths[Idx] = Rows.Max(x => x[Idx].Length); } // Format the markdown table string Format = String.Format("| {{0,-{0}}} | {{1,-{1}}} | {{2,-{2}}} | {{3,-{3}}} |", Widths[0], Widths[1], Widths[2], Widths[3]); Writer.WriteLine(Format, "", "", "", ""); Writer.WriteLine(Format, new string('-', Widths[0]), new string('-', Widths[1]), new string('-', Widths[2]), new string('-', Widths[3])); for (int Idx = 0; Idx < Rows.Count; Idx++) { Writer.WriteLine(Format, Rows[Idx][0], Rows[Idx][1], Rows[Idx][2], Rows[Idx][3]); } // Blank line before next task Writer.WriteLine(); } } } }