public List <StandardModel> SelectAllStandards() { AutomationStandardsContext db = new AutomationStandardsContext(); List <StandardModel> Result = (from d in db.Standard select new StandardModel { StandardID = d.StandardID, StandardName = d.StandardName, StandardDefinition = d.StandardDefinition, DBTableName = d.DBTableName, StandardGroupID = d.StandardGroupID, StandardGroupName = d.StandardGroup.StandardGroupName, ManageRoles = d.ManageRoles, ViewerRoles = d.ViewerRoles, VersionConfig = d.VersionConfig, VersionValue = d.VersionValue, Tags = d.Tags, NotifiyOwner = d.NotifiyOwner, OwnerEmail = d.OwnerEmail, UsageCount = d.UsageCount }).ToList(); StandardSQLManagement sql = new StandardSQLManagement(); foreach (StandardModel item in Result) { item.StandardCount = sql.GetStandardRowsCount(item.DBTableName); } return(Result); }
public bool DeleteStandard(int StandardID) { AutomationStandardsContext db = new AutomationStandardsContext(); var Standards = db.Standard.Where(d => d.StandardID == StandardID).ToList(); if (Standards.Count > 0) { var Configs = db.StandardConfig.Where(c => c.StandardID == StandardID).ToList(); foreach (var Config in Configs) { db.StandardConfig.Remove(Config); db.SaveChanges(); } db.Standard.Remove(Standards.First()); try { db.SaveChanges(); //DELETE TABLE StandardSQLManagement sql = new StandardSQLManagement(); bool SQLOK = sql.DeleteStandardTable(Standards.First().DBTableName); return(SQLOK); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { string body = ""; foreach (var eve in ex.EntityValidationErrors) { body += string.Format("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); body += "<br>"; foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { body += string.Format("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } //GlobalFunctions gf = new //GlobalFunctions(); //gf.SendErrorModelEmail(this.GetType().Name, body); return(false); } } return(true); }
public bool UpdateStandardConfig(StandardConfigModel model) { AutomationStandardsContext db = new AutomationStandardsContext(); StandardConfig Result = db.StandardConfig.First(d => d.StandardConfigID == model.StandardConfigID); Standard st = db.Standard.First(x => x.StandardID == model.StandardID); Result.Standard = st; bool RenameCol = false; string OldCol = "", NewCol = "", TableName = ""; if (Result.FieldName != model.FieldName) { RenameCol = true; OldCol = Result.FieldName; NewCol = model.FieldName; TableName = Result.Standard.DBTableName; } Result.DisplayName = model.DisplayName; Result.FieldName = model.FieldName; Result.SortOrder = model.SortOrder; Result.VersionNumber = model.VersionNumber; Result.UseToolTip = model.UseToolTip; Result.ToolTip = model.ToolTip; Result.UseStandardData = model.UseStandardData; Result.AllowMultiSelect = model.AllowMultiSelect; Result.StandardLUID = model.StandardLUID; Result.StandardLUValue = model.StandardLUValue; Result.StandardUseFilter = model.StandardUseFilter; Result.StandardFilterSQL = model.StandardFilterSQL; try { db.SaveChanges(); if (RenameCol) { StandardSQLManagement sql = new StandardSQLManagement(); bool SQLOK = sql.RenameColumn(TableName, OldCol, NewCol); return(SQLOK); } SetStandardVersion(model.StandardID); return(true); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { string body = ""; foreach (var eve in ex.EntityValidationErrors) { body += string.Format("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); body += "<br>"; foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { body += string.Format("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } ////GlobalFunctions gf = new //GlobalFunctions(); ////gf.SendErrorModelEmail(this.GetType().Name, body); return(false); } }
public bool InsertStandard(StandardModel model) { bool OkToCreate = false; AutomationStandardsContext db = new AutomationStandardsContext(); var CurrentStds = (from s in db.Standard where s.DBTableName.ToLower() == model.DBTableName.ToLower() select s).ToList(); if (CurrentStds.Count == 0) { OkToCreate = true; } if (OkToCreate) { Standard Result = new Standard(); Result.StandardName = model.StandardName; Result.DBTableName = model.DBTableName; Result.StandardDefinition = model.StandardDefinition; Result.StandardGroupID = model.StandardGroupID; Result.ManageRoles = model.ManageRoles; Result.ViewerRoles = model.ViewerRoles; Result.VersionConfig = model.VersionConfig; Result.VersionValue = model.VersionValue; Result.Tags = model.Tags; Result.NotifiyOwner = model.NotifiyOwner; Result.OwnerEmail = model.OwnerEmail; Result.UsageCount = 0; db.Standard.Add(Result); try { db.SaveChanges(); model.StandardID = Result.StandardID; //Create Table in DB with MODEL Values StandardSQLManagement sql = new StandardSQLManagement(); bool SQLOK = sql.CreateStandardTable(model.DBTableName); return(SQLOK); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { string body = ""; foreach (var eve in ex.EntityValidationErrors) { body += string.Format("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); body += "<br>"; foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { body += string.Format("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } //GlobalFunctions gf = new //GlobalFunctions(); //gf.SendErrorModelEmail(this.GetType().Name, body); return(false); } } return(true); }
public bool InsertStandardConfig(StandardConfigModel model) { AutomationStandardsContext db = new AutomationStandardsContext(); StandardConfig Result = new StandardConfig(); Result.StandardID = model.StandardID; //Result.FieldName = model.FieldName; Result.FieldName = model.DisplayName.Replace(" ", ""); Result.DisplayName = model.DisplayName; Result.DataTypeID = model.DataTypeID; Result.SortOrder = model.SortOrder; Result.VersionNumber = model.VersionNumber; Result.UseToolTip = model.UseToolTip; Result.ToolTip = model.ToolTip; Result.UseStandardData = model.UseStandardData; Result.AllowMultiSelect = model.AllowMultiSelect; Result.StandardLUID = model.StandardLUID; Result.StandardLUValue = model.StandardLUValue; Result.StandardUseFilter = model.StandardUseFilter; Result.StandardFilterSQL = model.StandardFilterSQL; db.StandardConfig.Add(Result); try { db.SaveChanges(); model.StandardConfigID = Result.StandardConfigID; //Add Column To the Table StandardSQLManagement sql = new StandardSQLManagement(); var Standard = db.Standard.First(s => s.StandardID == model.StandardID); var DBType = db.StandardDataType.First(d => d.DataTypeID == model.DataTypeID); string DefaultValue = ""; bool AllowNull = true; if (DBType.SQLDataType == "BIT") { DefaultValue = "(0)"; } sql.AddColumn(Standard.DBTableName, Result.FieldName, DBType.SQLDataType, DefaultValue, AllowNull); SetStandardVersion(model.StandardID); return(true); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { string body = ""; foreach (var eve in ex.EntityValidationErrors) { body += string.Format("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); body += "<br>"; foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { body += string.Format("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } ////GlobalFunctions gf = new //GlobalFunctions(); ////gf.SendErrorModelEmail(this.GetType().Name, body); return(false); } }