/// <summary> Login to Intact: Has to be ran before any other testcase</summary> public void Login() { bool needToSetDB = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("setDataBase") == "true"; Thread.Sleep(10000); m.SendKeys(By.Name(""), "admin"); if (needToSetDB) { SetDatabaseInformation(); } m.Click(By.Name("&Logon")); Thread.Sleep(2000); }
/// <summary> /// This is going to a specified amount of definitions with random name for each blank /// </summary> public void CreateNewDefinition(int?numberOfDefinitions = 1, string definitionName = "") { method = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; Print("Started", method); //check if maximized window = m.Locate(By.Id("frmIntactMain")); if (m.IsElementPresent(By.Name("Maximize"), window)) { m.Click(By.Name("Maximize"), window); } window = m.Locate(By.Name("radMenu1"), window); m.Click(By.Name("&Administration"), window); window = m.Locate(By.Name("&Administration"), window); m.Click(By.Name("Definitions"), window); if (definitionName.Length < 2) { definitionName = "Test"; } for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfDefinitions; i++) { var num = new Random().Next().ToString(); window = m.Locate(By.Id("frmRulesList"), m.Locate(By.Id("frmIntactMain"))); m.Click(By.Id("btnAdd"), window); window = m.Locate(By.Name("Add Definition")); Print("Definition name is " + definitionName + num, method); foreach (IWebElement element in window.FindElements(By.Name(""))) { if (element.Enabled == true) { try { element.SendKeys(definitionName + " " + num); } catch (Exception) { } } } m.Click(By.Name("&Save"), window); } m.Click(By.Name("&Close")); Print("Finished", method); }
public void OpenOrganizer() { method = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; Print(method, " Started"); m.Click(By.Name("Organizer")); Print(method, " Finished"); }
/// <summary> This method is going to add documents to batch review and then run through and both add a document to an existing document and attribute a new one.</summary> public void BatchReview(TestCaseObject tcase) { pt(i); method = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; AddDocsToCollector(); window = m.Locate(By.Id("frmIntactMain")); handler.GetActiveWindow(); var mainIntact = handler.WindowProcess; window = m.Locate(By.Id("radPanelBar1"), window); window = m.Locate(By.Id("pageIntact"), window); window = m.Locate(By.Id("lstIntact"), window); m.Click(By.Name("Batch Review"), window); Thread.Sleep(1000); m.Click(By.Id("6")); Thread.Sleep(1000); m.Click(By.Id("6")); //attribute test from batch review... BatchCreate(tcase); //add to document test from batch review... AddDocBatchReview(); m.Click(By.Id("btnClose")); handler.SetAsActiveWindow(mainIntact); pt(i); }
private void AddRecognition() { m.Click(By.Name("Recognize")); window = m.Locate(By.Id("frmMainInteractive")); Thread.Sleep(1500); window = m.Locate(By.Id("btnSelect"), window); m.Click(By.Name("Select All"), window); m.Click(By.Id("btnRecgonize")); Thread.Sleep(5000); m.Click(By.Id("btnClose")); }