public static Tuple <int, IEnumerable <String> > gradeGrammarEquality(ContextFreeGrammar solution, ContextFreeGrammar attempt, int maxGrade, long timelimit)
            List <String> feedback = new List <String>();

            Tuple <long, List <String>, List <String> > res = GrammarUtilities.findDifferenceWithTimelimit(solution, attempt, true, timelimit);
            long          correct    = res.Item1;
            List <String> missing    = res.Item2;
            List <String> tooMuch    = res.Item3;
            long          allChecked = correct + missing.Count + tooMuch.Count;

            if (missing.Count == 0 && tooMuch.Count == 0) //correct
                feedback.Add(String.Format("All tests passed! (checked {0} words)", correct));
                return(Tuple.Create(maxGrade, (IEnumerable <String>)feedback));

            int    grade       = (int)Math.Floor(correct * maxGrade / (double)allChecked);
            double percMissing = missing.Count * 100 / (double)allChecked;
            double percTooMuch = tooMuch.Count * 100 / (double)allChecked;

            if (missing.Count > 0)
                feedback.Add(String.Format("Your solution misses words (~{0:F2}% of checked words). One of them is \"{1}\".", percMissing, missing[0]));
            if (tooMuch.Count > 0)
                feedback.Add(String.Format("Your solution accepts too many words (~{0:F2}% of checked words). One of them is \"{1}\".", percTooMuch, tooMuch[0]));

            return(Tuple.Create(grade, (IEnumerable <String>)feedback));
        public static Tuple <int, IEnumerable <String> > gradeCYK(ContextFreeGrammar grammar, String word, HashSet <Nonterminal>[][] attempt, int maxGrade, int feedbackLevel)
            List <String> feedback = new List <String>();

            int  n = word.Length;
            int  checked_length    = 0;
            var  sol               = GrammarUtilities.cyk(grammar, word);
            bool all_correct_sofar = true;

            for (int len = 1; len <= n; len++)
                for (int start = 0; start + len <= n; start++)
                    HashSet <Nonterminal> must = sol[len - 1][start].Item1;
                    HashSet <Nonterminal> was  = attempt[len - 1][start];

                    Nonterminal missingExample = null;
                    Production  missingApplicableProduction = null;
                    int         missing        = 0;
                    Nonterminal tooMuchExample = null;
                    int         tooMuch        = 0;

                    //check if all must are present
                    foreach (Nonterminal nt in must)
                        if (!was.Contains(nt))
                            all_correct_sofar = false;

                            //save as example and look for corresponding applicable production for hint
                            if (missingApplicableProduction != null)
                                continue;                                      //not needed: already found example
                            missingExample = nt;
                            foreach (var applicable in sol[len - 1][start].Item2)
                                if (applicable.Item1.Lhs.Equals(nt))
                                    missingApplicableProduction = applicable.Item1;

                    //check if all given are correct
                    foreach (Nonterminal nt in was)
                        if (!must.Contains(nt))
                            tooMuchExample = nt;
                            all_correct_sofar = false;

                    String fieldName = String.Format("({0},{1})", start + 1, start + len);
                    if (feedbackLevel >= 2)
                        if (missing != 0)
                            feedback.Add(String.Format("You are missing some nonterminals in field {0} e.g. {1}", fieldName, missingExample));
                        if (tooMuch != 0)
                            feedback.Add(String.Format("There are nonterminals in field {0} that don't belong there... e.g. {1}", fieldName, tooMuchExample));
                    else if (feedbackLevel >= 1)
                        if (missing != 0)
                            feedback.Add(String.Format("You are missing some nonterminals in field {0}... (hint: The production \"{1}\" is applicable.)", fieldName, missingApplicableProduction));
                        if (tooMuch != 0)
                            feedback.Add(String.Format("There are nonterminals in field {0} that don't belong there...", fieldName));
                        if (missing != 0)
                            feedback.Add(String.Format("You are missing some nonterminals in field {0}...", fieldName));
                        if (tooMuch != 0)
                            feedback.Add(String.Format("There are nonterminals in field {0} that don't belong there...", fieldName));

                if (!all_correct_sofar)
                checked_length = len;

            int grade = (int)Math.Floor(checked_length * maxGrade / (double)n);

            //all correct?
            if (feedback.Count == 0)

            return(Tuple.Create(grade, (IEnumerable <String>)feedback));
        public static Tuple <int, IEnumerable <String> > gradeWordsInGrammar(ContextFreeGrammar grammar, IEnumerable <String> wordsIn, IEnumerable <String> wordsOut, int maxGrade)
            int    cases     = 0;
            double correct   = 0;
            var    terminals = new List <char>();

            foreach (GrammarSymbol s in grammar.GetNonVariableSymbols())
            List <String> feedback = new List <String>();

            HashSet <String> done = new HashSet <String>(); //for duplicate checking

            foreach (String w in wordsIn)
                //handle duplicates
                if (done.Contains(w))
                    feedback.Add(String.Format("The word \"{0}\" was used more than once!", w));

                int prefixLength = GrammarUtilities.longestPrefixLength(grammar, w);

                if (prefixLength < 0)
                    correct++;                   //correct
                else //wrong
                    feedback.Add(String.Format("The word \"{0}\" isn't in the language of the grammar! (hint: the word '{1}' is still possible prefix)", w, w.Substring(0, prefixLength)));
            foreach (String w in wordsOut)
                //handle duplicates
                if (done.Contains(w))
                    feedback.Add(String.Format("The word \"{0}\" was used more than once!", w));

                if (!GrammarUtilities.isWordInGrammar(grammar, w)) //correct
                    //only useful terminals?
                    bool allUsefull = true;
                    char problem    = 'a';
                    foreach (char c in w)
                        if (!terminals.Contains(c))
                            allUsefull = false;
                            problem    = c;

                    if (allUsefull)
                        correct += 1;             //full points
                    else //only half the points
                        correct += 0.5;
                        feedback.Add(String.Format("The word \"{0}\" uses the symbol '{1}' that is not part of the alphabet...", w, problem));
                else   //wrong
                    feedback.Add(String.Format("The word \"{0}\" is in the language of the grammar!", w));

            int grade = (int)Math.Floor(correct * maxGrade / (double)cases);

            //all correct?
            if (grade == maxGrade)

            return(Tuple.Create(grade, (IEnumerable <String>)feedback));