public static List <int> FindSelfIntersectPline(Polyline polyline) { List <int> resultPts = new List <int>(); DBObjectCollection entities = new DBObjectCollection(); polyline.Explode(entities); for (int i = 0; i < entities.Count; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < entities.Count; ++j) { Curve curve1 = entities[i] as Curve; Curve curve2 = entities[j] as Curve; Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point3dCollection points = new Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point3dCollection(); curve1.IntersectWith( curve2, Intersect.OnBothOperands, points, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); foreach (Point3d point in points) { // Make a check to skip the start/end points // since they are connected vertices if (point == curve1.StartPoint || point == curve1.EndPoint) { if (point == curve2.StartPoint || point == curve2.EndPoint) { // If two consecutive segments, then skip if (j == i + 1) { continue; } } } resultPts.Add(j); } } // Need to be disposed explicitely // since entities are not DB resident entities[i].Dispose(); } return(resultPts); }
public static List<int> FindSelfIntersectPline(Polyline polyline) { List<int> resultPts = new List<int>(); DBObjectCollection entities = new DBObjectCollection(); polyline.Explode(entities); for (int i = 0; i < entities.Count; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < entities.Count; ++j) { Curve curve1 = entities[i] as Curve; Curve curve2 = entities[j] as Curve; Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point3dCollection points = new Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point3dCollection(); curve1.IntersectWith( curve2, Intersect.OnBothOperands, points, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); foreach (Point3d point in points) { // Make a check to skip the start/end points // since they are connected vertices if (point == curve1.StartPoint || point == curve1.EndPoint) { if (point == curve2.StartPoint || point == curve2.EndPoint) { // If two consecutive segments, then skip if (j == i + 1) { continue; } } } resultPts.Add(j); } } // Need to be disposed explicitely // since entities are not DB resident entities[i].Dispose(); } return resultPts; }
public static Point3d?GetNormalPointEx(this Polyline sourceLine, Point3d point, Polyline distanceLine) { Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Vector3d normal = sourceLine.GetFirstDerivative(point); normal = normal.GetPerpendicularVector(); Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point3dCollection intersects = new Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point3dCollection(); distanceLine.IntersectWith(new Line(point, new Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point3d(point.X + normal.X, point.Y + normal.Y, 0d)), Intersect.ExtendBoth, new Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Plane(), intersects, new IntPtr(1), new IntPtr(0)); if (intersects.Count == 0) { return(null); } else { return(intersects[0]); } }
private static List <AcadGeo.Point3d> ParseLine(AcadDB.ObjectId id, List <AcadDB.ObjectId> ids) { List <AcadGeo.Point3d> pnts = new List <AcadGeo.Point3d>(); using (AcadDB.Transaction tr = AcadFuncs.GetActiveDB().TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { AcadDB.Entity ent = tr.GetObject(id, AcadDB.OpenMode.ForRead) as AcadDB.Entity; if (!(ent is AcadDB.Line)) { return(pnts); } AcadDB.Line line = ent as AcadDB.Line; pnts.Add(line.StartPoint); pnts.Add(line.EndPoint); foreach (var tmp_id in ids) { if (id == tmp_id) { continue; } AcadDB.Entity tmp_ent = tr.GetObject(tmp_id, AcadDB.OpenMode.ForRead) as AcadDB.Entity; AcadGeo.Point3dCollection intersected_pnts = new AcadGeo.Point3dCollection(); line.IntersectWith(tmp_ent, AcadDB.Intersect.OnBothOperands, intersected_pnts, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)0); for (int i = 0; i < intersected_pnts.Count; i++) { if (intersected_pnts[i].IsEqualTo(line.StartPoint) || intersected_pnts[i].IsEqualTo(line.EndPoint)) { continue; } pnts.Add(intersected_pnts[i]); } } } pnts.Sort((x, y) => x.DistanceTo(pnts.First()).CompareTo(y.DistanceTo(pnts.First()))); pnts = pnts.Distinct().ToList(); return(pnts); }
private Featureline GetCorridorFeatureline(CivilDB.CorridorFeatureLine featureline = null, bool isOffset = false) { // construct the 3d polyline var collection = new Acad.Point3dCollection(); foreach (var point in featureline.FeatureLinePoints) { collection.Add(point.XYZ); } var polyline = new Polyline3d(Poly3dType.SimplePoly, collection, false); // create featureline var _featureline = new Featureline(); _featureline.baseCurve = PolylineToSpeckle(polyline); = featureline.CodeName; _featureline.units = ModelUnits; _featureline["isOffset"] = isOffset; return(_featureline); }
public static bool GetData(Db.ObjectId ObjectId) { SettingsParser settings = SettingsParser.getInstance(); Db.Database acCurDb = App.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database; using (Db.Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartOpenCloseTransaction()) { Db.Polyline acPLine = acTrans.GetObject(ObjectId, Db.OpenMode.ForRead) as Db.Polyline; //Блокируем повторный выбор линии if (curveDict.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ObjId == ObjectId) == null) { Curve crv = new Curve(ObjectId); crv.Number = settings.startNumberCurve; crv.Area = round(acPLine.Area, settings.areaTolerance); crv.AreaOutput = round(acPLine.Area * settings.allAreaTolerance, settings.coordinateTolerance); settings.startNumberCurve++; if (pointDict.Count > 0) { settings.startNumberPoint = pointDict.Count; } int countVertix = acPLine.NumberOfVertices; for (int i = 0; i < countVertix; i++) { Gem.Point2d pt = acPLine.GetPoint2dAt(i); int iMin = (i == 0) ? iMin = countVertix - 1 : iMin = i - 1; int iMax = (i == countVertix - 1) ? iMax = 0 : iMax = i + 1; //Поучаю все три точки угла Gem.Point3d ptO = new Gem.Point3d(acPLine.GetPoint2dAt(i).X, acPLine.GetPoint2dAt(i).Y, 0); Gem.Point3d ptMin = new Gem.Point3d(acPLine.GetPoint2dAt(iMin).X, acPLine.GetPoint2dAt(iMin).Y, 0); Gem.Point3d ptMax = new Gem.Point3d(acPLine.GetPoint2dAt(iMax).X, acPLine.GetPoint2dAt(iMax).Y, 0); Gem.Vector3d vMin = ptO.GetVectorTo(ptMin); Gem.Vector3d vMax = ptO.GetVectorTo(ptMax); Gem.Vector3d vNormaliseMin = vMin / vMin.Length; Gem.Vector3d vNormaliseMax = vMax / vMax.Length; Gem.Vector3d vNormalise = vNormaliseMin + vNormaliseMax; vNormalise = vNormalise / vNormalise.Length; //Тут нужно проверять, попадает ли точка нормализованного вектора внутрь фигуры или наружу using (Db.Ray cl = new Db.Ray()) { cl.BasePoint = ptO + vNormalise; cl.UnitDir = vNormalise; Gem.Point3dCollection pnt3dCol = new Gem.Point3dCollection(); acPLine.IntersectWith(cl, Db.Intersect.OnBothOperands, pnt3dCol, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); if ((pnt3dCol.Count % 2) != 0) { vNormalise = vNormalise * (-1); } } int namb = 0; //Номер вершины if (pointDict.FirstOrDefault(s => s.IsEqualTo(pt, settings.coordinateTolerance)) == null) { Point pnt = new Point(round(pt.X, settings.coordinateTolerance), round(pt.Y, settings.coordinateTolerance), settings.startNumberPoint); //Добавляем нормализованный вектор биссектриссы угла pnt.vNormalise = vNormalise; //Добавляем в список точек pointDict.Add(pnt); //Добавляем в кривую crv.Vertixs.Add(pnt); namb = settings.startNumberPoint; settings.startNumberPoint++; } else { //Добавляем в список вершин уже обраотанную точку crv.Vertixs.Add(pointDict.FirstOrDefault(s => s.IsEqualTo(pt, settings.coordinateTolerance))); } } //Добавляем в список линий curveDict.Add(crv); //Вывожу данные линии в чертеж View.TextToDwg(crv); //View.AddText(crv.textPoint(), $"{crv.Number} \\P S={crv.Area} кв.м."); } acTrans.Commit(); } return(true); }