static Sentinel() { Menu.AddGroupLabel("Sentinel (W) usage. Ported from Hellsings Kalista by TheYasuoMain!"); { _enabled = Menu.Add("enabled", new CheckBox("Enabled")); _noMode = Menu.Add("noMode", new CheckBox("Only use when no mode active")); _alert = Menu.Add("alert", new CheckBox("Alert when sentinel is taking damage")); _mana = Menu.Add("mana", new Slider("Minimum mana available when casting W ({0}%)", 40)); Menu.AddLabel("Send to the following locations (no specific order):"); (_baron = Menu.Add("baron", new CheckBox("Baron"))).OnValueChange += OnValueChange; (_dragon = Menu.Add("dragon", new CheckBox("Dragon"))).OnValueChange += OnValueChange; (_mid = Menu.Add("mid", new CheckBox("Mid lane brush"))).OnValueChange += OnValueChange; (_blue = Menu.Add("blue", new CheckBox("Blue buff"))).OnValueChange += OnValueChange; (_red = Menu.Add("red", new CheckBox("Red buff"))).OnValueChange += OnValueChange; SentinelManager.RecalculateOpenLocations(); } }
private static void OnValueChange(ValueBase <bool> sender, ValueBase <bool> .ValueChangeArgs args) { SentinelManager.RecalculateOpenLocations(); }