        private int SaveToFile(Security security, int jpegQuality, Screenshot screenshot, ScreenshotCollection screenshotCollection)
            int    returnFlag = 0;
            string dirName    = _fileSystem.GetDirectoryName(screenshot.FilePath);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirName))
                _log.WriteDebugMessage("Directory name for screenshot with path \"" + screenshot.FilePath + "\" could not be found");

                return(returnFlag | (int)ScreenSavingErrorLevels.DirNotFound);

                if (!_fileSystem.DirectoryExists(dirName))

                    _log.WriteDebugMessage("Directory \"" + dirName + "\" did not exist so it was created");

                // Attempt to process the screenshot before it's saved to disk.
                // This means we'll check for image diff tolerance (if Optimize Screen Capture is enabled).
                if (screenshotCollection.Process(screenshot))
                    // Save the screenshot to disk if it processed successfully.
                    SaveToFile(screenshot, security, jpegQuality);

                    return(returnFlag & (int)ScreenSavingErrorLevels.None);
                    _log.WriteDebugMessage("Could not save screenshot with ID \"" + screenshot.Id + "\" and path \"" + screenshot.FilePath + "\" because the image difference percentage with the previous screenshot's image (" + screenshot.DiffPercentageWithPreviousImage + "%) wasn't significant enough");

                    return(returnFlag | (int)ScreenSavingErrorLevels.ImageDiffNotSignificant);
                // We don't want to stop the screen capture session at this point because there may be other components that
                // can write to their given paths. If this is a misconfigured path for a particular component then just log an error.
                _log.WriteErrorMessage($"Cannot write to \"{screenshot.FilePath}\" because the user may not have the appropriate permissions to access the path");

                return(returnFlag | (int)ScreenSavingErrorLevels.UserNotEnoughPermissions);
        private void AddScreenshotAndSaveToFile(int jpegQuality, Screenshot screenshot, ScreenshotCollection screenshotCollection)
            string dirName = FileSystem.GetDirectoryName(screenshot.Path);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirName))
                Log.WriteDebugMessage("Directory name for screenshot with path \"" + screenshot.Path + "\" could not be found");


                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(dirName))

                    Log.WriteDebugMessage("Directory \"" + dirName + "\" did not exist so it was created");

                if (screenshotCollection.Add(screenshot))
                    SaveToFile(screenshot.Path, screenshot.Format, jpegQuality, screenshot.Bitmap);
                    string hash = "hash";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(screenshot.Hash))
                        hash = "hash (" + screenshot.Hash + ")";

                    Log.WriteDebugMessage("Could not save screenshot with path \"" + screenshot.Path + "\" because its " + hash + " may have matched with a previous hash that has already been used for an earlier screenshot");
            catch (Exception)
                // We don't want to stop the screen capture session at this point because there may be other components that
                // can write to their given paths. If this is a misconfigured path for a particular component then just log an error.
                Log.WriteErrorMessage($"Cannot write to \"{screenshot.Path}\" because the user may not have the appropriate permissions to access the path");
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the path from the configuration file based on what line is being processed and a regex pattern.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">The line to read from the file.</param>
        /// <param name="regex">The regex pattern to use against the line.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The output of the path being returned.</param>
        /// <returns>A boolean to indicate if getting a path was successful or not.</returns>
        private static bool GetPath(string line, string regex, out string path)
            if (line.StartsWith("#") || !Regex.IsMatch(line, regex))
                path = null;

            path = Regex.Match(line, regex).Groups["Path"].Value;

            TagCollection tagCollection = new TagCollection();

            tagCollection.Add(new Tag("user", "The user using this computer (%user%)", TagType.User, active: true));
            tagCollection.Add(new Tag("machine", "The name of the computer (%machine%)", TagType.Machine, active: true));

            path = MacroParser.ParseTags(path, tagCollection);

            if (FileSystem.HasExtension(path))
                string dir = FileSystem.GetDirectoryName(path);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir) && !FileSystem.DirectoryExists(dir))
                if (!path.EndsWith(FileSystem.DirectorySeparatorChar().ToString()))
                    path += FileSystem.DirectorySeparatorChar();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && !FileSystem.DirectoryExists(path))

        // Check the folders to make sure that each folder was included in the config file and the folder exists.
        private static void CheckAndCreateFolders()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.ScreenshotsFolder))
                FileSystem.ScreenshotsFolder = FileSystem.DefaultScreenshotsFolder;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nScreenshotsFolder=" + FileSystem.DefaultScreenshotsFolder);

                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.DefaultScreenshotsFolder))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.DebugFolder))
                FileSystem.DebugFolder = FileSystem.DefaultDebugFolder;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nDebugFolder=" + FileSystem.DefaultDebugFolder);

                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.DefaultDebugFolder))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.LogsFolder))
                FileSystem.LogsFolder = FileSystem.DefaultLogsFolder;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nLogsFolder=" + FileSystem.DefaultLogsFolder);

                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.DefaultLogsFolder))
        private void ShowScreenshotBySlideIndex()
            textBoxLabel.Text            = string.Empty;
            textBoxScreenshotTitle.Text  = string.Empty;
            textBoxScreenshotFormat.Text = string.Empty;
            textBoxScreenshotWidth.Text  = string.Empty;
            textBoxScreenshotHeight.Text = string.Empty;
            textBoxScreenshotDate.Text   = string.Empty;
            textBoxScreenshotTime.Text   = string.Empty;

            if (tabControlViews.TabCount > 0 && tabControlViews.SelectedTab != null)
                TabPage selectedTabPage = tabControlViews.SelectedTab;

                ToolStrip toolStrip = (ToolStrip)selectedTabPage.Controls[selectedTabPage.Name + "toolStrip"];

                ToolStripTextBox toolStripTextBox = (ToolStripTextBox)toolStrip.Items[selectedTabPage.Name + "toolStripTextBoxFilename"];

                PictureBox pictureBox = (PictureBox)selectedTabPage.Controls[selectedTabPage.Name + "pictureBox"];

                Screenshot selectedScreenshot = new Screenshot();

                if (Slideshow.Index >= 0 && Slideshow.Index <= (Slideshow.Count - 1))
                    Slideshow.SelectedSlide = (Slide)listBoxScreenshots.Items[Slideshow.Index];

                    if (selectedTabPage.Tag.GetType() == typeof(Screen))
                        Screen screen = (Screen)selectedTabPage.Tag;
                        selectedScreenshot = _screenshotCollection.GetScreenshot(Slideshow.SelectedSlide.Name, screen.ViewId);

                    if (selectedTabPage.Tag.GetType() == typeof(Region))
                        Region region = (Region)selectedTabPage.Tag;
                        selectedScreenshot = _screenshotCollection.GetScreenshot(Slideshow.SelectedSlide.Name, region.ViewId);

                string path = selectedScreenshot.Path;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                    toolStripTextBox.Text        = FileSystem.GetFileName(path);
                    toolStripTextBox.ToolTipText = path;

                    string dirName = FileSystem.GetDirectoryName(path);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirName))
                        if (FileSystem.DirectoryExists(dirName) && FileSystem.FileExists(path))
                            toolStripTextBox.BackColor = Color.PaleGreen;
                            toolStripTextBox.BackColor   = Color.PaleVioletRed;
                            toolStripTextBox.ToolTipText = $"Could not find or access image file at path \"{path}\"";

                    pictureBox.Image = _screenCapture.GetImageByPath(path);

                    if (pictureBox.Image != null)
                        textBoxLabel.Text            = selectedScreenshot.Label;
                        textBoxScreenshotTitle.Text  = selectedScreenshot.WindowTitle;
                        textBoxScreenshotFormat.Text = selectedScreenshot.Format.Name;

                        textBoxScreenshotWidth.Text  = pictureBox.Image.Width.ToString();
                        textBoxScreenshotHeight.Text = pictureBox.Image.Height.ToString();

                        textBoxScreenshotDate.Text = selectedScreenshot.Date;
                        textBoxScreenshotTime.Text = selectedScreenshot.Time;
                    toolStripTextBox.Text        = string.Empty;
                    toolStripTextBox.BackColor   = Color.LightYellow;
                    toolStripTextBox.ToolTipText = string.Empty;

                    pictureBox.Image = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Load()
                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.GetDirectoryName(FileSystem.ConfigFile)))

                if (!FileSystem.FileExists(FileSystem.ConfigFile))
                    string[] linesToWrite =
                        "# Auto Screen Capture Configuration File",
                        "# Use this file to tell the application what folders and files it should utilize.",
                        "# Each key-value pair can be the name of a folder or file or a path to a folder or file.",
                        "# If only the folder name is given then it will be parsed as the sub-folder of the folder",
                        "# where the executed autoscreen.exe binary is located.",                                                   "",
                        "# This is the folder where screenshots will be stored by default.",
                        "ScreenshotsFolder=" + FileSystem.DefaultScreenshotsFolder,                                                 "",
                        "# If any errors are encountered then you will find them in this folder when DebugMode is enabled.",
                        "DebugFolder=" + FileSystem.DefaultDebugFolder,                                                             "",
                        "# Logs are stored in this folder when either Logging or DebugMode is enabled.",
                        "LogsFolder=" + FileSystem.DefaultLogsFolder,                                                               "",
                        "# This file is monitored by the application for commands issued from the command line while it's running.",
                        "CommandFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile,                                                             "",
                        "# The application settings (such as DebugMode).",
                        "ApplicationSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultApplicationSettingsFile,                                     "",
                        "# Your personal settings.",
                        "UserSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultUserSettingsFile,                                                   "",
                        "# References to image editors.",
                        "EditorsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultEditorsFile,                                                             "",
                        "# References to regions.",
                        "RegionsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultRegionsFile,                                                             "",
                        "# References to screens.",
                        "ScreensFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultScreensFile,                                                             "",
                        "# References to triggers.",
                        "TriggersFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultTriggersFile,                                                           "",
                        "# References to screenshots.",
                        "ScreenshotsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultScreenshotsFile,                                                     "",
                        "# References to tags.",
                        "TagsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultTagsFile,                                                                   "",
                        "# References to schedules.",
                        "SchedulesFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultSchedulesFile,                                                         ""

                    FileSystem.WriteToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, linesToWrite);

                foreach (string line in FileSystem.ReadFromFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile))
                    string path;

                    if (GetPath(line, REGEX_SCREENSHOTS_FOLDER, out path))
                        FileSystem.ScreenshotsFolder = path;

                    if (GetPath(line, REGEX_DEBUG_FOLDER, out path))
                        FileSystem.DebugFolder = path;

                    if (GetPath(line, REGEX_LOGS_FOLDER, out path))
                        FileSystem.LogsFolder = path;

                    if (GetPath(line, REGEX_COMMAND_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.CommandFile = path;

                    if (GetPath(line, REGEX_APPLICATION_SETTINGS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.ApplicationSettingsFile = path;

                    if (GetPath(line, REGEX_USER_SETTINGS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.UserSettingsFile = path;

                    if (GetPath(line, REGEX_EDITORS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.EditorsFile = path;

                    if (GetPath(line, REGEX_REGIONS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.RegionsFile = path;

                    if (GetPath(line, REGEX_SCREENS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.ScreensFile = path;

                    if (GetPath(line, REGEX_TRIGGERS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.TriggersFile = path;

                    if (GetPath(line, REGEX_SCREENSHOTS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.ScreenshotsFile = path;

                    if (GetPath(line, REGEX_TAGS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.TagsFile = path;

                    if (GetPath(line, REGEX_SCHEDULES_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.SchedulesFile = path;


            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.WriteExceptionMessage("Config::Load", ex);
        private static void CheckAndCreateFiles()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.CommandFile))
                FileSystem.CommandFile = FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nCommandFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile);

                if (!FileSystem.FileExists(FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.ApplicationSettingsFile))
                FileSystem.ApplicationSettingsFile = FileSystem.DefaultApplicationSettingsFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nApplicationSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultApplicationSettingsFile);

                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.DefaultSettingsFolder))

                SettingCollection applicationSettingsCollection = new SettingCollection
                    Filepath = FileSystem.ApplicationSettingsFile


            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.UserSettingsFile))
                FileSystem.UserSettingsFile = FileSystem.DefaultUserSettingsFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nUserSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultUserSettingsFile);

                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.DefaultSettingsFolder))

                SettingCollection userSettingsCollection = new SettingCollection
                    Filepath = FileSystem.ApplicationSettingsFile


            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.ScreenshotsFile))
                ImageFormatCollection imageFormatCollection = new ImageFormatCollection();
                ScreenCollection      screenCollection      = new ScreenCollection();

                ScreenshotCollection screenshotCollection = new ScreenshotCollection(imageFormatCollection, screenCollection);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.EditorsFile))
                // Loading the editor collection will automatically create the default editors and add them to the collection.
                EditorCollection editorCollection = new EditorCollection();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.RegionsFile))
                RegionCollection regionCollection = new RegionCollection();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.ScreensFile))
                // Loading the screen collection will automatically create the available screens and add them to the collection.
                ScreenCollection screenCollection = new ScreenCollection();
                screenCollection.LoadXmlFileAndAddScreens(new ImageFormatCollection());

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.TriggersFile))
                // Loading triggers will automatically create the default triggers and add them to the collection.
                TriggerCollection triggerCollection = new TriggerCollection();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.TagsFile))
                // Loading tags will automatically create the default tags and add them to the collection.
                TagCollection tagCollection = new TagCollection();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.SchedulesFile))
                // Loading schedules will automatically create the default schedules and add them to the collection.
                ScheduleCollection scheduleCollection = new ScheduleCollection();
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the captured bitmap image as a screenshot to an image file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The filepath of the image file to write to.</param>
        /// <param name="format">The format of the image file.</param>
        /// <param name="component">The component of the screenshot to be saved. This could be the active window or a screen.</param>
        /// <param name="screenshotType">The type of screenshot to save. This could be the active window, a region, or a screen.</param>
        /// <param name="jpegQuality">The JPEG quality setting for JPEG images being saved.</param>
        /// <param name="viewId">The unique identifier to identify a particular region or screen.</param>
        /// <param name="bitmap">The bitmap image to write to the image file.</param>
        /// <param name="label">The current label being used at the time of capture which we will apply to the screenshot object.</param>
        /// <param name="windowTitle">The title of the window being captured.</param>
        /// <param name="processName">The process name of the application being captured.</param>
        /// <param name="screenshotCollection">A collection of screenshot objects.</param>
        /// <returns>A boolean to determine if we successfully saved the screenshot.</returns>
        public bool SaveScreenshot(string path, ImageFormat format, int component, ScreenshotType screenshotType, int jpegQuality,
                                   Guid viewId, Bitmap bitmap, string label, string windowTitle, string processName, ScreenshotCollection screenshotCollection)
                int  filepathLengthLimit   = Convert.ToInt32(Settings.Application.GetByKey("FilepathLengthLimit", DefaultSettings.FilepathLengthLimit).Value);
                bool optimizeScreenCapture = Convert.ToBoolean(Settings.Application.GetByKey("OptimizeScreenCapture", DefaultSettings.OptimizeScreenCapture).Value);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                    if (path.Length > filepathLengthLimit)
                        Log.WriteMessage($"File path length exceeds the configured length of {filepathLengthLimit} characters so value was truncated. Correct the value for the FilepathLengthLimit application setting to prevent truncation");
                        path = path.Substring(0, filepathLengthLimit);

                    Log.WriteMessage("Attempting to write image to file at path \"" + path + "\"");

                    // This is a normal path used in Windows (such as "C:\screenshots\").
                    if (!path.StartsWith(FileSystem.PathDelimiter))
                        if (FileSystem.DriveReady(path))
                            int    lowDiskSpacePercentageThreshold = Convert.ToInt32(Settings.Application.GetByKey("LowDiskPercentageThreshold", DefaultSettings.LowDiskPercentageThreshold).Value);
                            double freeDiskSpacePercentage         = FileSystem.FreeDiskSpacePercentage(path);

                            Log.WriteDebugMessage("Percentage of free disk space on drive for \"" + path + "\" is " + (int)freeDiskSpacePercentage + "% and low disk percentage threshold is set to " + lowDiskSpacePercentageThreshold + "%");

                            if (freeDiskSpacePercentage > lowDiskSpacePercentageThreshold)
                                string dirName = FileSystem.GetDirectoryName(path);

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirName))
                                    if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(dirName))

                                        Log.WriteDebugMessage("Directory \"" + dirName + "\" did not exist so it was created");

                                    Screenshot lastScreenshotOfThisView = screenshotCollection.GetLastScreenshotOfView(viewId);

                                    Screenshot newScreenshotOfThisView = new Screenshot(windowTitle, DateTimeScreenshotsTaken)
                                        ViewId         = viewId,
                                        Path           = path,
                                        Format         = format,
                                        Component      = component,
                                        ScreenshotType = screenshotType,
                                        ProcessName    = processName + ".exe",
                                        Label          = label

                                    if (optimizeScreenCapture)
                                        newScreenshotOfThisView.Hash = GetMD5Hash(bitmap, format);

                                        if (lastScreenshotOfThisView == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastScreenshotOfThisView.Hash) ||

                                            SaveToFile(path, format, jpegQuality, bitmap);

                                        SaveToFile(path, format, jpegQuality, bitmap);
                                // There is not enough disk space on the drive so log an error message and change the system tray icon's colour to yellow.
                                Log.WriteErrorMessage($"Unable to save screenshot due to lack of available disk space on drive for {path} (at " + freeDiskSpacePercentage + "%) which is lower than the LowDiskPercentageThreshold setting that is currently set to " + lowDiskSpacePercentageThreshold + "%");

                                bool stopOnLowDiskError = Convert.ToBoolean(Settings.Application.GetByKey("StopOnLowDiskError", DefaultSettings.StopOnLowDiskError).Value);

                                if (stopOnLowDiskError)
                                    Log.WriteErrorMessage("Running screen capture session has stopped because application setting StopOnLowDiskError was set to True when the available disk space on any drive was lower than the value of LowDiskPercentageThreshold");

                                    ApplicationError = true;


                                ApplicationWarning = true;
                            // Drive isn't ready so log an error message.
                            Log.WriteErrorMessage($"Unable to save screenshot for \"{path}\" because the drive is not found or not ready");
                        // This is UNC network share path (such as "\\SERVER\screenshots\").
                        string dirName = FileSystem.GetDirectoryName(path);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirName))
                                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(dirName))

                                    Log.WriteDebugMessage("Directory \"" + dirName + "\" did not exist so it was created");

                                Screenshot lastScreenshotOfThisView = screenshotCollection.GetLastScreenshotOfView(viewId);

                                Screenshot newScreenshotOfThisView = new Screenshot(windowTitle, DateTimeScreenshotsTaken)
                                    ViewId         = viewId,
                                    Path           = path,
                                    Format         = format,
                                    Component      = component,
                                    ScreenshotType = screenshotType,
                                    ProcessName    = processName + ".exe",
                                    Label          = label

                                if (optimizeScreenCapture)
                                    newScreenshotOfThisView.Hash = GetMD5Hash(bitmap, format);

                                    if (lastScreenshotOfThisView == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastScreenshotOfThisView.Hash) ||

                                        SaveToFile(path, format, jpegQuality, bitmap);

                                    SaveToFile(path, format, jpegQuality, bitmap);
                            catch (Exception)
                                // We don't want to stop the screen capture session at this point because there may be other components that
                                // can write to their given paths. If this is a misconfigured path for a particular component then just log an error.
                                Log.WriteErrorMessage($"Cannot write to \"{path}\" because the user may not have the appropriate permissions to access the path");

            catch (System.IO.PathTooLongException ex)
                Log.WriteErrorMessage($"The path is too long. I see the path is \"{path}\" but the length exceeds what Windows can handle so the file could not be saved. There is probably an exception error from Windows explaining why");
                Log.WriteExceptionMessage("ScreenCapture::SaveScreenshot", ex);

                // This shouldn't be an error that should stop a screen capture session.
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.WriteExceptionMessage("ScreenCapture::SaveScreenshot", ex);

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        public void Load(FileSystem fileSystem)
                FileSystem = fileSystem;

                Settings    = new Settings();
                MacroParser = new MacroParser(Settings);

                string configDirectory = FileSystem.GetDirectoryName(FileSystem.ConfigFile);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configDirectory) && !FileSystem.DirectoryExists(configDirectory))

                if (!FileSystem.FileExists(FileSystem.ConfigFile))
                    string[] linesToWrite =
                        "# Auto Screen Capture Configuration File",
                        "# Use this file to tell the application what folders and files it should utilize.",
                        "# Each key-value pair can be the name of a folder or file or a path to a folder or file.",
                        "# If only the folder name is given then it will be parsed as the sub-folder of the folder",
                        "# where the executed autoscreen.exe binary is located.",                                                   "",
                        "# This is the folder where screenshots will be stored by default.",
                        "ScreenshotsFolder=" + FileSystem.DefaultScreenshotsFolder,                                                 "",
                        "# If any errors are encountered then you will find them in this folder when DebugMode is enabled.",
                        "DebugFolder=" + FileSystem.DefaultDebugFolder,                                                             "",
                        "# Logs are stored in this folder when either Logging or DebugMode is enabled.",
                        "LogsFolder=" + FileSystem.DefaultLogsFolder,                                                               "",
                        "# This file is monitored by the application for commands issued from the command line while it's running.",
                        "CommandFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile,                                                             "",
                        "# The application settings (such as DebugMode).",
                        "ApplicationSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultApplicationSettingsFile,                                     "",
                        "# Your personal settings.",
                        "UserSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultUserSettingsFile,                                                   "",
                        "# SMTP settings for emailing screenshots using an email server.",
                        "SMTPSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultSmtpSettingsFile,                                                   "",
                        "# SFTP settings for uploading screenshots to a file server.",
                        "SFTPSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultSftpSettingsFile,                                                   "",
                        "# References to image editors.",
                        "EditorsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultEditorsFile,                                                             "",
                        "# References to regions.",
                        "RegionsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultRegionsFile,                                                             "",
                        "# References to screens.",
                        "ScreensFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultScreensFile,                                                             "",
                        "# References to triggers.",
                        "TriggersFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultTriggersFile,                                                           "",
                        "# References to screenshots.",
                        "ScreenshotsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultScreenshotsFile,                                                     "",
                        "# References to tags.",
                        "TagsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultTagsFile,                                                                   "",
                        "# References to schedules.",
                        "SchedulesFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultSchedulesFile,                                                         ""

                    FileSystem.WriteToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, linesToWrite);

                foreach (string line in FileSystem.ReadFromFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || line.StartsWith("#"))

                    string path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_SCREENSHOTS_FOLDER, out path))
                        FileSystem.ScreenshotsFolder = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_DEBUG_FOLDER, out path))
                        FileSystem.DebugFolder = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_LOGS_FOLDER, out path))
                        FileSystem.LogsFolder = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_COMMAND_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.CommandFile = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_APPLICATION_SETTINGS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.ApplicationSettingsFile = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_SMTP_SETTINGS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.SmtpSettingsFile = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_SFTP_SETTINGS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.SftpSettingsFile = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_USER_SETTINGS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.UserSettingsFile = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_EDITORS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.EditorsFile = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_REGIONS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.RegionsFile = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_SCREENS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.ScreensFile = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_TRIGGERS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.TriggersFile = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_SCREENSHOTS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.ScreenshotsFile = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_TAGS_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.TagsFile = path;

                    if (GetPathAndCreateIfNotFound(line, REGEX_SCHEDULES_FILE, out path))
                        FileSystem.SchedulesFile = path;


                Log           = new Log(Settings, FileSystem, MacroParser);
                ScreenCapture = new ScreenCapture(this, MacroParser, FileSystem, Log);

                Security security = new Security();
                CheckAndCreateFiles(security, ScreenCapture, Log);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.WriteExceptionMessage("Config::Load", ex);
        private void CheckAndCreateFiles(Security security, ScreenCapture screenCapture, Log log)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.CommandFile))
                FileSystem.CommandFile = FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nCommandFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile);

                if (!FileSystem.FileExists(FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.ApplicationSettingsFile))
                FileSystem.ApplicationSettingsFile = FileSystem.DefaultApplicationSettingsFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nApplicationSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultApplicationSettingsFile);

                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.DefaultSettingsFolder))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.SmtpSettingsFile))
                FileSystem.SmtpSettingsFile = FileSystem.DefaultSmtpSettingsFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nSMTPSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultSmtpSettingsFile);

                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.DefaultSettingsFolder))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.SftpSettingsFile))
                FileSystem.SftpSettingsFile = FileSystem.DefaultSftpSettingsFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nSFTPSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultSftpSettingsFile);

                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.DefaultSettingsFolder))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.UserSettingsFile))
                FileSystem.UserSettingsFile = FileSystem.DefaultUserSettingsFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nUserSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultUserSettingsFile);

                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.DefaultSettingsFolder))

            Settings.User.Load(Settings, FileSystem);

            Settings.SMTP.Load(Settings, FileSystem);

            Settings.SFTP.Load(Settings, FileSystem);

            Settings.VersionManager.OldApplicationSettings = Settings.Application.Clone();

            Settings.VersionManager.OldUserSettings = Settings.User.Clone();

            Settings.UpgradeApplicationSettings(Settings.Application, FileSystem);

            Settings.UpgradeUserSettings(Settings.User, screenCapture, security, FileSystem);

            Settings.UpgradeSmtpSettings(Settings.SMTP, FileSystem);

            Settings.UpgradeSftpSettings(Settings.SFTP, FileSystem);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.ScreenshotsFile))
                ImageFormatCollection imageFormatCollection = new ImageFormatCollection();
                ScreenCollection      screenCollection      = new ScreenCollection();

                ScreenshotCollection screenshotCollection = new ScreenshotCollection(imageFormatCollection, screenCollection, screenCapture, this, FileSystem, log);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.EditorsFile))
                // Loading the editor collection will automatically create the default editors and add them to the collection.
                EditorCollection editorCollection = new EditorCollection();
                editorCollection.LoadXmlFileAndAddEditors(this, FileSystem, log);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.RegionsFile))
                RegionCollection regionCollection = new RegionCollection();
                regionCollection.SaveToXmlFile(Settings, FileSystem, log);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.ScreensFile))
                // Loading the screen collection will automatically create the available screens and add them to the collection.
                ScreenCollection screenCollection = new ScreenCollection();
                screenCollection.LoadXmlFileAndAddScreens(new ImageFormatCollection(), this, MacroParser, screenCapture, FileSystem, log);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.TriggersFile))
                // Loading triggers will automatically create the default triggers and add them to the collection.
                TriggerCollection triggerCollection = new TriggerCollection();
                triggerCollection.LoadXmlFileAndAddTriggers(this, FileSystem, log);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.TagsFile))
                // Loading tags will automatically create the default tags and add them to the collection.
                MacroTagCollection tagCollection = new MacroTagCollection();
                tagCollection.LoadXmlFileAndAddTags(this, MacroParser, FileSystem, log);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.SchedulesFile))
                // Loading schedules will automatically create the default schedules and add them to the collection.
                ScheduleCollection scheduleCollection = new ScheduleCollection();
                scheduleCollection.LoadXmlFileAndAddSchedules(this, FileSystem, log);
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the captured bitmap image as a screenshot to an image file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The filepath of the image file to write to.</param>
        /// <param name="format">The format of the image file.</param>
        /// <param name="component">The component of the screenshot to be saved. This could be the active window or a screen.</param>
        /// <param name="screenshotType">The type of screenshot to save. This could be the active window, a region, or a screen.</param>
        /// <param name="jpegQuality">The JPEG quality setting for JPEG images being saved.</param>
        /// <param name="viewId">The unique identifier to identify a particular region or screen.</param>
        /// <param name="bitmap">The bitmap image to write to the image file.</param>
        /// <param name="label">The current label being used at the time of capture which we will apply to the screenshot object.</param>
        /// <param name="windowTitle">The title of the window being captured.</param>
        /// <param name="processName">The process name of the application being captured.</param>
        /// <param name="screenshotCollection">A collection of screenshot objects.</param>
        /// <returns>A boolean to determine if we successfully saved the screenshot.</returns>
        public bool SaveScreenshot(string path, ImageFormat format, int component, ScreenshotType screenshotType, int jpegQuality,
                                   Guid viewId, Bitmap bitmap, string label, string windowTitle, string processName, ScreenshotCollection screenshotCollection)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && path.Length >= MAX_WINDOWS_PATH_LENGTH)
                    // We just want to log a normal message and not stop the screen capture session because we want to continue
                    // for other components that are using paths which are still valid.
                    Log.WriteMessage($"No path available at \"{path}\" or path length exceeds {MAX_WINDOWS_PATH_LENGTH} characters");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && path.Length < MAX_WINDOWS_PATH_LENGTH)
                    Log.WriteDebugMessage("Attempting to write image to file at path \"" + path + "\"");

                    // This is a normal path used in Windows (such as "C:\screenshots\").
                    if (!path.StartsWith(FileSystem.PathDelimiter))
                        if (FileSystem.DriveReady(path))
                            int    lowDiskSpacePercentageThreshold = Convert.ToInt32(Settings.Application.GetByKey("LowDiskPercentageThreshold", defaultValue: 1).Value);
                            double freeDiskSpacePercentage         = FileSystem.FreeDiskSpacePercentage(path);

                            Log.WriteDebugMessage("Percentage of free disk space on drive for \"" + path + "\" is " + (int)freeDiskSpacePercentage + "% and low disk percentage threshold is set to " + lowDiskSpacePercentageThreshold + "%");

                            if (freeDiskSpacePercentage > lowDiskSpacePercentageThreshold)
                                string dirName = FileSystem.GetDirectoryName(path);

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirName))
                                    if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(dirName))

                                        Log.WriteDebugMessage("Directory \"" + dirName + "\" did not exist so it was created");

                                    Screenshot screenshot = new Screenshot(DateTimeScreenshotsTaken, path, format, component, screenshotType, windowTitle, processName, viewId, label);


                                    SaveToFile(path, format, jpegQuality, bitmap);
                                // There is not enough disk space on the drive so stop the current running screen capture session and log an error message.
                                Log.WriteErrorMessage($"Unable to save screenshot due to lack of available disk space on drive for {path} (at " + freeDiskSpacePercentage + "%) which is lower than the LowDiskPercentageThreshold setting that is currently set to " + lowDiskSpacePercentageThreshold + "% so screen capture session is being stopped");

                            // Drive isn't ready so log an error message.
                            Log.WriteErrorMessage($"Unable to save screenshot for \"{path}\" because the drive is not found or not ready");
                        // This is UNC network share path (such as "\\SERVER\screenshots\").
                        string dirName = FileSystem.GetDirectoryName(path);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirName))
                                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(dirName))

                                    Log.WriteDebugMessage("Directory \"" + dirName + "\" did not exist so it was created");

                                screenshotCollection.Add(new Screenshot(DateTimeScreenshotsTaken, path, format, component, screenshotType, windowTitle, processName, viewId, label));

                                SaveToFile(path, format, jpegQuality, bitmap);
                            catch (Exception)
                                // We don't want to stop the screen capture session at this point because there may be other components that
                                // can write to their given paths. If this is a misconfigured path for a particular component then just log an error.
                                Log.WriteErrorMessage($"Cannot write to \"{path}\" because the user may not have the appropriate permissions to access the path");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.WriteExceptionMessage("ScreenCapture::SaveScreenshot", ex);

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a message (whether it be an error or just a general message) and the exception (if any).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The message to write.</param>
        /// <param name="writeError">Determines if we write the message to the error file in the debug folder.</param>
        /// <param name="ex">The exception received from the .NET Framework.</param>
        private void Write(string message, bool writeError, Exception ex)

                string appVersion = "[(v" + _settings.ApplicationVersion + ") ";

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_fileSystem.DebugFolder))
                    _fileSystem.DebugFolder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"!autoscreen" + _fileSystem.PathDelimiter + "debug" + _fileSystem.PathDelimiter;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_fileSystem.LogsFolder))
                    _fileSystem.LogsFolder = _fileSystem.DebugFolder + "logs" + _fileSystem.PathDelimiter;

                if (!_fileSystem.DirectoryExists(_fileSystem.DebugFolder))

                if (!_fileSystem.DirectoryExists(_fileSystem.LogsFolder))

                // These are just general errors from the application so, if we have one, then write it out to the error file.
                if (writeError)
                    _fileSystem.AppendToFile(_fileSystem.DebugFolder + _fileSystem.ErrorFile, appVersion + DateTime.Now.ToString(_macroParser.DateFormat + " " + _macroParser.TimeFormat) + "] ERROR: " + message);

                // Log any exception errors we encounter.
                if (ex != null)
                    string exceptionError = appVersion + DateTime.Now.ToString(_macroParser.DateFormat + " " + _macroParser.TimeFormat) + "] " + message + " - Exception Message: " + ex.Message + "\nInner Exception: " + (ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : string.Empty) + "\nSource: " + ex.Source + "\nStack Trace: " + ex.StackTrace;

                    _fileSystem.AppendToFile(_fileSystem.DebugFolder + _fileSystem.ErrorFile, exceptionError);
                    _fileSystem.AppendToFile(_fileSystem.LogsFolder + _fileSystem.LogFile + _extension, exceptionError);

                    // If we encounter an exception error it's probably better to just error out on exit
                    // but we'll let the user decide if that's what they really want to do.
                    if (_settings.Application == null || Convert.ToBoolean(_settings.Application.GetByKey("ExitOnError", _settings.DefaultSettings.ExitOnError).Value))
                    // Write to the main log file.
                    _fileSystem.AppendToFile(_fileSystem.LogsFolder + _fileSystem.LogFile + _extension, appVersion + DateTime.Now.ToString(_macroParser.DateFormat + " " + _macroParser.TimeFormat) + "] " + message);

                    // Create a date-stamped directory if it does not already exist.
                    if (!_fileSystem.DirectoryExists(_fileSystem.LogsFolder + DateTime.Now.ToString(_macroParser.DateFormat)))
                        _fileSystem.CreateDirectory(_fileSystem.LogsFolder + DateTime.Now.ToString(_macroParser.DateFormat));

                    // Write to a log file within a directory representing the day when the message was logged.
                    _fileSystem.AppendToFile(_fileSystem.LogsFolder + DateTime.Now.ToString(_macroParser.DateFormat) + _fileSystem.PathDelimiter + _fileSystem.LogFile + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString(_macroParser.DateFormat) + ".txt", appVersion + DateTime.Now.ToString(_macroParser.DateFormat + " " + _macroParser.TimeFormat) + "] " + message);
        private void ShowScreenshotBySlideIndex()
            _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxLabel.Text            = string.Empty;
            _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxScreenshotTitle.Text  = string.Empty;
            _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxScreenshotFormat.Text = string.Empty;
            _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxScreenshotWidth.Text  = string.Empty;
            _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxScreenshotHeight.Text = string.Empty;
            _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxScreenshotDate.Text   = string.Empty;
            _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxScreenshotTime.Text   = string.Empty;

            // Dashboard
            if (tabControlViews.TabCount > 0 && tabControlViews.SelectedTab != null && tabControlViews.SelectedTab.Name.Equals("tabPageDashboard"))
                FlowLayoutPanel flowLayoutPanel = (FlowLayoutPanel)tabControlViews.SelectedTab.Controls["flowLayoutPanel"];

                int i = 1;

                foreach (GroupBox groupBox in flowLayoutPanel.Controls)
                    PictureBox pictureBox = (PictureBox)groupBox.Controls["pictureBox" + i];

                    Screenshot selectedScreenshot = new Screenshot();

                    if (Slideshow.Index >= 0 && Slideshow.Index <= (Slideshow.Count - 1))
                        Slideshow.SelectedSlide = (Slide)listBoxScreenshots.Items[Slideshow.Index];

                        if (groupBox.Tag.GetType() == typeof(Screen))
                            Screen screen = (Screen)groupBox.Tag;
                            selectedScreenshot = _screenshotCollection.GetScreenshot(Slideshow.SelectedSlide.Name, screen.ViewId);

                        if (groupBox.Tag.GetType() == typeof(Region))
                            Region region = (Region)groupBox.Tag;
                            selectedScreenshot = _screenshotCollection.GetScreenshot(Slideshow.SelectedSlide.Name, region.ViewId);

                        if (selectedScreenshot.ViewId.Equals(Guid.Empty))
                            // *** Auto Screen Capture - Region Select / Auto Save ***
                            selectedScreenshot = _screenshotCollection.GetScreenshot(Slideshow.SelectedSlide.Name, Guid.Empty);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedScreenshot.Path))
                        pictureBox.Image = _screenCapture.GetImageByPath(selectedScreenshot.Path);
                        pictureBox.Image = null;



            // Screens and Regions
            if (tabControlViews.TabCount > 0 && tabControlViews.SelectedTab != null)
                TabPage selectedTabPage = tabControlViews.SelectedTab;

                ToolStrip toolStrip = (ToolStrip)selectedTabPage.Controls[selectedTabPage.Name + "toolStrip"];

                ToolStripTextBox toolStripTextBox = (ToolStripTextBox)toolStrip.Items[selectedTabPage.Name + "toolStripTextBoxFilename"];

                PictureBox pictureBox = (PictureBox)selectedTabPage.Controls[selectedTabPage.Name + "pictureBox"];

                Screenshot selectedScreenshot = new Screenshot();

                if (Slideshow.Index >= 0 && Slideshow.Index <= (Slideshow.Count - 1))
                    Slideshow.SelectedSlide = (Slide)listBoxScreenshots.Items[Slideshow.Index];

                    if (selectedTabPage.Tag.GetType() == typeof(Screen))
                        Screen screen = (Screen)selectedTabPage.Tag;
                        selectedScreenshot = _screenshotCollection.GetScreenshot(Slideshow.SelectedSlide.Name, screen.ViewId);

                    if (selectedTabPage.Tag.GetType() == typeof(Region))
                        Region region = (Region)selectedTabPage.Tag;
                        selectedScreenshot = _screenshotCollection.GetScreenshot(Slideshow.SelectedSlide.Name, region.ViewId);

                    if (selectedScreenshot.ViewId.Equals(Guid.Empty))
                        // *** Auto Screen Capture - Region Select / Auto Save ***
                        selectedScreenshot = _screenshotCollection.GetScreenshot(Slideshow.SelectedSlide.Name, Guid.Empty);

                string path = selectedScreenshot.Path;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                    toolStripTextBox.Text        = FileSystem.GetFileName(path);
                    toolStripTextBox.ToolTipText = path;

                    string dirName = FileSystem.GetDirectoryName(path);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirName))
                        if (FileSystem.DirectoryExists(dirName) && FileSystem.FileExists(path))
                            toolStripTextBox.BackColor = Color.PaleGreen;
                            toolStripTextBox.BackColor   = Color.PaleVioletRed;
                            toolStripTextBox.ToolTipText = $"Could not find or access image file at path \"{path}\"";

                    pictureBox.Image = _screenCapture.GetImageByPath(path);

                    if (pictureBox.Image != null)
                        _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxLabel.Text            = selectedScreenshot.Label;
                        _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxScreenshotTitle.Text  = selectedScreenshot.WindowTitle;
                        _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxScreenshotFormat.Text = selectedScreenshot.Format.Name;

                        _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxScreenshotWidth.Text  = pictureBox.Image.Width.ToString();
                        _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxScreenshotHeight.Text = pictureBox.Image.Height.ToString();

                        _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxScreenshotDate.Text = selectedScreenshot.Date;
                        _formScreenshotMetadata.textBoxScreenshotTime.Text = selectedScreenshot.Time;
                    toolStripTextBox.Text        = string.Empty;
                    toolStripTextBox.BackColor   = Color.LightYellow;
                    toolStripTextBox.ToolTipText = string.Empty;

                    pictureBox.Image = null;
        private static void CheckAndCreateFiles()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.CommandFile))
                FileSystem.CommandFile = FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nCommandFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile);

                if (!FileSystem.FileExists(FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.ApplicationSettingsFile))
                FileSystem.ApplicationSettingsFile = FileSystem.DefaultApplicationSettingsFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nApplicationSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultApplicationSettingsFile);

                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.DefaultSettingsFolder))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.UserSettingsFile))
                FileSystem.UserSettingsFile = FileSystem.DefaultUserSettingsFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nUserSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultUserSettingsFile);

                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.DefaultSettingsFolder))


            Log.WriteMessage("Loading user settings");
            Log.WriteDebugMessage("User settings loaded");

            Log.WriteDebugMessage("Attempting upgrade of application settings from old version of application (if needed)");

            Log.WriteDebugMessage("Attempting upgrade of user settings from old version of application (if needed)");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.ScreenshotsFile))
                ImageFormatCollection imageFormatCollection = new ImageFormatCollection();
                ScreenCollection      screenCollection      = new ScreenCollection();

                ScreenshotCollection screenshotCollection = new ScreenshotCollection(imageFormatCollection, screenCollection);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.EditorsFile))
                // Loading the editor collection will automatically create the default editors and add them to the collection.
                EditorCollection editorCollection = new EditorCollection();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.RegionsFile))
                RegionCollection regionCollection = new RegionCollection();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.ScreensFile))
                // Loading the screen collection will automatically create the available screens and add them to the collection.
                ScreenCollection screenCollection = new ScreenCollection();
                screenCollection.LoadXmlFileAndAddScreens(new ImageFormatCollection());

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.TriggersFile))
                // Loading triggers will automatically create the default triggers and add them to the collection.
                TriggerCollection triggerCollection = new TriggerCollection();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.TagsFile))
                // Loading tags will automatically create the default tags and add them to the collection.
                TagCollection tagCollection = new TagCollection();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.SchedulesFile))
                // Loading schedules will automatically create the default schedules and add them to the collection.
                ScheduleCollection scheduleCollection = new ScheduleCollection();