		 * UploadFiles - uploads the two files using HTTP POST
		 * @param LogFilename - the local log file
		 * @param IniFilename - the local ini file
		 * @param uniqueID - the id of the crash report associated with these files. 
		 * @return bool - true if successful
		public bool UploadFiles(string ProcessName, bool bWasAnEnsure, Int32 InProcessID, string LogFilename, string IniFilename, string MiniDumpFilename, string CrashVideoFilename, int uniqueID, OutputLogFile logFile)
			logFile.WriteLine("Uploading files...");
			logFile.WriteLine("\t" + LogFilename);
			logFile.WriteLine("\t" + IniFilename);
			logFile.WriteLine("\t" + MiniDumpFilename);
			logFile.WriteLine("\t" + CrashVideoFilename);


			Boolean bWasSuccessful = false;
			Boolean bUploadedLog = true;
			Boolean bUploadedVideo = true;
			Boolean bUploadedMiniDump = true;
			Boolean bCanAccessLog;
			Boolean bCanAccessVideo;
			Boolean bCanAccessMiniDump;
			bCanAccessLog = CanAccessFile(ProcessName, bWasAnEnsure, InProcessID, LogFilename, logFile);
			bCanAccessVideo = CanAccessFile(ProcessName, bWasAnEnsure, InProcessID, CrashVideoFilename, logFile);
			bCanAccessMiniDump = CanAccessFile(ProcessName, bWasAnEnsure, InProcessID, MiniDumpFilename, logFile);

			WebClient client = new WebClient();
			// Send the Crash Id up so that the uploader can name the files correctly.
			// This used to save crash files to their own unique folder, but that method has been replaced with appending _<crashId> to the filename.
			client.Headers.Add("NewFolderName", uniqueID.ToString());

					bUploadedLog = UploadFile("LogName", StripPath(LogFilename), LogFilename, logFile, client);
				catch (NullReferenceException nrE)
                    bUploadedLog = false;
					logFile.WriteLine("Uploading "+ LogFilename+ " caused Null Reference Exception: "+nrE.Message);
				bUploadedLog = false;
				logFile.WriteLine("Could not access File: " + LogFilename);

			// Upload Crash Video
					bUploadedVideo = UploadFile("SaveFileName", "CrashVideo.avi", CrashVideoFilename, logFile, client);
				catch (NullReferenceException nrE)
					logFile.WriteLine("Uploading "+ CrashVideoFilename+ " caused Null Reference Exception: "+nrE.Message);

					string NetworkPath = @"\\devweb-02\ReportVideos\";
						// Try copying over the network
						// \\devweb-02\ReportVideos
						if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CrashVideoFilename) )
							logFile.WriteLine("Attempting to copy file " + CrashVideoFilename + " over the network to " +NetworkPath );
							File.Copy(CrashVideoFilename, NetworkPath + uniqueID.ToString()+ "_"+StripPath(CrashVideoFilename));
							bUploadedVideo = true;
							logFile.WriteLine("Argument Null or Empty");
					catch(Exception e)
						logFile.WriteLine("Couldn't copy crash video to network...");
							File.Copy(CrashVideoFilename, CrashVideoFilename+"_" + uniqueID.ToString(), true);
						catch (Exception copyFileException)
							logFile.WriteLine("Couldn't copy File " + CrashVideoFilename + ", continuing...");
						throw new Exception("Failed to upload Crash Video to " + NetworkPath + uniqueID.ToString() + "_" + StripPath(CrashVideoFilename) + "after a web and a network copy attempts");
				bUploadedVideo  = false;

				var CheckFileInfo = new FileInfo(CrashVideoFilename);
				if (CheckFileInfo.Exists)
					logFile.WriteLine("Could not access File: " + CrashVideoFilename);
					logFile.WriteLine("File: " + CrashVideoFilename+" does not exist.");

			// Upload Minidump
			if (bCanAccessMiniDump)
					bUploadedMiniDump = UploadFile("SaveFileName", "MiniDump.dmp", MiniDumpFilename, logFile, client);
				catch (NullReferenceException nrE)
                    bUploadedMiniDump = false;
                    logFile.WriteLine("Uploading "+ MiniDumpFilename+ " caused Null Reference Exception: "+nrE.Message);
				bUploadedMiniDump = false;
				logFile.WriteLine("Could not access File: " + LogFilename);

			//Upload file successes
				ReportService.RegisterReport reportService = new ReportService.RegisterReport();
					bWasSuccessful = reportService.AddCrashFiles(uniqueID, bUploadedLog, bUploadedMiniDump, bUploadedVideo);
				catch (Exception e)
					throw e;

			} catch (WebException webEx) {
				bWasSuccessful = false;

			// Temporary - write out log file contents to autoreporter log
			logFile.WriteLine("Log file: " + LogFilename);

			Int32 FailCount = 0;
			bool bWroteLogFile = false;
			bool bFileExists = false;
			Int64 FileSize = 0;
			while ((FailCount < 10) && !bWroteLogFile)
				FileInfo RealLogInfo = new FileInfo(LogFilename);
				bFileExists |= RealLogInfo.Exists;
						FileSize = System.Math.Max(FileSize, RealLogInfo.Length);
					catch (IOException)
						logFile.WriteLine("Could not Access file: " + LogFilename + " to get it's size.");
				if (RealLogInfo.Exists && (FileSize > 0))
					using (StreamReader sr = RealLogInfo.OpenText())
						while (sr.Peek() > 0)
					bWroteLogFile = true;
					// Sleep for a second before trying again

			if (bWroteLogFile == false)
				logFile.WriteLine("Attempted to write log file to autoreport log failed.");
				logFile.WriteLine("\tFile does " + (bFileExists ? "" : "NOT") + " Exist");
				logFile.WriteLine("\tFile size = " + FileSize);

			return bWasSuccessful;
        static void Main(string[] args)

            string logFileName;

            if (args.Length >= 2)
                string logDirectory;
                int    endOfLogPath = args [2].LastIndexOf('/');
                logDirectory = args [2].Substring(0, endOfLogPath + 1);
                logFileName  = logDirectory + "AutoReportLog.txt";
                logFileName = "AutoReportLog.txt";

            OutputLogFile LogFile = new OutputLogFile(logFileName);

            LogFile.WriteLine("Log opened: " + logFileName);
            LogFile.WriteLine("Current Time = " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
            foreach (string arg in args)

            if (args.Length < 6)
                LogFile.WriteLine("Expected 5 arguments: AutoReport Dump file name, Log file name, Ini dump file name, Mini dump file name, Crash video file name and ProcessID");

            Int32 ProcessId = Convert.ToInt32(args [0]);

            // Check for additional options
            bool bForceUnattended = false;
            bool bShowBalloon     = false;

            for (int ExtraArgIndex = 6; ExtraArgIndex < args.Length; ++ExtraArgIndex)
                string CurArgString = args [ExtraArgIndex];

                // -Unattended : forces unattended mode regardless of command line string
                if (CurArgString.Equals("-Unattended", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    bForceUnattended = true;
                // -Balloon : displays a system tray notify icon (balloon) and forces unattended mode
                else if (CurArgString.Equals("-Balloon", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // balloon not possible on Mac
                    if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Unix)
                        bShowBalloon = true;
                    // Unattended mode is implied with -Balloon
                    bForceUnattended = true;
                    LogFile.WriteLine(String.Format("Unrecognized parameter: {0}", CurArgString));

            ReportFile     rFile      = new ReportFile();
            ReportFileData reportData = new ReportFileData();

            LogFile.WriteLine("Parsing report file: " + args [1]);
            if (!rFile.ParseReportFile(args [1], reportData, LogFile))
                LogFile.WriteLine("Failed to parse report file: " + args [1]);

            string ProcessName = reportData.GameName;
            Int32  SpaceIndex  = ProcessName.IndexOf(' ');

            if (SpaceIndex != -1)
                // This is likely UE4 UDK... parse off the game name
                ProcessName = ProcessName.Substring(0, SpaceIndex);

            bool   bIsUnattended = reportData.CommandLine.Contains("unattended") || bForceUnattended || Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix;
            string CrashDescription;
            string Summary = CrashDescription = bShowBalloon ? "Handled error" : "Unattended mode";

            if (bShowBalloon)
                String MsgText = "An unexpected error has occurred but the application has recovered.  A report will be submitted to the QA database.";

                // If the error occurred in the editor then we'll remind them to save their changes
                if (reportData.EngineMode.Contains("Editor"))
                    MsgText += "  Remember to save your work often.";

                // Notify the user of the error by launching the NotifyObject.
                NotifyObject = new EpicBalloon();
                NotifyObject.Show(MsgText, BalloonTimeInMs);

            if (!bIsUnattended)
                LogFile.WriteLine("Attempting to create a new crash description form...");
                Form1 crashDescForm = new Form1();
                crashDescForm.summary   = Summary;
                crashDescForm.crashDesc = CrashDescription;

                LogFile.WriteLine("Running attended...");

                LogFile.WriteLine("Running the application...");
                Summary          = crashDescForm.summary;
                CrashDescription = crashDescForm.crashDesc;

            LogFile.WriteLine("Crash Summary = " + Summary);
            LogFile.WriteLine("Crash Description = " + CrashDescription);

            LogFile.WriteLine("Registering report service...");
            // Create an instance of AutoReportService handler to make a web request to the AutoReportService to create a Crash Report in the database. Once this is complete we'll upload the associated files.
            ReportService.RegisterReport reportService = new ReportService.RegisterReport();

            Exception serviceException = new Exception("");
            bool      serviceError     = false;

            LogFile.WriteLine("Attempting to create a new crash...");
            int uniqueIndex = -1;

            // Make the web request
            try {
                uniqueIndex = reportService.CreateNewCrash(-1, reportData.ComputerName, reportData.UserName, reportData.GameName, reportData.PlatformName,
                                                           reportData.LanguageExt, reportData.TimeOfCrash, reportData.BuildVer, reportData.ChangelistVer, reportData.CommandLine,
                                                           reportData.BaseDir, reportData.CallStack, reportData.EngineMode);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LogFile.WriteLine("AutoReporter had an exception in accessing the reportService! --> " + e.ToString());
                serviceException = e;
                serviceError     = true;

            LogFile.WriteLine("uniqueIndex = " + uniqueIndex.ToString());

            if (uniqueIndex == -1)
                LogFile.WriteLine("The service failed to create a new Crash!");
                serviceError     = true;
                serviceException = new Exception("The service failed to create a new Crash!");

            LogFile.WriteLine("Attempting to create a new UpdateReportFiles instance...");
            // Create handler to upload the files.
            UploadReportFiles reportUploader = new UploadReportFiles();
            bool fileUploadSuccess           = false;

            if (!serviceError)
                LogFile.WriteLine("Attempting to upload files...");
                try {
                    fileUploadSuccess = reportUploader.UploadFiles(ProcessName, bShowBalloon, ProcessId, args [2], args [3], args [4], args [5], uniqueIndex, LogFile);
                } catch (NullReferenceException nre) {
                    LogFile.WriteLine(nre.Source + " Caused Null Reference Exception");
                    // Try again:
                    try {
                        LogFile.WriteLine("Process Name: " + ProcessName);
                        LogFile.WriteLine("bShowBalloon: " + bShowBalloon);
                        LogFile.WriteLine("ProcessId: " + ProcessId);
                        LogFile.WriteLine("args[2]: " + args [2]);
                        LogFile.WriteLine("args[3]: " + args [3]);
                        LogFile.WriteLine("args[4]: " + args [4]);
                        LogFile.WriteLine("args[5] ; " + args [5]);
                        LogFile.WriteLine("uniqueIndex " + uniqueIndex);
                        LogFile.WriteLine("LogFile " + LogFile);

                        fileUploadSuccess = reportUploader.UploadFiles(ProcessName, bShowBalloon, ProcessId, args [2], args [3], args [4], args [5], uniqueIndex, LogFile);
                    } catch (NullReferenceException nre2) {
                        LogFile.WriteLine(nre2.Source + " Caused Null Reference Exception Two Times");
                        serviceError = true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LogFile.WriteLine("AutoReporter had an exception uploading files! --> " + e.ToString());
                    serviceException = e;
                    serviceError     = true;

                if (fileUploadSuccess)
                    LogFile.WriteLine("Successfully uploaded files");
                    LogFile.WriteLine("Saved: " + args [5]);
                    LogFile.WriteLine("Failed to upload some files!");

            //Update Crash with Summary and Description Info
            bool   updateSuccess = false;
            string logDirectory2;
            int    endOfLogPath2 = args [2].LastIndexOf('/');

            logDirectory2 = args [2].Substring(0, endOfLogPath2 + 1);
            logFileName   = logDirectory2 + "AutoReportLog.txt";

            LogFile.WriteLine("Attempting to add the crash description...");
            try {
                updateSuccess = reportService.AddCrashDescription(uniqueIndex, CrashDescription, Summary);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LogFile.WriteLine("AutoReporter had an exception adding crash description! --> " + e.ToString());
                serviceException = e;
                serviceError     = true;
                updateSuccess    = false;

            if (uniqueIndex != -1)
                LogFile.WriteLine("Attempting to write the crash report URL...");

                                #if DEBUG
                string strCrashURL = Properties.Settings.Default.CrashURL_Debug + uniqueIndex;
                string strCrashURL = Properties.Settings.Default.CrashURL + uniqueIndex;
                LogFile.WriteLine("CrashReport url = " + strCrashURL);

                if (NotifyObject != null)
                    // Set up text to inform the user of the report submission
                    String MsgText = "Your crash report was submitted, and the URL was copied to your clipboard.  Click this balloon to display the crash report.";

                    // setup crash report URL ready for use by the notification
                    m_CrashReportUrl = strCrashURL;

                    // launch a notification that when clicked will link
                    // to the crash report url.
                    NotifyObject.Show(MsgText, BalloonTimeInMs);

                string str = reportData.PlatformName.ToLower();
                if (str == "pc" || str == "mac")
                    LogFile.WriteLine("Attempting to send the crash report Id to the game log file...");
                    // On PC, so try just writing to the log.
                    string AppLogFileName = Path.Combine(reportData.BaseDir, "..", reportData.GameName + "Game", "Logs", reportData.GameName + ".log");
                    if (!File.Exists(AppLogFileName))
                        // It's also possible the log name is Engine.log (default game name from BaseEngine.ini)
                        AppLogFileName = Path.Combine(reportData.BaseDir, "..", reportData.GameName + "Game", "Logs", "Engine.log");
                        if (!File.Exists(AppLogFileName))
                            // Default to hardcoded UE4.log
                            AppLogFileName = Path.Combine(reportData.BaseDir, "..", reportData.GameName + "Game", "Logs", "UE4.log");
                    LogFile.WriteLine("Attempting to open log file: " + AppLogFileName);

                    try {
                        using (StreamWriter AppLogWriter = new StreamWriter(AppLogFileName, true)) {
                            AppLogWriter.WriteLine("CrashReport url = " + strCrashURL);
                    } catch (System.Exception e) {
                        LogFile.WriteLine("AutoReporter had an exception creating a stream writer! --> " + e.ToString());

            if (updateSuccess)
                LogFile.WriteLine("Successfully added crash description");
                LogFile.WriteLine("Service failed to add crash description!");

            LogFile.WriteLine("Closing the AutoReporter log file...");

            try {
                //everything was successful, so clean up dump and log files on client
                System.IO.File.Delete(args [1]);
                System.IO.File.Delete(args [3]);
                //todo: need to handle partial failure cases (some files didn't upload, etc) to know if we should delete the log
            } catch (Exception e) {
                string ExcStr = "AutoReporter had an exception deleting the temp files!\n" + e.ToString();
                MessageBox.Show(ExcStr, "AutoReporter Status", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

            // Make a copy of the log file w/ the CrashReport # in it...
            // This is to help track down the issue where empty log files are being uploaded to the crash reporter.
            string CopyFileName = logFileName.Replace(".txt", "_" + uniqueIndex + ".txt");
            System.IO.File.Copy(logFileName, CopyFileName);

            if (NotifyObject != null)
                // spin until the NotifyObject has closed
                while (NotifyObject.IsOpen)
                    // sleep while the notify balloon is fading

                    // force check the events.
		static void Main (string[] args)
			Application.EnableVisualStyles ();
			Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault (false);

			string logFileName;
			if (args.Length >= 2) {
				string logDirectory;
				int endOfLogPath = args [2].LastIndexOf ('/');
				logDirectory = args [2].Substring (0, endOfLogPath + 1);
				logFileName = logDirectory + "AutoReportLog.txt";
			} else {
				logFileName = "AutoReportLog.txt";

			OutputLogFile LogFile = new OutputLogFile (logFileName);
			LogFile.WriteLine ("Log opened: " + logFileName);
			LogFile.WriteLine ("");
			LogFile.WriteLine ("Current Time = " + DateTime.Now.ToString ());
			LogFile.WriteLine ("");
			LogFile.WriteLine ("Arguments:");
			foreach (string arg in args) {
				LogFile.WriteLine (arg);

			if (args.Length < 6) {
				LogFile.WriteLine ("Expected 5 arguments: AutoReport Dump file name, Log file name, Ini dump file name, Mini dump file name, Crash video file name and ProcessID");
				LogFile.Close ();

			Int32 ProcessId = Convert.ToInt32 (args [0]);

			Thread.Sleep (1000);
			// Check for additional options
			bool bForceUnattended = false;
			bool bShowBalloon = false;
			for (int ExtraArgIndex = 6; ExtraArgIndex < args.Length; ++ExtraArgIndex) {
				string CurArgString = args [ExtraArgIndex];

				// -Unattended : forces unattended mode regardless of command line string
				if (CurArgString.Equals ("-Unattended", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
					bForceUnattended = true;
				// -Balloon : displays a system tray notify icon (balloon) and forces unattended mode
				else if (CurArgString.Equals ("-Balloon", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
					// balloon not possible on Mac
					if(Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Unix)
						bShowBalloon = true;
					// Unattended mode is implied with -Balloon
					bForceUnattended = true;
				} else {
					LogFile.WriteLine (String.Format ("Unrecognized parameter: {0}", CurArgString));
					LogFile.Close ();

			ReportFile rFile = new ReportFile ();
			ReportFileData reportData = new ReportFileData ();
			LogFile.WriteLine ("Parsing report file: " + args [1]);
			if (!rFile.ParseReportFile (args [1], reportData, LogFile)) {
				LogFile.WriteLine ("Failed to parse report file: " + args [1]);
				LogFile.Close ();

			string ProcessName = reportData.GameName;
			Int32 SpaceIndex = ProcessName.IndexOf (' ');
			if (SpaceIndex != -1) {
				// This is likely UE4 UDK... parse off the game name
				ProcessName = ProcessName.Substring (0, SpaceIndex);

			bool bIsUnattended = reportData.CommandLine.Contains ("unattended") || bForceUnattended || Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix;
			string CrashDescription;
			string Summary = CrashDescription = bShowBalloon ? "Handled error" : "Unattended mode";

			if (bShowBalloon)
				String MsgText = "An unexpected error has occurred but the application has recovered.  A report will be submitted to the QA database.";

				// If the error occurred in the editor then we'll remind them to save their changes
				if (reportData.EngineMode.Contains("Editor"))
					MsgText += "  Remember to save your work often.";

				// Notify the user of the error by launching the NotifyObject.  
				NotifyObject = new EpicBalloon();
				NotifyObject.Show(MsgText, BalloonTimeInMs);

			if (!bIsUnattended) 
				LogFile.WriteLine ("Attempting to create a new crash description form...");
				Form1 crashDescForm = new Form1 ();
				crashDescForm.summary = Summary;
				crashDescForm.crashDesc = CrashDescription;

				LogFile.WriteLine ("Running attended...");
				crashDescForm.SetCallStack (reportData.CallStack);

				LogFile.WriteLine ("Running the application...");
				Application.Run (crashDescForm);
				Summary = crashDescForm.summary;
				CrashDescription = crashDescForm.crashDesc;

			LogFile.WriteLine ("Crash Summary = " + Summary);
			LogFile.WriteLine ("Crash Description = " + CrashDescription);

			LogFile.WriteLine ("Registering report service...");
			// Create an instance of AutoReportService handler to make a web request to the AutoReportService to create a Crash Report in the database. Once this is complete we'll upload the associated files.
			ReportService.RegisterReport reportService = new ReportService.RegisterReport ();

			Exception serviceException = new Exception ("");
			bool serviceError = false;

			LogFile.WriteLine ("Attempting to create a new crash...");
			int uniqueIndex = -1;
			// Make the web request
			try {
				uniqueIndex = reportService.CreateNewCrash (-1, reportData.ComputerName, reportData.UserName, reportData.GameName, reportData.PlatformName,
					reportData.LanguageExt, reportData.TimeOfCrash, reportData.BuildVer, reportData.ChangelistVer, reportData.CommandLine,
					reportData.BaseDir, reportData.CallStack, reportData.EngineMode);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				LogFile.WriteLine ("AutoReporter had an exception in accessing the reportService! --> " + e.ToString ());
				serviceException = e;
				serviceError = true;
				LogFile.WriteLine (e.Message);

			LogFile.WriteLine ("");
			LogFile.WriteLine ("uniqueIndex = " + uniqueIndex.ToString ());
			LogFile.WriteLine ("");

			if (uniqueIndex == -1) {
				LogFile.WriteLine ("The service failed to create a new Crash!");
				serviceError = true;
				serviceException = new Exception ("The service failed to create a new Crash!");

			LogFile.WriteLine ("Attempting to create a new UpdateReportFiles instance...");
			// Create handler to upload the files.
			UploadReportFiles reportUploader = new UploadReportFiles ();
			bool fileUploadSuccess = false;

			if (!serviceError) {
				LogFile.WriteLine ("Attempting to upload files...");
				try {
					fileUploadSuccess = reportUploader.UploadFiles (ProcessName, bShowBalloon, ProcessId, args [2], args [3], args [4], args [5], uniqueIndex, LogFile);
				} catch (NullReferenceException nre) {
					LogFile.WriteLine (nre.Source + " Caused Null Reference Exception");
					// Try again:
					try {
						LogFile.WriteLine ("Process Name: " + ProcessName);
						LogFile.WriteLine ("bShowBalloon: " + bShowBalloon);
						LogFile.WriteLine ("ProcessId: " + ProcessId);
						LogFile.WriteLine ("args[2]: " + args [2]);
						LogFile.WriteLine ("args[3]: " + args [3]);
						LogFile.WriteLine ("args[4]: " + args [4]);
						LogFile.WriteLine ("args[5] ; " + args [5]); 
						LogFile.WriteLine ("uniqueIndex " + uniqueIndex);
						LogFile.WriteLine ("LogFile " + LogFile);

						fileUploadSuccess = reportUploader.UploadFiles (ProcessName, bShowBalloon, ProcessId, args [2], args [3], args [4], args [5], uniqueIndex, LogFile);
					} catch (NullReferenceException nre2) {

						LogFile.WriteLine (nre2.Source + " Caused Null Reference Exception Two Times");
						serviceError = true;
				} catch (Exception e) {
					LogFile.WriteLine ("AutoReporter had an exception uploading files! --> " + e.ToString ());
					serviceException = e;
					serviceError = true;


				if (fileUploadSuccess) {
					LogFile.WriteLine ("Successfully uploaded files");
					LogFile.WriteLine ("Saved: " + args [5]);
				} else {
					LogFile.WriteLine ("Failed to upload some files!");

			//Update Crash with Summary and Description Info
			bool updateSuccess = false;
			string logDirectory2;
			int endOfLogPath2 = args [2].LastIndexOf ('/');
			logDirectory2 = args [2].Substring (0, endOfLogPath2 + 1);
			logFileName = logDirectory2 + "AutoReportLog.txt";

			LogFile.WriteLine ("Attempting to add the crash description...");
			try {
				updateSuccess = reportService.AddCrashDescription (uniqueIndex, CrashDescription, Summary);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				LogFile.WriteLine ("AutoReporter had an exception adding crash description! --> " + e.ToString ());
				serviceException = e;
				serviceError = true;
				updateSuccess = false;
				LogFile.WriteLine (e.Message);

			if (uniqueIndex != -1) {
				LogFile.WriteLine ("Attempting to write the crash report URL...");

				#if DEBUG
				string strCrashURL = Properties.Settings.Default.CrashURL_Debug + uniqueIndex;
				string strCrashURL = Properties.Settings.Default.CrashURL + uniqueIndex;
				LogFile.WriteLine ("CrashReport url = " + strCrashURL);
				LogFile.WriteLine ("");

				if (NotifyObject != null) {
					// Set up text to inform the user of the report submission
					String MsgText = "Your crash report was submitted, and the URL was copied to your clipboard.  Click this balloon to display the crash report.";

					// setup crash report URL ready for use by the notification 
					Clipboard.SetText (strCrashURL);
					m_CrashReportUrl = strCrashURL;

					// launch a notification that when clicked will link
					// to the crash report url. 
					NotifyObject.Show(MsgText, BalloonTimeInMs);

				string str = reportData.PlatformName.ToLower ();
				if (str == "pc" || str == "mac") {
					LogFile.WriteLine ("Attempting to send the crash report Id to the game log file...");
					// On PC, so try just writing to the log.
					string AppLogFileName = Path.Combine (reportData.BaseDir, "..", reportData.GameName + "Game", "Logs", reportData.GameName + ".log");
					if (!File.Exists (AppLogFileName)) {
						// It's also possible the log name is Engine.log (default game name from BaseEngine.ini)
						AppLogFileName = Path.Combine (reportData.BaseDir, "..", reportData.GameName + "Game", "Logs", "Engine.log");
						if (!File.Exists (AppLogFileName))
							// Default to hardcoded UE4.log
							AppLogFileName = Path.Combine (reportData.BaseDir, "..", reportData.GameName + "Game", "Logs", "UE4.log");
					LogFile.WriteLine ("\n");
					LogFile.WriteLine ("Attempting to open log file: " + AppLogFileName);

					try {
						using (StreamWriter AppLogWriter = new StreamWriter(AppLogFileName, true)) {
							AppLogWriter.WriteLine ("");
							AppLogWriter.WriteLine ("CrashReport url = " + strCrashURL);
							AppLogWriter.WriteLine ("");
							AppLogWriter.Flush ();
					} catch (System.Exception e) {
						LogFile.WriteLine ("AutoReporter had an exception creating a stream writer! --> " + e.ToString ());

			if (updateSuccess) {
				LogFile.WriteLine ("Successfully added crash description");
			} else {
				LogFile.WriteLine ("Service failed to add crash description!");
				LogFile.Close ();

			LogFile.WriteLine ("Closing the AutoReporter log file...");
			LogFile.Close ();

			try {
				//everything was successful, so clean up dump and log files on client
				System.IO.File.Delete (args [1]);
				System.IO.File.Delete (args [3]);
				//todo: need to handle partial failure cases (some files didn't upload, etc) to know if we should delete the log
			} catch (Exception e) {
				string ExcStr = "AutoReporter had an exception deleting the temp files!\n" + e.ToString ();
				MessageBox.Show (ExcStr, "AutoReporter Status", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

			// Make a copy of the log file w/ the CrashReport # in it...
			// This is to help track down the issue where empty log files are being uploaded to the crash reporter.
			string CopyFileName = logFileName.Replace (".txt", "_" + uniqueIndex + ".txt");
			System.IO.File.Copy (logFileName, CopyFileName);

			if (NotifyObject != null) {
				// spin until the NotifyObject has closed
				while (NotifyObject.IsOpen) {
					// sleep while the notify balloon is fading
					System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (1000);

					// force check the events.
					Application.DoEvents ();
         * UploadFiles - uploads the two files using HTTP POST
         * @param LogFilename - the local log file
         * @param IniFilename - the local ini file
         * @param uniqueID - the id of the crash report associated with these files.
         * @return bool - true if successful
        public bool UploadFiles(string ProcessName, bool bWasAnEnsure, Int32 InProcessID, string LogFilename, string IniFilename, string MiniDumpFilename, string CrashVideoFilename, int uniqueID, OutputLogFile logFile)
            logFile.WriteLine("Uploading files...");
            logFile.WriteLine("\t" + LogFilename);
            logFile.WriteLine("\t" + IniFilename);
            logFile.WriteLine("\t" + MiniDumpFilename);
            logFile.WriteLine("\t" + CrashVideoFilename);

            Boolean bWasSuccessful = false;
            Boolean bUploadedLog   = true;

            Boolean bUploadedVideo    = true;
            Boolean bUploadedMiniDump = true;
            Boolean bCanAccessLog;
            Boolean bCanAccessVideo;
            Boolean bCanAccessMiniDump;

            bCanAccessLog      = CanAccessFile(ProcessName, bWasAnEnsure, InProcessID, LogFilename, logFile);
            bCanAccessVideo    = CanAccessFile(ProcessName, bWasAnEnsure, InProcessID, CrashVideoFilename, logFile);
            bCanAccessMiniDump = CanAccessFile(ProcessName, bWasAnEnsure, InProcessID, MiniDumpFilename, logFile);

            WebClient client = new WebClient();

            // Send the Crash Id up so that the uploader can name the files correctly.
            // This used to save crash files to their own unique folder, but that method has been replaced with appending _<crashId> to the filename.
            client.Headers.Add("NewFolderName", uniqueID.ToString());

            if (bCanAccessLog)
                    bUploadedLog = UploadFile("LogName", StripPath(LogFilename), LogFilename, logFile, client);
                catch (NullReferenceException nrE)
                    bUploadedLog = false;
                    logFile.WriteLine("Uploading " + LogFilename + " caused Null Reference Exception: " + nrE.Message);
                bUploadedLog = false;
                logFile.WriteLine("Could not access File: " + LogFilename);

            // Upload Crash Video
            if (bCanAccessVideo)
                    bUploadedVideo = UploadFile("SaveFileName", "CrashVideo.avi", CrashVideoFilename, logFile, client);
                catch (NullReferenceException nrE)
                    logFile.WriteLine("Uploading " + CrashVideoFilename + " caused Null Reference Exception: " + nrE.Message);

                if (!bUploadedVideo)
                    string NetworkPath = @"\\devweb-02\ReportVideos\";
                        // Try copying over the network
                        // \\devweb-02\ReportVideos

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CrashVideoFilename))
                            logFile.WriteLine("Attempting to copy file " + CrashVideoFilename + " over the network to " + NetworkPath);
                            File.Copy(CrashVideoFilename, NetworkPath + uniqueID.ToString() + "_" + StripPath(CrashVideoFilename));
                            bUploadedVideo = true;
                            logFile.WriteLine("Argument Null or Empty");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        logFile.WriteLine("Couldn't copy crash video to network...");
                            File.Copy(CrashVideoFilename, CrashVideoFilename + "_" + uniqueID.ToString(), true);
                        catch (Exception copyFileException)
                            logFile.WriteLine("Couldn't copy File " + CrashVideoFilename + ", continuing...");
                        throw new Exception("Failed to upload Crash Video to " + NetworkPath + uniqueID.ToString() + "_" + StripPath(CrashVideoFilename) + "after a web and a network copy attempts");
                bUploadedVideo = false;

                var CheckFileInfo = new FileInfo(CrashVideoFilename);
                if (CheckFileInfo.Exists)
                    logFile.WriteLine("Could not access File: " + CrashVideoFilename);
                    logFile.WriteLine("File: " + CrashVideoFilename + " does not exist.");

            // Upload Minidump
            if (bCanAccessMiniDump)
                    bUploadedMiniDump = UploadFile("SaveFileName", "MiniDump.dmp", MiniDumpFilename, logFile, client);
                catch (NullReferenceException nrE)
                    bUploadedMiniDump = false;
                    logFile.WriteLine("Uploading " + MiniDumpFilename + " caused Null Reference Exception: " + nrE.Message);
                bUploadedMiniDump = false;
                logFile.WriteLine("Could not access File: " + LogFilename);

            //Upload file successes
                ReportService.RegisterReport reportService = new ReportService.RegisterReport();
                    bWasSuccessful = reportService.AddCrashFiles(uniqueID, bUploadedLog, bUploadedMiniDump, bUploadedVideo);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;
            } catch (WebException webEx) {
                bWasSuccessful = false;

            // Temporary - write out log file contents to autoreporter log
            logFile.WriteLine("Log file: " + LogFilename);

            Int32 FailCount     = 0;
            bool  bWroteLogFile = false;
            bool  bFileExists   = false;
            Int64 FileSize      = 0;

            while ((FailCount < 10) && !bWroteLogFile)
                FileInfo RealLogInfo = new FileInfo(LogFilename);
                bFileExists |= RealLogInfo.Exists;
                if (bFileExists)
                        FileSize = System.Math.Max(FileSize, RealLogInfo.Length);
                    catch (IOException)
                        logFile.WriteLine("Could not Access file: " + LogFilename + " to get it's size.");

                if (RealLogInfo.Exists && (FileSize > 0))
                    using (StreamReader sr = RealLogInfo.OpenText())
                        while (sr.Peek() > 0)
                    bWroteLogFile = true;
                    // Sleep for a second before trying again

            if (bWroteLogFile == false)
                logFile.WriteLine("Attempted to write log file to autoreport log failed.");
                logFile.WriteLine("\tFile does " + (bFileExists ? "" : "NOT") + " Exist");
                logFile.WriteLine("\tFile size = " + FileSize);
