public static string Encode(string InValue, MimeHeaderLineTraits InHdrTraits)
            QuotedPrintableTraits qpTraits =
            string ec      = QuotedPrintable.Encode(InValue, qpTraits);
            string results = "=?" + InHdrTraits.EncoderCharSet + "?Q?" + ec + "?=";

 // -------------------------- EncodeAsRequired ------------------------------
 // encode the string if "RequiresEncoding".  Otherwise, return the input string
 // as is.
 public static string EncodeAsRequired(
     string InValue, QuotedPrintableTraits InTraits)
     if (QuotedPrintable.RequiresEncoding(InValue, InTraits) == true)
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(InValue.Length * 2);
         sb.Append("=?" + InTraits.CharSet + "?Q?");
         sb.Append(QuotedPrintable.Encode(InValue, InTraits));
         return(sb.ToString( ));
        /// <summary>
        /// Crack the component parts of the encoded-word string starting at InBx
        /// in the string. Return an object pair. pair.a is a bool set to false if the
        /// encoded-word string is not correctly formed. pair.b is a MimeEncodedWord object
        /// containing the component parts of the cracked word.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InString"></param>
        /// <param name="InBx"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static BoolObjectPair CrackEncodedWord(string InString, int InBx)
            int             Fx, Ix, Lx, RemLx;
            string          ws            = null;
            MimeEncodedWord ew            = new MimeEncodedWord( );
            bool            isEncodedWord = true;

                // isolate the next 80 chars from the string as a workspace ( encoded words are
                // limited to 75 chars or less )
                ew.Bx = InBx;
                ws    = AcCommon.PullString(InString, InBx, 80, null).ToLower( );
                Ix    = 0;

                // isolate the charset name
                Ix = 2;
                if (isEncodedWord == true)
                    RemLx = ws.Length - Ix;
                    if (RemLx <= 3)
                        isEncodedWord = false;
                        Fx = ws.IndexOf("?q?", Ix);
                        if (Fx == -1)
                            isEncodedWord = false;
                            Lx         = Fx - Ix;
                            ew.CharSet = InString.Substring(InBx + Ix, Lx);
                            Ix         = Fx + 3;

                // quoted-printable encoded text runs until "?="
                if (isEncodedWord == true)
                    RemLx = ws.Length - Ix;
                    if (RemLx <= 2)
                        isEncodedWord = false;
                        Fx = ws.IndexOf("?=", Ix);
                        if (Fx == -1)
                            isEncodedWord = false;
                            Lx = Fx - Ix;
                            string qpEncoded = InString.Substring(InBx + Ix, Lx);
                            ew.DecodedValue = QuotedPrintable.DecodeString(qpEncoded);
                            ew.Lx           = Fx + 2;
            catch (Exception)
                isEncodedWord = false;
            return(new BoolObjectPair(isEncodedWord, ew));