        public async Task <string> ValidateUserPassword(string user)
            var     userRabbitMq = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UserDto>(user);
            UserDto dbUser       = await _userDal.Find(userRabbitMq.Uuid);

            bool passwordCorrect = _securityLogic.VerifyPassword(userRabbitMq.Password, dbUser?.Password);

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the credentials are correct and returns an jwt and refresh token if password is correct
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="login">The username and password</param>
        /// <returns>An jwt and refresh token if password is correct, if not correct null is returned</returns>
        public async Task <LoginResultViewmodel> Login(Login login)
            UserDto dbUser = await _userDal.Find(login.Username);

            if (dbUser == null)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

            bool userIsDisabled = _rpcClient.Call <bool>(dbUser.Uuid, RabbitMqQueues.DisabledExistsUserQueue);

            if (userIsDisabled)
                throw new DisabledUserException();

            bool passwordCorrect = _securityLogic.VerifyPassword(login.Password, dbUser.Password);

            if (!passwordCorrect)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

            if (login.LoginCode > 99999 && login.LoginCode < 1000000 && login.SelectedAccountRole != AccountRole.Undefined)
                return(await LoginWithSelectedAccount(login, dbUser));

            if (dbUser.AccountRole > AccountRole.User)
                return(await HandleMultipleAccountRolesLogin(dbUser));

            AuthorizationTokensViewmodel tokens = await _jwtLogic.CreateJwt(dbUser);

            return(new LoginResultViewmodel
                Jwt = tokens.Jwt,
                RefreshToken = tokens.RefreshToken