private void Previous() { if (SongGrid.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (Mplayer.Position.TotalSeconds > 3) { SongGrid.SelectedIndex = SongGrid.SelectedIndex; } else if (SongGrid.SelectedIndex != -1) { SongGrid.SelectedIndex = SongGrid.SelectedIndex - 1; } else { return; } _selectedSong = SongGrid.SelectedItem as Itemsource.Songs; if (_selectedSong != null) { PlaySong(_selectedSong); } } }
void PlaySong(Itemsource.Songs song) { if (song != null) { _timer.Start(); Mplayer.Open(new Uri(song.FileName)); Console.WriteLine(song.FileName); Mplayer.Play(); PlayPauseButton.OpacityMask = new VisualBrush { Visual = (Visual)FindResource("Pause") }; _audioPlaying = true; GetAlbumart(song); if (song.Name != null) { NowPlayingSong.Content = song.Name + " - " + song.Artist; } else { NowPlayingSong.Content = song.AltName + " - " + song.Artist; } NowPlayingAlbum.Text = song.Album; NowPlayingTrack.Text = song.Track; ScrubBar.Maximum = song.Length; TotalScrubTime.Content = "- " + song.Duration; } }
private void PlayOrPause() { if (_selectedSong == null && !_audioPlaying) // If no song is selected play the first one in the list { SongGrid.SelectedIndex = 0; _selectedSong = SongGrid.SelectedItem as Itemsource.Songs; PlaySong(_selectedSong); return; } if (_selectedSong == null) //If we dont already have a song playing { _selectedSong = SongGrid.SelectedItem as Itemsource.Songs; } if (_audioPlaying) // If the song is playing pause it { PauseSong(); } else // Otherwise continue the song { Mplayer.Play(); _timer.Start(); _audioPlaying = true; PlayPauseButton.OpacityMask = new VisualBrush { Visual = (Visual)FindResource("Pause") }; } }
private void Album_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var tile = sender as Tile; if (tile != null) { var content = tile.Title; var album = Itemsource.SongLibrary.Where(x => x.Album == content).ToList(); SongGrid.ItemsSource = album; if (Mplayer.HasAudio) { GetAlbumart(_selectedSong); } else { SongGrid.SelectedIndex = 0; _selectedSong = SongGrid.SelectedItem as Itemsource.Songs; GetAlbumart(_selectedSong); } if (_selectedSong != null && !Mplayer.HasAudio) { NowPlayingAlbum.Text = content; NowPlayingTrack.Text = _selectedSong.Track; NowPlayingSong.Content = _selectedSong.Name + " - " + _selectedSong.Artist; } } ScrollViewer.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; SongGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; SearchBox.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }
private void GetAlbumart(Itemsource.Songs song) { if (song != null) { var tagFile = File.Create(song.FileName); try { var pic = tagFile.Tag.Pictures[0]; var ms = new MemoryStream(pic.Data.Data); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(); bitmap.BeginInit(); bitmap.StreamSource = ms; bitmap.EndInit(); var img = new Image { Source = bitmap }; AlbumArt.Source = img.Source; BrightenArt.ToolTip = tagFile.Tag.Album; Placeholder.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } catch { AlbumArt.Source = null; BrightenArt.ToolTip = tagFile.Tag.Album; Placeholder.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } }
private void Next() { if (_shuffleSongs) { SongGrid.SelectedIndex = _rnd.Next(0, SongGrid.Items.Count); } else { SongGrid.SelectedIndex = SongGrid.SelectedIndex + 1; } _selectedSong = SongGrid.SelectedItem as Itemsource.Songs; if (_selectedSong != null) { PlaySong(_selectedSong); } }
private void SongGrid_OnLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { _selectedSong = SongGrid.CurrentItem as Itemsource.Songs; if (SongGrid.ItemsSource != null && _selectedSong != null) //&& selectedSong.FileName != _currentSong { Mplayer.Open(new Uri(_selectedSong.FileName)); Mplayer.Play(); Console.WriteLine(_selectedSong.FileName); _audioPlaying = true; GetAlbumart(); if (_selectedSong.Name == null) NowPlayingSong.Content = _selectedSong.AltName + " - " + _selectedSong.Artist; else NowPlayingSong.Content = _selectedSong.Name + " - " + _selectedSong.Artist; NowPlayingAlbum.Text = _selectedSong.Album; NowPlayingTrack.Text = _selectedSong.Track; PlayPause.OpacityMask = new VisualBrush {Visual = (Visual) FindResource("Pause")}; } }
private void Previous() { if (SongGrid.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (Mplayer.Position.TotalSeconds > 3) SongGrid.SelectedIndex = SongGrid.SelectedIndex; else SongGrid.SelectedIndex = SongGrid.SelectedIndex - 1; _selectedSong = SongGrid.SelectedItem as Itemsource.Songs; if (_selectedSong != null) { Mplayer.Open(new Uri(_selectedSong.FileName)); Mplayer.Play(); GetAlbumart(); PlayPause.OpacityMask = new VisualBrush {Visual = (Visual) FindResource("Pause")}; _audioPlaying = true; NowPlayingSong.Content = _selectedSong.Name + " - " + _selectedSong.Artist; NowPlayingAlbum.Text = _selectedSong.Album; NowPlayingTrack.Text = _selectedSong.Track; } } }
private void Play() { if (Mplayer.Source == null && _shuffleSongs == false) { SongGrid.SelectedIndex = 0; _selectedSong = SongGrid.SelectedItem as Itemsource.Songs; if (_selectedSong != null) { Mplayer.Open(new Uri(_selectedSong.FileName)); Console.WriteLine(_selectedSong.FileName); Mplayer.Play(); PlayPause.OpacityMask = new VisualBrush {Visual = (Visual) FindResource("Pause")}; _audioPlaying = true; GetAlbumart(); if (_selectedSong.Name == null) NowPlayingSong.Content = _selectedSong.AltName + " - " + _selectedSong.Artist; else NowPlayingSong.Content = _selectedSong.Name + " - " + _selectedSong.Artist; NowPlayingAlbum.Text = _selectedSong.Album; NowPlayingTrack.Text = _selectedSong.Track; } } else if (Mplayer.Source == null && _shuffleSongs) { SongGrid.SelectedIndex = _rnd.Next(0, SongGrid.Items.Count); _selectedSong = SongGrid.SelectedItem as Itemsource.Songs; if (_selectedSong != null) { Mplayer.Open(new Uri(_selectedSong.FileName)); Mplayer.Play(); PlayPause.OpacityMask = new VisualBrush {Visual = (Visual) FindResource("Pause")}; _audioPlaying = true; GetAlbumart(); NowPlayingSong.Content = _selectedSong.Name + " - " + _selectedSong.Artist; NowPlayingAlbum.Text = _selectedSong.Album; NowPlayingTrack.Text = _selectedSong.Track; } } else if (_audioPlaying) { Mplayer.Pause(); PlayPause.OpacityMask = new VisualBrush {Visual = (Visual) FindResource("Play")}; _audioPlaying = false; } else { Mplayer.Play(); PlayPause.OpacityMask = new VisualBrush {Visual = (Visual) FindResource("Pause")}; _audioPlaying = true; } }
private void GetAlbumart() { if (_selectedSong == null) _selectedSong = SongGrid.SelectedItem as Itemsource.Songs; if (_selectedSong != null) { var tagFile = File.Create(_selectedSong.FileName); try { var pic = tagFile.Tag.Pictures[0]; var ms = new MemoryStream(pic.Data.Data); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(); bitmap.BeginInit(); bitmap.StreamSource = ms; bitmap.EndInit(); var img = new Image {Source = bitmap}; AlbumArt.Source = img.Source; AlbumArt.ToolTip = tagFile.Tag.Album; Placeholder.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } catch { AlbumArt.Source = null; AlbumArtToolTip.ToolTip = tagFile.Tag.Album; Placeholder.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } }
private void Album_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var tile = sender as Tile; if (tile != null) { var content = tile.Title; var album = Itemsource.SongLibrary.Where(x => x.Album == content).ToList(); SongGrid.ItemsSource = album; if (Mplayer.HasAudio) { GetAlbumart(); } else { SongGrid.SelectedIndex = 0; _selectedSong = SongGrid.SelectedItem as Itemsource.Songs; GetAlbumart(); } if (_selectedSong != null && !Mplayer.HasAudio) { NowPlayingAlbum.Text = content; NowPlayingTrack.Text = _selectedSong.Track; NowPlayingSong.Content = _selectedSong.Name + " - " + _selectedSong.Artist; } } ScrollViewer.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; SongGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }
private void SongGrid_OnPreviewMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { _selectedSong = ((FrameworkElement)e.OriginalSource).DataContext as Itemsource.Songs; PlaySong(_selectedSong); }