public void select(ProcessingNet n, int connection) { if (n == null) return; if (!nets.Contains(n)) nets.Add(n); n.doSelect(connection); }
private void netContextMenuChangeName(object sender, EventArgs e) { MenuItem m = sender as MenuItem; if (m == null) { return; } ContextMenu mr = m.Parent as ContextMenu; if (mr == null) { return; } ProcessingNet n = (ProcessingNet)mr.Tag; FlexibleInputWin fi = new FlexibleInputWin("Net Name",; fi.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; fi.Location = Cursor.Position; fi.ShowDialog(); if (fi.stringValue != null) { if (fi.stringValue.Length > 0) { = fi.stringValue; } } }
private void showNetContextMenu(Point p, ProcessingNet net) { MenuItem[] menuItems; if (net.isNamed) { menuItems = new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("Delete", new EventHandler(netContextMenuDelete)), new MenuItem(string.Format("Change Name [{0}]",, new EventHandler(netContextMenuChangeName)), new MenuItem("Make UnNamed Net", new EventHandler(netContextMenuMakeUnNamed)) }; } else { menuItems = new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("Delete", new EventHandler(netContextMenuDelete)), new MenuItem("Make Named Net", new EventHandler(netContextMenuMakeNamed)) }; }; ContextMenu menu = new ContextMenu(menuItems); menu.Tag = net; menu.Show(this, p); }
public void select(ProcessingNet n) { if (n == null) return; if (nets.Contains(n)) return; nets.Add(n); n.doSelect(); }
public void unselect(ProcessingNet n, int connection) { if (n == null) return; if (!nets.Contains(n)) return; n.unSelect(connection); if (!n.anySelected()) nets.Remove(n); }
public void unselect(ProcessingNet n) { if (n == null) return; if (!nets.Contains(n)) return; nets.Remove(n); n.unSelect(); // n.selected = false; }
public void selectMe(ProcessingNet n) { if (n == null) { return; }; }
private void netContextMenuMakeUnNamed(object sender, EventArgs e) { MenuItem m = (MenuItem)sender; ProcessingNet n = (ProcessingNet)m.Parent.Tag; n.isNamed = false; Invalidate(); }
private void netContextMenuDelete(object sender, EventArgs e) { MenuItem m = (MenuItem)sender; ProcessingNet n = (ProcessingNet)m.Parent.Tag; LockWorker(); // selection.unselect(); n.Disconnect(); nets.Remove(n); // selection.removeConnections(); UnLockWorker(); Invalidate(); }
public void selectMe(ProcessingNet n, int conn) { if (n == null) { return; } if (conn < 0) {; } else {, conn); } }
public void MergeFrom(ProcessingNet src) { int ofs = connectedIOs.Count; foreach (RTIO sio in src.connectedIOs) { connectedIOs.Add(sio); sio.connectedTo = this; } foreach (ProcessingConnection sc in src.connections) { connections.Add(new ProcessingConnection(sc.i1 + ofs, sc.i2 + ofs)); } CheckValidity(); }
public void createConnection(RTIO io, RTIO ioto) { if (io == ioto) { return; // Loop back not allowed } // Check for attached nets if ((ioto.connectedTo != null) && (io.connectedTo != null)) { // Both connected already if (ioto.connectedTo == io.connectedTo) { return; // Already connected! } // Merge Nets ProcessingNet voidNet = ioto.connectedTo; LockWorker(); io.connectedTo.MergeFrom(ioto.connectedTo); nets.Remove(voidNet); io.connectedTo.addConnection(io, ioto); UnLockWorker(); return; } if (io.connectedTo != null) { LockWorker(); io.connectedTo.addConnection(io, ioto); UnLockWorker(); return; } if (ioto.connectedTo != null) { LockWorker(); ioto.connectedTo.addConnection(io, ioto); UnLockWorker(); return; } // Still here --> create new net ProcessingNet net = new ProcessingNet(this); LockWorker(); net.addConnection(io, ioto); nets.Add(net); UnLockWorker(); }
public RTIO() : base() { _title = "IO"; _titleFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8); _titleColor = Color.DimGray; _showTitle = true; _IOtype = ProcessingIOType.SignalInput; _contactColor = Color.DimGray; _contactBackColor = Color.Black; _contactHighlightColor = Color.Red; _orientation = RTOrientation.East; _highlighted = false; _hideOnShrink = false; // IOs stay on shrink by default // this.DoubleBuffered = true; titleBrush = new SolidBrush(_titleColor); contactBackBrush = new SolidBrush(_contactBackColor); contactPen = new Pen(_contactColor); contactHighlightPen = new Pen(_contactHighlightColor); connectedTo = null; }
public void CopyFrom(ProcessingNet src) { connectedIOs = src.connectedIOs; connections = src.connections; }
public bool selected(ProcessingNet n) { if (n == null) return false; return nets.Contains(n); }
public void FixGraph() { // Step 1: Remove unreferenced IOs and unconnected IOs in the connection List List <Boolean> referenced = new List <bool>(); foreach (RTIO io in connectedIOs) { referenced.Add(false); } foreach (ProcessingConnection cnct in connections) { referenced[cnct.i1] = true; referenced[cnct.i2] = true; } int i = 0; while (i < referenced.Count) { if (!referenced[i]) { connectedIOs[i].connectedTo = null; connectedIOs.RemoveAt(i); referenced.RemoveAt(i); foreach (ProcessingConnection cnct in connections) { cnct.IntelliRemove(i); } } else { i++; } } // Step 2: Remove already unconnected IOs i = 0; while (i < connectedIOs.Count) { if (connectedIOs[i].connectedTo == null) { // Found one foreach (ProcessingConnection cnct in connections) { cnct.IntelliRemove(i); } connectedIOs.RemoveAt(i); } else { i++; } } // Step 3: Check for Valid Net at all if (connectedIOs.Count < 2) { // less than two nodes --> invalid foreach (RTIO pio in connectedIOs) { pio.connectedTo = null; } owner.nets.Remove(this); return; } // Step 4: Check for disconnected Nets List <ProcessingConnectionRef> cr = new List <ProcessingConnectionRef>(); foreach (ProcessingConnection cnct in connections) { cr.Add(new ProcessingConnectionRef(connectedIOs[cnct.i1], connectedIOs[cnct.i2])); } for (i = 0; i < cr.Count; i++) { cr[i].group = i; } for (i = 0; i < cr.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cr.Count; j++) { if (j != i) { if (cr[j].ConnectedTo(cr[i])) { int grp = (cr[i].group < cr[j].group) ? cr[i].group : cr[j].group; cr[i].group = cr[j].group = grp; } } } } List <int> groups = new List <int>(); foreach (ProcessingConnectionRef c in cr) { if (groups.IndexOf( < 0) { groups.Add(; } } // Now groups contains the independant list of nets if (groups.Count > 1) { // Must Split // Remove all Links first foreach (RTIO io in connectedIOs) { io.connectedTo = null; } List <ProcessingNet> newNets = new List <ProcessingNet>(); foreach (int grp in groups) { ProcessingNet pn = new ProcessingNet(owner); foreach (ProcessingConnectionRef c in cr) { if ( == grp) { pn.addConnection(c.i1, c.i2); } } newNets.Add(pn); } CopyFrom(newNets[0]); CheckValidity(); newNets.RemoveAt(0); foreach (ProcessingNet n in newNets) { owner.nets.Add(n); n.CheckValidity(); } } else { // Still one Set --> everything is ok CheckValidity(); } }
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseUp(e); switch (dragMode) { case DragMode.None: break; case DragMode.MouseDown: // Just Mouse up again --> a click Vector mp = fromScreen(new Vector(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y)); foreach (ProcessingNet n in nets) { n.selectOnHit(mp, selection); } if (selection.items > 0) { Invalidate(); } dragMode = DragMode.None; break; case DragMode.MouseDownRight: // Click Vector mpr = fromScreen(new Vector(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y)); foreach (ProcessingNet n in nets) { n.selectOnHit(mpr, selection); } if (selection.items > 0) { Invalidate(); } dragMode = DragMode.None; if (selection.items == 1) { ProcessingNet n = selection.getNet(0); if (n != null) { showNetContextMenu(e.Location, n); } } selection.unselect(); break; case DragMode.SelectWin: // unSelectAll(); dragStop = fromScreen(new Vector(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y)); VectorRect selwin = VectorRect.FromTwoPoints(dragStart, dragStop); foreach (RTForm f in elements) { f.selectOnContained(selwin, selection); } foreach (ProcessingNet n in nets) { n.selectOnContained(selwin, selection); } showCaret = false; dragMode = DragMode.None; Invalidate(); break; } }