文件: LSB.cs 项目: Enumix/WavChanger
        /// <summary>
        /// Number of samples must be greater than 8 * Number_of_secret_bytes + 32 for LSB without indexes.
        /// If this system have specified indexes, then number of samples cannot be less than maximum value from indexes array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="af"></param>
        /// <param name="secret"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool CheckContainerCapacity(AudioFile af, byte[] secret)
            if (Indexes == null)
                return (af.Header.NumSamples / 8 - 32)>= secret.Length;
                int max = af.Header.NumSamples;
                var test = Indexes.Where(x => x > max);

                return test.Count() == 0;
 protected abstract bool CheckContainerCapacity(AudioFile af, byte[] secret);
文件: LSB.cs 项目: Enumix/WavChanger
        protected byte[] Extract(AudioFile af)
            Header hdr = af.Header;

            int sampleSize = hdr.BlockAlign;
            int start = af.DataStartIndex + sampleSize - 1;

            if (Indexes == null)
                int stop = af.Data.Length;

                int dataIndex = start;

                //odkoduj długość danych do ukrycia
                byte[] lArr = new byte[4];

                for (byte i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    for (byte idx = 0; idx < 8; ++idx)
                        byte lsb = (byte)(af.Data[dataIndex] % 2);
                        lArr[i] += (byte)(lsb << idx);

                        dataIndex += sampleSize;

                int secretLenght = BitConverter.ToInt32(lArr, 0);

                byte[] secret = new byte[secretLenght];

                for (int i = 0; i < secretLenght; ++i)
                    for (byte idx = 0; idx < 8; ++idx)

                        byte lsb = (byte)(af.Data[dataIndex] % 2);
                        secret[i] += (byte)(lsb << idx);

                        dataIndex += sampleSize;

                return secret;
                int nr = 0;

                int secretLength = Indexes.Length / 8;
                byte[] secret = new byte[secretLength];

                int dataIndex;

                for (int i = 0; i < secretLength; ++i)
                    for (byte idx = 0; idx < 8; ++idx)
                        //ustaw index
                        dataIndex = start + sampleSize * Indexes[nr++];


                        byte lsb = (byte)(af.Data[dataIndex] % 2);
                        secret[i] += (byte)(lsb << idx);

                return secret;
文件: LSB.cs 项目: Enumix/WavChanger
        protected void Hide(AudioFile af, byte[] secret)
            if (Indexes == null)
                Header hdr = af.Header;

                int step = hdr.BlockAlign;
                int start = af.DataStartIndex + step - 1;
                int stop = af.Data.Length;

                int dataIndex = start;

                //zakoduj długość danych do ukrycia
                int secretLength = secret.Length;
                var lArr = BitConverter.GetBytes(secretLength);

                foreach (byte lghByte in lArr)
                    for (byte bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < 8; ++bitIndex)
                        if (((lghByte >> bitIndex) & 1) == 0)
                            if (af.Data[dataIndex] % 2 == 1)
                                af.Data[dataIndex] -= 1;
                            if (af.Data[dataIndex] % 2 == 0)
                                af.Data[dataIndex] += 1;

                        dataIndex += step;

                //w każdej kolejnej próbce umieszczamy po kolejnym bicie sekretu, począwszy od najmłodszego
                foreach (byte srtByte in secret)
                    for (byte bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < 8; ++bitIndex)
                        if ((srtByte >> bitIndex) % 2 == 0)
                            if (af.Data[dataIndex] % 2 == 1)
                                af.Data[dataIndex] -= 1;
                            if (af.Data[dataIndex] % 2 == 0)
                                af.Data[dataIndex] += 1;

                        dataIndex += step;
                Header hdr = af.Header;

                int sampleSize = hdr.BlockAlign;
                int start = af.DataStartIndex + sampleSize - 1;

                int nr = 0;
                int dataIndex;

                foreach (byte srtByte in secret)
                    for (byte bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < 8; ++bitIndex)
                        //ustaw index
                        dataIndex = start + sampleSize * Indexes[nr++];

                        if ((srtByte >> bitIndex) % 2 == 0)
                            if (af.Data[dataIndex] % 2 == 1)
                                af.Data[dataIndex] -= 1;
                            if (af.Data[dataIndex] % 2 == 0)
                                af.Data[dataIndex] += 1;